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Doctor Who

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adorkabelle said:
Shaun__ said:
I have not thought about the Doctor in a month. Now I am back to wasting too much time wondering what the answer is to the question they asked in the last episode last season, "Doctor who?".

OOh, I have a feeling the next season is going to be all sorts of crazy-wonderful.
Am I the only one a little tired of the Ponds? Can we have (a) new companion(s) now? We've had to say goodbye to them, what 3 times now? Only for it to be a fake-out, and oh no, we're not done with them yet. It's a little exhausting. Make up your mind Moffat!

The Ponds will only be in the first few episodes this year, before being written out permanently. Karen Gillan has publicly stated that she does not want to return in any cameos in the future. She apparently hates it when old companions randomly show up again (e.g., rose or Martha).

No one knows who the next companion(s) will be, but there are a ton of rumors flying around. One of the more persistent rumors is that Sophia Myles (yes, Madame de Pompadour herself) may return to the show (obviously as a different character) but that could easily be just for a single episode.

I imagine that we'll most likely get someone entirely new, but there are certainly some characters I wouldn't mind seeing again.

Characters I'd like to see return as companions:
  • Sally Sparrow — Star of everyone's favorite Doctor-lite episode, "Blink"
  • Jenny (the Doctor's "daughter") — What's she up to? They could have let her die, but they didn't, so she should show up someday!
  • Captain Jack — Obviously the Doctor must have something to do with his "missing two years" at the Time Agency, right?
  • Ace — all grown up! Did she go to Gallifrey as the novels suggest? If not, what did she do in her post-TARDIS years? (Besides blowing stuff up, of course!) Would most likely be only for one episode, I imagine.
  • Susan Foreman (Carol Ann Ford is still around … would be hilarious to see her as an old woman calling Matt Smith "grandfather"! I imagine if that happened we'd see her regenerate into a younger actress, though)
  • Romana — This Time Lady would be a good choice if they bring Time Lords back on the show. easy because they can cast anyone, even someone who has played another role on DW before, as Romana II made the conscious choice to adopt Princess Astra's appearance. Could bring Lalla Ward on for a Romana II -> Romana III regeneration sequence, as she's still active in the DW community (recording audio dramas and appearing at conventions) even though she doesn't do much acting anymore.
  • K-9 (unlikely, unless Romana shows up with K-9 Mark II)
Shaun__ said:
I think the Pond's story has been told. They will probably only return occasionally for special episodes. I would love to see these two for the next companions.


Heck they should get their own spinoff. Jack got one...

tim1724 said:
The Ponds will only be in the first few episodes this year, before being written out permanently. Karen Gillan has publicly stated that she does not want to return in any cameos in the future. She apparently hates it when old companions randomly show up again (e.g., rose or Martha).

Thank goodness!

Sally Sparrow would make an excellent companion, however I don't think thats likely. The way they left her story, IMHO, doesn't make it seem like we will see her again. Her life was settled, it seems to me the Doctor rarely runs off with people with settled lives. They are almost always going through some sort of transition.
I'm glad to know I'm not the only person who liked Jenny. She has got to have been up to all sorts of mischief and mayhem!
It would be interesting to see a grown up Ace. I like the Romana idea. :D
I have a feeling we're going to see a solo Doctor for awhile after the Ponds leave. Which I guess wouldn't be so bad.
Was anyone else as disappointed as I was with the new Christmas special? I LOVED the last Matt Smith Christmas Special, it made me cry like a baby, just like all the best Doctor Who does...the last one, I can't even remember what it was about, I was just bored the entire time. It was like a really forgettable episode. And the Doctor didn't even really seem like himself....sigh.

I started watching Torchwood this month, just finished the first season last night. While it's great (omg, bisexuals! so many! heaven!), it's not giving me my Doctor Who fix...actually, the new Sherlock Holmes has been more comparable...then again, I think it was done by the same people...but yeah, I love it...egotistical assholes are just my favorite ever, haha.

Did anybody else hear the rumors that the next Doctor might be a woman? I'm so fucking torn, but I'd love to see this pulled off magnificently. Also, I don't think Amy and Rory are coming back either, which is fine by me...I love those characters, but they need to move on with their life, I feel like their story was told.

So far, my favorite Doctor is Matt Smith, far and away. David Tennant was amazing, and I think I liked his companions the best, but Matt Smith is just so old and young at the same time. There's a sense to him that all of his quirky oddities are almost an attempt to distract himself from the weight of the universe around him...

