AmberCutie's Forum
An adult community for cam models and members to discuss all the things!


    Only persons aged 18 or over may read or post to the forums, without regard to whether an adult actually owns the registration or parental/guardian permission. AmberCutie's Forum (ACF) is for use by adults only and contains adult content. By continuing to use this site you are confirming that you are at least 18 years of age.
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And hello again....

We have been working on a lot of user experience functions for the site and are much closer to launching live. We did some upgrades in the past week, so for those of you that had already created a profile...I am sorry to say that you have to do it again. :(

We are finalizing some payment options for members and models, and tweaking a few more things for a total experience. Feel free to shoot more ideas our way, they have really helped.

Some developments in the last week...

We will have an online store for adult toys and novelties.
We are adding an online poker application for a little extra fun.
We will be iPhone and iPad accessible for viewing AND broadcasting.
We have some new contests and incentives.
Our twitter is now back online.
We have a Facebook now!

Thanks again for all the comments and emails, we are excited for this to finally get started!
I have a couple of questions. I have seen many new cam sites pop up, the models get excited and join but the traffic and in return money isn't there and the models disappear and the site dies. What is your plan for gaining traffic? Affiliates? Traffic buys?

Also will the pay be set up similar to mfc? Pay period end and pay is sent the following day or will you have some type of net pay schedule?

I would also like to chime in that I am impressed with the level of etiquette put into your posts. Most new sites think we are all dumb cam girls that can be easily lured to other sites when in truth most of us have been "poached" many other times and are very particular about where we work. Being upfront and informative without being pushy is the best way to attract new models so bravo!
MyFoxyCams said:
We will have an online store for adult toys and novelties.

Just wondering, will there be a way for members to purchase items from the online store for models without the address being given out to them? It would be very nice if there was a way to do that.
@ Shelterlight...YES!!! The shipping is done through the distributor, just like Amazon. In fact, our distributor is from Amazon. Members will be able to purchase items for models, and then it will be shipped to you from the distributor directly.

@ xoEve... First, thank you for separating us from other cam sites and how they treat models, that is the point we are trying to make too. :) We completely understand that you are particular on where you choose to work, which is why we are trying to get member and model input BEFORE we throw our doors open in hopes of creating a place that everybody wants to be.
- As for site traffic, the first thing I have told every model interested in signing up so far is that obviously we are new and patience is greatly appreciated. We want to be the high traffic site like others, but we aren't going to blow smoke up your ass and tell you that it will be that in the first week we open. But I can tell you that we will work for it, and we need help from the members and models too. We will do our part to bring the traffic and market it, and we ask that members and models help make it a place they want it to be.
- Our payroll is weekly, and our pay periods are from Sunday at 1200am until Saturday at 1159pm. Payroll is sent by ADP, a professional payroll company and sent by check, direct deposit, or VISA Pay card.
This may be a bit premature, but have you guys thought of advertising at Sex/Porn Cons? I mean, once the site is launched and stuff. I'm almost 100% sure that & all the random ads on the net is how MFC got so big so quickly.

And congrats on getting the Twitter back and adding a Facebook, it's awesome you want to keep the members and models interested informed. :dance:
MyFoxyCams said:
- Our payroll is weekly, and our pay periods are from Sunday at 1200am until Saturday at 1159pm. Payroll is sent by ADP, a professional payroll company and sent by check, direct deposit, or VISA Pay card.
You've got my interest. ADP is the same company that handles paychecks for the library system I work for. You guys really do seem to be thinking things through better than other sites.

What is a Webcam Model?

They are models that chat with customers via video steam from the privacy of their own home. WE ARE NOT A STUDIO. The models are friendly, fun, understanding, with a flirty personality. You may have a few, or a lot members in your room at one time. If a member likes what they see...he/she can tip or take the model into a private or group chat for a session. This private session can range from talking, stripping, masturbation shows. Models can also be tipped without going into private chat in the open chat area as well. Models only make money when either being tipped or in private shows, or by selling your media or merchandise through your online store.

You've got all sorts of word usage, sentence structure, and grammar issues happening in that paragraph. This stuff drives me nuts. The paragraph should either be directed at the model and use the terms "you/your" or be generic and always say "models". For instance, "Models only make money when either being tipped or in private shows, or by selling your their merchandise through your their online store.
Frankie said:
This may be a bit premature, but have you guys thought of advertising at Sex/Porn Cons? I mean, once the site is launched and stuff. I'm almost 100% sure that & all the random ads on the net is how MFC got so big so quickly.

And congrats on getting the Twitter back and adding a Facebook, it's awesome you want to keep the members and models interested informed. :dance:

I reckon the word "FREE" featuring prominently has never done it any harm either. F2P (free to play) games are also turning into huge moneymakers for games publishers too - concept is basically the same as with MFC; get the customer "in the door" with freebies, then they get addicted and pay for the premium stuff.
@Frankie...We will eventually hit the cons, especially being based out of Las Vegas, but unfortunately we probably won't hit the upcoming one. But Jup is right,a dn advertising FREE all over the place works too haha. We will throw our marketing around and see how it goes, and since we will be free as well...maybe we can get some success with it.

@AnnieForest...simple oversights when reading a million different things that have to be posted...thanks for the info. It is fixed. :)
First...sorry for the double post, I know that annoys some.

Second, and most important, is that we are officially ABOUT to launch live. We have taken a lot of suggestions and opinions that we received by email and interaction with models and users, and we feel like we have reached a pretty good point to go live. We have a few finishing touches before we do, but it should be just a matter of a few days.

We have added Poker that is fully interactive, a full social networking site with internal messaging and social updates, full forum, and a virtual mall for models to upload and sell their items.

