AmberCutie's Forum
An adult community for cam models and members to discuss all the things!

I appear to have fucked up and need a woman to tell me how.

    Only persons aged 18 or over may read or post to the forums, without regard to whether an adult actually owns the registration or parental/guardian permission. AmberCutie's Forum (ACF) is for use by adults only and contains adult content. By continuing to use this site you are confirming that you are at least 18 years of age.
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Re: I appear to have fucked up and need a woman to tell me h

It's so redonkulous that some members feel the need to publicize their personal qualms with models. It's like if even one person reads what they have to say and agrees with them, it helps them confirm that it's not their fault (when in actuality, it's their own issues they need to sort out, the poor model ends up being a scapegoat.) Making a dramatic exit, then making an even more dramatic public post when you don't give them the reply they want when they make said dramatic exit... it's just all so unnecessary, but I'm sure it happens all too frequently on MFC.

Starz, sorry all this got so dramatized here. I know it probably helped you vent all your frustrations with it though, and I hope that all the support from your friends that came through here turned what could have been a downer into an uplifting experience. :)

Also: I sure hope your medical issue isn't serious. That's frakkin' scary, especially when it's dealing with unhealthy lady bits.

Another also: it's comforting to know that you share my same feelings about private shows.

ETA: Just because the member doesn't use the model's name (at least initially) that doesn't mean the majority don't know who he's talking about.
Re: I appear to have fucked up and need a woman to tell me h

Thank you very much Amber.

I received quite a few private messages from people on this forum concerning this post, as well as my medical issue.

So just as an update, I did go get a well woman exam and it appears that I am okay, thank god. I just need to make sure I go every so often to get a check up :) But again, thank you guys for sending such happy thoughts my way and offering an ear (or a shoulder) when I need it. That is amazing! :clap:
Re: I appear to have fucked up and need a woman to tell me h

ohmystarz said:
So just as an update, I did go get a well woman exam and it appears that I am okay, thank god.

Hooray! *huggles*

shaun_ said:
Life grinds you up to a fine pulp and nothing else. If you wait for good times to do things nothing will ever be done.

Dude, really? TRUTH: Life has ups and downs for everyone. I've had some pretty damn shitty moments in my life. I've had some not so good moments, and some really fucking awesome moments. Truth: if I have my choice of when to hear about something that's gonna make me feel worse about myself, make it during the upswing! Right when I'm far enough out of it that instead of it making me feel bad, it makes me fight for my right to feel good!


You say you are socially awkward. Part of NOT being socially awkward is recognizing when something is a bad idea. Example: Someone has a shitty day. Good idea: tell them about your even worse shittiness in a way that makes them laugh, or feel better about their not-as-shittiness. Bad idea: tell them about your shittiness in a way that makes them feel bad about your shittiness.

If you really felt you needed to let her know you weren't going to be hanging out anymore, I think it would've been better for you to say "Hey there! I just wanted to warn you that I'm going to be cutting back my visits to your room. You are a completely awesome woman, so I won't be staying away completely. See you around!"

IF she asks for a reason, then something along the lines of "Well, I just don't quite feel comfortable there, and I feel like I've been making you uncomfortable. I know I'm bad at being around people, so I want to get some more experience without ruining your room while I do so."

Text does not allow for tone of voice. Therefore, you have to use your words in a way that shows your tone of voice. It's difficult, yes, but it's possible. I prefer it, because often the tone of voice that comes out of my mouth is NOT the tone of voice I intended to have. Written allows me to have complete control over what I say, and how it's said. But misunderstandings can still happen. The really important thing is to avoid saying "you did ___" Or "you made me ___". Those are always interpreted as attacks (when followed by something that is considered negative).
Re: I appear to have fucked up and need a woman to tell me h

I said in the topic this was my fault. I said in the MFC mail this is my fault. I will say it again this is my fault. And one more time this is my fault. Does everybody see that. If anybody thinks something I type is implying I am not at fault it is accidental on my part, because I am at fault.

I gave details because I wanted to know what I should have done to exit the situation better. The only useful information I received was to say nothing and just stop going to the room, and do not tell you people I screwed up and it is my fault because I will have to read three pages of posts saying it is my fault. I am not going to respond to those post saying it is my fault other than to say I agree it was my fault.

