I can only speculate of course, but poorly trained and poorly supervised support staff still need to close their tickets because some middle manager is monitoring their metrics, so they err on the side of caution by shooting first and asking questions later. If top management is deathly afraid of the payment processors, it's not such a stretch to imagine the culture of fear spreading from the very top to the very bottom. There is just too much revenue to worry about, so they bow to their invisible masters Mastercard, Visa et. al. who only grudgingly approve their making money on naked people. The all powerful and holy dollar.
I've worked in places like that; "this place is about profit, so fuck right off with your kumbayah shit". No money is spent on platform/systemic improvement, "soft" projects, support, training, admin routines or anything else that isn't directly contributing black to the bottom line.
If CB has an organizational problem right now, it's nothing compared to the PR problem that is slowly building. Or boiling, as it were.