AmberCutie's Forum
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Does tipping 1 token lower your camscore?

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Inactive Cam Model
Jun 16, 2010
Does anyone know if that's actually true? I'm guessing it's not, coz there's some evil plonkers out there who would people tip someone 1 token 50 times just to piss them off and lower there score, which wouldn't be very nice!
Ahh that's good then. :) Thankies for answering. :) I remember this being talked about in the camscore topic I think it was, but couldn't remember if people knew if it did lower it or not, or was just discussing it.
Thankies. :)
What I remember from browsing Amber's forum was this:

back in January the topic cropped up. There was uncertainty, and complaints to Leo. Leo changed the camscore formula, and the ONLY thing he would confirm about it was that 1 token tips no longer lowered it.

However, it's been a long damn time since I read all that, and almost a year can do weird things to memory. What I know for sure is that one token tips do not lower it.
If 1 token tips lowered camscore, people would be in the top girls rooms spamming 1 token tips to lower them below their favourite models.

People would totally game the system.
GreatDane said:
AlexLady said:
Thread necor'ing on your first post! That takes skill dude!
If it's his first time here, it's the first time he has seen it, not a bad one to point out

BUT at least it was a VALID point that brought it back, instead of a stupid pic or something :)
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