LilyPink said:Do you have to put a picture of my manky flat up here?? Take it down and I'll give you a proper view next time! :roll:
My cam is good quality, it's a logitech sphere and I like it. Although I've had it a while and could probably do with an upgrade eventually. My main priority (when it comes to improving cam quality) is to change the curtains to get rid of that pink glow. Which shall be done in time for the winter. But not right now, because to be quite frank I've got better things to be spending my money on. Such as giant spacehoppers and rent arrears.
I will remove the pic if you like, just send me a PM (I can't tell from your post if you're serious or not).
Also, if you have the logitech software thats anything like mine, you should be able to set "white balance" to 0 and lower your color intensity just a smidge and be less pink. Don't leave anything on "auto". Adding a light towards the front of your camming area before setting this would probably help tons.
I think a lot of girls assume that since the sphere and the orbit are slightly more $$ than the pro 9000 that it's better quality. I have a feeling that you're paying for the auto tracking and some other neat features but that the picture quality suffers just a bit.
My two cents, take em or leave em. :mrgreen: