AmberCutie's Forum
An adult community for cam models and members to discuss all the things!

Model's Pet Peeves

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AlexLady said:
LadyLuna said:
MzMarche said:
Speaking of replies to dumb people, I enjoy how when I'm playing with my crop and beating my inner thighs, I always have at least ONE moron go, "Slap your clit!". I usually shoot back with, "Slap your balls, tell me how that feels".


Some guys actually like that though...

Some girls actually like it though. I -love- having my crop on my clit, or even a clothespin. :p


Shh I'm crazy but it feels so good.

You weren't there when I took the ruler to my pussy, were you...

It was hitting my clit every time :p

I didn't do it too much, cause I didn't want to get too horny.

RufffRider said:
i get hassled for being the White Knight a lot, but if the trolls didn't troll so hard i wouldn't have to point it out.

Minor points, feel free to disagree but noncompliance = less money. MFC is a job, providing fantasy is your job, smiling is your job. The idea of a member being exclusive to you when MFC first started was very common, but models are not exclusive to a single member so in the long run i think it is best to grin and bear it when other models are mentioned. OR have a no talking about other models in my room EVER policy.

As other girls pointed out, coming into my room and saying "oh, you're having a bad night? But I spent so much on ___ and had such a great time there" is like going into McDonald's and saying how great Burger king is, without even buying the Dollar hot fudge sundae (gotta love that sundae :p ).

Yes, MFC is a job. But we don't really have a job description. Literally, there is no "you have to do ___ when you are on camera." There's a list of DON'T DO, but there is no list of DO.

Therefore, it is up to us to come up with our own job description.

I am not an acress. My face is an open book. If I'm not happy, I can't hide it. When I'm bored, everyone knows. Sure, I can still smile, but everyone sees past it.

This is why I put on my profile that the members make it fun- that I'm not good at starting conversations, though I'm decent at running with them, so if no one is talking and you want conversation, you need to bring something up.

As far as talking about other models in my room goes- if it applies to what we're talking about, and there are no comparison's being made (x is better than y, whether I am x or y) then it's all good. But no trash talking a model, and no bragging about what another model did.

AshaSnow said:
People posting rude comments on my beautiful profile *sniff*

*pats Asha's head* There there. That's what the delete button is for. *hugs*
hmm members coming in saying show pussy... and getting rude when I say I am waiting for a tip total (which is posted in my topic) for a oil show.

premiums asking me for said oil show and it shows HIGH token but they have been in my room for over an hour and not tipped but saying how much they like the view. <<if u like the view at least tip me freakin 20 tokens.

i set a rather low price yesterday for a oil show. seeing as i had not been on in a while. I said 100 for a oil show. (i know it is low and you probably can get more on a fri or sat nite. but I am building up a fan base at the moment so i figured figure out the demand)

I had only one person tip me the whole time i was on last night. and I still didnt get to the oil show..

had someone mention that they wanted my password to my galleries i said well they are for sale hun so if you tip X amount than I will see to it that you get the password for the one you want. then he was like well i have no tokens i am not working right now. i simply said well then when you do find work maybe you can come back and tip for the pics that you would like to see.

whats messed up is last night since i got partway to my goal I was gonna do a moderated oil show and my computer booted me offline and would not come up for like 2 hrs.. :oops:

im sure hoping it goes better the next time i log in. i have to remind myself i am building up a fan base and some ppl want to see you a few times before tipping. or attempting a show
Guys who don't even frequent my room asking for my real name.. HOW FUCKING RUDE!!!!!!!!!!!! Why would I tell someone I don't know??? Just because he wants to be my friend? I have a stage name for a reason.
When guys think that they know my body better then me.

A few times when I have told a member that I can not and do not squirt their response was, "yes you can you just need me to help you" or "all girls can it is just that some girls need to let go".
Ummm trust me I have done a ton of research ;) At this point in my life squirting is just not happening and looking at your crotch cam isn't going to make it happen.
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LilyJean said:
When guys think that they know my body better then me.