We are putting a few finishing touches on a new merchant service, membership options (pending some merchant services), and opening the cams for broadcast! But signing up and building a profile is still open right now.

There were many models that contacted us and expressed interest once we were close, so at the risk of sounding like a recruiting post (not my intention), we are ready to start accepting models. It has been a long journey to get to this point, but we are proud of what we have to offer and hope you all enjoy it.

Once we officially throw the doors open, I will make another announcement.
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Me thinks you must still have a lot of ironing out to do.
!/ I have registered an account to which I have never received a confirmation email.
2/ Just now I go to log in and I need to reset password, that works fine but now each time I go to another page and try to access it it requests me to log in again and then takes me back to home page.
Please note, I'm not complaining merely pointing out a couple of dramas I'm having.
I'm looking forward to your site being up and running and as I have had contact with you through here and your site I can vouch for your speediness with replying. This is something that I hope will continue once you are up and running.
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I am sorry for the issues you have had. When you registered, it was with a previous membership tool that we no longer use. We did our best to migrate the users over to the new profiles, though some additional profile information may be needed and can be updated by going in to edit your profile.

Thanks for the feedback!
Hello. I just had a few questions id like to ask.

You say models who are the highest earning each quarter will get 100% earned rather than the 60%. Is this going to be back pay of that quarter she won for, or 100% of the next quarter for her?

Do you intend to ever record the models public, group, or private shows? MFC records privates for their members and they get to keep them forever. SM and Chaturbate dont offer this option. However SM does record girls shows and sells them as videos unbeknownst to the girls or even visible to them from their own profile. The girls dont get notified this is being done and receive no profit from them. Or say in even what videos are posted of them. Only members can see them, not the model herself. They also record every second a girl is on cam and use them as advertising, not just for their site but they sell them to third parties to use as well. Ive had this personally happen to me. Chaturbate so far has license to record and sell every action you do on cam as well, but so far has just used the footage to advertise for their own site. Ive has this personally happen to me as well. If they choose to however they could sell it to third parties at any time. My question to you is do you intend to do this as well? Are you going to record our shows whether they be public, group, or privates? Sell footage or pics of us advertise for either you or some third party? Are you going to make us sign yet another contract from yet another cam site that mandates us models to give you permission to do so? Its a major concern not just to me but lots of other girls too. It also basically makes geoblocking your state pretty much useless as advertising doesnt geoblock.

Which makes me also ask will you have geoblocking available?

You said there will be a mall of sorts where models could use to sell our things like pics, vids and such. Will we be getting a full cut of the money we ask for these things, or will you be taking a fee?

Will you have an easy search feature for members to find girls they like, or to not see girls they dont want to? SM offers several ways to find a model they prefer, blonde, new, anal, etc. MFC allows members to view only certain girls from select countries even. These are both huge draws for them.

You say you are going to give every model a chance to be featured on the homepage and that we control it. But how? I know some sites charge for a girl to be featured, or take a smaller percentage of revenue to do so. Im just curious how you mean to do this as of course everyone wants to be featured at the top of a page.

Will you allow models to advertise their own personal sites, facebook pages, and twitter?
Good questions...hopefully I can answer them all for you.

RECORDING VIDEO- No, we will not be making video. We will not be recording the group or public shows and storing them in a users profile for them to access later, or using them as advertising on other sites. We may use photos for site advertising similar to the ones we have on our slide show right now. But it is important to note that we depend on word of mouth advertising, and we do not intend on taking out ads or creating pop ups on other sites because of the percentage we are paying models. That percentage plus the operating costs do not leave a very big margin to throw into the advertising world.

It is expressly forbidden in our user agreement and terms and conditions for users to record or distribute anything from our site as well. While pirating is an ugly reality of this industry, we are taking every precaution to prevent it on our site.

INCENTIVE PAY- As for pay...YES, it will be the back pay of the month during the current quarter, not the following quarter. They are incentive months, not quarters, and all the details are in the model agreement. But here is an eligible model for the quarterly incentive month will work as usual, and get paid weekly. If, by the end of that incentive month, she is in first place for earnings, then the final check will be the that weeks pay plus the difference from the previous weeks during that month. Since we plan on paying weekly, that is the only way to properly distribute the pay. Although models will have the option to cash in what they want to get paid on each payday, so they do have the option of keeping it in their account until the end.

MALL- Yes, there is a virtual mall where you can sell any item, video clips, pictures, links to movies, etc. The benefit of this mall is that it is available whether you are online or not, so sales can happen and generate you money anytime. Top rated products and most popular products will also be featured on the homepage. Yes, as with any good business, the split percentages are the same as pay, and still better than most third party sites you can host clips or pics on.

RAFFLES- We have created an internal raffle system that models can host and control.

SEARCH- All models can enter "tags" in their profile, which are searchable. In addition to that, certain fields of the social profile are searchable such as sexuality, ethnicity, body type etc. Models, and users, can also control what can be visible or searchable in their social profiles such as age, city, country, state, college, etc. It's like Facebook with sexy girls and nudity. NO SENSITIVE INFORMATION IS EVER SEARCHABLE, and privacy is very important.

FEATURED- Yes, everybody has a chance to be featured, but there are several different areas that this can happen through the site. First is on the homepage, and that will belong to the previous month's top performers, paid space for any model that wishes to feature themselves, and any upcoming shows or events that we want to feature. Next is that models can feature themselves in the Cam Models tab and personal community profile, and also in the forum itself. Since our forum is directly linked and related to our site, it is a good spot to get information out for free. We will also allow for live feeds from your twitter which can be seen on the homepage and your community profile...which leads me to the next answer...

