AmberCutie's Forum
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I appear to have fucked up and need a woman to tell me how.

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Re: I appear to have fucked up and need a woman to tell me h

Big props to ya starz for having your crew stand behind ya all the way :-D

Shaun..dont try to make Starz or any other girl your next purp420 experience... (purp is nice and one of the girls i bought pizza the other day )

thats all im gonna say...
Re: I appear to have fucked up and need a woman to tell me h

I would like to call attention to the fact I never used her name or described her in any way shape or form. This thread was about me not her. When I was a big tipper in her room she was giving custom videos away as a prize and that was something it I would have liked to win. I never asked her for anything in return for anything I ever did for her, except for that one picture.

My off color remarks she could see no way to answer and ignored.

She had replaced her white board and wanted to know what she should do with it so since her cats like hiding under her couch I said, "Put it behind your couch so your cats can use it" No response

The room was talking about afros "I want to see you with an afro now" No response

The room is talking about low ranking models and saying MFC should get rid of them "MFC is making lots of money so I say leave the low ranking models alone they have enough problems already" No response

The room was talking about one of the regulars and what the model would say if he offered to shove a can up his butt "You would say that while you gave him the bottle and looked for the lube" No response

Model talking about open bottles "I can not drink something if it has been opened I am too paranoid" No response

Model wondering if her black light will work with her new monitor on "You could try turning the brightness down" No response

Room making fun of someone not there who just wanted to be friends with model "For the record I want to be more than friends" No response

Model says she will not pick her nose in Church but will other places "Why not God knows you do it" No response

Model logs onto her premium account with a very offensive name and goes to another models room "Have you ever gotten banned because of your name?" No response

Talking about a foreign model who had Bobs in her topic "I tipped for bobs once they were tiny and cute" No response

Model talking about pussyanalfistingdp "dp she has to" No response

Model says don't judge me "I like judging though why would you deny me this" No response

Model talking about fonts finally working "You could never see my font" One response from another premium

Room talking about another member and if he chews "I can not tell you what it tastes like I am not self sucken" No response

Model says room is dead "I though you liked zombies" Misspelled thought and no response

I apologize for not being the life of the party but I was trying my best. Also the thing she called me on tumbler was the basically the quiet guy who buys me stuff. I am more than that. I had not asked her to dance outside of joking since she made me my dancing video. The reason I sent her the MFC mail was because I saw how sad and angry people just leaving made her feel. I felt she deserved better than me just disappearing after I had spent so much time with her. As to the bad timing my life is very very bad right now as paralysis spreads slowly through my mother and I worry if it will affect her heart or diaphragm and I did not think anyone expects life to be good. Life grinds you up to a fine pulp and nothing else. If you wait for good times to do things nothing will ever be done.

I would like this thread to go back on topic if it could though. I am socially awkward and I would like the best way to leave a room you were part of without hurting people.
Re: I appear to have fucked up and need a woman to tell me h

KarmelKiss said:
Wow, all those witty one-liners brought me back to when I was a kid and used to watch this show:

I said I was sorry. I was trying though.
Re: I appear to have fucked up and need a woman to tell me h

Ok Shaun, trying to be nice here; but nothing is about all about you when it comes to camming. Even if you don't use her name, this thread is about you and your relationship with her.

It sounds like the health issue with your mother is making you try to replace her with a camgirl dude...
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Re: I appear to have fucked up and need a woman to tell me h

Most of that stuff requires no response and I don't get why you crave the attention that much that everything has to be replied to. Is she to hold you in such high regard that she looks out for everything you post and makes sure to reply even when it doesn't warrant one?

With the amount of things posted in the room, it's very easy to miss things.

Maybe if your conversational skills were better you might find the validation through recognition you so badly seek.

And the thread is on topic. You asked how you fucked up, we're telling you.
Re: I appear to have fucked up and need a woman to tell me h

ohmystarz did you ever see Shaun on cam? Maybe he does not exists, he could be Bawsky trolling ... :dance:
Re: I appear to have fucked up and need a woman to tell me h

Possible response time!

Put it behind your couch so your cats can use it

I want to see you with an afro now
Yeah, you'd like that bb.

MFC is making lots of money so I say leave the low ranking models alone they have enough problems already

You would say that while you gave him the bottle and looked for the lube
Why, dear fellow, I resent that remark and challenge you to a duel at noon by ye olde clock tower.