Does anyone else cry while watching Doctor Who? I can't tell if I'm just an incredibly emotional/romantic person or if this show is just fucking brilliant, but it seems like every time I watch it it pulls at my strings in such a way that I end up a huge mess, holding my poor cats like I'll never see them again lol.

Ahhhhhhh I can't wait for more Doctor Who! I need MOAR!
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VeronicaChaos said:
I started watching Torchwood this month, just finished the first season last night. While it's great (omg, bisexuals! so many! heaven!), it's not giving me my Doctor Who fix...actually, the new Sherlock Holmes has been more comparable...then again, I think it was done by the same people...but yeah, I love it...egotistical assholes are just my favorite ever, haha.

Torchwood was at its best in its 2nd season. 1st was ok, but really disjointed. Writers didn't really know where they were going with it yet. Children of Earth was pretty good, but very different. Also, hard to rewatch. I haven't watched last year's Torchwood (blanking on the name) … doesn't come out on Blu-ray for another few months. :-(

Did anybody else hear the rumors that the next Doctor might be a woman? I'm so fucking torn, but I'd love to see this pulled off magnificently. Also, I don't think Amy and Rory are coming back either, which is fine by me...I love those characters, but they need to move on with their life, I feel like their story was told.

There have been rumors of a female Doctor since the 80s. I think it's unlikely. Amy & Rory will be in the first few episodes of Series 7 … they're filming right now.

So far, my favorite Doctor is Matt Smith, far and away. David Tennant was amazing, and I think I liked his companions the best, but Matt Smith is just so old and young at the same time. There's a sense to him that all of his quirky oddities are almost an attempt to distract himself from the weight of the universe around him...

I prefer Tennant, but I think that's just because he was lucky enough to have such good writing for the episodes he was in. Particularly Series 4, which didn't have a bad episode in the bunch. (I'm a huge Donna Noble fan, though, so that's part of why I love series 4. Catherine Tate is so funny!)

As for the classic series, I liked Tom Baker (of course) as well as Jon Pertwee (not sure I'd enjoy his episodes as much now as I did when I was ten years old, though) and the final season of Sylvester McCoy.

Does anyone else cry while watching Doctor Who? I can't tell if I'm just an incredibly emotional/romantic person or if this show is just fucking brilliant, but it seems like every time I watch it it pulls at my strings in such a way that I end up a huge mess, holding my poor cats like I'll never see them again lol.

Yes, I have at times. I've cried several times when watching "Doomsday" or "Journey's End" … and some of the others, too, I'm pretty sure, although I can't think of any right now.

Ahhhhhhh I can't wait for more Doctor Who! I need MOAR!

No kidding. Too bad they can't cram more than 14 episodes per year into their production schedule. I think they should get Paul McGann (the 8th doctor, from the 1996 TV movie) to do a "Time War" spinoff with a separate production team (Russell T. Davies, perchance?) so we could get 14 episodes of the 11th doctor and 14 episodes of the 8th doctor all in one year. :) It could show us how the war between the daleks & time lords went, and then end with him regenerating into the 9th doctor (Assuming they could get Eccleston back for 5 minutes of shooting)
adorkabelle said:
I have a feeling we're going to see a solo Doctor for awhile after the Ponds leave. Which I guess wouldn't be so bad.

Didn't work too well for him last time. As Donna told him, sometimes he needs someone to stop him. Of course, Matt Smith's Doctor has spent a fair amount of time on his own without the Ponds (albeit not televised) although a bunch of that was presumably spent with River.

Also, he needs someone around to talk to, especially to explain what's going on. Tom Baker went without a companion for a bit (in "The Deadly Assassin") but they quickly brought in Leela so he wouldn't have to talk to himself. I would guess that if there's any gap between leaving the Ponds for good and picking up another companion, we would probably get River for an episode or two to fill the gap.
tim1724 said:
VeronicaChaos said:
I started watching Torchwood this month, just finished the first season last night. While it's great (omg, bisexuals! so many! heaven!), it's not giving me my Doctor Who fix...actually, the new Sherlock Holmes has been more comparable...then again, I think it was done by the same people...but yeah, I love it...egotistical assholes are just my favorite ever, haha.