However if anybody has any other input besides disappear into the night I would still like to hear it. The model will still get an alert every time you log in so what should you tell her. I am a socially inept person so I honestly would like advice on this, because I do not understand it. And once again it is my fault.
Re: I appear to have fucked up and need a woman to tell me h

Shaun__ said:
I said in the topic this was my fault. I said in the MFC mail this is my fault. I will say it again this is my fault. And one more time this is my fault. Does everybody see that. If anybody thinks something I type is implying I am not at fault it is accidental on my part, because I am at fault.

I gave details because I wanted to know what I should have done to exit the situation better. The only useful information I received was to say nothing and just stop going to the room, and do not tell you people I screwed up and it is my fault because I will have to read three pages of posts saying it is my fault. I am not going to respond to those post saying it is my fault other than to say I agree it was my fault.

However if anybody has any other input besides disappear into the night I would still like to hear it. The model will still get an alert every time you log in so what should you tell her. I am a socially inept person so I honestly would like advice on this, because I do not understand it. And once again it is my fault.

For fuck sake Shaun! Yes, you kept saying "it's my fault" but ALWAYS, fucking ALWAYS followed it up with a "but" and proceeded to fabricate reasons for why it was everyone elses fault but your own. You just can't let things go! Stop crying for attention at every fucking turn, grow a pair of balls, and man the fuck up, for your own sake if not for the sanity of everybody else!
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Re: I appear to have fucked up and need a woman to tell me h

Actually, several people gave you advice rather than just blaming you... but clearly you don't want that.

Personally, I'm done paying attention to an attention whore's thread. I'll go back to LOL'ing at the drama that only seems to happen on MFC.
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Re: I appear to have fucked up and need a woman to tell me h

If you concur that it was your fault, then why in the topic do you basically say that you don't know what was your fault? Why do you need validation from other people. It is a case by case basis and no one can tell you what one model would like over another. Everyone is different.

People told you what you should have, but you seem to be waiting for an answer that you WANT to hear and not what everyone else has said. I am not sure how after three pages you still aren't sure what the right thing to do was. It makes no sense to keep asking.

Also, you could have handled it differently, but generally asking "If one of your regulars did not feel like he fit in the room well and would not be visiting anymore, how would you like to be told - if at all that he felt this way and would not be returning?" Instead you posted about the entire situation and pointed fingers at me, then said it was your fault. Sir, I sense hypocrisy.
Re: I appear to have fucked up and need a woman to tell me h

Personal tragedy is not an excuse for bad behavior let alone being a whiny, self-centered, clueless, socially inept douche. And you sir are all of those things.

I seriously feel sorry for the first woman you ever have sex with because she will have to move to another hemisphere to get away from an annoyingly clingy asshole like you.
Re: I appear to have fucked up and need a woman to tell me h

I used to be like Shaun back in the day. I spent too much time in front of my computer, without real life friends or a job and found I was getting emotionally attached to words on a screen.

Growing up my life was always school, school, school. I didn't have much of a social life because I was so focused on being a successful student. Once I finished college I started working at Walmart and learning real workplace skills, like how to manage stress, how to communicate with customers and coworkers and how to multitask. I've been there for 2 1/2 years, and as crazy as this sounds it's honestly one of the best things that's ever happened to me. I've also been volunteering at the local Canadian Cancer Society office for the past year.

The best advice that I can give, and I mean this in the most respectful way possible - get a fucking life. Turn off the computer and find some hobbies to help occupy your free time. Get a job, volunteer or go to school - just do something where you'll regularly be interacting with real people, and experience what life is really like.
Re: I appear to have fucked up and need a woman to tell me h

Really though, wtf do you not understand. Question 1. What should I have done differently. Obviously what everyone is trying to say is not what you did. The problem what you did, Is you Broke up with a model. Umm i'm sorry, but there was no dating involved. Did you ever have a friend come up to you and say, sorry shaun. but this is just not working out. No, cause they just LEAVE. Thats what everyone is trying to tell you. The one thing that you should of done. Was to cool off for a day or 2 and chalk it up that you were just not on your comedic game that day. Take a day off and try again would of been just too damn easy for you though. Instead lets just make the situation 10 times worse and post it for everyone to see.
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Re: I appear to have fucked up and need a woman to tell me h

How on gods green earth have I missed this thread until now? Thank you baby jesus. :dance:

Also: CammiStars new thread makes much more sense now.
Re: I appear to have fucked up and need a woman to tell me h

Let me simplify this for you love since your obviously not getting it. Tell her good bye have a goodnight and move on do not go into her room at all if you do not fit in. Do not bug the model cause it really pissed starz off it pisses us all off.Do not make her uncomfortable by telling her how much more you want to be than just friends.

I am going to stress this all to hell move on with your life dude! I am done replying to this and I don't post in her often but if I am already tired of repeating myself then the others are probably exhausted with you simply just flcik you away exhausted. We have tried and tried to explain this to you. Again I repeat there are 500+ models on day and night you have a chance to fit in with so you have 500+ chances go for them find the right model for you. Do we really need to say more than what we already have?
Re: I appear to have fucked up and need a woman to tell me h

ViruSphere said:
I used to be like Shaun back in the day. I spent too much time in front of my computer, without real life friends or a job and found I was getting emotionally attached to words on a screen.

Growing up my life was always school, school, school. I didn't have much of a social life because I was so focused on being a successful student. Once I finished college I started working at Walmart and learning real workplace skills, like how to manage stress, how to communicate with customers and coworkers and how to multitask. I've been there for 2 1/2 years, and as crazy as this sounds it's honestly one of the best things that's ever happened to me. I've also been volunteering at the local Canadian Cancer Society office for the past year.

The best advice that I can give, and I mean this in the most respectful way possible - get a fucking life. Turn off the computer and find some hobbies to help occupy your free time. Get a job, volunteer or go to school - just do something where you'll regularly be interacting with real people, and experience what life is really like.

I have nothing to add, except that this is one of the best responses I've read to any post anywhere in this entire forum, especially the part I've made bold and big. Many of us would do well to read and re-read this!
Re: I appear to have fucked up and need a woman to tell me h

Shaun__ said:
If anybody thinks something I type is implying I am not at fault it is accidental on my part, because I am at fault.

Okay... I'll focus on the problem here then. Of course, I doubt you'll even read this, but maybe it might help some other lost sheep who really does want the help but can't ask for it knowing that it's not right.

Shaun's Mail to Starz said:
About half the conversation is about poo and the other half is inside jokes. We can not even talk about TV anymore because of spoilers.

You never seemed to want to do any model things with me anyways so maybe this is what you wanted deep down.

Imagine someone has sent those things to you. How would you have felt about it?

This next one starz broke up in her post, so I'll just post the bits that place blame elsewhere.

Shaun's other Mail to Starz said:
You still refuse to talk to me when you can talk to them instead I see. They are your regulars.

I could not even get a picture for my birthday like Jim.

why did you never give any response to the half things I typed in your room?

Mail to Steve said:
If she will not talk to me and does not want to do anything with me am I just supposed to sit quietly in her room every night feeling bad for myself?

However if anybody has any other input besides disappear into the night I would still like to hear it.

Did you even SEE my post? It was right above yours too!

After the way you have completely disregarded every single one of my previous posts... I withdraw my invitation for you to visit my room. Obviously, you'll just ignore what I have to say anyway.
Re: I appear to have fucked up and need a woman to tell me h

Shaun__ said:
I would like this thread to go back on topic if it could though. I am socially awkward and I would like the best way to leave a room you were part of without hurting people.

Well, personally I just... leave.
Re: I appear to have fucked up and need a woman to tell me h

LadyLuna said:
After the way you have completely disregarded every single one of my previous posts... I withdraw my invitation for you to visit my room. Obviously, you'll just ignore what I have to say anyway.

Personally, I'd PM Amber explaining how you're leaving the forum because your posts were ignored.
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Re: I appear to have fucked up and need a woman to tell me h

LadyLuna said:
After the way you have completely disregarded every single one of my previous posts... I withdraw my invitation for you to visit my room. Obviously, you'll just ignore what I have to say anyway.

Eh, he wouldn't have gone anyway. I'd be more worried if I were cammistar, gotta have that "star" in your name, so he can keep the cycle going. :thumbleft:
Re: I appear to have fucked up and need a woman to tell me h

ohmystarz said:
LadyLuna said:
After the way you have completely disregarded every single one of my previous posts... I withdraw my invitation for you to visit my room. Obviously, you'll just ignore what I have to say anyway.

Eh, he wouldn't have gone anyway. I'd be more worried if I were cammistar, gotta have that "star" in your name, so he can keep the cycle going. :thumbleft:
Hmm.. I should make a name with star in it. If he doesn't care about gender?! But on the bright side of all this, I'd imagine you don't usually run in to problems like this unless you're a successful cam model.
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Re: I appear to have fucked up and need a woman to tell me h

All camgirls run into it. Actually, low models have a whole new type of BS since guys assume they're special and that the model "needs" them more.

Higher models have more BS from members who like an audience, but there's drama for everyone when it comes to camming unless you make your room sex focused... and even then on MFC you might get titled a token whore with no personality...
Re: I appear to have fucked up and need a woman to tell me h

Yeah.. good points. :thumbleft:
Re: I appear to have fucked up and need a woman to tell me h

LadyLuna said:
Shaun__ said:
If anybody thinks something I type is implying I am not at fault it is accidental on my part, because I am at fault.

Okay... I'll focus on the problem here then. Of course, I doubt you'll even read this, but maybe it might help some other lost sheep who really does want the help but can't ask for it knowing that it's not right.

Shaun's Mail to Starz said:
About half the conversation is about poo and the other half is inside jokes. We can not even talk about TV anymore because of spoilers.

You never seemed to want to do any model things with me anyways so maybe this is what you wanted deep down.

Imagine someone has sent those things to you. How would you have felt about it?

This next one starz broke up in her post, so I'll just post the bits that place blame elsewhere.

Shaun's other Mail to Starz said:
You still refuse to talk to me when you can talk to them instead I see. They are your regulars.

I could not even get a picture for my birthday like Jim.

why did you never give any response to the half things I typed in your room?

Mail to Steve said:
If she will not talk to me and does not want to do anything with me am I just supposed to sit quietly in her room every night feeling bad for myself?

However if anybody has any other input besides disappear into the night I would still like to hear it.

Did you even SEE my post? It was right above yours too!

After the way you have completely disregarded every single one of my previous posts... I withdraw my invitation for you to visit my room. Obviously, you'll just ignore what I have to say anyway.

I was not planning to reply anymore in this thread because I seem to just be digger a deeper and deeper hole, and if people do not believe me when I say all the drama was accidental on my part then I can not change their minds. I honestly just missed what you wrote. It was good advice and I am sorry if it seemed like I ignored it. To the other people telling me to move on that is what started this whole mess me trying to move on. When ever I make a mistake I try to learn from them and that is all this thread was supposed to be about.

And to all the people commenting on the on the more than friends statement you should try flirting sometimes it can be fun and enjoyable.
Re: I appear to have fucked up and need a woman to tell me h

"Despite this ease, though, e-mail can have some serious disadvantages. In their recent study, Kruger and Epley found that people are better at communicating and interpreting tone in vocal messages than in text-based ones. In one experiment, the researchers tested 30 pairs of undergraduate students. Each participant received a list of 20 statements about topics like campus food or the weather.

One member of each pair read their statements into a tape recorder-taking either a sarcastic or serious tone-while the other member e-mailed the statements. The participants also noted whether they thought their partners would correctly interpret each statement's tone.

The participants then listened to or read their partners' statements, guessed the intended tone and indicated how confident they were in their answers.

Both the e-mailers and those who recorded their messages were highly confident that their partners would correctly detect their tone-both groups predicted about a 78 percent success rate. The speakers weren't too far off-their partners got the tone correct about 75 percent of the time. The partners who read the statements over e-mail, though, had only a 56 percent success rate-not much better than chance."

Made me think of this. Only a 56% success rate at fully understanding someone through text. You could intend to say/write something, and it's misinterpreted horribly, and it just keeps getting worse.

The best advice I could try and give is to be chill. Try not to make things seem like such a big deal. All of the msgs and this thread make it seem like you really have an issue with being chill. It also seems like you have a bit of trouble reading people.

Just don't give a fuck! Or at least try to remind yourself to not give a fuck when situation like this happen.

Also Alexlady had some good advice, considering there are now two threads about large issues you've had with models, perhaps you are having issues you need to work out. These girls left a big impact on you obviously, nothing is wrong with caring for someone, but it's seeming to go pretty bad for you. :<
Re: I appear to have fucked up and need a woman to tell me h

Shaun__ said:
I was visiting a model every time she came on and was a regular in her room. I did not talk much in the room conversations, because I was often uninterested in them. I would talk to the model but she would not respond to me about half the time. The same with tweets, most went unanswered. When I asked if she would be interested in doing something with me she would tell me no. If I said I enjoyed doing something she would tell she did it with one or two other people in the room but not extend the same chance to me. Even non-sexy stuff. I never begged for anything for free, except for a picture drawn on her whiteboard on my birthday like she did for someone else.

I sent her a MFC mail the other day and said I did not feel like I was fitting into her room and was not going to visit her everyday, but I would still drop by to say hello every so often. I also said it was my fault I was not fitting into her room. She took it very badly.