A few times when I have told a member that I can not and do not squirt their response was, "yes you can you just need me to help you" or "all girls can it is just that some girls need to let go".
Ummm trust me I have done a ton of research ;) At this point in my life squirting is just not happening and looking at your crotch cam isn't going to make it happen.

Mhmmmm. Most guys don't understand that sometimes when a model "squirts", it's actually pee. :roll: I like how they think they're experts in it despite not being able to tell the diff. :-D
Most of the time it's actually pee, cause we're smarter than most of the guys who want to see us squirt :twisted:
If she's got squirt in her model name... she's pissin'.

ETA: Me no pee pee on cam.
People coming in my room and telling me my pink hair was much nicer and I can't afford to have it at the moment, waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah. :(
(I had to dye it dark brown/black coz my roots needed doing and I can't do it myself or afford to get it done properly and it was pissing me off people going on and on about them needing doing, grrr. I had to have a super side parting, brush the hair to one side and then sit with my head at a funny angle just so it wasn't as noticable that my roots needed doing haha)

And when I'm on the bed in super high boots/heels, and some nobhead numpty comes in and asks me to stand up!! It's hard to stand on a bloody bed as it is, let alone in 6 inch heels that make me 6"8 tall. ARGH.

And people reading some of my profile and not others, like they'll read it to find out my height or where I'm from, but will miss the first line of my about me that says my name, and ask me what my name is, or they'll ask my age. ARGHHHH. IS IT REALLY SO HARD TO JUST READ MORE THAN ONE WORD FFS YOU MORONS!!!!

Andddd people coming in, and saying they want to rape me/joking about rape, saying they want to pay me to pretend I'm being raped, and other sick things. That and asking me about doing things with dogs, both really annoy me and I can't understand them at all. If someone likes that stuff, they obviously have a serious problem, surely they know it's wrong, so why the fuck they telling people about it on the internet as if there's nothing wrong with it?!

Someone tipped me 2 tokens today and expect me to show him my flange. I showed him my big toe instead. :D Could be worse, I could have stuck my finger at him, but I was feeling quite nice lol. (for once)

Ohhh and people thinking I'm another model! Does anyone else get this?
When I had pink hair, it sometimes looked red, and there was another model with red hair, and people sometimes confused me with her.
Even now with black hair, someone said 'hi hername' to me earlier and I was like WTF, our hair is totally different now, she had big tits and wears glasses!!!! GRRR. Plus our names arn't even the same wtf, grr.
AngelicTease's latest rant reminded me of something:

Being compared to fictional characters I hate. Or have never seen. Especially when I had black hair & Bettie bangs. :woops:
AngelicTease said:
Ohhh and people thinking I'm another model! Does anyone else get this?

I remind some people of Amber. It doesn't bother me but some guys are like "Do you know Ambercutie?" "Are you guys sisters?" I'm like yes we're the only two ladies in the world with glasses and big tits, of course we're related.

I also get asked once a week if I'm the porn star Red Hot Lauren.

That one got old pretty quick.
Cassidy Nicole said:
I hate when people say to me "OMG ARE YOU MARIAH CAREY?!" It is not flattering, it is annoying. Being compared to a celebrity gets so old so quick

haha I agree, especially if it's Linda Blair. She's pretty and all but all that comes to mind is..

LilyJean said:
When guys think that they know my body better then me.

A few times when I have told a member that I can not and do not squirt their response was, "yes you can you just need me to help you" or "all girls can it is just that some girls need to let go".
Ummm trust me I have done a ton of research ;) At this point in my life squirting is just not happening and looking at your crotch cam isn't going to make it happen.

This x 10000
Bocefish said:
CalpurniaX gets the Angelina Jolie/Megan Fox thing about a hundred times a day too.

