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Members guilt-tripping models about breast implants

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Dec 15, 2012
Wtf is up with members getting crazy about a girl getting bigger boobs?

Seen in a chatroom tonight. A girl is online, has her bandages on and some guys start in on her...

goldie53: Lana loving is koving you what you really are
goldie53: loving
goldie53: don't do what all the other girls do
goldie53: lana you should've asked me before doing that

Casini: you had the surgery !?!?!?!
Casini: i am freaked
Casini: <goes in the corner to cry>
Casini: My Christmas prayer will be that you never do something like that to your perfect body.


She said she also had one guy trying to talk her out of it, and he even offered to pay the cancellation fee for her appointment.

It's one thing to tell a girl you think she doesn't need them, but if she fucking wants bigger tits and has made her mind up, fuck you to try to talk her out of it, or try to make her feel bad. She's going to get them, deal with it. Sadly, your opinion on the matter actually doesn't mean shit to her, nor should it.

But I see it every damn time a girl gets implants on MFC.
yeah for real, if they don't like it they should just keep their mouth shut and if they consider the model a friend they should help her feel good about her body regardless of what they like or not about it.
Even at this moment, guys continue to come in and freak out on her.

Luckily her pain meds have kicked in pretty good so she is in super "I don't give a fuck" sarcasm mode.

It's getting really entertaining.
I've never understood this about people who go public online. Chatrooms, webcams, what have you. You've entered into the public realm, welcoming compliments, insults and opinions. And yet when anything other than a compliment, or string of compliments arises, people get huffy.

As somebody who hangs out with men frequently, enough so that they start to forget to censor themselves around you, I know that a majority of men are firmly against soft balls in the tits. It doesn't look natural and they would rather look at something that's natural and not perfect than something with scars tracing around the nipples and under boob.

That being said, some men won't be happy either way. Nature does what it does and I'm a fine example of that. One day I'll be getting a breast lift, if and when I can afford it. But if I'm still camming at that time, I'll be opening myself up to public ridicule.

Put yourself in the member's shoes. A majority of them are men, so let's start there... and let's rewind back to Movember. I've spent my fair share of time in bars and I'm aware that women will pick on men for their decision to grow, or shave, their beard or mustache.

It's just the way life is. We're always open to public opinion and moreso if we put ourselves on the internet for a price. The small amount of trolls or overly opinionated men we find in camming is surprising... considering this is the internet.

So... in short. The internet is a place for opinions. Don't suppress it, enjoy it and work with it.
I'm not a fan of fake boobs, I admit.

But they're not always horrible.

Shys fakes don't look horrible, nor do Mary's (crzysysy). Another Ro model recently got a boob job, I think her name right now is MisM__, and they actually fit her body quite well. I know a few American models who look more enhanced than completely fake, as well, a British one, too.

But, I have seen some HORRIBLE boob jobs. MisM__ had another girl on cam the other night, with obvious fake tits. Literally, one nipple pointed up, the other pointed down. Then there are the girls who look like they've had basketballs sewn into their chests. Or the girls who don't take proper care of them right after surgery and end up with misshapen monstrosities on their chest or real bad scars.

Sadly, the amount of bad fakes seems to seriously outnumber the amount of good fakes.

Stacy_Doll recently got her tits done, too. And my main thought was "why? Her tits were huge to begin with." Seriously, it would be like Amber going and getting fake bewbs. I haven't seen Stacy_Doll's new boobies, so I can't comment on how they look. But I thought she was fine before.
I'm not a fan of most fake boobs, but I'm still a fan of some girls who've gotten them. If I prefer they hadn't gotten implants I just keep my mouth shut about it because it's straight up rude to tell someone you know over the internet what they should do with their body. I mean they're paying her to get naked or whatever, not be their slave.
I like small to medium breasts, but a model I think of as a friend told everyone she wanted to get breast implants one day. I knew I would miss her regular boobs, but her personality is why I enjoy her company. I gave her my honest wishes for her happiness if she ever does it. If you stop liking someone, because of something they do to their body, you never liked them to begin with.
Shaun__ said:
If you stop liking someone, because of something they do to their body, you never liked them to begin with.

This subject comes up in my chat VERY often. Yes, I plan to get implants sometime within the next year. And when my regs (and random new guys in chat) find out, they always say the same things (eg: WHY?!? You're beautiful without them! If you get them, I'm never coming back here!!) And I always say the same thing Shaun said. I've wanted implants since I was 10. Yes, TEN. Because my body has been exactly the same since then. I have to specially order clothes and bras because of my proportions. Essentially, I'm doing this for me. Not random guys online who see them. And if they are the type to stop hanging out because my boobs are fake, then fuck off... I don't want guys like that in my chat anyway.

