New Arrested Development On Netflix Only For The US
I’m a Netflix subscriber in the UK, and I know plenty more. I even know some in Canada. And all of us are going to be shut out from next year’s exclusive premiere of ten new Arrested Development episodes.
According to Canada’s National Post (via CinemaBlend), Netflix’s Vice President of Corporate Communications has said:
The return of Arrested Development on Netflix will be in the US only.
There’s two ways to read that. One: that Arrested Development is coming back just for US Netflix subscribers. Two: that outside of the US, the show will find some other avenue to its audience, perhaps traditional broadcast TV.
Let’s hope it’s option two. The wording of the statement certainly seems to suggest this might be the case. Whatever’s going on, I expect that Netflix had the choice, somewhere along the line, to make the show their exclusive globally, and they did not. Perhaps they believe that the appeal of the show is largely Stateside.
To be honest, I believe that too, but I do think there’s enough fans here in the UK that it would have won Netflix some new subscribers. As and when we know where “the rest of the world” will be able to see new Arrested Development, we’ll pass it on. Hopefully it won’t just be via torrents.