PERSONAL ADVERTISING- YES, we will absolutely allow it, and encourage it as long as it is not directly trying to draw business away from our site. Twitter, FB, or personal sites can be linked in your model profile and will show up on your community information.

Well I hope that answered everything for you without creating too many new questions haha. :)
MyFoxyCams said:
I am sorry for the issues you have had. When you registered, it was with a previous membership tool that we no longer use. We did our best to migrate the users over to the new profiles, though some additional profile information may be needed and can be updated by going in to edit your profile.

Thanks for the feedback!

Yes, that is what I have done. When I registered the new (2nd) account it said that I would receive a comfirmation email to which I have never received. So thinking that maybe I fucked up I tried to register another account only to see that the username was taken so I requested a passwrd reminder to the attached email account and ir was received. Now it seems to be inoperable.
My username here, there, everywhere is the same, SirLes. Sand me a PM if you require mt email address.
Thanks so much for the reply. Just a couple of more questions :)

You didnt answer about geoblocking. Will it be available upon launch, sometime later after that, or are you not planning on offering this feature?

Also about the advertising i appreciate that you will not be recording our public, groups, and privates. This is a big deal to many girls. You say you may use pictures though.. How do you plan to get the pictures? Im just curious. And will there be an opt out option available if we dont wish to have pictures of us used?
I understand fully the need to advertise a site. And relying mostly on word of mouth and such is fine. Im just wondering if this tactic doesnt seem to work if your site will resort to taking pictures of us during shows, or things we have for sale on your mall and using them to then advertise? I think we have a right to know exactly what is fair game for you to use of us and what isnt.
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Yes, geoblocking is/will be available. We are fine tuning the option as we speak. All other ban/kick/block functions are working 100%.

Models will have pictures that they sell, and they can have regular profile pictures that are up in their community folder if they choose to put some there too. If we use any, we will use model profile pictures to advertise, but no private or "for sale" pics.
A couple things I long to seee in a camsite...

1) an e commerce or store system/delivery system that distributes a model's content for her and handles payments. Leaving it in the hands of models and members leads to rip offs or errors
2) actually enforce the rules...
Jessi said:
A couple things I long to seee in a camsite...

1) actually enforce the rules...
(Quote has been edited, in case someone cries foul)

That's the one thing that I really wish to see in a camsite. I'm interested in MyFoxyCams, and may even decide to sign up as a model, but I want enforced rules. The only rules I see enforced on MFC is the no men on cam and no kids on cam. And even then those are a bit sketchy at times...

Well all i see is concerned models which is normal and understandble but .... before i purchase anything on the internet i check a few points just in case it turns the wrong way.Here are my thoughts about and yes i know i'm paranoid but better safe then sorry ...

  1. is a private domainname registeration this is suspicious as you don't know who to complain in case things go heavly wrong
  2. usage of PHP scripts that are known to be verry security sensitive (joomla)
  3. TOS rediculious sections where is the member security here ? (in detail below)

1)Would you purchase ANYTHING for that matter when there is no fysical contact information.That is a requirement for basic internet security....

2)Joomla is an opensource CMS system that is known to be verry security sensitive.It wouldn't be the first time a joomla site get's hacked nor the last time either.In that case what happens to the members information ?

3)ah now we're getting there ... said:
MyFoxyCams does not guarantee that you will be able to access or use any or all parts of this website, and you agree that MyFoxyCams shall have no liability to you whatsoever for any such inaccessibility.

This is absolutely rediculous when you charge people money and you don't deliver what you claim to deliver that is called FRAUD.However certain website features may be access limited based on members purchase history (like on MFC "reward points").I also know and understand that technical issues do happen but declining that you are responsible is simple not true did you know you're working with people money here ?. said:
We also report at our discretion and/or cooperate with law enforcement in any claims of fraud. Please see our privacy policy for further info on this subject.

This is never at your discretion this is your legal requirement. said:
Disclosure. We do not release Members' telephone numbers, credit or debit card numbers, or checking account or other bank account numbers (or other Individual Information, such as navigational or transactional information or private communications content). Our policy is not to disclose identity information to third parties that would link a Members screen name(s) with a Members actual name, unless required to do so by law or legal process served on MyFoxyCams (e.g. a subpoena). MyFoxyCams, at its sole discretion, reserves the right to make exceptions to this policy in extraordinary circumstances on a case-by-case basis. When feasible, we do allow our Members to access and verify their Member Identity and Billing Information. We also allow our Members to request corrections to this Information. MyFoxyCams intends to abide by applicable laws governing the disclosure to governmental entities of Individual Information and other records. If we are under a legal obligation to disclose Individual Information to a private citizen or entity, we may make efforts under the circumstances to notify the affected Member(s) in advance of releasing it in order to provide the Member(s) an opportunity to pursue any available legal protection.

Your billing support says that you do not have access to creditcard numbers yet the above says exactely the opposide so which is it ?

You are also not permitted to make exceptions "at your discretion" to disclose any members (or model for that matter) personal information except to cooperate with law enforcement other then that this is coverd by privacy laws. said:
Use. We use identity and billing information to administer our business, ensure that you are properly billed and offer you opportunities (e.g. pop-ups or email) that may be of interest.
Paying members should never receive advertisements unless they choose to you are required to provide an opt in system and actually respect it when a members opts out... otherwise it might be seen as a violation of antispam laws.

Also i see a model asking about geoblocking models be aware this feature is based on a database of country ipaddress this database changes verry often and it's never 100% accurate.Also be aware that it's a peace of cake for any user(s) that are smart enough to change there ipaddress and get past the geoblocks this is a nice feature to have but you should not rely on it.

