Why are scammers so boring? We could have had fun if they had shown some finesse.
[11:39:14 AM] dbkvarma: are you online?
[11:43:41 AM] *** Shaun has shared contact details with dbkvarma. ***
[11:43:50 AM] Shaun: yes
[11:44:23 AM] Stephany Connor: hi there im amanda, i was just searchin the skype directory and ur account looked nice
[11:44:48 AM] Shaun: You need a more fun hobby.
[11:45:15 AM] Stephany Connor: i just graduated university this year in fashion design, can i ask you a question?
[11:45:23 AM] Shaun: sure
[11:45:55 AM] Stephany Connor: r u more of a tits or abutts lover? lol, im doin a survery for a fashion gig i have coming up
[11:46:50 AM] Shaun: I think an overal person is more important than any specific part.
[11:47:20 AM] Stephany Connor: great, i need sum ideas for my sexy design i was thinkin i'll go with some low cut top and heels, what do you think? hehe
[11:48:25 AM] Shaun: Your design should be a vision of your hidden desirs made flesh in the world.
[11:48:57 AM] Stephany Connor: talking about sexy things.. it is getting me wet! omg, do u wanna look at sum of my outfits?
[11:50:38 AM] Shaun: You keep flirting badly with me, you need to go into the world and learn seduction is more than this. Good bye Stephany.