Maybe we should start a lookalike thread. :think:

I'd be scared to see who I look like. :? But! Good idea Bocefish. :D
pyrite1965 said:
Frankie said:
AngelicTease's latest rant reminded me of something:

Being compared to fictional characters I hate. Or have never seen. Especially when I had black hair & Bettie bangs. :woops:

When did you have black hair?

I read this as "when did you have back hair?" o_O

Pet peeve I haven't listed yet: members linking crap in my room. I don't mind if it's one of my friends linking something we were just discussing (for the most part) and certainly don't mind my own site links being pasted in there, but I HATE random people coming in and linking stuff. Youtube video, imgur/tinypic, etc. It's all distracting.
"Did you know you look like John Lenon?"

The scary thing is, there's a couple pics of John Lenon that, yes, when I face a certain way, and my hair's falling a certain way, I do kinda sorta look like that, but not nearly as much as people seem to think.


Um, no... it's been LadyLuna since I signed on in November. Everyone gets stuck on the Luna part, they forget about the Lady.

OH! Thought of a comeback for the Harry Potter thing:

"Does Luna Lovegood have Lady in her name? Does anyone refer to her as Lady? Does she wear super-thick glasses? Does this hair look like it's black to you? Then where the hell is the resemblance?"
AmberCutie said:
pyrite1965 said:
Frankie said:
AngelicTease's latest rant reminded me of something:

Being compared to fictional characters I hate. Or have never seen. Especially when I had black hair & Bettie bangs. :woops:

When did you have black hair?

I read this as "when did you have back hair?" o_O

Pet peeve I haven't listed yet: members linking crap in my room. I don't mind if it's one of my friends linking something we were just discussing (for the most part) and certainly don't mind my own site links being pasted in there, but I HATE random people coming in and linking stuff. Youtube video, imgur/tinypic, etc. It's all distracting.

I hate that too! Especially when they expect me to follow their link and watch whatever crap from youtube they think is funny. Can't they see I'm busy? Sometimes I do watch it, and sit there with a straight face before telling them how crap it is. Like when they make me put shit music on.
When I'm in the middle of typing in pm, and an unannounced pvt invite comes up just as I'm pressing the space-bar and I get sent into pvt with no notice.

Um... dude... pm first? Then wait for me to say that I'm ready?

OR- the guys who start discussing a pvt, when I was gonna log off within the next fifteen minutes, so I stay on to take the pvt, but then they take over half an hour to arrange what they want...

"I want to go private with you."
"Okay what do you want to see?"
"um... just whatever you want to do is fine, but I need a bit."
"Alright, how long? I was planning on logging off in fifteen minutes, and being back in an hour. Want to do it when I get back?"
"Oh, not that long."
"Okay, I'll wait to log off. Let me know when you're ready."

(an hour and a half later)

"Dude, I could've been away for that hour and back fifteen minutes ago..."

And then, of course, since I was about to go on break, they get a shitty pvt because I have no energy left, having spent the past hour pushing myself past when I wanted the break.
Another reason on the list of why I don't do privates anymore. I don't like being on someone else's schedule. I do groups when I want to, feel like playing, and when my body is ready to cum. Privates are on the member's desired time table. Groups are on mine. If you miss the group show and want to get off? I guess ya gotta wait for the next group, which is at least 20-30 mins after I finish one.

And it's certainly nice not having privates turned on an accidentally space-barring into one.
SpexyAshleigh said:
RufffRider said:
Minor points, feel free to disagree but noncompliance = less money. MFC is a job, providing fantasy is your job, smiling is your job. The idea of a member being exclusive to you when MFC first started was very common, but models are not exclusive to a single member so in the long run i think it is best to grin and bear it when other models are mentioned. OR have a no talking about other models in my room EVER policy.

would you have the audacity to go into Mcdonalds, not buy anything, but go up to the manager and tell him how awsome Burger King is? Or go into Chrysler, hit up a salesperson and be like "I'm not gonna spend a cent in here, but I gotta say that Toyota has super sexy cars and I have a blast driving them".