I can not drink something if it has been opened I am too paranoid
What a tale of overcoming the odds!

You could try turning the brightness down" No response
I do that anyway.

For the record I want to be more than friends
That's not creepy and weird at all!

Why not God knows you do it
Stop!! My sides!!

Have you ever gotten banned because of your name?

I tipped for bobs once they were tiny and cute

dp she has to
Err, yeaaah.

I like judging though why would you deny me this

You could never see my font
Indeed I could not, good sir.

I can not tell you what it tastes like I am not self sucken
What a truly inspiring insight.

I though you liked zombies
Re: I appear to have fucked up and need a woman to tell me h

This is all just...Wow. I'm struggling with a regular/net-friend of mine and going through similar things with demands, emotional and mental manipulations, etc, and this thread really hits a nerve with me due to that. I'm very close to messaging another model here and asking for her opinion, since she knows the gentleman in question as well and may have some advice.

Shaun, these calling out posts really do sound like cries for attention. When you don't get along with a certain group of kids in high school or college, did you post a message on the school bulletin board whining about it and telling them "I tried to be ur friend, but I failed and you guys kind of suck for not making it easy, btw, boo hoo!"? Or did you move on and find a group you fit in with? This is immature and strikes me as something a teenager would do to lash out, albeit in a bit of a passive aggressive manner. And being my age it's a bit sad that I have to even say that to someone that is likely a fair few years older than me.

To answer your underlying question of "I think I fucked up, am I right or wrong?"

Yes, you fucked up.

And then you fucked up even more by bringing it here.
Re: I appear to have fucked up and need a woman to tell me h

Wow... just wow. This whole thing is just uncomfortable to read. I'm a bit socially awkward myself, but that's not really an excuse. The thing that really gets me is that you bothered to keep track of the times your comments didn't get a response, somehow that just feels petty. The next model button really is there for a reason, if something a model does upsets you please feel free to use it.
Re: I appear to have fucked up and need a woman to tell me h

Okay, Shaun, its possible that the explanations offered so far have been to vague. I'm not awake enough right now to be as harsh as your actions clearly deserve.

Pretty much every person on MFC and assorted other cam sites has, at one point, wanted to leave a room where they are something of a regular. I've always just left. If premiums or the model ask why I left then I respond in private. It's no one else's business. There are dozens of reasons to reduce your role in the room and models understand that.

The worst thing you could have done was post this dilemma here. For starters starz is on here and posts. That just makes you an idiot there. This post, as has been pointed out already, is juvenile. Beyond the initial stupidity of making this public, you also put it HERE. Dude, really? I'm generalizing here, but any issue a premium has with a model that is brought here is going to be met with resistance. The models are going to side with each other, mostly because they don't want someone coming here and saying this stuff about them. Moreover, the guys on here are going to side with the models more often than not simply because they are wayyyy hotter than you. Add all that up. The responses you've gotten have been far too nice, especially for the internet.

I'm going to do this because I'm a decent human being. The next time this happens, Shaun, send me an mfc mail or private message here with your issue and I will talk it out with you. Don't pm me on mfc though, you're not my friend.

What you did in sending that message was, on a very elemental level, a rejection of Starz. Telling a model you're not having fun or enjoying the experience in her room and will be leaving is not something any of them ever want to hear, and they're going to get upset more often than not. My grandmother always said that rejection is like a huge cock, most people can't take it. I'd react the same way if someone sent me a pm to say they wouldn't be talking to me anymore.

As far as you citing your musings that garnered no response go, there's no legit reply to any of them. Skip actually just put serious effort into coming up with the responses they probably intended. I pride myself on being able to respond to anything, but those all left me staring blankly at the screen. In my four year career as a professional stand up comedian I was fortunate enough to witness some amazing comedians. I've stood backstage and saw a handful of jokes told by Jerry Seinfeld fall flat to a crowd of 1500 people. The same goes for a laundry list of other comedians, including Steven Wright. These are fantastic comedians that aren't getting the intended response from a large crowd of people that PAID to see them. You were saying these things in a room full of people who congregate there only because theyve got fantastic taste and think Starz is really damn gorgeous and got upset? Get. Over. Yourself.

