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How to deal with entitled jerks?

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Deactivated Account
Oct 6, 2020
I’ve been having so many entitled people in my room lately it’s so annoying. Apparently I’m entitled if I want my goal finished.
These guys just want a free show and will literally wait for some big tipper to come in to see what they want, but by that time I’m already turned off and would rather do a private or hidden show.
what are your tips for dealing with the freeloading?
The thing many premiums are actually premium. You only need to spend 20 bucks to be premium which is a joke. There should be a level between low level and high level premium members. That way you would have another mute filter option. That being said...some models goals are nuts, especially new models. I feel when you start off it's better to have a lower goal and as you get more popular you can raise your goal.
I’ve been having so many entitled people in my room lately it’s so annoying. Apparently I’m entitled if I want my goal finished.
These guys just want a free show and will literally wait for some big tipper to come in to see what they want, but by that time I’m already turned off and would rather do a private or hidden show.
what are your tips for dealing with the freeloading?
I understand you are annoyed be freeloaders. I don't understand which of them are “entitled”. I just see they bother you most. Maybe I miss that meaning because I am not a native English speaker, and dictionaries don't help me a lot either here. Thus, please, could you explain it for an alien:

Who are these “entitled” freeloaders?
Ok, I found some articles about entitled people who think they deserve privileged treatment and who become rude when they get their wishes denied.

I think the rudeness is one problem, the freeloading is another.

Rudeness can damage the mood in the channel and even your business. Silencing or banning these people can help, but it can look bad in itself, and banned people can return with another account. Some apps offer an elegant solution which makes everybody happy, but that will be the topic of another post.

Freeloading won't affect your earnings, as that depends on the tippers, not on those who don't tip. If 3 people tip, you won't earn less or more because 1000 people watch for free. However, I often see models feel uneasy when a few people paid for a goal, but many freeloaders watch the model perform it, and as I already felt irritated when one very dear model who visited me tricked me into showing my nearly naked shoulder, I understand that undressing in front of 1000 freeloaders can feel very bad.

It won't help much to ban them, as they can return with another account or anonymously. The difference is just that you no longer know who is watching. That does not really improve your situation, though it might look less irritating if instead of seeing a list of 1000 names you see the summary “+ 1000 anonymous viewers”.

You proposed running a ticket show to keep the freeloaders from watching, and that is what I recommend. The details matter, though. It's important not to charge visitors who already tipped, because they contributed to the goal, and they might feel tricked or cheated when they have to pay again, even if it's just one token. Thus I recommend using an app like Tip3Dice with a command like

#hide +1 Strip Show

which hides the camera and grants tickets to anybody who has tipped 1 or more tokens today. Thus those people who already tipped for the goal have tickets, as they should. Freeloaders see a black screen. Often it's amazing how many people remember they own 1 token and tip it just after the ticket show started.

Likewise, the model can hide particularly daring actions won by rolling dice:

#hide +23 Hand Bra 5 min

Here, the minimum amount of tipped tokens required to get a ticket should be lower than the price for rolling dice, else people who already rolled dice might feel tricked if everybody saw the action they won and paid, but they cannot see an action won by somebody else. The ticket price should not be the exact price of a tip menu action or the exact price for rolling dice, as those visitors who did not tip all day and now buy a ticket would all trigger the same action instead of just getting a ticket.

For example, if rolling dice cost 25 tokens, I usually recommend to give tickets to those visitors who tipped 23 or more today. When the hidden show begins, several visitors will tip 23, some visitors tip 24 because they understand “23 or more” as meaning “more than 23”, but nobody tips 25 to get a ticket, which would certainly buy them a ticket, but also cause the dice to roll again.

It can be quite a useful strategy to perform all daring actions in short ticket shows of, says, a few minutes, granting tickets to everybody who, in total, tipped a certain minimum amount that day, for example, 23 tokens. Best is not raise that minimum amount during the show. Visitors will quickly understand that a ticket is valid all day. That makes them stay, They also feel to be part of small a privileged group of ticket owners, and they probably return next day.
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Who are these “entitled” freeloaders?
Not an English native speaker, but freeloaders and entitled pretty much means the same thing. I guess who the Op is referring to is the "you're beautiful, It's my birthday, show bobs" kind of guys, as well as those who wait others to tip so they can freeload off the show. Basically, and unfortunately, most members, on cb.

The 2 groups kind of conflate together like a Giotto's circle. Also, it must be said that not only do freeloaders chat members annoy tf out models, but they also annoy tf out other paying members as well. I guess everybody gives "freeloader" a different meaning. For instance, I consider mods on cb asking others chat members to tip without tipping themselves f*cking a freeloader as well.
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Ok, I found some articles about entitled people who think they deserve privileged treatment and who become rude when they get their wishes denied.

I think the rudeness is one problem, the freeloading is another.

Rudeness can damage the mood in the channel and even your business. Silencing or banning these people can help, but it can look bad in itself, and banned people can return with another account. Some apps offer an elegant solution which makes everybody happy, but that will be the topic of another post.

Freeloading won't affect your earnings, as that depends on the tippers, not on those who don't tip. If 3 people tip, you won't earn less or more because 1000 people watch for free. However, I often see models feel uneasy when a few people paid for a goal, but many freeloaders watch the model perform it, and as I already felt irritated when one very dear model who visited me tricked me into showing my nearly naked shoulder, I understand that undressing in front of 1000 freeloaders can feel very bad.

It won't help much to ban them, as they can return with another account or anonymously. The difference is just that you no longer know who is watching. That does not really improve your situation, though it might look less irritating if instead of seeing a list of 1000 names you see the summary “+ 1000 anonymous viewers”.

You proposed running a ticket show to keep the freeloaders from watching, and that is what I recommend. The details matter, though. It's important not to charge visitors who already tipped, because they contributed to the goal, and they might feel tricked or cheated when they have to pay again, even if it's just one token. Thus I recommend using an app like Tip3Dice with a command like

#hide +1 Strip Show

which hides the camera and grants tickets to anybody who has tipped 1 or more tokens today. Thus those people who already tipped for the goal have tickets, as they should. Freeloaders see a black screen. Often it's amazing how many people remember they own 1 token and tip it just after the ticket show started.

Likewise, the model can hide particularly daring actions won by rolling dice:

#hide +23 Hand Bra 5 min

Here, the minimum amount of tipped tokens required to get a ticket should be lower than the price for rolling dice, else people who already rolled dice might feel tricked if everybody saw the action they won and paid, but they cannot see an action won by somebody else. The ticket price should not be the exact price of a tip menu action or the exact price for rolling dice, as those visitors who did not tip all day and now buy a ticket would all trigger the same action instead of just getting a ticket.

For example, if rolling dice cost 25 tokens, I usually recommend to give tickets to those visitors who tipped 23 or more today. When the hidden show begins, several visitors will tip 23, some visitors tip 24 because they understand “23 or more” as meaning “more than 23”, but nobody tips 25 to get a ticket, which would certainly buy them a ticket, but also cause the dice to roll again.

It can be quite a useful strategy to perform all daring actions in short ticket shows of, says, a few minutes, granting tickets to everybody who, in total, tipped a certain minimum amount that day, for example, 23 tokens. Best is not raise that minimum amount during the show. Visitors will quickly understand that a ticket is valid all day. That makes them stay, They also feel to be part of small a privileged group of ticket owners, and they probably return next day.
If someone being in the room bothers a model, the model can ban anyone they damn well please. It's their room. If it's bothering them mentally to see certain names freeloading constantly, then get rid of the negative. Not like that member helps anything, contributes anything other than an irritation.

I'll ban and mute everyday all day. It's entitled to think you can get a free show every time I stream. At least have the decency to go incognito or log out so you're anonymous and it won't bother me to see the same freeloading names.