Like Jessi mentioned if you leave it all in the hands of members or models it wil end up in ripoffs both ways eg

The model does not get paid for what she deliverd (picsets videos whatever).
The members paid but doesn't get anything.

models should also read ... Itemid=438 there is something in there about recorded videos ...

This site is nowhere near ready and won't have me as a member
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Specifically, the availability of recorded private shows or chat conversations, or archives are not guaranteed in any way. Archives, along with any other feature or benefit of this website, may become permanently inaccessible for any reason and you agree that MyFoxyCams shall have no liability to you whatsoever for any such inaccessibility and you may not seek a refund or any other transaction reversal due to such inaccessibility.

This seems to imply there will be recordings, but you said you were not going to have them so that is dishonest on your part.

Additionally, all works produced on, for, and during the use of MyFoxyCams is the sole property of MyFoxyCams and may not be reproduced, recorded, "screen capped" or used in any likeness or way by any person, company, site, agency, or party for any purpose. Do not record our models and upload them anywhere, ever.

This means no more All Models Silly Screen Caps thread for MyFoxyCams models. It also means the models are forbidden from selling recordings of there own shows and privates.

MyFoxyCams may modify the number of credits held in your account for any reason(s), including but not limited to: purchases, refunds, chargebacks, fraud, customer support issues, technical errors, account inactivity, penalties or fines.

This says you can take my happy fun time credits because of undefined account inactivity. Is that one minute or one year. Since it is unlisted it is any length of time you choose at random.

Furthermore, MyFoxyCams reserves the right to terminate any accounts "at will"

So no just cause is required :( Guess all my happy fun time tokens in my account will be gone as well.

You understand and agree that the Content displayed on MyFoxyCams is primarily posted by third parties and MyFoxyCams does not pre-screen or preemptively monitor such Content. MyFoxyCams is not liable or responsible for Content posted by third parties. MyFoxyCams claims immunity from liability to the fullest extent under the law and as provided under the Communications Decency Act for Content posted by third parties and nothing in this Agreement is intended to waive, remove, or usurp such immunity.
I thought you said you owned all content. I think that makes you liable.

By posting Content on this website, you automatically grant, and represent and warrant that you have the right to grant, to MyFoxyCams and visitors of MyFoxyCams, an irrevocable, perpetual, non-exclusive, fully-paid, worldwide license to use, copy, perform, display, and distribute such information, rights of publicity and Content and to prepare derivative works of, or incorporate into other works and other media, such information and Content, and to grant and authorize sublicenses of the foregoing.
Looks like as a visitor on your site I have a worldwide license to use the models hard work as I see fit. It seems likes models would object to these terms. The site could even record the models and use that recording as they see fit, but some guy promised on a forum not to do that.
By submitting Content to any "public area" of MyFoxyCams, you grant MyFoxyCams and its affiliates the royalty-free, perpetual, irrevocable, non-exclusive right (including any moral rights) and license to use, reproduce, modify, adapt, publish, translate, create derivative works from, distribute, communicate to the public, perform and display the Content (in whole or in part) worldwide and/or to incorporate it in other works in any form, media or technology now known or later developed, for the full term of any rights that may exist in such Content. You also warrant that the holder of any Rights, including moral rights in such Content, has completely and effectively waived all such Rights and validly and irrevocably granted to you the right to grant the license stated above
Did I mention they seem to own rights to the stuff models post for all of time.

You also permit any Member and authorized user to access, display, view, store and reproduce the Content for personal use. Subject to the foregoing, the owner of Content placed on MyFoxyCams retains any and all Rights that may exist in such Content. As a user at any free, registered, or paid level of MyFoxyCams, you agree to NEVER record, cap, tape, reproduce, or redistribute any material or likeness that is seen, viewed, produced, and made for or on or during any use of MyFoxyCams by any user to any other site, agency or entity of any form outside of MyFoxyCams either for profit or not.
Not sure but this seems to say vid and pic trading is fine as long as it stays on MyFoxyCams. Thanks models you are so giving.

In all fairness MFC's terms are probably just as bad, but the models deserve to be told that despite what some person posts on this forum the terms you agree to are what will be legally binding.
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MyFoxyCams said:
Yes, geoblocking is/will be available. We are fine tuning the option as we speak. All other ban/kick/block functions are working 100%.

Models will have pictures that they sell, and they can have regular profile pictures that are up in their community folder if they choose to put some there too. If we use any, we will use model profile pictures to advertise, but no private or "for sale" pics.

Will it be available to opt out of? I dont want my pics, vids, or anything else used for advertising basically.

To Watchdog: Yes i understand there is ways to get outside geoblocking. There always is, I dont rely on it solely but it helps alot sometimes. Its a risk every cam girl takes.
I also agree with several points you made and thank you for pointing them out.

A private registration is a HUGE concern actually. This isnt some models personal website where privacy is a major concern. This is a business. It shouldnt be private.
Saying the site has no liability whatsoever just isnt true. It is fraud. As the business you have every responsibility to work with a customer to get the site to work for them. If that doesnt happen they are owed a refund. No this doesnt include when a site is down for maintenance, or bugs here and there, but when they can never get on its up to you to deal with it properly. No one is gonna have confidence in a site that basically tells them "oh well to bad, not our problem."

Now after going through your actual Terms and Conditions i have a few more things to say:
"By entering these clearly delineated Pay Areas (fee-based chat rooms and premium services) you authorize the credit card, debit card, or Direct Debit account to be charged the posted rate."
This is confusing to me. It sounds as if only if someone goes into a pay area that theyll be billed then, instead of having to buy chips and then those are used to pay for the shows, or content they buy. Which is it? If its billed as you go that opens you up to so many people being able to later claim fraud, cancel their credit card, stop payments, and charge backs. If that happens does the model still get paid, or is that money then taken from the model? I understand those things can happen anyway but it just seems safer and more reliable to make a member first buy chips then using those only to pay, not pay as you go type thing.

