Hi. I am a CB award's nominated developer. I wrote Tip Menu 50 over 2 years and it is has been a trending bot the entire time. It will offer you options to control your grey chat (it's very effective at removing advertisements). The bot has been tested and is 100% fully functional, with 0 bugs! If a user says they didn't see your correctly configured tip menu when they joined (which would be a lie), you can publicly advertise your menu at any time by typing /menu. Tip Menu 50 was the 1st bot on CB to offer transitional color fades (styles), and has a lot of options to meet your advertising needs (sorting, arrangements, etc). You can try any app/bot you feel comfortable with, and I hope you give Tip Menu 50 a chance.
With that said...
Bots to control grey chat...
These will either filter/silence depending on how they are configured.
Bot that can respond to PM requests...
This will publicly post your PM cost each time a user asks in chat. The bot is fairly intelligent and can respond to many types of requests (EG: PM me, Write me, send a message, etc, and even some Spanish terms).
Bot that offers recognition...
This bot will say "thanks" for each tip given and you can configure which type of 'thank you' messages are active at any time.
Mods & Scams...
I mod for friends who have been camming for over 3 years and to this day I see users trying to scam for free PMs, asking personal information in chat, or attempting to get things for free. You just need to become aware of these things and filter them out mentally. Ignore the users that should be ignored! A trustworthy mod can help, which is why I only mod for friends and never for financial gain! If the mod isn't there for your interests, then they could be there for status or recognition, both of which make for really poor co-workers (useless mods who only flirt, talk over chat, and never help my friends earn more money!).
If you have any specific questions related to my bots please PM me here.
Whatever you do, don't get discouraged! It takes time to learn the subtle aspects of CB.