AmberCutie's Forum
An adult community for cam models and members to discuss all the things!

Forever Basic

    Only persons aged 18 or over may read or post to the forums, without regard to whether an adult actually owns the registration or parental/guardian permission. AmberCutie's Forum (ACF) is for use by adults only and contains adult content. By continuing to use this site you are confirming that you are at least 18 years of age.
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AmberCutie said:
Unless it scares off her few premiums...

But yeah ultimately if you have a very very tiny fan-base, sometimes it's the best idea to chat with the basics. It's going to depend on each models' preferences. But the point of this thread is to tell the basics that they need to cough up the cash to go premium if they want to actually be part of the MFC community. Otherwise they are only spectators who are already getting a hell of a free show and can't ask for anything and have no right to bitch if they get muted.

Well said!
I mute guests and basics. On the rare occasions when I have let them talk, that's when I'd end up with a racist jerk in my room and/or demanding asswipes who can't form a complete sentence ("Ass bb!").

It only takes a one-time token purchase of $19.99 to become a premium for life, and for guys who visit MFC on a daily basis, spending several minutes (even hours) in girls' chatrooms, I'd think it's definitely worth it to become a premium. And when tokens run out, no biggie. Just say hi when you enter the model's room and participate in the discussion if you can, because having your screen name sitting in her room for two hours without saying a word (and not answering her when she greets you by name!) is just obnoxious. If you're not the talkative type, AT LEAST say "Hi, ____. I'm gonna rate you 5 stars right now." That's always nice. :-D
I love that most models mute them >.>

I had one two days ago
"hi beautiful lady"
I said hi back
"u r the first model to speek 2 me"
Acknowledged his presence, went on with my night. Didn't notice he was in the room still. Bout 30 min later, I get a tip note from him "thanks 4 speaking 2 me. I bought tks 4 u"

It's not worth the hassle for the .03% of basics who do this for most models, but I gotta fight for all my tks :p
i allow basics to talk untill one fucks it up.. when that happens i clearly state that (blank) fucked it up for the rest...
i dont mind chatters at all.. as long as it stays chatting and doesnt turn into begging..
then i go creep em out with the whole "if you dont think i'm worth it please dont bs me" thing..

i'm a real guilt worker.. but thats how i do feel about it..
why come to a paid site to only come see free nakedness....
Forever Basic Confession

Sorry that I am a long time basic, but I don't cause trouble. The site is called "MyFreecams". I appreciate what you models do. I understand, having read through some of this forum, why you will call me a useless POS, but if the site wasn't free I wouldn't go there. I can afford it, I have a good income, but I choose not to pay, sorry. Maybe someday I will pay. Maybe MFC is a success because the free aspect is the loss leader and the system thrives because for every 10 visitors like me there is one that will pay, and that is a paying proposition. I can visit a casino and not gamble any money and take advantage of the cheap food and entertainment. Guess that makes me a cheap POS. But it wouldn't be good business for the Casino employees to be unwelcoming to me because I didn't lose alot of money there (unless I misbehaved, then I would be kicked out fast). I am part of the minority that takes advantage of free stuff. I totally agree that basics should shut up, but they are usually blocked anyways. I am so cheap that I can shoot my cum just watching Amber wave her ass around, have done that a few times, I didn't need to see her break the rules. But some of the rule breakers get my attention - I won't deny it, sorry. Its sort of what makes MFC the best, and I am glad you make some good $ from it. By the way, I am a reasonably good tipper in a restaurant, so what's up with that? I don't know.
I often see people in pron related forum or imageboard saying they will never pay for porn… well it's the goal of a model to change that fact :D I'm not sure muting basics is the way to do it. Of course if you're a top 20 camgirl, you probably don't fucking care, but if you have few people in your room, money is probably there in basic's pockets. All premiums have been guests and basics, and without models-basics interaction, most of them would probably never have paid a single token imho. I ask the premiums here, did you purchase your first token for a camgirl showing all the goods in free chat, or because she was actually interacting with you?