"MyFoxyCams may modify the number of credits held in your account for any reason(s), including but not limited to: purchases, refunds, chargebacks, fraud, customer support issues, technical errors, account inactivity, penalties or fines."
Youre going to modify credits of members and models? Fines and penalties for breaking rules is fine, but they should be clearly visible as to what those are. My bigger issue is you also list customer support issues, and account inactivity. Youre going to charge credits for customer support, or being inactive? yet you dont have anywhere listed that i can see what those charges are for your own site support, or how long of inactivity someone is before you charge them for it. This is just wrong.

"You are liable and responsible for all purchases made on your account with MyFoxyCams, regardless of whether or not the purchase is made by someone else, regardless of whether or not the purchase was authorized, and regardless of the true owner of the payment method used to fund the purchase."
This isnt true and is actually against the law. If someone steals your card and charges things your are not responsible for it. Putting this in your conditions does not make it so. Period. Youre gonna get sued right quick if you try to do this.

"Any communication regarding a refund or transaction reversal must be made to MyFoxyCams support at our Contact Support page. Inquiring about, requesting or receiving any transaction reversal, refund or charge-back from the payment processor, credit card, bank, or any other entity other than MyFoxyCams is strictly prohibited and will constitute fraud and an intentional breach of this agreement, for which MyFoxyCams will pursue full legal remedies."
Say for instance my cc is stolen.. Im sorry but my cc company and bank tell me to always contact them and they deal with those matters. Not you or any charges that were made on the account. Thats not fraud, and just try to sue someone for that.

"Specifically, the availability of recorded private shows or chat conversations, or archives are not guaranteed in any way. Archives, along with any other feature or benefit of this website, may become permanently inaccessible for any reason and you agree that MyFoxyCams shall have no liability to you whatsoever for any such inaccessibility and you may not seek a refund or any other transaction reversal due to such inaccessibility."
You said there would be no achives or recorded privates. If you intend not to do them why even have this listed in your terms?

"By posting Content on this website, you automatically grant, and represent and warrant that you have the right to grant, to MyFoxyCams and visitors of MyFoxyCams, an irrevocable, perpetual, non-exclusive, fully-paid, worldwide license to use, copy, perform, display, and distribute such information, rights of publicity and Content and to prepare derivative works of, or incorporate into other works and other media, such information and Content, and to grant and authorize sublicenses of the foregoing."
Saying this basically means im signing over my content for not only you, but every visitor, and they can do whatever they want with it too. Yet you told me that would not be the case. Its right here in your terms that it is though. You cant say this in one section then later in another "As a user at any free, registered, or paid level of MyFoxyCams, you agree to NEVER record, cap, tape, reproduce, or redistribute any material or likeness that is seen, viewed, produced, and made for or on or during any use of MyFoxyCams by any user to any other site, agency or entity of any form outside of MyFoxyCams either for profit or not. Don't record our models and then post somewhere else, ever." Youre contradicting yourself.

"By submitting Content to any "public area" of MyFoxyCams, you grant MyFoxyCams and its affiliates the royalty-free, perpetual, irrevocable, non-exclusive right (including any moral rights) and license to use, reproduce, modify, adapt, publish, translate, create derivative works from, distribute, communicate to the public, perform and display the Content (in whole or in part) worldwide and/or to incorporate it in other works in any form, media or technology now known or later developed, for the full term of any rights that may exist in such Content. You also warrant that the holder of any Rights, including moral rights in such Content, has completely and effectively waived all such Rights and validly and irrevocably granted to you the right to grant the license stated above. You also permit any Member and authorized user to access, display, view, store and reproduce the Content for personal use. Subject to the foregoing, the owner of Content placed on MyFoxyCams retains any and all Rights that may exist in such Content. "
I asked flat out is we as models would basically be signing over our content for you to use as you see fit. You said you didnt intend to. If you didnt then why do i have to agree to terms that say you can. And not only you can, but members can as well. Again youre contradicting yourself.

"(6) disclose the true identity of a superhero" "(9) be an internet know-it-all " "(14) intentionally or unintentionally disrupt the space time continuum."
Really? This is terms and conditions, not comedy hour. WTF? Theres a time and a place for jokes, this is neither.

"For privacy and security reasons, we do not provide online access for members to their personal information. "
I would never be a member of a site that wont let me see, update, or change my own info at will.

"You may not post, distribute, or reproduce in any way any copyrighted material, trademarks, or other proprietary information without obtaining the prior written consent of the owner of such proprietary rights or otherwise have a valid basis under the law, including "fair use". "
You basically just gave yourself permission to sell content to third parties. As long as they contact you.

You have some serious work to do if you ever want anybody as a member or model on this site. Just saying. :twocents-02cents:

Edited: Shaun__ you beat me to some of this :)
So many sites cropping up in the last year or so, none of them have even touched the success of Streamate or Myfreecams. The common thread I'm noticing (speaking as someone newish to adult ent work), is sketchiness and apparent lack of respect for the customers and models/employees/contractors. You came to this forum to bounce ideas around and advertise with the people who know these sites best- so give us some credit here. If you want to make the most money off us, be HONEST, TRANSPARENT and LISTEN TO US. :twocents-02cents:

PS: Hire an editor. Typos on your website are going to turn off potential models and customers.
On the contrary Jessi, the reason we are here is because we do give you the credit. The problem is that I willingly opened my doors to criticism and scrutiny in order to build the best site, and some of the people questioning them may not fully understand what they are reading or asking, whereas other sites have not done anything similar. Now the Terms and Conditions come into play. I have no problem with it at all, and we offer nothing but honesty here. Models AND users of other sites visit this forum, and I put everything on the table out of sheer confidence. Get anybody else in here from another site to do the same. :) We didn't come up with Terms and Conditions in a dark room, these are all industry standards in not only webcams, but other businesses. Hopefully I can clear it all up for you right here, or I should expect to see other threads popping up about other sites TOS and Rules haha. Either way, I thank you all for your concern, and I think it is great that it can bring some awareness to all other sites that you happily use daily.