Your suggestions make it complicated for those tipping when it doesn't need to be. Freeloading can def impact earnings when the model is in a bad mood from the lurkers.
Freeloading won't affect your earnings, as that depends on the tippers, not on those who don't tip.
Yeah it will. Your point only works if you think of the model like a robot with no feelings.

Having people consume your services for free can make you feel worthless. Especially when we sell our personality, entertainment, and how we look on camera. The more people we see doing this and not tipping, begging etc brings the vibe down and makes it worse.

When a model feels negative emotions, this can directly affect their earnings. They find it harder to be bubbly, cheerful, sexy.. they want to log off early, they get bad attitude.
Ok, I found some articles about entitled people who think they deserve privileged treatment and who become rude when they get their wishes denied.

I think the rudeness is one problem, the freeloading is another.

Rudeness can damage the mood in the channel and even your business. Silencing or banning these people can help, but it can look bad in itself, and banned people can return with another account. Some apps offer an elegant solution which makes everybody happy, but that will be the topic of another post.

Freeloading won't affect your earnings, as that depends on the tippers, not on those who don't tip. If 3 people tip, you won't earn less or more because 1000 people watch for free. However, I often see models feel uneasy when a few people paid for a goal, but many freeloaders watch the model perform it, and as I already felt irritated when one very dear model who visited me tricked me into showing my nearly naked shoulder, I understand that undressing in front of 1000 freeloaders can feel very bad.

It won't help much to ban them, as they can return with another account or anonymously. The difference is just that you no longer know who is watching. That does not really improve your situation, though it might look less irritating if instead of seeing a list of 1000 names you see the summary “+ 1000 anonymous viewers”.
i get you are trying to be helpful, but i think it would be best if you reign in the camsplaining. banning freeloaders does help.

OP: if you hate freeloaders, dont work sites that have a "freechat culture". sites like streamate that are pay to play and you don't deal with as many freeloaders in comparison of most token sites.
i think it would be best if you reign in the camsplaining.
Maybe my knowledge of English fails to get the finer points, but for me it looks like camsplaining is considered condescending. I am surprised you recommend that, and even to reign in that, but i won't argue.

However, I can't follow your advice. I prefer to listen to models. Their needs are the base of my work.
Freeloading can def impact earnings when the model is in a bad mood from the lurkers.
When a model feels negative emotions, this can directly affect their earnings.
Point taken.

If someone being in the room bothers a model, the model can ban anyone they damn well please.
I agree. You are the boss. If you banning is ok for you, that is the way to go, especially as named users bother you more than anonymous users.

Your suggestions make it complicated for those tipping when it doesn't need to be.
No, they don't. Maybe my explanation was not very clear. My apps actually behave quite decently.

Those who tipped enough get their tickets automatically. The panel below the video area tells them they own a ticket. In addition, they get the nice feeling of being part of a small exclusive group of people watching the model.

Those who did not yet tip enough won't see the video stream, and the panel tells them how many tokens are missing for a ticket and how long ago the show started.

The model won't need a ticket, but sees how many visitors received tickets and how many of them are still watching. That information is quite valuable and also improves mood and confidence.

In summary, the model performs for ticket owners only, excluding all kinds of freeloaders. Some people remember they own tokens and buy tickets. Ticket owners are motivated to stay for the whole broadcasting session and also to return next day.
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Maybe my knowledge of English fails to get the finer points, but for me it looks like camsplaining is considered condescending. I am surprised you recommend that, and even to reign in that, but i won't argue.

However, I can't follow your advice. I prefer to listen to models. Their needs are the base of my work.

Camsplaining is condescending because you're explaining something that you're not an expert in, to someone who is already an expert in it. You can make suggestions, offer a viewpoint etc without doing this. You can do this by talking about the things you are an expert in - your own experiences, not your perception of another persons.
Camsplaining is condescending because you're explaining something that you're not an expert in, to someone who is already an expert in it..
Thanks. That was my understanding, too, and I don't see much use in camsplaining, except that I learned a new word.