Torchwood was at its best in its 2nd season. 1st was ok, but really disjointed. Writers didn't really know where they were going with it yet. Children of Earth was pretty good, but very different. Also, hard to rewatch. I haven't watched last year's Torchwood (blanking on the name) … doesn't come out on Blu-ray for another few months. :-(

I hated the last season of Torchwood. They turned jack from a sexy omnisexual into a bland boring homosexual. I missed the Jack who would try to sleep with anything that stayed in one spot too long with no regard to race, gender, or species.
Shaun__ said:
I hated the last season of Torchwood. They turned jack from a sexy omnisexual into a bland boring homosexual. I missed the Jack who would try to sleep with anything that stayed in one spot too long with no regard to race, gender, or species.

Jack was best when he was on Doctor Who. On TW I liked his relationship with Ianto, except that he seemed to forget that he was supposed to be hitting on everyone. It would have been great to have him on DW at some point to flirt with Amy. Would have been really fun to see Jack & Amy react to each other. (Of course, Jack hitting on Rory would be pretty funny, too.)
Jenna-Louise Coleman has been named as Dr Who's new assistant.


Shaun__ said:
Jenna-Louise Coleman has been named as Dr Who's new assistant.



Cute. :) I really hope she's either an alien or from far future or past. A real lack of variety in the companions on the revived series. If you count Jack, he's at least from the future, but other than that... well, they're all from present day UK.
Slight spoilers AHEM, ok, maybe not so slight, but no plot details past a planet and a foe. Even the url is full of spoilers, so beware after this
. ... l-of-them/

And in vaguely Dr Who related news, no new Torchwood for a while, sadly. Or maybe not so sadly. I think Miracle Day could've used a few less episodes, like Children of Earth had. Less filler, next time, please.
waogo said:
Slight spoilers AHEM, ok, maybe not so slight, but no plot details past a planet and a foe. Even the url is full of spoilers, so beware after this

ooh. I only hope they do a better job with them than in series 5. (trying hard to be obtuse enough to avoid spoilers) The "all of them" bit sounds interesting, though. :)
Ok, late reply, but I am a huge Doctor Who fan, for decades. I used to watch it on PBS when I was a kid.

I know you mentioned the Tenth Planet and some missing footage... unfortunately, that footage will never be recovered, nor a lot of episodes from Patrick Troughten's days. The BBC erased the videos to use the tapes again back in the late 60's/early 70s. They didn't realize that this would be a major problem, back then; it was kind of the standard thing to do to save money. If this was answered, sorry... I didn't read the whole thread.

But, I am so impatiently awaiting the new series. The British Press just got a viewing of the first episode tonight, though. So it should be aired fairly soon.
LilyPink said:
Yeah! He was fucked up!! My fave Doctor will always be David Tennant, although Matt Smith is a good replacement. Who's your favourite?

Tom Baker was my Doctor when I was a kid. But I have enjoyed all of them in some way or another.

I used to not particularly like Colin Baker's run, until I got older and rewatched them and saw how he was trying to play a damaged Doctor.

Eccleston was great, and I think he should have done another series. Tennant was great, too, but ended at the right time. Smith is turning out to be fantastic. I think he could easily do another 2-3 years before needing to be replaced, especially if the quality of the writing stays high.
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Always_Tim said:
Characters I'd like to see return as companions:
  • Sally Sparrow — Star of everyone's favorite Doctor-lite episode, "Blink"

  • Won't ever happen. Even though I loved the character, the actress has stated she really doesn't like Doctor Who fans (apparently we're too geeky for her).

    Always_Tim said:
    • Jenny (the Doctor's "daughter") — What's she up to? They could have let her die, but they didn't, so she should show up someday!
    • Captain Jack — Obviously the Doctor must have something to do with his "missing two years" at the Time Agency, right?
    • Ace — all grown up! Did she go to Gallifrey as the novels suggest? If not, what did she do in her post-TARDIS years? (Besides blowing stuff up, of course!) Would most likely be only for one episode, I imagine.
    • Susan Foreman (Carol Ann Ford is still around … would be hilarious to see her as an old woman calling Matt Smith "grandfather"! I imagine if that happened we'd see her regenerate into a younger actress, though)
    • Romana — This Time Lady would be a good choice if they bring Time Lords back on the show. easy because they can cast anyone, even someone who has played another role on DW before, as Romana II made the conscious choice to adopt Princess Astra's appearance. Could bring Lalla Ward on for a Romana II -> Romana III regeneration sequence, as she's still active in the DW community (recording audio dramas and appearing at conventions) even though she doesn't do much acting anymore.
    • K-9 (unlikely, unless Romana shows up with K-9 Mark II)

Jenny I would like. Jack is in Torchwood and should stay there. He's his own main character now. Ace... meh, never really warmed up to her. Romana is dead if she returned to the normal universe and fought in the Time War, as was referenced in some Audio versions where she became Lord President. K-9 has that whole other series with the... nevermind. It;s not K-9, and I never will agree it is.