Without responding to all three posts directly since they all virtually have the same questions, I can tell all of you that those are the exact same terms and conditions you have on every other site you currently work on. They are industry standard terms and conditions, and they are plastered all over the place on the other sites. While I appreciate the time taken to be questioned on them, I would just remind you that if you felt that they were invalid or unfair, that you wouldn't be visiting or working on MFC, LiveCamTube, LiveJasmin, Streamate, Stremaray, SkyTower, Webcams, Camgirls, iCams, or any other site that hold the EXACT same terms. They are modified to be site specific, but still in place to protect users and the site.

But in the interest of fairness, I am happy to address the concerns, whereas I bet you wouldn't get a personal response from any other that runs a similar site. First and foremost is the recording...WE DO NOT RECORD. The purpose of this statement is that most site software, custom or not, have the ability to record and store private sessions within a profile. We do not offer that option, because we will be hosting strip clubs too. You can't go in to a strip club and record your lap dance for a spank bank memory later on, so why should it be fair to record our models during a show either? Users pay for a live show, and they should be happy with it. If having that recording of a private show is the only reason you do it, then I am sorry we are not the best site for you. We value the models and how hard they work. So why is the statement in there? Because it is an industry standard. See here.Can we omit it? Yes. Should we? No, because as with most Terms and Conditions, they are in place not BECAUSE they DO happen, but because in this industry that can happen. (all terms and conditions, not just recording).

Opting out of advertising is also not an issue, because we only intend to use internal site (front page) advertising and don't intend on putting up an advertising campaign of anybody that isn't involved with it. Like I said, we would never use any private or "for sale" photos, and anything that we do outside of the site will be done so professionally and with permission. Again, our purpose is to develop a place that is respectful to the models and not doing what we want to do for our own good.

By entering pay areas (we have to cover our bases for things that cost whether it is a one time or recurring fee), we advise a user that they are notified of the cost before entering and their card will be charged. ALL CHARGES for users are authorized by the user prior to the purchase being made, and they will only be able to enter private areas or pay per minute areas if they have the site credits to do so, just like every other site. Again, this statement is an industry standard.

Fraud and stolen credit cards statements...Again, these are not just industry standard statements (it isn't like we sat in a dark room and made all of this stuff up), they are also statements for popular services that all of us use when purchasing things online, like PayPal and any other payment processor. Feel free to look them up. How many models have had some guy buy them something off their amazon wishlist for a private show or movie or something, and then got an email that said the order had been canceled? Now imagine that in terms of your Chips or Tokens or other site currency. Fraudulet charges are handled with our MERCHANTS and BANKS just like every other company. You (the user) are responsible for charges on your account. THis again is a form of protection that some pissed off mother can't come to us angry that her son living int he basement used her credit card to purchase Chips or movies from our site, or any other site. The laws that protect mom are in place from the bans and merchants and have to do with the person that used it, not us. If your credit card was stolen and somebody bought steak and ate it, they can't return the steak and give you your money back. Bottom line is that we will cooperate with any and all laws or inquiries from law enforcement regarding fraud or charges. Simple industry standards.

Content- First part is ownership...WE DON'T OWN MODELS OR WHAT THEY POST, so the statement is to remind users that third parties (models and users) are responsible for what they post and that we, myfoxycams, are not the ones posting it. We are not saying that by posting content that you are giving it to US and USERS, we are again reminding every user of the public internet of the exact same standard that is listed on every single responsible site. Check this out.. Again, this is an industry standard for ALL Internet usage, and it is saying that if you post things online, they are online. As I have stated before, although WE take every precaution and have expressly forbid users from recording or distributing anything they see on our site, the bottom line is that this is the Internet and it happens. All we can do is work our asses off to try to prevent it and get it down when we find it, and we have that commitment whereas other sites not only allow it to happen, but also help it happen. (Yes, I have had personal conversations with an owner of a site that many of you work on and understand his policy on allowing your content to be "stolen" from his site).

Online access to personal information- This is a poorly worded statement and I will fix it, thanks for pointing it out. All members and users have complete and full profile access to modify their profiles. The things that can't be modified are the legal requirements of joining like age.

Copyrighted material- That statement is for you and all users, reminding you that you cannot use or post copyrighted material. DMCA notices are, again, industry standards. We have to follow the rules of Copyright just like everybody else, so the statement is actually geared towards users to NOT post material without consent of the owners.

I hope this helps clear some questions up. Our Terms and Conditions are no different than any other site you are currently using. But I understand the need to question a new site like us as though we have no place in the industry, but I assure you that we do. Here are a few links to check out.


Now, I ask that you take the time to go through MFC Terms and Conditions, specifically the Transactions and Fees and Non-Guarantee of Features.
MyFoxyCams said:
Now the Terms and Conditions come into play. I have no problem with it at all, and we offer nothing but honesty here. Models AND users of other sites visit this forum, and I put everything on the table out of sheer confidence. Get anybody else in here from another site to do the same. :) We didn't come up with Terms and Conditions in a dark room, these are all industry standards in not only webcams, but other businesses.