You can make suggestions, offer a viewpoint etc without doing this. You can do this by talking about the things you are an expert in - your own experiences, not your perception of another persons.
Thanks. Yes, I agree. That's why I preferably use my own experiences.
Thanks. That was my understanding, too, and I don't see much use in camsplaining, except that I learned a new word.

Thanks. Yes, I agree. That's why I preferably use my own experiences.
... I give up. Lol.

Your suggestions are helpful, the way you phrase them is rude and condescending. Unless you yourself deal with people freeloading on your cam shows, the way you spoke to the OP was rude and entitled.
Maybe my knowledge of English fails to get the finer points, but for me it looks like camsplaining is considered condescending. I am surprised you recommend that, and even to reign in that, but i won't argue.

However, I can't follow your advice. I prefer to listen to models. Their needs are the base of my work.
if you poke around, we are constantly telling members who are in no way industry affilaited on this forum to reign in their camsplaining. camsplaining is when a member condescendingly explains camming to cammodels. sometimes those explanations can be very wrong or potentially harmful. above you mentioned that freeloading doesnt affect earnings when most veteran models know it can certainly do so. most of the people who read these forums are new models looking to get into the industry, so its best to nip misinformation or overall bad advice in the butt.

i am a model so it's weird to cherry-pick which models to listen to when you are trying to masquerade as camming guru.

i understand you want to be helpful and want to share your thoughts. just please be mindful if you really want to help new models.
Point taken.

I agree. You are the boss. If you banning is ok for you, that is the way to go, especially as named users bother you more than anonymous users.

No, they don't. Maybe my explanation was not very clear. My apps actually behave quite decently.

Those who tipped enough get their tickets automatically. The panel below the video area tells them they own a ticket. In addition, they get the nice feeling of being part of a small exclusive group of people watching the model.

Those who did not yet tip enough won't see the video stream, and the panel tells them how many tokens are missing for a ticket and how long ago the show started.

The model won't need a ticket, but sees how many visitors received tickets and how many of them are still watching. That information is quite valuable and also improves mood and confidence.

In summary, the model performs for ticket owners only, excluding all kinds of freeloaders. Some people remember they own tokens and buy tickets. Ticket owners are motivated to stay for the whole broadcasting session and also to return next day.
I perfectly understand how apps work and how they don't work when using different platforms. You're coming from Chaturbate from what I understand. Apps don't work when using other sites or splitcamming. Also with the 1000s of apps it's a bit much to expect users to understand every single one of them right away without asking a ton of questions. I get basic questions about freaking common sense tip menu items much less a niche app.

Camsplaining is like trying to tell a professional home builder how to build a home when you're the pest control guy. Sure you both work with residential buildings but you definitely don't know the ins and outs of everything involved with actually making a house. If models making their living through camming are telling you that your advice is incorrect, maybe you should believe them.
freeloaders. I don't understand which of them are “entitled”.
Here's an example from my show last night. Someone who paid zero tokens, but got impatient about my countdown being met but the show not happening immediately:


This is an entitled freeloader.

If someone being in the room bothers a model, the model can ban anyone they damn well please. It's their room. If it's bothering them mentally to see certain names freeloading constantly, then get rid of the negative. Not like that member helps anything, contributes anything other than an irritation.

As a model on a token site for 12 years, I fully support and partake in banning anyone who even merely annoys me, or has the potential to annoy others in my room that are actively supporting.

However, I can't follow your advice. I prefer to listen to models. Their needs are the base of my work.
I'm confused how you quoted a model, but said you can't listen to their advice because they're... not(?)... a model?

