OK, On the Helmet laws bit I will only waste a few words b/c this isn't a helmets law thread. Until someone can come up with a better argument than it could save your life, then I hold my position. That argument is exactly the best argument IMO to educate ppl to ware helmets. Things that ppl are educated about, things that are generally perceived in society to be dangerous will not be done by the vast majority of ppl.
Now on making drugs legal, I would not support that with the exception of MJ. But, hornygods made me realize that my understanding of how drugs should be handled is that they should be decriminalized. Un-like HG I think there is a huge difference and not such a fine line.
I am an X junkie,
and after sitting here for a long time I realize I need to map out what I want to say, b/c there is so much that I think is important that needs said. I do want to make two very basic points that I have come to understand. One is just a given, and you can believe me or not, but it is a fact. The other is my strong belief, and would take strong persuasion to get me to believe otherwise.
First what I know to be fact. That most ppl who become habitual drug users are a waste of skin, - they are breathing good air and exhausting carbon dioxide, and we should make their riddance our first step in becoming green. Their carbon foot print is more than my dogs, and they contribute less to the world. Well, Eric, how can you say that, what if they get clean, and become contributing members of society? Well in my experience, (which spans 30 years ><), even those who get clean, are still mostly sub par ppl. They may not be using drugs any more, but they are still thieves, cheats, and scum begs, - morally deficient. Pron to ripping off their employers, and any one else including their kin and neighbors, and you want to talk about being selfish. They have no strong beliefs in one direction or the other, and don't care to. I could go on, but you get my point. I don't think you have to be a drug user or X drug user to possess all these UN-Qualities. And I don't really suggest doing away with all these ppl
What I do suggest, - No, what I tell you plainly, is that the things that make a person become involved in drugs in the first place tend to go along with other traits, or deficiencies, that make for some one who you don't want any involvement with. Sound like a hypocrite? Yes, suppose I do, but what I know as well as what I have already said, is that there are exceptions to everything when it comes to human behavior. In this case I think there are very few. Am I one of those exceptions? Yes I feel I am, and isn't that convenient for me? I suppose it is, but it is mostly fortunate from my pov.
Addiction does not discriminate. It may be genetically influenced, but anybody can become addicted under the wrong set of circumstances.
So I know that the great majority of ppl who are irresponsible enough to get addicted and stay addicted for years and years, are never going to be fine ppl.
I also know that some can be.
I don't know what that says about the topic, but I wanted to say what I felt needed to be said about habitual drug use. It hadn't been said, and I felt there were some who probably did/do feel there are no exceptions.
Now quickly to what I feel strongly about. It is no doubt idealistic and I will allow that as a ppl (here in the U.S. most defiantly), we have not evolved far enough, but things of this nature can never be solved with laws. Laws work for some ppl, but obviously don't for others. If an individual is possessed to do something and there is a way to do it, he/she will. The only way to change that is by influencing those ppl in such a way that they no longer want to do the thing. If you feel locking them up is how you do that, than that is what you think. I think it rarely works, and only serves to perpetuate, and promote, the huge industry built around locking ppl up.
Bottom line I don't believe we have the right to make anything a criminal act, if that act does not directly impact other ppl. A case could be made that things of this nature indirectly impact ppl all the time. It could, and they do, but I don't think you fix that with laws but with changing attitudes, and behavior.
I could make the argument that the person who now has to second guess themselves for the rest of their life, b/c of the dead guy that crashed into their car, might feel even worse if the guy had been wearing a helmet but wasn't dead but a vegetable b/c of it. It is a crazy argument from ether pov imo.
At first I was upset that I had been called selfish, b/c I am anything but, when it comes to most things. I am selfish about my personal liberality though. When something should be my choice, and that choice is taken away, I don't care that the choice I am forced to make is the same one I would have made on my own, it still pissess me off.
Well it's my fucking life, so go
bscene-birdiered: yourself, and worry about your life, you nosy cocksuckers! :twocents-02cents: I mean that it the nicest possible way though.