So you are saying sure your Terms and Conditions are draconian, but so are your competitors? If people started refusing to give in to these one sided contracts industry standards would be forced to change due to lack of customers.

Have you considered treating your customers and models better than your competitors to establish you are an improvement over them and encourage growth of your site? You are saying things here but you are not saying the same things in your TOS and that is what counts.

What makes your site better than the others that have thousands of models today? Can you tell me why I need to go to your site instead of the ones I visit now?
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Rather than telling us why other sites are wrong, tell us why yours is better :)

On the contrary Jessi, the reason we are here is because we do give you the credit. The problem is that I willingly opened my doors to criticism and scrutiny in order to build the best site, and some of the people questioning them may not fully understand what they are reading or asking, whereas other sites have not done anything similar.

Write your terms of service in a clear way that any average Joe can understand, and don't be condescending about it. Tone is hard to detect on the internet, and if it can be taken "the wrong way" then chances are it will be. If they were that easy to understand, those people wouldn't have written the long replies asking for explanation. While your rules might be industry standard, you should really hire someone to write them in away that makes sense to any moron with a credit card. Im sure your customer base would greatly appreciate it!
Shaun__ said:
MyFoxyCams said:
Now the Terms and Conditions come into play. I have no problem with it at all, and we offer nothing but honesty here. Models AND users of other sites visit this forum, and I put everything on the table out of sheer confidence. Get anybody else in here from another site to do the same. :) We didn't come up with Terms and Conditions in a dark room, these are all industry standards in not only webcams, but other businesses.

So you are saying sure your Terms and Conditions are draconian, but so are your competitors? If people started refusing to give in to these one sided contracts industry standards would be forced to change due to lack of customers.

Have you considered treating your customers and models better than your competitors to establish you are an improvement over them and encourage growth of your site? You are saying things here but you are not saying the same things in your TOS and that is what counts.

What makes your site better than the others that have thousands of models today? Can you tell me why I need to go to your site instead of the ones I visit now?

What makes us better than other sites? Everything we do and offer. Does it change legal standards in Terms and Conditions? No. Unfortunately you will never come across a site willing to not give terms and conditions, because they are in place to protect users, models, and owners. Is there a chance that even a fraction of those things ever happen? Not really...but what if they did? Who would be protected? We have a responsibility to you, to ourselves, and to all users to protect against the idiot that needs those rules. McDonald's coffee is hot, and everybody except that one idiot knew that, but now there are warnings on coffee. Shit happens, and we all need to be prepared to encounter the select few that want to challenge common sense.

Unfortunately we live in a very litigious world, and everybody wants to sue for something. It is simple protection for users, models, and owners.

Why should you come to our site? You shouldn't come to our site unless you want to. I am not here to convince you to come to our site, I am here to talk about the things we offer because we wanted to have a better place that treated models better, and gave users a better place to hang out. We have had a long history in webcamming and working on some crappy sites, and our goal is just to have a better option for those that want it. There is enough webcamming and internet to go around for everybody.

@Jessi- I am not saying other sites are wrong. I am just pointing out the unfortunate world of protection that we all live in. We are no different in that sense than any other sites. As much as I would like to trust all users and models to be as open and simple as I am, that would just be irresponsible. If I could do away with terms and conditions and just tell everybody to act right when on our site, then things would be great. But you've visited the Internet and know that things like that just can't happen. All I can do is come here to an open forum and openly and honestly tell you all our intentions and what we are trying to create and have you hold us to it. If we were trying to hide it or say "fuck you, take it or leave it" like other sites, I wouldn't have been here in the first place. When you joined MFC, did you read all their Terms and Conditions that they hide on a different wiki site? I'm betting not. When users bought tokens and joined MFC or Streamate, did they notice the exact same Terms and Conditions? Obviously not. But did MFC or Streamate come here and say "Hey everybody, we want a better place that cares about what you think and want, so lets work together!"? No, they didn't.

So are we better? In my opinion, yes. But your opinion is your own, and there are tons of sites you have the opportunity to work on.
Heres the thing. There are several threads ripping apart several other cam sites TOS out there. Most are in the models only area, but i assure u they are there. We know what were signing, and have to sign, and what cam sites do with our broadcasts. All to well we know it. The thing is you came here claiming to be different. Not the standard. In order not to be the standard you have to break away from that standard that every one else uses and actually be different. MFC, Stream, etc may all have similar if not exact TOS but they arent fledgling companies asking girls to take a chance on them, advertise for them, and believe what someone in a forum says rather than what contract they have to sign. YOU ARE. So before you come back with some new retort all butt hurt that what youre saying is not what were expected to sign maybe you should think about that fact. Maybe you should realize you have some great ideas for a new site, put a lot of time and effort and money in im sure, and maybe if you did some major things differently that other sites dont do, you could compete with them someday. Instead youre telling us basically every site is the same so just shut up and sign on the dotted line. Nope. Sorry. Cause at least the companies us models work for advertise for us, theyre established, we know were gonna get paid. The members get numerous other benefits to boot. You offer none of that to either side.
You promised an improvement... Youre not. You may not intend to do all these things in the TOS but to bad. Were not signing and agreeing on intent here. If u decide to have a change of heart one day you can. You can record everything, sell anything, do whatever you want and you wouldnt even have to notify the members or models of a TOS update cause we already signed it all away.
Now i appreciate you coming here and making it look like we have any say in what you do with your site, but thats obviously a facade. The only things you have offered to change are spelling errors and some wording in your TOS. None of our suggestions have been implemented, taken into account, or taken seriously. I swear if someone actually came along and did what we suggested itd be the best site ever, but no. Youre just one of the many who comes in all shiny and new when really its just foil over a bag of poop.
Im going to leave with this statement of yours..
Can we omit it? Yes. Should we? No, because as with most Terms and Conditions, they are in place not BECAUSE they DO happen, but because in this industry that can happen.
If its your site then its up to u if it happens or not. Youre the one recording the shows or not. You dont put something in your terms of service just cause it can happen but you dont intend it to. That makes no sense.
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myfoxycams said:
Unfortunately we live in a very litigious world, and everybody wants to sue for something. It is simple protection for users, models, and owners.