Anyone who is NOT a cam model trying to explain the best practices of cam models is camsplaining. You do it. You've been told you speak in a rude and condescending fashion in other threads as well. I'm wondering why you haven't picked up what we're puttin' down.
I'm confused how you quoted a model, but said you can't listen to their advice because they're... not(?)... a model?
I quoted AudriTwo. For me, it looks like she suggests I should “reign in the camsplaining”. From what the dictionaries tell me, she suggest it would be best for me to be king of camsplaining, and I don't want that. I like to talk to models, I like to listen to models. Sometimes I assist models, and for that I need to understand their needs. I listen to AudriTwo, too. I hoped she would clarify that part about “reign in the camsplaining”, but she won't. I don't want to annoy anybody in public about that topic, thus I tried to contact her directly, but I lack the privileges. So, I decided I drop that topic, and now you ask me to explain it again - which I just did. Many words for maybe a simple misunderstanding.

I won't tell models banning is bad. Often I suggest a model to ban people, for example, when a comment violates the T&C of Chaturbate, but a model can't see that because it's written in bad English, hard to translate. In this forum, I confirmed that banning people helps against rude comments.

I try to base my advice on my experiences. Several models only earn tokens because my advice solved their problems. I met several models who were concerned because banning can't prevent freeloading. They felt much better when an app excluded freeloaders from all actions involving nudity and also converted some of them into tippers. Still, they will ban a visitor who annoys them, and I encourage them to do so.
I quoted AudriTwo.
Yes. A veteran cam model.

she suggests I should “reign in the camsplaining”.
Yes. I told you the same.

she suggest it would be best for me to be king of camsplaining
No, we suggest you should stop. Full stop.

I like to talk to models, I like to listen to models.
That's great.

Sometimes I assist models
Only very basic things, when they directly ASK you for help**. (**see below)

clarify that part about “reign in the camsplaining”
See the line directly above this.

now you ask me to explain it again
I only wanted to point out that you said you'd only take info from cam models, and that audri is in fact a cam model.

Many words
This is the story of your life so far on ACF.

I met several models who were concerned because banning can't prevent freeloading.
So yeah, this is true. Banning everyone in a room that hasn't contributed is not the best way to go. But you have to be ever so careful on how you explain or discuss this with a model, because making a blanket statement could run them the wrong way. In this case, it's best for them to learn the way themselves, or discuss experiences thoroughly with another MODEL with EXPERIENCE. So thus, we still suggest that you don't try to "help" in those situations, other than to tell models to ask other models what their experience is with it.


I figured it out

@schruti was translating "reign in the camsplaining" to mean reign=king, ie he thinks Audri was advising him to be the king of camsplaining and do it more.

That part is a translation error.

@schruti in this context it means to stop/do less/control something, the reign comes from horses reigns not kings

What Audri was telling you, and what everyone else is telling you is that you need to stop it. You're doing camsplaining. Please stop.
I figured it out

@schruti was translating "reign in the camsplaining" to mean reign=king, ie he thinks Audri was advising him to be the king of camsplaining and do it more.

That part is a translation error.

@schruti in this context it means to stop/do less/control something, the reign comes from horses reigns not kings

What Audri was telling you, and what everyone else is telling you is that you need to stop it. You're doing camsplaining. Please stop.
Thanks a lot.

Now I see it: Regarding horses, there is an expression called “rein in”, not “reign in”.

How can I, being German, guess that? Ziss iss not funny!

I asked for that very expression several times, always telling what I read in the dictionary, and you are the first to explain which expression is meant. Thanks!
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Thanks a lot.

Now I see it: Regarding horses, there is an expression called “rein in”, not “reign in”.

How can I, being German, guess that? Ziss iss not funny!

I asked for that very expression several times, always telling what I read in the dictionary, and you are the first to explain which expression is meant. Thanks!
Yup a common typo or misspelling that caused the confusion. But I and Amber were very clear .. if you are trying not to come off as "camsplaining" it's not working.

The suggestions are fine. But when you tell models how to feel about freeloaders etc, it's not speaking from your experience. It's telling them how to experience theirs.
Yup a common typo or misspelling that caused the confusion.
Indeed. And it goes on. Now Amber picks up the line in which I refused to stop talking to models, and told Audri that I rather talk to models than camsplain. Of course that does not mean I only talk to models. I also talk to plumbers, for example.