Should I have snuck away without saying anything? Should I have kept going to her room everyday and just lowered her volume?

I honestly do not even know why she cared I was leaving. She never wanted to do anything with me. I barely tipped her anything and she insisted I never talked.

What would you want someone in this circumstance to do to you?

After reading all posts, and re-reading the initial post, several things:

1. MFC is one of many internet forums where sometimes people who are socially awkward (for one reason or another) look to connect with others. With this in mind, I assume Shaun is one of these people. I myself am like this, albeit in a different way. Let's not all pretend we don't have our own problems.

2. Many such people are insecure for one reason or another, and being insecure isn't a reason to flame somebody. It's easier to pick on or make fun of them because of their human attributes, but flaming someone for those reasons alone isn't ultimately justifiable. Not saying everybody did this, but some have.

3. I believe Shaun posted this thread because of his confusion regarding less than desirable experiences with OhMyStarz, among other models. By now the situation with Purp is common knowledge. The original question is basically asking 'what did I do wrong'. I can see why ACF seems like an appropriate place to discuss this since it's a forum about camgirls. Again, the methods he used to ask his questions reflect social awkwardness and a lack of ability to understand others and/or empathize with others and/or possessing a genuine problem maintaining a balanced perspective on interactions with others.

4. Shaun, it can be easy to become fixated on the fact that a relation with somebody isn't going as ideally as you'd it like to. I believe this is called codependency, and the fact that you are perpetually seeking reassurance from the members of ACF solidifies my opinion in this matter. I have also had issues with this. Saying "click next" may seem like a simple solution to many of us, but for somebody like Shaun it might seem egregious. "As adults, codependent people have a greater tendency to get involved in "toxic relationships", in other words with people who are perhaps unreliable, emotionally unavailable, or needy. And the codependent person tries to provide and control everything within the relationship without addressing their own needs or desires; setting themselves up for continued unfulfillment. Even when a codependent person encounters someone with healthy boundaries, the codependent person still operates in their own system; they're not likely to get too involved with people who have healthy boundaries. This of course creates problems that continue to recycle; if codependent people can't get involved with people who have healthy behaviors and coping skills, then the problems continue into each new relationship." source:

There is some good advice in the posts previous to mine, and you'll have to look carefully to find it, BUT it do you any good unless you do some serious soul-searching to gain the personal insight needed to fix these problems you have repeatedly admitted you have. Working on this will help you both online and off. It's obvious the situation occurred without both parties intending to make the other feel bad. This is important, and so is remembering that there are many variables which can cause unintended interpretations of yours and a model's speech and thought patterns. Shaun, if you truly want to change the quality of your relationships with other people you have to move beyond the first step: admitting responsibility. From reading the thread it seems that you are financially well-off enough to seek counseling, and there is nothing wrong with doing whatever you need to do (within reason of course) to become a well-adjusted adult. I know it's not always easy, but trust me, it DOES get easier if you really want to make it happen. Feel free to discuss this matter with me privately if you wish, you have my discretion.

Starz, I'm so sorry you are having to deal with so much stress at what is probably the most inconvenient time. Please accept my sincere wishes for your well-being and success. You have wonderful friends and we are all rooting for you!
Re: I appear to have fucked up and need a woman to tell me h

Shaun -

I agree with other posters that you seem to be very emotionally invested in how models treat you. I guess you're not unusual in that regard as many people want a connection with their preferred model. If you want help dealing with women and hopefully getting real world dates, there are actually dating gurus like David DeAngelo or Style that can literally train you in how to interact with women. You can torrent their training lectures. One of the main things they teach is DON'T BE NEEDY. Neediness and pressure are turn-offs for everyone.

Another thing I noticed in your example statements is that they are just that - statements. If you would like to get an answer, try writing in the form of a question. If I write a question to a model and she doesn't respond it's no biggie. I just assume she has nothing to say about it or doesn't want to answer that question.

Also, try taking a lesson from Vince on Entourage. The character didn't believe in "breaking up". You ESPECIALLY don't need to break up with a cam girl. Just go look for someone else that will make you happy and fulfill your needs more adequately. That way you can pick it up in the future if you so choose and there are no hurt feelings. If anything, it would leave her wondering "oh why isn't he in my room anymore?" and perhaps even contact you and start paying more attention to you when you are there. I mean, you are helping to bankroll her career.

On a general note, listen to what a woman has to say. No means no.

