Look at where Sweden is though. They have to import tons of stuff. They're going to pay like crazy. It's not really fair to compare their prices to a giant, spoiled country like ours. Just getting produce there must be a struggle. At least they have pretty girls and lots of fish.
I don't think the problem is generally angry, old white men. I don't meet many older men who think it's cool to wave around a gun and not have a job. To me, it's economy, education and gender roles. There is a sect of people who are doing most of these shootings and those are young men. To ignore that is to willingly ignore what is happening. The change in economy/capitalism has forced most families to send both adult members into the work force. We're working more and getting less. We have less time for our children and one another. We have less money and stability to show for it. Our education system is failing. People are coming out with sub-par reading abilities and told to go to college. Not everyone belongs in college, but there's money to be had in not telling kids that. Teachers, parents and mentors are not steering kids who would benefit toward vocational schools. On the contrary, those of us who go that route are seen as lesser. Why? We're telling kids to find their dream job instead of finding a job that can keep food in their bellies. We have a feed yourself economy not a dream economy. Men can no longer wrap their worth in a family unit up in just their ability to provide financially. But, are we telling young men that? Have we adjusted what it means to be a good man in America today? Do we show young men there is value in fatherhood, chores, gentle behavior? We don't. A man with average or even below intelligence used to be able to snap up a labor job, make a decent wage/benefits and have something to offer a wife/kids. Those jobs are gone, and if that man doesn't find something else to offer a partner, he has no purpose. These are the men who are at risk of becoming a danger. What he needs to feel good about himself and add to our community is not easily found and he's not been told that. If he's not willing to change his expectations of the world and of himself, he becomes angry. Women aren't having the same anger because our role has changed in a way that asks more of us and suggests that we need to "do it all!". Society keeps adding to our purpose. We're tired. Stressed. Popping pills. Finding our partners less attractive if they're not helping out at home. Of course, motherhood and parenthood in general has been devalued in our capitalistic society. That's a major issue. I was raised partially by grandparents. It looks like more and more that is the norm, and less parents have any shame in it. Again, lack of purpose. I don't think it matters if we look to cities or rural areas. Our economy/education/social requirements have changed so much that these men are falling through the cracks in both. I grew up in a rough ass city that is a perfect example of what happens when an economy changes relatively quickly and people don't or can't keep up. But, where I live now is pretty country and it seems to be a universal problem. Politicians want to blame guns or bullying or mental health alone because blaming economy and education is blaming themselves and blaming all of America. It's way easier to rile up the constituents about mean kids, taking away the guns, god in schools, blah blah blah than to say we all need to change a bit. But, if bullying, nuclear family implosion, guns or mental health were the major issues, young women would be shooting up schools just as quickly as young men. Girls bully each other and call it friendship in school, ffs. It's way more complex than what we're being divided by.