I also think rigging a raffle is a sucky thing to do. If she didn't feel like she'd be safe with a member/wasn't willing to hire security then she shouldn't have had a meet up raffle.
It does sound like she may have feelings for you, but it's hard to tell if those are just little feelings or "I want to start a relationship with you". She may just like talking to you and enjoy the attention/interaction but not want it to go much further than that.
Forming relationships with camgirls is especially difficult. Even when it comes to meeting people online it can be tricky, though as you guys have met in real life already it makes things easier as online chemistry can be very different, and people can be very different. You might get on with someone online amazingly well, it doesn't mean you'll have much in common in real life. Someone posted a thread here about "deal breakers" in a relationship, and it made me think about how for me, for a relationship not to work we'd have to not want the same sort of lifestyle. If you're an indoors kind of guy and she loves going out partying all the time or vice versa, or you like doing certain activities which she'd never partake in then it can be tricky. Every relationship is different so you don't have to enjoy all the same things, but initial attraction is the easy part, it's finding someone who's life you fit into and who fits in your life without making either of you unhappy with the situation.
I had a regular who met a camgirl, they got along really well, she didn't live that far from him, she said she was attracted to him, he stopped tipping her or visiting mfc and just started spending loads of time on Skype with her. But every time they were supposed to meet up she'd bail/stand him up. I don't know the full story, but I know that she dragged it out/led him on for almost a year and never actually met up with him. I assume that she did have genuine feelings for him as she was spending a lot of time speaking to him and not getting paid for any of it, so I really don't know what happened.
One thing I spoke to him about though was if he really felt it was worth it. She was around 20, he was in his mid 30s. I knew that he'd been struggling to find a relationship for a while and wanted marriage, kids etc. Now maybe she was ready for all these things, but chances are a 20 year old isn't going to be for a while, and it didn't sound like she was, so really even if everything worked out well and they dated, if they went out for a few years then broke up, he'd be left in exactly the same situation but would be even older. This may sound silly to some people, but seeing as most women start having problems conceiving after their early 30s, if he wanted the children/family then going after someone who's 20 and quite possibly won't want to do that for another 10 years is potentially killing your chances of having that, and if he did have it with her he'd be considerably older when it happened. As it was he just wasted a year of his time. But if the relationship had gone well, after spending about a year pursuing her/not looking for other women, he might have had a decent length of time in the relationship, then after the relationship ends there's always a period where you will probably stay single, and then you're back out there searching for someone.
This isn't important to everyone, but if you are a male in your 30s who wants to have a family at some point then just like it is for women, it will get harder the longer you wait, and chasing after girls 10+ years younger than you can be fun, and you may be amazing for each other, but she may be experiencing the life that you enjoyed when you were younger and are no longer interested in.
This might not even be valid for you and your camgirl as you haven't mentioned either of your ages, but if there is an age gap it is something to keep in mind. Though many relationships with a big age gap work, you may get along amazingly, but may be in very different parts of your life, just like it's very important for people not to be denied their youth, it's also very important for someone not to be denied the chance for a family.
It sounds pretty intense to think about this with someone you haven't even started dating, but I think it's worth thinking about whether it's worth it. As soon as you approach your camgirl things are going to change. Either she'll reject you and it'll get weird, or she'll feel the same and you might start a relationship. You should think of the best possible outcomes of this and what having a relationship with this girl would mean to both of your lives. If you guys seem to be in a similar place mentally and have similar lifestyles, then it's probably worth taking the risk.
Anyway I'm not saying that any of these situations don't work, but it's just something to think about and consider. As unromantic as it sounds you have the chance to look at this objectively and make an informed decision. You know what your heart feels right now, but the heart and emotions change all the time and can't always be trusted, it's time to think with your head.
I will say if you're still in your 20s and even early 30s then having a few years+ in a relationship that probably isn't going to last isn't a big deal, and if you have no interest in kids or a family then it also matters less. I just notice that there are a lot of guys who don't feel ready in their 30s and because they don't have the whole ticking clock thing as much as women do they don't think about it, then they get to their 40s and realise that it's too late, it's all well and good at that point, but being alone when you're older isn't always easy and it only gets harder to find someone you really connect with. I'm not saying either way to live your life is better or worse, but I think life is short, and youth is shorter, there's sometimes a point to quit fucking around thinking about instant enjoyment and think about how you want to live the rest of your life. People live until their 70's/80's/90's, at 40 you may easily have another 40 years of your life, it's a long time.
Sorry for the rant. I don't know enough about the situation to offer you decent advice, just possible situations you may want to think about. Like I said, life is short, it's pretty much a gamble. Know when to play and know when to quit. If you think playing is the best idea then go for it and I wish you all the luck! There are many girls on this forum who've dated members and seem to have incredible relationships which are long term and generally awesome! There are also people who've crashed and burned, just like in any relationship. My only true advice is think about it with your head, not your emotions, think of all the possible outcomes. Think about where you want your life to go and if she would fit in with that/you'd fit into hers and then decide whether she'd be worth risking that. If you feel it is then take the risk.
Hope some of that might have helped you or anyone else in a similar dilemma.