Anyway I'm just a cheap-ass premium now, I haven't tip in months because all my fav model have left, I'm no better than any basics :whistle:
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Yep. MyFreeCAMS, which means you can watch the CAM all you want FOR FREE but you're not entitled to anything. :D This includes acknowledgment. But good show on strengthening the case for basics overall being worthless.

The casino analogy sucks btw. You're buying food and drinks. That means the establishment is still profiting from your presence.
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My casino analogy does not suck - I once knew the entertainment director at a casino and the 4.99 buffet breakfasts and name acts they bring in are expenses they are happy to provide at a loss. Yes they make money on the alcohol but I am not a big drinker. The slots are so profitable it is rediculous. I totally agree that basics are not due any acknowledgement BTW. My point that you should be nice to basics (as long as they do not cause trouble) stands. Every paying member was once a basic. You never know I might end up buying a membership and start tipping.
i believe if you are sitting and enjoying someone preform you should tip or whatever as a "thanks good job". in my opinion (and this may be a bad analogy) we are like street performers with a hat down or guitar case- we are preform entertainment we enjoy doing and sharing it with people, we enjoy the tips here and there to show gratitude. of course not everyone does it, but its nice when people do
I don't believe anyone in this thread is advocating being jerks to basics so the suggestion to "be nice" to them is ridiculous. Seems like your idea of being nice to them is giving them the same status as someone who has already proven they have the capacity to be a contributor to the bottom line of the community. If you agree that they're not due any attention, why are you in this thread trying to plead a case for just that? End of the day, none of the ladies here are going to bend over backwards on the off chance that a basic might decide to do what he should have done within the first 10 minutes of realizing he liked the site. Like Amber said, the primary success of the site is based around community and if you care to be a part of it, you'll take the steps to get there. So just shhh and continue to enjoy getting off to chicks "waving their ass" without paying a cent since that seems to be all you're there for.

And back to the casino analogy...I'm betting the 4.99 buffet breakfast is geared at early bird seniors that come to the casino specifically to play games like the slots machine (I can't imagine anyone other age group that gambles for leisure doing it before 5 PM). Its a calculated "loss" because in the long run, it draws in exactly who they're aiming for. STILL a profit. Yay for you not being a part of that sales demographic either.
I can recall being a basic for maybe 20 minutes before I got sick of not being able to add to the conversation in the room, and signing up as premium.

Yeah its meant to be free, it even says so in the site title. The idea is to want to be more than basic, and if you don't well hell there's no one stopping you from watching quietly with the other thousands of blue dudes.
Personally i feel that if someone is entertaining you then when you can and have a few bucks give the girl a tip. If you hang out for more then 15 minutes and are having fun tip her! This is how it works and how she can continue to entertain you. I personally feel terrible if im in a models room and don't tip when she's actually dancing and working it. She makes me smile, makes me wet, makes me laugh, she deserves some of my hard earned dollars, and it's supporting what she does and the whole community. I couldn't live with myself if i didn't give back occasionally.
Im sure there is another thread for this but...

What about the premiums who will no longer tip? They show up in your room day after day and just chat to you and never tip? Is there ever a polite way to be like uhh I dont get paid to sit and chat with you? I don't have a huge fan base, so its very hard for me to say that to a non tipping premium. Specially if i think they MIGHT ever tip again. Any suggestions?

Reminder to the new participants in this thread: We are not saying all guests and basics are cheap POS assholes. We are only saying that as long as you're taking a service for free, you're not entitled to anything but the view. No chatting, no requests, no extras. You only get what the girl is willing to give away for free, and that doesn't normally include attention.

Same goes for premiums who tip once and never tip again. It's helpful if you're nice and part of the conversation, but the minute you get mouthy about not getting as much attention as others (who are paying the model's hourly wages, basically), that's when you're just as bad as the begging basics.
AmberCutie said:
Reminder to the new participants in this thread: We are not saying all guests and basics are cheap POS assholes. We are only saying that as long as you're taking a service for free, you're not entitled to anything but the view. No chatting, no requests, no extras. You only get what the girl is willing to give away for free, and that doesn't normally include attention.