The problem with posting this here? For the most part, ACF members seem to be the "ideal" chatroom regulars... the guys who aren't going to say rude, insensitive things to their favorite camgirls. The guys who are intelligent and can carry their own in a conversation or debate. You are also the ones who would understand that a camgirl is more than tits and ass. I applaud the genuine guys on here who like us models for who we are... it makes camming worth dealing with all of those other idiots. :clap:
My opinion has always been that if you don't have something nice to say, don't say it at all. Unfortunately, many men didn't learn this from their mothers.

(Not to say all women have, either.)

I want to make it clear that certainly not all guys are like this, but I have found in my experience that more men are inclined to this than the women I have met. Lately, every single one of my guy friends have had something to say about my appearance. I feel like they sincerely think that women change their appearance to please other men, or whoever they are trying to attract. This isn't the case! We change our appearance because we LIKE it on US.

I'm trying to dye my hair completely white. It's a long process that can be damaging to your hair if you do it too fast. Every time I briefly mentioned it, I get negativity from guys. "No, dye your hair purple or something." "Why do you want to look like an old lady?" "Ew, don't do that." I don't understand what right they seem to think they have over my body. I'm dying my hair white because I've always thought it was fucking pretty. Plus, I can pretend I'm a goddamn Sheikah everyday.

Also, if I mention anything about getting a tattoo or cutting my hair or wearing makeup. "Tattoos are gross," "Don't cut your hair! I like girls with LONG hair," "You don't need makeup, you shouldn't wear that whore paint." Dude, I don't give a shit what you like. I've been with my girlfriend for 5-years and SHE doesn't even tell me what to do with my body. I could tattoo my whole body blue and she'd still think I was pretty.

I think essentially, those kinds of guys will just get offended no matter what you do to your body if they don't like it. Doesn't matter if it is implants, tattoos, hair color, hair length, make up, your weight, your skin color (tanned vs. not tanned), etc. They feel entitled to tell you what to do with your body for some bizarre reason.

Not much you can really do besides call them out on their shit and see if they will either shut up or move on. It really doesn't bother me at all what guys say, I just get offended that they think I actually care what their opinions are.

If a friend I liked told me she was going to get a giant tattoo of a coffee maker that covers her entire back, I wouldn't say anything about it because if she's set on doing it, then she's going to do it, and mentioning I didn't care for it might just make her feel bad about doing something that she wants to do to her own body. what do you girls think about muscle implants on men?

I could care less. What does it affect me?
crappuccino said: what do you girls think about muscle implants on men?
Normal, healthy adults can increase their muscle size through working out. Women cannot move up cup sizes by bench pressing. I am unsure why anyone would go through expensive, painful, and possibly horribly disfiguring surgery to get a result that can be achieved through a few months at the gym. However, I sure wouldn't say that to a man's face if he was considering muscle implants. In my own words (and yes, I know it's very tacky to quote myself, I apologize):

What they say:
“Wow, you’re doing something? Have you thought about the repercussions? Have you thought through basic, common sense issues that might come up? Have you tried my solution yet?”

What they mean:
I do not think you are capable of being a functioning adult; you need me to guide you.

As far as my thoughts on the thread as a whole, I'm afraid I shall have to tackily quote myself again.

What they say:
“You’re cutting your hair/changing your nail color/getting a minor surgery/getting a tattoo/losing weight? If you change anything about your body to make yourself feel better, I will no longer support you. I value you too much to see you do that thing to yourself.”

What they mean:
No matter how much I talk about how I like you as a person, you’re only meat to me and I only see you as property I can control. I only care about your body, and if you make a minor change to make yourself feel better, then you can say goodbye to my money, bitch.
BluexDakota said:
I could care less. What does it affect me?
i don't mean the concept. let's say you've known a guy for a while, find him reasonably interesting to talk to and physically attractive, and he's like "yeah, i'm going to the doc, he cuts me up and shoves silicone pads in my arms so my muscles look bigger". don't say your first thought wouldn't be "wtf no, why?".
also, men are a lot more foreign to the idea of tinkering with their shit than women.

Evvie said:
Normal, healthy adults can increase their muscle size through working out.
you don't get that cool baloon animal look with a few months of squatz 'n oatz, bro ;)
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Evvie, I seriously love you so much.

crappuccino said:
i don't mean the concept. let's say you've known a guy for a while, find him reasonably interesting to talk to and physically attractive, and he's like "yeah, i'm going to the doc, he cuts me up and shoves silicone pads in my arms so my muscles look bigger". don't say your first thought wouldn't be "wtf no, why?".
also, men are a lot more foreign to the idea of tinkering with their shit than women.

