As your bringing up racism on MFC do you not consider it racist if models are allowed to work on MFC as models but are not allowed to have member accounts ?
Uhhh... 1) The majority of ACF models have premium accounts. 2) What in the everliving fuck does that have to do with race?As your bringing up racism on MFC do you not consider it racist if models are allowed to work on MFC as models but are not allowed to have member accounts ?
Uhhh... 1) The majority of ACF models have premium accounts. 2) What in the everliving fuck does that have to do with race?
Wha?A whole fucking lot, racism is not only based on colour. Most ACF models are American correct ?
As your bringing up racism on MFC do you not consider it racist if models are allowed to work on MFC as models but are not allowed to have member accounts ?
A whole fucking lot, racism is not only based on colour. Most ACF models are American correct ?
A whole fucking lot, racism is not only based on colour. Most ACF models are American correct ?
syn·o·nym /ˈsinəˌnim - noun
noun: synonym; plural noun: synonyms
Xenophobia may call to mind racism, but they're not one and the same.
- a word or phrase that means exactly or nearly the same as another word or phrase in the same language, for example shut is a synonym of close. synonyms: alternate, substitute, alternative, equivalent, euphemism - "'harsh' may be used as synonym for 'oppressive'"
- a person or thing so closely associated with a particular quality or idea that the mention of their name calls it to mind. - "the Victorian age is a synonym for sexual puritanism"
- BIOLOGY: a taxonomic name that has the same application as another, especially one that has been superseded and is no longer valid.
(Sorry, wanted to get in on the definitions game!)
Edit: I'm not Jerry, but I like words too!
Very curious to hear if this is true.Yet as example models from Romania are NOT permitted member accounts.
nitpicking, go back to what i said![]()
Ouchies my brain just exploded.
I really don't get what racism has to do with MFC according to this dude. Is just me or anyone else can follow this?
Better: what does it has to do with the main subject in this thread??
Very curious to hear if this is true.
Using the quote feature might be helpful for you cuz...err because yummybrownfox for one said it's racist or did you skip over that one
Why?Yes and no.
Models from Romania are not allowed because NO ONE from Romania is allowed. MFC has the whole country blacklisted for creating member accounts. It has nothing to do with being a model. It's just if they try to create one it's closed purely for being from there.
I would only assume they made this decision based on recurring trends they witnessed first hand directly affecting them. Romania may not be the highest source of fraud globally as a whole, but in the adult industry and specifically in camming... It might be?Why?
err because yummybrownfox for one said it's racist or did you skip over that one
It sucks, but I think you're in a lose/lose situation sadly. If you continue to support your favourite model, you also continue to support MFC (unless your model friend moves sites of course). If you do stop tipping though, the model will feel the absence of your financial support much more than MFC will. Even if you were to see to it that your model continued to receive the same money from you, but with you circumventing MFC, then they still wouldn't see the camscore benefits and all that come with it.
I agree that it was clearly satire. And not to diminish the anger anyone feels over the subject of WhoreNickels show, but when you call something like this racism, I believe you dilute the meaning of the word.Was using it as an example that was all in comparison to to the racist label being used to define her satire ( mocking ) of the hands up gesture. Is the hands up used by people on these marches not satire ( mocking ) towards the police ? People shout racist way too often these day's without justification.
NoA whole fucking lot, racism is not only based on colour. Most ACF models are American correct ?
Its curious that you guys feel like singling out a country and treating it differently to the rest is NOT racism on this thread and yet you were all calling me racist for saying Mexico, India and muslim countries have the worst freeloaders in that other thread a while back. Some even wanted to get me banned from ACF for "being racist". I guess language and definitions simply change depending on your feelings and the things that trigger you around here.
You made a sweeping generalized statement against two countries and all followers of a religion based on your preconceived prejudices. All from a very few interactions with a minuscule number of people from those countries. That's racism.
- the belief that all members of each race possess characteristics or abilities specific to that race, especially so as to distinguish it as inferior or superior to another race or races.
- prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one's own race is superior.
Why yes. I see how that is exactly like racism. As long as you don't actually go by the definition of racism.
We gotta applaud this dude for having the most amazing skills at mental gymnastics.
The day before on the same thread he posts this when someone says discriminating against Romania is racism:
I guess islam and Mexico are races then ¯\_(ツ)_/¯