Most people wouldn't have the arrogance to do that. I don't see why the same rules can't apply in an MFC chatroom. Its flat out rude to go into a models room and start complimenting someone else, or talk about how much fun you had/can have in another girls room. It wouldn't bother some girls, but to others, it makes em feel like shit.

Oh and providing a fantasy isn't really my job description- if I wanted to be an actress, I'd be trying to make it in Hollywood right now. I'm here to give a realistic fun time in my room. I'm me, and if I had to pretend happy all the time, I'd lose myself in this job. Alot of girls can fake things in this job, but I can't...I gotta be able to relax and have fun and be myself. May not be the most sexy model out there, or play into most guys fantasies, but at least I can hang up my gstring at the end of the nite and know that I got to hang out with friends all day and have fun just being myself.

as i said.. OR have a no talking about other models in my room EVER policy.
If you talk about this or that other model you like ever then you should expect members to talk about others in your room.
If i am talking to the Manager at mcDonalds and he says he likes Wendy's sometimes, why would the manager be pissed if i mention Burger King?
I agree that you have to be yourself also.
RufffRider said:
as i said.. OR have a no talking about other models in my room EVER policy.
If you talk about this or that other model you like ever then you should expect members to talk about others in your room.
If i am talking to the Manager at mcDonalds and he says he likes Wendy's sometimes, why would the manager be pissed if i mention Burger King?
I agree that you have to be yourself also.
:roll: I already put in my profile that I don't like disrespectful people in my room. This would fall under that category.
RoselynnLocks said:
RufffRider said:
as i said.. OR have a no talking about other models in my room EVER policy.
If you talk about this or that other model you like ever then you should expect members to talk about others in your room.
If i am talking to the Manager at mcDonalds and he says he likes Wendy's sometimes, why would the manager be pissed if i mention Burger King?
I agree that you have to be yourself also.
:roll: I already put in my profile that I don't like disrespectful people in my room. This would fall under that category.

So I usually get a few people a day, asking me if I'm british/from the UK, despite having british in my name, and on my profile, a british location and british accent.
So today I wore a top with a england flag and england written on it, and a thong with the same.
And I still had two people ask me!!! One asked if I'm from england, the other if I'm from the UK. WTF!!!!

I really don't know how people cope without a brain, I thought you couldn't live without a brain, but it makes me wonder if that's true, from all the numpties I get asking me stupid questions!!



I even have on my profile, don't tip anonymous! Someone tipped me 100 tokens for site access today and I just had to thank them for the tip for no reason, coz they sent it anonymously grrr. And then they got all grumpy with me for not sending it! Well you sent it anonymous you twat, anyone could claim they sent it!!!! PFFT.

People buying site access, tipping correctly, and then telling the whole room that the login doesn't work!!
It works for me, and everyone else who bought it, so it must be a problem their end yet I still get the blame and then everyone thinks I'm selling dodgy things so no one elses buys it grrr. And most the time it's coz they've entered the details totally wrong.

Grrr. Pffft. Hmph.
People who don't know how to correctly unzip my pic set images images then blame me for my link "not working" in the public chat.
"Say my name! Say my name!"

*ETA: This is in public chat. Private is whatever they want (within reason).
MzMarche said:
"Say my name! Say my name!"

Oh man I've got that Destiny's Child song stuck in my head now :lol:
RoselynnLocks said:
Oh man I've got that Destiny's Child song stuck in my head now :lol:

Haha, oh sorry! Same thing happens to me every time that demand pops up.

Anywho, now that I've gone on a crusade to ban the use of "bb" in my room, I suddenly have an influx of people who use that stupid "abbreviation". I'm constantly tossing up :nobb or asking (sweetly) if they could please not call me that. I'm actually baffled at the amount of resistance I am met with for it. "Why not? Well what am I supposed to call you then?" :woops:

There was one PM exchange where the guy gave me a compliment and tacked "bb" onto the end of it and I replied with, "Thank you, but please don't call me bb"

He said, "Don't call you? I don't even have your number." :woops:
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