I'm afraid you have bad luck here because no matter what you write in tos it doesn't mean it has any legal value.... so for example if you have a user that's been charged money and he can't use his account he can sue you ..... oh and that private registeration won't protect you either all that's needed to be done is send a court order to GoDaddy (in this particular case) and BINGO they have to release your personal information.This is not just for myfoxycams this is for all sites since you just copy/paste tos (not a smart move either).Personally i think this new sites that popped up have smelled a possible goldmine ... that should say enough
What makes us better than other sites? Everything we do and offer. Does it change legal standards in Terms and Conditions? No. Unfortunately you will never come across a site willing to not give terms and conditions, because they are in place to protect users, models, and owners. Is there a chance that even a fraction of those things ever happen? Not really...but what if they did? Who would be protected? We have a responsibility to you, to ourselves, and to all users to protect against the idiot that needs those rules. McDonald's coffee is hot, and everybody except that one idiot knew that, but now there are warnings on coffee. Shit happens, and we all need to be prepared to encounter the select few that want to challenge common sense.

Unfortunately we live in a very litigious world, and everybody wants to sue for something. It is simple protection for users, models, and owners.

Why should you come to our site? You shouldn't come to our site unless you want to. I am not here to convince you to come to our site, I am here to talk about the things we offer because we wanted to have a better place that treated models better, and gave users a better place to hang out. We have had a long history in webcamming and working on some crappy sites, and our goal is just to have a better option for those that want it. There is enough webcamming and internet to go around for everybody.

@Jessi- I am not saying other sites are wrong. I am just pointing out the unfortunate world of protection that we all live in. We are no different in that sense than any other sites. As much as I would like to trust all users and models to be as open and simple as I am, that would just be irresponsible. If I could do away with terms and conditions and just tell everybody to act right when on our site, then things would be great. But you've visited the Internet and know that things like that just can't happen. All I can do is come here to an open forum and openly and honestly tell you all our intentions and what we are trying to create and have you hold us to it. If we were trying to hide it or say "fuck you, take it or leave it" like other sites, I wouldn't have been here in the first place. When you joined MFC, did you read all their Terms and Conditions that they hide on a different wiki site? I'm betting not. When users bought tokens and joined MFC or Streamate, did they notice the exact same Terms and Conditions? Obviously not. But did MFC or Streamate come here and say "Hey everybody, we want a better place that cares about what you think and want, so lets work together!"? No, they didn't.

So are we better? In my opinion, yes. But your opinion is your own, and there are tons of sites you have the opportunity to work on.

First off no ones asking you to do away with TOS. Thats not what we asked for. We asked for specific responses to things we thought should change. Things weve taken issue at and with. To not make you the standard just like every other site that you claimed you wanted to be. You obviously dont care to be that. I understand the need for legal terms and protection, but where you falter is adding things in that you say you dont even intend to do. If you dont then take them out. Simple as that. Its confusing and looks extremely shady. You see MFC does actually record privates, Stream does as well, so they have every right to have those terms, if you dont intend to record then dont have them. Cause all it looks like to us is that u intend TO record them.
No MFC anf Stream did not come here to this forum and ask what people thought of their site. Why? Cause this forum didnt exist then. They did however go to other forums and other avenues as well in their time and ask questions, talk to people, got advice, and took it. This is a well known fact.
Look you have to understand youre not the first new site coming here with big promises that has extremely failed to deliver. Dont like it? Then dont be the standard. Period.
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MyFoxyCams said:
What makes us better than other sites? Everything we do and offer. Does it change legal standards in Terms and Conditions? No. Unfortunately you will never come across a site willing to not give terms and conditions, because they are in place to protect users, models, and owners. Is there a chance that even a fraction of those things ever happen? Not really...but what if they did? Who would be protected? We have a responsibility to you, to ourselves, and to all users to protect against the idiot that needs those rules. McDonald's coffee is hot, and everybody except that one idiot knew that, but now there are warnings on coffee. Shit happens, and we all need to be prepared to encounter the select few that want to challenge common sense.

Unfortunately we live in a very litigious world, and everybody wants to sue for something. It is simple protection for users, models, and owners.

Why should you come to our site? You shouldn't come to our site unless you want to. I am not here to convince you to come to our site, I am here to talk about the things we offer because we wanted to have a better place that treated models better, and gave users a better place to hang out. We have had a long history in webcamming and working on some crappy sites, and our goal is just to have a better option for those that want it. There is enough webcamming and internet to go around for everybody.

Your terms are all sided in your favor not the models. You say you do not even record them so a lot of the rights you are claiming will never be needed. It looks like you are leaving the door open to take advantage of the models in the future. I am not saying you are, but that is the appearance you are giving.
If you want to treat them better, change your terms to just allow temporary(as in less than a minute) buffering and streaming of the model's video. You said you are not archiving it so it would not matter. Pictures and other content posted should also be limited rights that could be revoked with a weeks written or emailed notice by the Model or other right holder. Again unless you are planning to steal from the models this is more than enough to host this content.
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