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movies you have uncontrollably sobbed through

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A Little Princess, The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, Requiem for a Dream, SLC Punk, Welcome to the Dollhouse, One Hour Photo, Eternal Sunshine for the Spotless Mind, Edward Scissorhands, Big Fish, Brokeback Mountain, Too Wong Foo: Thanks for Everything Julie Newmar, and Fight Club to name a few. Now I want to go off and have a sob fest :crybaby:
The ending of:

La Bamba
Return of the King
Brokeback Mountain
The Time Traveler's Wife

There are tons more. Also, if we're counting tv shows, the series finale of Lost had me bawling. And then when they killed Ned Stark in GoT.
UzumakiHinata said:
A Little Princess, The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, Requiem for a Dream, SLC Punk, Welcome to the Dollhouse, One Hour Photo, Eternal Sunshine for the Spotless Mind, Edward Scissorhands, Big Fish, Brokeback Mountain, Too Wong Foo: Thanks for Everything Julie Newmar, and Fight Club to name a few. Now I want to go off and have a sob fest :crybaby:
A Little Princess :h:333333 Um Yes
Watching Big Fish now, kind of kicking myself. Moulin Rouge, A.I. Artificial Intelligence, Up, Green Mile, Secondhand Lions, and there's more I'm forgetting
Rileyster said:
Watching Big Fish now, kind of kicking myself.

The ending of Big Fish... Great Odin's Beard :crybaby:

It's not even a sad cry, it's more like a big, giant, heaving torrent of happy-tears, and it gets me every time. That and the bit in Amelie where she leaves the old dood's box of childhood treasures in the phonebooth and he finds them and bursts into tears...
Most anything to do with friendships ending or father/son stuff. Oh man..when Goose dies on Top Gun! Mind you I don't actually cry at movies ;)

This is the all time for me...sounds is a bit weak but if you know the Fox and the Hound you know what I mean.

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The one movie that comes to mind is Serenity, there are two parts that do it and I will not spoil it for anyone that has not watched the movie and the Firefly series yet. I love Firefly and watched the DVDs over and over before Serenity came out in theaters, the first day Serenity was in theaters I watched it twice on that day. Damn you Joss Whedon, why you make me cry!!!!11!
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While I have never actually seen the movie, the trailers for Hachi, A Dog's Tale made me want to sink into my recliner with a pint of Ben and Jerry's and a pile of beach towels to sop up my tears. That being said, I will likely never watch it.

Shutterbuck said:
While I have never actually seen the movie, the trailers for Hachi, A Dog's Tale made me want to sink into my recliner with a pint of Ben and Jerry's and a pile of beach towels to sop up my tears. That being said, I will likely never watch it.

I was just coming here to post that. It was a really phenomenal movie. Richard Gere did an amazing job and the dog who played Hachi was fantastic. That said, I cried so hard during that movie that I scared both dogs until they panicked and scared BJ. :? Me crying so hard and seeing the dogs upset over me crying ended up making BJ upset and he said if I didn't stop crying he was going to make me shut off the movie because he didn't want to cry.

If you're one of those people who really loves animals, especially dogs, you may want to pass this one up. It's a great movie,'s hard to watch. :(
Beasts of the Southern Wild. It was so heartbreaking but so very good.
Oh god, i'm such a sap with movies and tv, everything can send me into a fit of tears and sobbing. But some of the worst are:

White Oleander, I am Sam, the scene in titanic where the mother tells her children to go to sleep, the fox and the hound, the little princess, the secret garden, rent, the phantom of the opera, love actually, the notebook, seven pounds, and multiple television shows have set me off too (way to many to list) but a shit load of house comes to mind the most

Several People said:
Mary and Max

Good call on that. Adam Elliot is really good at punching you in the metaphorical guts. Here's one of his early shorts, Brother:

There's also Cousin and Uncle

And if you have twenty minutes to spare and feel like a good weep, there is the bittersweet classic, Harvie Krumpet.
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A few others in this thread have mentioned P.S. I love you. I probably would have forgotten about this one because I could only bring myself to watch this movie once. Way to emotional.

The opening scene for Star Trek (the 2009 movie) gets me every time. My friends got a few laughs seeing it with me in theaters.

Annnd of course.. Fox and the Hound is my number one. It was recently added to Netflix and I made the mistake of watching it before I logged on cam. I was so self conscious and assumed everyone thought I was high.

I'm a pretty big crybaby and try to steer myself away from knowingly emotional movies if I can. One of my peeps from my chatroom bought me Big Fish and Marley & Me just so I'd watch them knowing I'd cry my eyes out. :crybaby:
rihana said:
Twilight is the only movie which inspired me at the core of my heart. In the movie the writer shows beautiful relationships between human being and vampires also deeply explain the feeling of love, its effects and some sadness of truly world.
You do realize that vampires are not 'real', right?
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EasyBakeBabyOven said:
rihana said:
Twilight is the only movie which inspired me at the core of my heart. In the movie the writer shows beautiful relationships between human being and vampires also deeply explain the feeling of love, its effects and some sadness of truly world.
You do realize that vampires are not 'real', right?

I have never met a real vampire, but I have met one of the fake ones who used to be all over the place in the nineties. You can learn all kinds of things talking to interesting people, and he is were I learned you should only drink your own blood type.
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Animal Farm (1954)
The Legend of 1900
What's Eating Gilbert Grape
The Man Who Cried - the soundtrack from this movie puts me to tears every damn time (I love & hate Bizet - Les pecheurs de perles)
Finding Neverland
Brokeback Mountain
Torchwood - end of 3rd season when Iando died :(
DrWho - when David Tennant left the show :(
The only movie I can think of right now is Wilde. You are too good for Jude Law Stephen Fry, dump his ass already. Joking aside, the movie is a really sad movie.
LuckySmiles, The Pursuit of Happyness is one of my favorite movies! :) Some sad parts definitely but it had a good ending :) I cried tears of happiness when Chris got the job. :)
sexyvanessa4u said:
LuckySmiles, The Pursuit of Happyness is one of my favorite movies! :) Some sad parts definitely but it had a good ending :) I cried tears of happiness when Chris got the job. :)

yeah but it's one of those movies that spends so much time depressing you that the happy ending is like... oh...awesome.... but you're in such a funk by that point and the happy part is like 30 seconds lol.
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