AmberCutie's Forum
An adult community for cam models and members to discuss all the things!

Models being paid to be Online & Perform by the Platform (SC)

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Feb 2, 2024
Don't mean to start a >>hail-storm<<, but, this Topic / idea is near and dear to my heart. Was wondering "yalls' opinion". Mine is; I firmly believe at this point "we", should be "paid", in Tokens(this would take us out of the "employee-bracket", that alot of these platforms run from, due to a ton of headaches from a model being designated "an employee") per-hour; >>that we are Live and Streaming<<, Either, no matter how many Tips we get. These platforms do really, really, really, some to the Tune of between $5,000,000 and $10,000,000 a month! And have been doing so for years and years. There is absolutely zero-excuse, for them not paying "us" a "lousy" 1,000 Tokens a day, for 5-hours of being Live or something similar. This would help A TON of less-popular Models that' barely make, anything. (And trust me the majority of Cammers don't make anything astounding, don't be tricked by the 10% that have thousands of tippers in their room and make a boat-load. Or at the least, I think the rule should be; >>if you DON'T make 1,000 Tokens out of Tips, in a pay-period, the site steps in and gives you 1,000 tokens, at the beginning of Sunday<<, the last day of the pay period for (SC). @Stella_SC , please , pass this idea on, I've noticed literally hundreds of Models give up in the last few months because the traffic isn't there and as a result, they/we are buried at the bottom of the results-page.

This post is obviously just some very >>Primitive-BrainStorming<< at this point, by me. Feel free to temper / innovate my idea and let us know your thoughts.

I would love ALL camming platforms to do this, but, let's focus on SC / XH for this post. (Obviously)

What's your Opinion on this, fellow Humans?

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Thank you for sharing your thoughts @My_Opinion and everyone else :)

All of our models are given the same Stripchat page layout and the same 2 week new model boost period. What models do beyond that is up to them. Camming is not guaranteed income, it is tip based income. And the more work you put into it, generally the higher reward you will see.

Our most successful models research, read all our FAQ pages and rules, set up a schedule, complete their profile beautifully, talk to other models, reach out to us for help, add content, engage with their users, put on creative shows, use social media to drive traffic to their SC page, invest in quality cameras and lighting, etc. They understand that you need to put in work to move...
If models were being paid an hourly rate platforms would not allow the vast majority of them on the site as they have to guarantee that models who do cam are worth the cost.
Great Feedback, there could be some sort of measuring-stick / meter / "check-list" that should be met to qualify for the 1,000 Tokens. That's the point of this thread to get different ideas and thoughts! And build this up / evolve the current structure. Alot of the current; seems to heavily bless The Promoter (platform) & loads of Models are "left out in the cold.", in alot of areas as a "partner."

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Another piece of "My Opinion" ; "appearance-brackets", / >>categories that don't have alot of Models<< ; should certainly be compensated to be Live. To help the continuity of the site and insure "some-sort-of-somebody" is filling those slots.
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Great Feedback, there could be some sort of measuring-stick / meter / "check-list" that should be met to qualify for the 1,000 Tokens. That's the point of this thread to get different ideas and thoughts! And build this up / evolve the current structure. Alot of the current; seems to heavily bless The Promoter (platform) & loads of Models are "left out in the cold.", in alot of areas as a "partner."

Where would be the benifit for the site in paying people who dont make the site money? if you stream for 5 hours and make 0 tokens in those 5 hours you are already costing the site money, why would they want to increase the amount of money that model is losing them?
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Where would be the benifit for the site in paying people who dont make the site money? if you stream for 5 hours and make 0 tokens in those 5 hours you are already costing the site money, why would they want to increase the amount of money that model is losing them?
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As KingMarti writes. That will never happen. Precisely when the model has no earnings, it would be unfair to pay tokens for non-earners.
I know one site that did this. The models received a few tokens for broadcasting. But then the models took advantage of it and just sat there and didn't try to do anything. The site gave up after 4 months and had to change it.
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Don't mean to start a >>hail-storm<<, but, this Topic / idea is near and dear to my heart. Was wondering "yalls' opinion". Mine is; I firmly believe at this point "we", should be "paid", in Tokens(this would take us out of the "employee-bracket", that alot of these platforms run from, due to a ton of headaches from a model being designated "an employee") per-hour; >>that we are Live and Streaming<<, Either, no matter how many Tips we get. These platforms do really, really, really, some to the Tune of between $5,000,000 and $10,000,000 a month! And have been doing so for years and years. There is absolutely zero-excuse, for them not paying "us" a "lousy" 1,000 Tokens a day, for 5-hours of being Live or something similar. This would help A TON of less-popular Models that' barely make, anything. (And trust me the majority of Cammers don't make anything astounding, don't be tricked by the 10% that have thousands of tippers in their room and make a boat-load. Or at the least, I think the rule should be; >>if you DON'T make 1,000 Tokens out of Tips, in a pay-period, the site steps in and gives you 1,000 tokens, at the beginning of Sunday<<, the last day of the pay period for (SC). @Stella_SC , please , pass this idea on, I've noticed literally hundreds of Models give up in the last few months because the traffic isn't there and as a result, they/we are buried at the bottom of the results-page.