Hope that helps.
Re: I appear to have fucked up and need a woman to tell me h

Shaun, you see it as flirting, while pretty much everyone else on this forum sees it as borderline stalking. That just might be your problem.
Re: I appear to have fucked up and need a woman to tell me h

skiphop90 said:
LadyLuna said:
After the way you have completely disregarded every single one of my previous posts... I withdraw my invitation for you to visit my room. Obviously, you'll just ignore what I have to say anyway.

Personally, I'd PM Amber explaining how you're leaving the forum because your posts were ignored.

Why would I do that? Amber is not responsible for making sure every person on the forum reads every post directed to them. I do not come here for Shaun's approval. In fact, before this thread, I've had very little interaction with Shaun at all.

This forum is an incredible resource. I love reading the posts from the ladies here. I don't think I'd get through my day without reading the lol threads, and getting the drama in my system out before I get on cam can help me not be so drama-oriented while I'm on camera. If it hadn't been for this forum, I would've been one of those who quit after six months. I thought it was something I was doing wrong. I was partly right, and partly it was just the change in seasons changing the customer base. I never would've learned that without this forum.

I am *still* grateful to the members who pointed me this way.
Re: I appear to have fucked up and need a woman to tell me h

Shaun__ said:
I was not planning to reply anymore in this thread because I seem to just be digger a deeper and deeper hole, and if people do not believe me when I say all the drama was accidental on my part then I can not change their minds.

I believe you. My point there was to try to point out where this idea came from.

I honestly just missed what you wrote. It was good advice and I am sorry if it seemed like I ignored it.

Apology accepted, invitation reinstated. ^_^

And to all the people commenting on the on the more than friends statement you should try flirting sometimes it can be fun and enjoyable.

As a camgirl, I have to be EXTREMELY comfortable with a member before any flirting that implies he might be serious is okay. Some flirting is obvious, some is not. Joking about "I want to be more than friends"... you're gonna have to make it incredibly obvious that you're joking, and doing that in public is definitely in bad taste. I have a couple member-friends who have joked about that and I've put them in their place.

Think about things that a camgirl regularly deals with people saying in a serious way. "I want to fuck you." (not talking about cybersex) "When can we meet up?" "I'll do anything just to spend a day with you!" "Please be my girlfriend?"

Any of those are not appropriate as jokes. Some guys can get away with it with some girls, but personally, there's not a guy in my room who can. Shit, I have one guy who regularly fantasizes about shit with me. We both know it's just fantasy. Even *he* can't joke about any of those with me. (and he's tried, and we both knew it was just a joke)

When a girl suspects there any truth in a joke like that, it makes it awkward. (OMG, is he gonna start stalking me? How much have I told him about where I live? Shit shit shit) And if there's not any truth in a joke like that, it still makes it awkward. (Wait, I'm not attractive to him? Why does he hang out then? If I wanted to meet him, would he turn me down?)

I'm both paranoid and in a constant battle with depression (I know, doesn't show on camera, does it? Bouncing counts as exercise and endorphines are WONDERFUL!) so that's how I'd interpret each instance. I'm actually open about what I deal with in my own little mind, but many girls aren't. I can't blame them, but it also means you have no clue what's going on in the girl's mind at any given time.
Re: I appear to have fucked up and need a woman to tell me h

LadyLuna said:
skiphop90 said:
LadyLuna said:
After the way you have completely disregarded every single one of my previous posts... I withdraw my invitation for you to visit my room. Obviously, you'll just ignore what I have to say anyway.

Personally, I'd PM Amber explaining how you're leaving the forum because your posts were ignored.

Why would I do that?
He was joking! Like what this whole thread is about? Shaun messaging Starz that he was leaving because he was getting ignored?
As far as I can see it's all good! :lol:
Re: I appear to have fucked up and need a woman to tell me h

KarmelKiss said:
LadyLuna said:
skiphop90 said:
Personally, I'd PM Amber explaining how you're leaving the forum because your posts were ignored.

Why would I do that?
He was joking! Like what this whole thread is about? Shaun messaging Starz that he was leaving because he was getting ignored?
As far as I can see it's all good! :lol:

:oops: Thank you KarmelKiss!

Well the good thing is- direct showing of how text can be misinterpreted :lol:
Re: I appear to have fucked up and need a woman to tell me h

LadyLuna said:
Direct showing of how text can be misinterpreted :lol:
I totally agree! That's what made me laugh, and feel compelled to comment on it, this thread is such an education! :lol:
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