Luna has been kind enough to offer you an invite to her room. I recommend you take her up on that offer. If (when) that goes sour, don't mention it here.
Re: I appear to have fucked up and need a woman to tell me h

Shaun__ said:
I would like to call attention to the fact I never used her name or described her in any way shape or form. This thread was about me not her. When I was a big tipper in her room she was giving custom videos away as a prize and that was something it I would have liked to win. I never asked her for anything in return for anything I ever did for her, except for that one picture.

My off color remarks she could see no way to answer and ignored.

She had replaced her white board and wanted to know what she should do with it so since her cats like hiding under her couch I said, "Put it behind your couch so your cats can use it" No response

The room was talking about afros "I want to see you with an afro now" No response

The room is talking about low ranking models and saying MFC should get rid of them "MFC is making lots of money so I say leave the low ranking models alone they have enough problems already" No response

The room was talking about one of the regulars and what the model would say if he offered to shove a can up his butt "You would say that while you gave him the bottle and looked for the lube" No response

Model talking about open bottles "I can not drink something if it has been opened I am too paranoid" No response

Model wondering if her black light will work with her new monitor on "You could try turning the brightness down" No response

Room making fun of someone not there who just wanted to be friends with model "For the record I want to be more than friends" No response

Model says she will not pick her nose in Church but will other places "Why not God knows you do it" No response

Model logs onto her premium account with a very offensive name and goes to another models room "Have you ever gotten banned because of your name?" No response

Talking about a foreign model who had Bobs in her topic "I tipped for bobs once they were tiny and cute" No response

Model talking about pussyanalfistingdp "dp she has to" No response

Model says don't judge me "I like judging though why would you deny me this" No response

Model talking about fonts finally working "You could never see my font" One response from another premium

Room talking about another member and if he chews "I can not tell you what it tastes like I am not self sucken" No response

Model says room is dead "I though you liked zombies" Misspelled thought and no response

I apologize for not being the life of the party but I was trying my best. Also the thing she called me on tumbler was the basically the quiet guy who buys me stuff. I am more than that. I had not asked her to dance outside of joking since she made me my dancing video. The reason I sent her the MFC mail was because I saw how sad and angry people just leaving made her feel. I felt she deserved better than me just disappearing after I had spent so much time with her. As to the bad timing my life is very very bad right now as paralysis spreads slowly through my mother and I worry if it will affect her heart or diaphragm and I did not think anyone expects life to be good. Life grinds you up to a fine pulp and nothing else. If you wait for good times to do things nothing will ever be done.

I would like this thread to go back on topic if it could though. I am socially awkward and I would like the best way to leave a room you were part of without hurting people.

Everything said here except one thing must have been in PM/Tip notes Shaun, the above would be 2 weeks worth of public chat for you even though from the content I think that is only one night, whatever model you land with next you maybe ought to consider using the public chat more. I never had any issues with you, but I really didn't know this was happening. Watch a model and see if she is a PM or a public chat watcher. Starz in general prefers to address the public and not have to deal with a bunch of private conversations. If and when I pm her for anything I never expect or await a response and frankly I am little surprised if I get one usually and you know that most times its a verbal response that nobody else even understands, thats how it should be, she is busy. There are other models out there that seem to almost ignore the public chat and prefer pm's which looks like kinda what you want/need.

This whole thing was really poorly handled and more importantly poorly timed, next time just quit coming into the room, if the model misses you they will ask you why you aren't coming anymore.

As far as your comment on her vids, did you ever ask her for the vids? You ARE a regular and knowing her she would gladly just given them to you if asked, she is like that, you know that. I assumed I was the only regular that didn't have them.
Re: I appear to have fucked up and need a woman to tell me h

I am reading your post shaun and I am scratching my head in confusion trying to make sense of your post. 1 some of the things you told her I would not even reply to.2 when you told her you wanted to be more than friends I would feel extremely uncomfortable with you telling me that. I mean did you really thing the two of you would be more than MFC friends?

And did you not read her post that she posted. Obviously not. Well let me fill you in a little bit dear friend she told you on her last post here that some of the things that you said made her speechless.Maybe you were creepy which yea you were and she was just like did he really just say that? Just move on man. Stop being butt hurt because you cannot get along with a model.There are like 500 more or so too look at day and night that you may be able to click with that is if you don't fuck it up.
Re: I appear to have fucked up and need a woman to tell me h

Honest, I think he's just under a lot of stress and needs a hug, but is going about it completely the wrong way.