This post is obviously just some very >>Primitive-BrainStorming<< at this point, by me. Feel free to temper / innovate my idea and let us know your thoughts.

I would love ALL camming platforms to do this, but, let's focus on SC / XH for this post. (Obviously)

What's your Opinion on this, fellow Humans?

The only way this would be remotely possible is if you had to pay to join the site and then pay to enter a model's room. I think "My Opinion" needs to buy a site template and try to run a site. I know a couple of others that have done so. What ended those fantasies would be the same that would end this delusion, no income.

The traffic isn't there for those models because a majority of them never do shit on camera, they do not even complete their profile's to get a basic cam score so they stay at the bottom of the model pages where they belong and are weeded out and quit the platform. I have started referring to cam model's as "statues" because they do not do any "show" but just sit or lay in one spot and wait to be tipped.
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Being paid to be online would be a recipe for disaster for the quality of models online. It would pretty soon turn into sleep shows galore, then the tippers who actually pay would swiftly move on to other sites where the models were actually motivated to perform.

Performance bonuses those would be nice!
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Being paid to be online would be a recipe for disaster for the quality of models online. It would pretty soon turn into sleep shows galore, then the tippers who actually pay would swiftly move on to other sites where the models were actually motivated to perform.

Performance bonuses those would be nice!
You're so damn right. As I wrote, this site, which has already ended, made this service to attract models. And many models used it and just snored there. After 4 months, the site canceled this nonsense. Clients stopped coming and complained in my room that half the models were sleeping there.
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And trust me the majority of Cammers don't make anything astounding, don't be tricked by the 10% that have thousands of tippers in their room and make a boat-load.

I've noticed literally hundreds of Models give up in the last few months because the traffic isn't there and as a result, they/we are buried at the bottom of the results-page.

Not making any money is a risk anyone takes when they become an independent contractor/self employed, whether it be in the adult industry or whatever other industry.

Cam sites give everyone the same shot (well, actually, I think SC limits views to models from non-US locations, but that’s another topic altogether). I’m not trying to be mean when I say what I’m about to say, but it’s not the camsite’s fault if a model isn’t making money, unless there is an actual huge site breaking glitch going on. I think a lot of new models these days expect to go on a camsite and make absolute bank overnight. It doesn’t work like that. For a few people, it does, but not the majority. Most of the time, you have to branch out within the industry (whether it be through different camsites, making content or doing pso) and find what niche you fill. It can take a lot of effort and time, and I don’t think that many people want to do that.

There’s also the simple fact that, camming isn’t for everyone. It doesn’t matter how beautiful or charismatic they are. Some people just can’t make camming work for them and I don’t think sites should have to pay people just for showing up when they may never make money on their own.

Plus, I personally believe that competition on a site is a good thing, something that is beneficial for the site and for some models. Take MFC for example, I think part of their huge success can be attributed to their monthly MFC competition. Models strive harder and put more hours in so they can achieve a higher rank (and possibly be rewarded monetarily for that). If sites were to start paying any and every model just for being on camera, you’d have an influx of models signing up and sitting around doing nothing so they can make $10 USD an hour. As already pointed out, not only is that just not fiscally responsible for a site, but it’d probably lead to more laziness/less competition overall, which would lead to less money for everyone except for the people who would probably be better off not camming anyway.

TLDR; I agree with everyone else that this isn’t a good idea.
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This is just Universal Basic Income with vaginas (and penises).

If everyone is getting paid then I'd imagine a few things on tip menus would disappear quickly.......
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Thank you for sharing your thoughts @My_Opinion and everyone else :)

All of our models are given the same Stripchat page layout and the same 2 week new model boost period. What models do beyond that is up to them. Camming is not guaranteed income, it is tip based income. And the more work you put into it, generally the higher reward you will see.

Our most successful models research, read all our FAQ pages and rules, set up a schedule, complete their profile beautifully, talk to other models, reach out to us for help, add content, engage with their users, put on creative shows, use social media to drive traffic to their SC page, invest in quality cameras and lighting, etc. They understand that you need to put in work to move to the top.
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