Same goes for premiums who tip once and never tip again. It's helpful if you're nice and part of the conversation, but the minute you get mouthy about not getting as much attention as others (who are paying the model's hourly wages, basically), that's when you're just as bad as the begging basics.

Which is why I've adopted the policy of not watching a models show's if I haven't tipped her myself. I love being a part of models rooms, but I certainly dont expect a show for free. So, I now leave the room when a model begins a show that I didn't help tip for. It's only fair to the model and premiums who did tip. Of course I will tip again, thats for sure. I just happen to be in a bad spot financially, and tipping is kinda low on the list of important things to me right now, for example, eating and paying my bills come before tip money :p
Jebbaz said:
Which is why I've adopted the policy of not watching a models show's if I haven't tipped her myself. I love being a part of models rooms, but I certainly dont expect a show for free. So, I now leave the room when a model begins a show that I didn't help tip for. It's only fair to the model and premiums who did tip.

Public chat is public. The show doesn't get better for the model or for anyone else just because someone leaves the room, so fairness has nothing to do with it.
Here's how I look at it: most of the models, especially those that I like, are independent entertainers. And I believe that independent entertainers should be paid fairly for their performances, regardless of what type of entertainment we're talking about.* So I don't feel comfortable freeloading. And I realized how uncomfortable I feel about it just this evening.

I'm on a token buying hiatus this month while I try to save money to move into a new place, though some of that money saved will go to an Amber birthday present next month. It's such a strict deal to me that I've even told Amber that if she even sees that I brought tokens anytime before midnight on Feb. 28 to give me a 60 day ban. It's that serious.

So here I am, token broke while Amber's doing an oil show. And I can't help but to fap to it. I mean, I would question the heterosexuality of any man who doesn't want to fap to it. But when I was done, I felt bad that I couldn't show my appreciation the way I'd like to. I felt bad that I couldn't pay for the entertainment I was given.

Now, I know Amber's going to say to me "but you need to save the money and you've done a lot for me in the past that it's ok for you to freeload for a while" because we have had chats on things like this in the past and I know how she thinks about things like this most of the time. But still... I don't feel comfortable about it. I didn't feel right and still don't.

So to these perma-basics and 20 point premiums, I say "if you were a musician or comedian or any other type of performer; you'd want to be paid for your work, wouldn't you? So why can't you pay a model a little bit to show you appreciate their performance?"

*- I should note that while I was looking for work after college, a friend got me to do a little bit of stand up comedy. So at one point, I was an independent entertainer myself. Never got paid well, but I got a bit of cash from it.
I suppose I'm a bit different. I almost never ask for anything even when I do tip. I do hang out and chat in rooms where I have not tipped recently though I don't get fussy if the model has to pay attention to a paying customer and some of what I say doesn't get directly acknowledged... she is there to make a living after all. But I don't feel bad simply for being there and not tipping nor for witnessing a show paid for by others. I do try to make it a habit of at least tipping a little something when I can afford to do so to any model whose room I hang out in with any regularity as kind of a "thanks for letting me hang out" gesture. That said, I am largely a normal guy who is quite early in his career path and therefore not making as much disposable income as I would like. I am more likely to feel bad about not being able to tip because I enjoy being part of the action and getting reactions.
I could be mistaken for a basic considering my tips aren't as common or constant as other members. Maybe it makes them more special when I actually can and do tip. But in either case I never ask for anything and just bring the quips and try to add to the conversation.

As for the Forever basic's, their excuse gets old and shouldn't be allowed to talk. They can watch, see if its a site that they'd be interested in paying to join. The time it took me to go from guest to premium was very short once I found a girl that I deemed worthy of tipping. So as was said earlier, if you can't afford 20 dollars then you shouldn't be on the internet in the first place.

My bigger annoyance though- the 20 dollar forever premiums. the ones that pay once just so they can have bold font and more noticeable but act exactly like your every day basic.
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