Shaun, go to the doctor and tell them what you're going threw and get some help. It doesn't make you weak to take care of yourself... but it makes you a fool not to.
Re: I appear to have fucked up and need a woman to tell me h

PlayboyMegan said:
I'm not going to lie. I feel SLIGHTLY bad that everyone is ganging up on him. But he did write the thread to begin with.... :/

He asked in the title thread what he did wrong, there have been no obscenity laced rants aimed at him. I was very shocked when I heard about this and actually told Starz I thought Shaun just had a bad day, but there really is more behind this than I knew about. Thinking back on the other thread (purp) it is obvious he has issues with models.
Re: I appear to have fucked up and need a woman to tell me h

AlexLady said:
Honest, I think he's just under a lot of stress and needs a hug, but is going about it completely the wrong way.

Shaun, go to the doctor and tell them what you're going threw and get some help. It doesn't make you weak to take care of yourself... but it makes you a fool not to.

I agree with this. A lot. There is a line of thinking that you shouldn't drink if you are in a bad mood or depressed, as the alcohol will magnify those feelings. Maybe you should treat MFC that way for awhile.

Shaun, re-read what Alex says.
Re: I appear to have fucked up and need a woman to tell me h

I don't know what's funnier. The fact that he started this thread in hopes of getting "advice" (which we really know was him just complaining again about another model he freaked out) or the fact that noobs signed up just to put him place.

Seriously, dude, you should really learn how to talk to women better, they aren't toys you can force to do what you want, when you want. Get to know them for who they are, be (internet) friends w/them.
Re: I appear to have fucked up and need a woman to tell me h

Nobody is ganging up on him. This is what happens when you're wrong. People aren't going to take the other side just because it's looking a little bare.
Re: I appear to have fucked up and need a woman to tell me h

RedHerby said:
AlexLady said:
Honest, I think he's just under a lot of stress and needs a hug ...
Amber? can you check out AlexLady's acoount? I'm afraid its been hacked!

Hey now, just because I'm suborn and blunt doesn't mean I'm not friendly. :lol:

Aka, yeah, it's me :p
Re: I appear to have fucked up and need a woman to tell me h

Okay, I can play this game with you. Let's do this:

I would like to call attention to the fact I never used her name or described her in any way shape or form. This thread was about me not her. When I was a big tipper in her room she was giving custom videos away as a prize and that was something it I would have liked to win. I never asked her for anything in return for anything I ever did for her, except for that one picture. I frequent this forum, when I talked about you last night a person that comes to this forum sent me this link because he knew exactly who you were talking about. Granted I don't post on this forum as much as General Discussion, but you know I come here. So yes, you DID call me out, just not as maliciously as you did for Puplestar

My off color remarks she could see no way to answer and ignored.

She had replaced her white board and wanted to know what she should do with it so since her cats like hiding under her couch I said, "Put it behind your couch so your cats can use it" No response I DID do that, I even talked about me doing that. Is this so important that a response was needed anyway?

The room was talking about afros "I want to see you with an afro now" No response Roller posted an emote of an emote and I remember making a weird face and wondering what he was talking about, this was not a main discussion in my room and if anything we were talking about Hawley. Why would I start talking about emotes?

The room is talking about low ranking models and saying MFC should get rid of them "MFC is making lots of money so I say leave the low ranking models alone they have enough problems already" No response Someone immediately followed with "Low ranking models make your camscore better" to which I said, yeah maybe you are right. I talked about how much bandwidth the 30 camscore girls make, especially when they sleep on cam. Didn't I elaborate enough without making it a discussion or argument?

The room was talking about one of the regulars and what the model would say if he offered to shove a can up his butt "You would say that while you gave him the bottle and looked for the lube" No response What am to say to this?

Model talking about open bottles "I can not drink something if it has been opened I am too paranoid" No response I did make a comment to this. We discussed it for a few minutes after.

Model wondering if her black light will work with her new monitor on "You could try turning the brightness down" No response And I did, I turned it down, then I got a headache because I wasn't able to see the screen.

Room making fun of someone not there who just wanted to be friends with model "For the record I want to be more than friends" No responseI like how you are pinpointing comments that make me sound like a shitty person, but anyway what in the hell am I to say to this. You don't see how that is creepy in every single possible way?

Model says she will not pick her nose in Church but will other places "Why not God knows you do it" No response Uh, har har har, God is always watching?

Model logs onto her premium account with a very offensive name and goes to another models room "Have you ever gotten banned because of your name?" No response Fisturassbb to be precise. I remember this comment and I said I hadn't as surprising as it is. Why is this name offensive? It's obviously a joke and I have NEVER used it to troll anyone's room. I have always tipped girls with it. I never even asked them to fist their asses! :lol:

Talking about a foreign model who had Bobs in her topic "I tipped for bobs once they were tiny and cute" No response Congratz on that, bro.

Model talking about pussyanalfistingdp "dp she has to" No response .....yep, still have nothing to say. But I did in fact respond to that, I said yeah, I guess she has to.

Model says don't judge me "I like judging though why would you deny me this" No response Okay, you are creepy and you make me uncomfortable.

Model talking about fonts finally working "You could never see my font" One response from another premium I remember what you said about your font, you even said you took a while to pick it. What was I supposed to say? "I am glad you made it a priority to pick your font?"

Room talking about another member and if he chews "I can not tell you what it tastes like I am not self sucken" No response Gross.

Model says room is dead "I though you liked zombies" Misspelled thought and no response .....yeah, still have nothing.

Also the thing she called me on tumbler was the basically the quiet guy who buys me stuff. I am more than that. THAT IS WHAT YOU DO. What else was I supposed to say? We talked outside of MFC, but I don't think that is everyone else's business to tell everyone that we discuss personal matters on, more specifically things about my family.

I had not asked her to dance outside of joking since she made me my dancing video. I made you a 30 second, TOTALLY uncomfortable video of me attempting to dance, so you would shut the fuck up about me dancing. You then proceeded to complain about the music that I used.

The reason I sent her the MFC mail was because I saw how sad and angry people just leaving made her feel. I felt she deserved better than me just disappearing after I had spent so much time with her. As to the bad timing my life is very very bad right now as paralysis spreads slowly through my mother and I worry if it will affect her heart or diaphragm and I did not think anyone expects life to be good. Life grinds you up to a fine pulp and nothing else. If you wait for good times to do things nothing will ever be done. Now who is using the sympathy card? You know what it is? Your issue has NOTHING to do with your mother nor the way she feels. You wanna try to make people saw AWWWWWW about your mother? Seriously, shall we discuss MY personal issues that go on that I do not allow to affect my personality, my daily routine, or my work on MFC? Lay off it. Seriously.

I would like this thread to go back on topic if it could though. I am socially awkward and I would like the best way to leave a room you were part of without hurting people. What's the matter? Tired of being attacked? Yeah welcome to every model's nightmare. You PICk and CHOOSE what you want to read. OTHER model's told you what they thought you should do, yet you managed to miss it.

what I really love here is how you use the words in reference to me and the things I do, like "offensive", "while he wasn't here", etc. to basically make me look like all I do is talk crap about the other people, even the regulars in my room. You really want to turn this around on me to make me look like the bad guy. Please, do try. If I were such a shitty person, do you think my awesome, incredibly well-spoken regulars would come here in my defense?
Re: I appear to have fucked up and need a woman to tell me h

Also, I would love for people to know that I have given out more of my videos FOR FREE than I have sold in the 6 months I have been on MFC. ALL of my regulars have gotten my videos for free, even the ones that were basics in my room for weeks, then signed up. They didn't even have to tip me. I STILL sent them the videos for free.
Re: I appear to have fucked up and need a woman to tell me h

ohmystarz said:

Starz, nobody is faulting you at all here, you really don't have to defend yourself. It's probably best to just not even feed the troll.


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Re: I appear to have fucked up and need a woman to tell me h

bawksy said:
ohmystarz said:

Starz, nobody is faulting you at all here, you really don't have to defend yourself. It's probably best to just not even feed the troll.

Haha, I know. I am not doing it for anyone else but him. Even if no one reads it, I feel like it is pointless to sit here and dwell on it. I can type what I feel out and get it off my shoulders. I do indeed feel better now that I have said that.
Re: I appear to have fucked up and need a woman to tell me h

ohmystarz said:
I can type what I feel out and get it off my shoulders. I do indeed feel better now that I have said that.


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Re: I appear to have fucked up and need a woman to tell me h

bawksy said:
Shaun, I agree with everyone else here that you are a sad, lonely, immature, emotionally damaged basement dweller who is in desperate need of professional help. Along those lines, I think you should get together with this guy to form a support group:

You two seem to suffer from the same neurosis.
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