Susan Formean... Now this is a character that NEEDS to come back before the actress dies. If for nothing else, but to give the Doctor closure.
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I'm really hoping that this season is the last season we see Matt Smith. I could really care less for that guy for many reasons. I'm really intrigued on how they will show the weeping angels. I'm sure I heard of them somewhere. Out of all the things, they creep me out the most.
Satanie said:
I'm really hoping that this season is the last season we see Matt Smith. I could really care less for that guy for many reasons. I'm really intrigued on how they will show the weeping angels. I'm sure I heard of them somewhere. Out of all the things, they creep me out the most.

I actually like MAtt Smith as the Doctor. A lot. He has an intensity that comes out when necessary, while still being able to play the curious old man, giddy to experience new things.

A lot of it is writing, too. The writing on his episodes has been great, overall. Very few weak episodes. I'm really hoping we get another Gaiman episode, soon, as well. I've loved his writing since The Sandman days.

Mark Saturday, September 1st on your calendars, because Doctor Who is returning for all new and EPIC adventures with the Doctor, and his beloved companions on BBC One, BBC America, & SPACE, and September 8th on ABC TV for you *Australian* #Whovians ! Who's psyched? So grab a pound of bacon, a bag of popcorn, or a Gallifreyan delicacy - fish fingers and custard - and enjoy ALL NEW Doctor Who on September 1st!

So sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooon!
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new Who is awesome!!!
Martha and Amy were/are great, but I am getting way more excited to see Oswin be the Doctors companion after this first episode of the new season
Crumb said:
new Who is awesome!!!
Martha and Amy were/are great, but I am getting way more excited to see Oswin be the Doctors companion after this first episode of the new season

Half an hour until it comes on here on BBC America. Can't wait!
She is even cuter than Amy! I hope the other character she plays has the same personality and energy.

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I hope this character somehow ends up being her as a companion.
The trailers advertised that the story had a beginning, middle, and end, but not in that order.
Perhaps he finds a way to save her?
We've seen ends to stories changed before.
I would LOVE to see such her as a companion in this role because she is such a challenge to him.
The doctor doesn't want weak women, they've all been fireballs in their own ways.
Her intelligence and his together could be remarkable.

The doctor does have a habit of picking women who can save everyone's ass when needed, and she's already demonstrated this ability.
Also, I kindof doubt they'd bring her up as such a unique and memorable character, just to bring her back as another unique, memorable character in the same season.

Just my hopes, haha.
I go nuts for theories and plotlines when it comes to Doctor Who.
Just watched Dinosaurs on a Spaceship...and wow, the Doctor is going all Sisko on everyone's ass. Usually he's all "blah blah good of humanity everyone is worthwhile" but now he's just like "eh....fuck you." love it.
VeronicaChaos said:
Just watched Dinosaurs on a Spaceship...and wow, the Doctor is going all Sisko on everyone's ass. Usually he's all "blah blah good of humanity everyone is worthwhile" but now he's just like "eh....fuck you." love it.

I think he will show up again. I never trust an off camera death.
Chellelovesu said:
The doctor does have a habit of picking women who can save everyone's ass when needed, and she's already demonstrated this ability.

Then how do you explain Amy? Uhg, am I the only one who hates her? She's finally starting to come into her own in my opinion, I actually really liked her on the latest episode, but mostly she hasn't been the most helpful at all and big fucking surprise that she became a bitchy model and had dumped Rory in the premiere. She doesn't deserve him. Or the Doctor for that matter.

I will say she is fucking hot and sooo gorgeous, but by far my least favorite companion ever.
Shaun__ said:
She is even cuter than Amy! I hope the other character she plays has the same personality and energy.[/center]

I watched the Nerdist's Q&A after the sneak preview/premiere of Asylum of the Daleks and the way the Caroline Skinner was talking made it seem as though it'll be the same character.
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