Background: A model friend of mine started an additional cam page. In talking to her after her first couple streams, she said several members were criticizing her username. Some mocked it and others went so far as to advise her she wouldn’t be successful as long as that was her handle.
Here’s the thing: it’s a totally normal username. Without revealing it, the username is a very common women’s name combined with a nice, non-sexual descriptive word and a numeral. Nothing unusual, nothing overly specific to a fetish. So I was surprised any member would feel strongly enough about it (one way or the other) to mention it directly to the model, let alone criticize it.
So models, do usernames really matter in your experience?
Members, does it honestly make a difference to you what a model’s username is?
Here’s the thing: it’s a totally normal username. Without revealing it, the username is a very common women’s name combined with a nice, non-sexual descriptive word and a numeral. Nothing unusual, nothing overly specific to a fetish. So I was surprised any member would feel strongly enough about it (one way or the other) to mention it directly to the model, let alone criticize it.
So models, do usernames really matter in your experience?
Members, does it honestly make a difference to you what a model’s username is?