This is, by the way, the situation in which I recommend a model to ban, or sometimes even I myself ban somebody if I happen to have that power: When I witness a user violate the T&C, but the model won't see that because the translation fails due to typing errors.

if you are trying not to come off as "camsplaining" it's not working.
I rather focus on the topic anyway.

The suggestions are fine. But when you tell models how to feel about freeloaders etc, it's not speaking from your experience. It's telling them how to experience theirs.
I actually confirmed that I understand if they feel annoyed by, for example, freeloaders. I mainly agreed to what they wrote about their feelings.

My remarks were about earnings, about how banning looks to visitors, about circumventing a ban, and of course about how to stop freeloading, which I actually achieved.

If that looked like I want to tell them how to feel - sorry, that was never my intention. I am male. I have the emotional range of a tea spoon. I perfectly know that I can't advise other people about feelings.

I understood that by suggesting an alternative way to handle a problem, new models might focus on my post instead of the much more authentic advice sent by models. I also understand that, due to lack of experience, they won't see that I, not being a model, can't give them useful advice anyway, except for referring them to models.

I will keep that in mind and rein in my communication.
Ok, I found some articles about entitled people who think they deserve privileged treatment and who become rude when they get their wishes denied.

I think the rudeness is one problem, the freeloading is another.

Rudeness can damage the mood in the channel and even your business. Silencing or banning these people can help, but it can look bad in itself, and banned people can return with another account. Some apps offer an elegant solution which makes everybody happy, but that will be the topic of another post.

Freeloading won't affect your earnings, as that depends on the tippers, not on those who don't tip. If 3 people tip, you won't earn less or more because 1000 people watch for free. However, I often see models feel uneasy when a few people paid for a goal, but many freeloaders watch the model perform it, and as I already felt irritated when one very dear model who visited me tricked me into showing my nearly naked shoulder, I understand that undressing in front of 1000 freeloaders can feel very bad.

It won't help much to ban them, as they can return with another account or anonymously. The difference is just that you no longer know who is watching. That does not really improve your situation, though it might look less irritating if instead of seeing a list of 1000 names you see the summary “+ 1000 anonymous viewers”.

You proposed running a ticket show to keep the freeloaders from watching, and that is what I recommend. The details matter, though. It's important not to charge visitors who already tipped, because they contributed to the goal, and they might feel tricked or cheated when they have to pay again, even if it's just one token. Thus I recommend using an app like Tip3Dice with a command like

#hide +1 Strip Show

which hides the camera and grants tickets to anybody who has tipped 1 or more tokens today. Thus those people who already tipped for the goal have tickets, as they should. Freeloaders see a black screen. Often it's amazing how many people remember they own 1 token and tip it just after the ticket show started.

Likewise, the model can hide particularly daring actions won by rolling dice:

#hide +23 Hand Bra 5 min

Here, the minimum amount of tipped tokens required to get a ticket should be lower than the price for rolling dice, else people who already rolled dice might feel tricked if everybody saw the action they won and paid, but they cannot see an action won by somebody else. The ticket price should not be the exact price of a tip menu action or the exact price for rolling dice, as those visitors who did not tip all day and now buy a ticket would all trigger the same action instead of just getting a ticket.

For example, if rolling dice cost 25 tokens, I usually recommend to give tickets to those visitors who tipped 23 or more today. When the hidden show begins, several visitors will tip 23, some visitors tip 24 because they understand “23 or more” as meaning “more than 23”, but nobody tips 25 to get a ticket, which would certainly buy them a ticket, but also cause the dice to roll again.

It can be quite a useful strategy to perform all daring actions in short ticket shows of, says, a few minutes, granting tickets to everybody who, in total, tipped a certain minimum amount that day, for example, 23 tokens. Best is not raise that minimum amount during the show. Visitors will quickly understand that a ticket is valid all day. That makes them stay, They also feel to be part of small a privileged group of ticket owners, and they probably return next day.
Thank you!! Those are some great apps I will experiment with those. Usually I add as many as I can manually so that will be very helpful.
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