What part of "it doesn't affect me" do you not understand? Are you seriously questioning my ability to comprehend my own thoughts? No, I would not be like, "WTF, no, why?" I would say good for him. Even if I didn't like it, why would I seriously try to tell him what to do with his body? That's so completely arrogant and self-entitled to believe that you can make decisions over someone else's body. If I didn't like it, I wouldn't say a thing about it, I would just smile and hope that it makes him happy.

Just because you feel like you have that right over any other person's body you deem, doesn't mean you should include me as to being the same way. I have my own life to worry about rather than anyone else's that seriously doesn't affect me.
There will be members bitching about models having implants (it's rude to enter a model's room and blurt out "Ur tits real?").....and there will be members bitching about models having small boobs or saggy boobs (you try giving birth and breastfeeding for several months).....

Can't please everybody. If they want 'perfection', they can browse other chat rooms/videos/magazines, etc.

I had a big crush on Bobby Brown back
The_Brown_Fox said:
There will be members bitching about models having implants (it's rude to enter a model's room and blurt out "Ur tits real?").....and there will be members bitching about models having small boobs or saggy boobs (you try giving birth and breastfeeding for several months).....

Can't please everybody. If they want 'perfection', they can browse other chat rooms/videos/magazines, etc.

Exactly. I have extremely perky, smaller breasts, and I get guys telling me I -need- implants and also had one troll claim that I had "small droppy tits." I don't want implants, personally--at least for now. I might change my mind as I get older, and if I do, that's my prerogative. If not, then that's my choice, too. I'm proud of my body and what I am given and also what I do to it and I don't feel the need to impress anyone else but myself.
I think guys often react this way to the idea of women getting implants because they believe the women are doing it to become more sexually appealing to men, and the result is the exact opposite for many men. Now obviously women get implants for a variety of reasons, but sometimes that IS the reason.

And it's undeniable that there are women out there with body image issues who feel that implants are going to "fix" those issues when in reality they're caused by other things. So I think the reason guys react this way sometimes is because they're worried one of these things is what may be going on, and they're trying to prevent the woman from making what they believe will be a big mistake.
crappuccino said:
i don't mean the concept. let's say you've known a guy for a while, find him reasonably interesting to talk to and physically attractive, and he's like "yeah, i'm going to the doc, he cuts me up and shoves silicone pads in my arms so my muscles look bigger". don't say your first thought wouldn't be "wtf no, why?".
also, men are a lot more foreign to the idea of tinkering with their shit than women.

If it was completely out of the blue (and it was a close friend/significant other) I would ask why they wanted it or what made them come to that decision, but only because something like muscle implants are not something I hear a lot about and I'd be genuinely interested in hearing about their reasons and the process and all of that.

If it was something that I'd heard this person mention in the past I'd wish him good luck and a speedy recovery.

Whether or not I thought this guy needed it, I would wish him luck with his decision. Why? Because it's not my body and my opinion on it doesn't matter.
Trav said:
I think guys often react this way to the idea of women getting implants because they believe the women are doing it to become more sexually appealing to men, and the result is the exact opposite for many men. Now obviously women get implants for a variety of reasons, but sometimes that IS the reason.

And it's undeniable that there are women out there with body image issues who feel that implants are going to "fix" those issues when in reality they're caused by other things. So I think the reason guys react this way sometimes is because they're worried one of these things is what may be going on, and they're trying to prevent the woman from making what they believe will be a big mistake.

Every woman I have ever met that has gotten or talked about getting implants wanted them for herself. Why? Because bigger breasts can look more womanly and they like the silhouette/figure more. It isn't because they are thinking, "Oh, I need a man and by-golly these newfangled breasts will get me one." It isn't because they want to "fix" their body issues. It's the same as a woman wanting to dye her hair red from blonde--it's something that she thinks is pretty.

Most men can't even tell what a boob job looks like, so it's ridiculous to claim that women will not be attracted to because of her implants. I'm sure there are a small amount of women who get implants to become more "sexually attractive" to the opposite gender solely, but to base every statement made towards a woman about breast implants on that is impossibly rude.


Women can want to look more womanly and attractive without actually trying to attract other men, and I don't think a lot of men can grasp that logic. We care about what we look like in the mirror to us. We want to feel sexy for ourselves. If having short, blue hair makes us feel sexy, then we will do it for ourselves.
goldie53: Lana loving is koving you what you really are
goldie53: loving
goldie53: don't do what all the other girls do
goldie53: lana you should've asked me before doing that

Haha. I lol'd :-D

Goldie53 is spot on though. If you internet wimminz who I sometimes speak to online want to use your own money to pay for a medical procedure to change a part of your body that you're unhappy with... well, you should check with me first, yeah? I might think you look fine as you are. And if that's the case, well... what I think you ought to look like is clearly more important than how you might feel about your own body.

Furthermore, if any of you are thinking about changing hair styles or trying a new colour nail varnish, I would like you to PM me a photo of how you look now, and a photoshopped mock-up of what you'll look like with the new hair style or new nail varnish before you go about changing things. I'll get back to you as soon as I can to let you know which I prefer and you can then act accordingly.

I approve only of boob jobs administered by me.

And by boob job, I mean motorboating.

F'real, though...
Boobs is boobs. Dude don't like your boobs... he can move on.
Trav said:
I think guys often react this way to the idea of women getting implants because they believe the women are doing it to become more sexually appealing to men, and the result is the exact opposite for many men. Now obviously women get implants for a variety of reasons, but sometimes that IS the reason.

And it's undeniable that there are women out there with body image issues who feel that implants are going to "fix" those issues when in reality they're caused by other things. So I think the reason guys react this way sometimes is because they're worried one of these things is what may be going on, and they're trying to prevent the woman from making what they believe will be a big mistake.

That's all well and good, but random guys on the internet, even not-so-random regulars in your room trying to tell you what to do with your body....

If a guy seriously felt a woman was getting them for the wrong reasons and was worried about her mental health or something, do you really think your pixels in her chat room are going to change that or make her realize that?

Even this girl last night... the surgery is DONE. She is 4 days out and guys are berating her and trying to make her feel like she made a serious life mistake here?

Get fucking real and get over your own egos.

I have a HUUUUUUUUUUUUGE ego, but would never go so far as to tell a woman she should have consulted me prior to getting implants.
I felt this girl didn't NEED them, but I'd be a total liar if I said I wasn't stoked to see these new beasts.
When a model I like gets implants, I just stop going to her. This might make me sound kinda shady to some but I'm at mfc for the private shows and not the womans friendship/personality. Why stay in a room and guilt trip someone when you can just find something you enjoy? I'll never understand how fake boobs make certain women feel better about themselves but I just don't see the logic in guilt trippen someone either.

Will never understand that either.
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Oh and in regards to things like hair and makeup and whatnot, same rules applies.

However often a girl will ASK in her room.. "Hey guys, do you think I should cut my hair??"

And I'll be like "FUCK THAT! Long hair is the SHIT, if you cut it I will be very angry and upset for like 5 minutes at least"
Because she ASKED what we thought.

But if a girl just STATES in her room "I'm going to cut my hair tomorrow", I will THINK all of those things to myself, but I won't rip her down over it because it's her decision and she's already made it.
BluexDakota said:
Evvie, I seriously love you so much.

crappuccino said:
i don't mean the concept. let's say you've known a guy for a while, find him reasonably interesting to talk to and physically attractive, and he's like "yeah, i'm going to the doc, he cuts me up and shoves silicone pads in my arms so my muscles look bigger". don't say your first thought wouldn't be "wtf no, why?".
also, men are a lot more foreign to the idea of tinkering with their shit than women.

What part of "it doesn't affect me" do you not understand? Are you seriously questioning my ability to comprehend my own thoughts? No, I would not be like, "WTF, no, why?" I would say good for him. Even if I didn't like it, why would I seriously try to tell him what to do with his body? That's so completely arrogant and self-entitled to believe that you can make decisions over someone else's body. If I didn't like it, I wouldn't say a thing about it, I would just smile and hope that it makes him happy.

Just because you feel like you have that right over any other person's body you deem, doesn't mean you should include me as to being the same way. I have my own life to worry about rather than anyone else's that seriously doesn't affect me.


If I did have any advice to give, that I felt like he needed to hear - (ie. I saw a medical story about muscle implants that go bad and want you to know about it) I'd say first "I don't want to tell you what to do with your body in anyway, I did however find out some facts about this type of surgery that might interest you. Do you want me to send you the info?"
While I as a man would never presume to 'tell' a woman what to do with her body, I would, if she were a close friend, want to be sure her head was in the right place while making such a decision.
Whether its some God awful 'coffee maker tat' or a boob job, any life altering change needs to be made from the right state of mind and not from some fickle ever changing perception of how others see you. Many many camgirls are hooked on the 'drug' of public adoration or whatever you wish to call it, whether they realize/know/acknowledge it or not. The reason I say this is that I have known over the years several camgirls that got 'bobs' simply bc they thought it'd bring in more business. Anda was a full b/small c and went to a DD+ that did indeed look like half footballs pointing outward left and right. It was initially a "lets go see" reaction but ultimately her room count dropped to unmanageable numbers and she quit camming all together. Some weeks before she left, I got an email from her that in part said, "why did I do this to myself? Nobody likes them." For every strong willed, self-assured camgirl thats mouthing off about "my body" on ACF, there are equally as many that aren't as strong minded and are making decisions based on perceptions of others. Therein lies the rub. Using Anda as an example, if it were possible to prevent even 1 girl from disfiguring herself like that for the WRONG reasons, I'd be in favor of even more vocal input prior to it.
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