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Dating a camgirl and I need some advice

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Apr 18, 2016
This is not a topic I want to shorten to make it easier to read, so it will be a wall of text, sorry in advance.

I met a girl on MFC that was initially a skype show relationship. However, I talked a lot with her when she wasn't working, which has gradually grown into a relationship over the last couple of months. It has been difficult, especially at the start because I just assumed she was only into me for my money. We decided to meet up in real life, but she lives in another country, so I had to plan some vacation around it. At the start I was in it mostly for the ride, I thought it would be fun, she is super cute, and I love her personality. If things go good, they go good, if she is just stringing me along for the money, then in the long run I have lost a little money but nothing serious.

The problem is that I have fallen in love. After meeting her in real life, and being with her for a week (which was suuuper awkward in the start, hah!). I also know for a fact that she loves me too, and I no longer have any doubts about whether she is trying to trick me along for the money or not. She genuinely likes me. So the issue presented itself when I came back home from the trip, and she needed to go back to work.

You can probably guess where this is headed. I do not consider myself a jealous person, I have had girlfriends before, and I have never felt jealous of them being with guy friends or anything like that. I consider myself mentally to be a very sex positive person, and in my rational mind I recognize that getting naked on camera and masturbating, is just a job like any other. Just like in any customer service profession you have good days and bad days, and days where you can get some super shitty customers to deal with. You have to pretend to be happy when you are not, and you might be on your third masturbation show in a row when all you really want to do is go to bed. You might be on your period and trying desperately to hide it and pretend that it is not there, so you will not offend any of our delicate male sensibilities. So even if the job can be fun and rewarding, it's still a job.

Even so, I got jealous, and I feel it gets worse every week. I really really love her, and I know she loves me too. However, every time she goes online, and I think about her being in a private show with someone else. Masturbating, or dancing, or whatever. It just kills me, and I hate it. I am trying all I can to stay positive and pretend i am not "too" bothered by it. I have told her about it (I think it's best to be open and communicate), and she knows I am having a hard time of it lately. As a result she now only works every 3rd day or so, compared to every day before, of her own volition. Which makes me feel awful, because I know how much money she would make if it wasn't for me. I kinda feel like an asshole.

She says she wants to quit, that she enjoys the work on some days, but hate the days when she tries really hard, with 100 people watching, and she gets 0 tips. She can't quit fully until the day where we move together (which is at least a year from now), and she doesn't want me sending her money to cover for her loss of income.

So, I just need some guidance on how to deal with the situation. When I get jealous I get in a really bad mood, to the degree that I do not want to talk to her, and it also puts me in a bad mood when I am at work. I just get these awful images in my mind of what she is doing for her customers, even if I do what I can not to think about it (what if she does a show with a new customer who is like me, that she likes even more, who is prettier, funnier and who doesn't bitch about her job!). I feel that the smart thing would be to just end it and move on, for my own sanity.

However, I just love her so damn much. I have never been as happy as when I am with her, we have a really great chemistry together, and I know the camming is just a temporary gig. What is the next 10 months compared to the rest of our lives? (assuming we don't hate each other after year 6, get a divorce, and spend the rest of our lives doing custody battles, heh...) Do any of you have significant others that can tell me how they handle the situation? Are they just cool with it?

I am also really worried that it will just get worse, especially the more I meet her in real life, and that I will grow to resent her for it. Or I am worried that she will grow to resent me for being so jealous when she works, because she feels bad when she works because of me. I try not to complain too much, but it's also hard for me to say nothing at all when I am having such an issue of it.

If you read all of this, thank you for taking the time, and all advice is appreciated. :)
It takes a certain type of guy to handle this job (having a gf doing this)- If you love someone and trust them you should understand that she needs to make money and if she loves camming you should not stop her from doing so. Put this in a different situation: If she didn't like your'e job and you made really awesome money and loved your'e job it wouldn't be fair for her to ask you to quit- Regardless of what you do for work. If you are jealous- don't watch her cam, stop visiting her room if you can't handle it. If you are still getting jealous w out watching her then maybe your'e not a guy who can handle being with a camgirl. I would assume that every girl on this forum has a supportive partner that does this so there are guys out there who can handle this type of job and there are guys who can't handle it. I personally would never quit for any guy and if my bf asked me to stop I would tell him no. NOW if he was uncomfortable with something I was doing and talked to me like a person than I would consider changing how I did whatever made him uncomfortable. Good luck!
You sound a lot like me. I'm having the same thoughts you had before you and your girlfriend met. My flight isn't booked until July so it's a date I wait in heavy anticipation.

I'm also dealing with jealousy and trust issues (which is compounded by the fact we haven't met yet). We had a pretty big fight the other day and it hit me hard afterwards. I saw how upset it was making her that I didn't 100% believe her. She gave me the ultimatum right then and there. Either I trust her or just end everything because she can't handle fighting all the time. And it wasn't until then, that I set my petty shit aside.

Basically you have one of two options. You can truly understand her job for what it is, trust in her and be secure knowing that you're a REALLY LUCKY GUY. Or you can let this jealousy thing eat you alive until you ruin your relationship and her income because you can't see the job as a job.

I'm with my girl in her room all night, every night she works. Mainly so we can see each other more. And yeah, it kinda sucks whenever I see she goes in pvt. Know what I do? I turn on like stand up comedy or pop in a videogame or something to get my mind off of it. I used to spy here and there, but I could tell it really bothered her. So I just stopped all together. It's better for both of us that way.

I still have frustrations because she works a lot and we don't have a lot of "us" time. Sigh.. But it is what it is. It's really up to you and you need to honestly come to terms with things asap for you and her sake. And honestly, if you love her like you say you do, then you need to be there to support her. Don't make her job harder than what it is already because you should know what these girls have to put up with at work.
Yes, we had some fights about trust before we met as well. When someones job is to manipulate men from their money by pretending they like them, it is hard to be 100% trusting that that isn't the case with you. I had to actually meet her before I got to the point where I now trust her, and trust that she loves me.

Right now the jealousy thing really is eating me alive, even if I can see the job as a job. I have never asked her to stop working, and I never will. I want to support her no matter what she wants her occupation to be. I also definitely think that sex and love are two separate entities, and what she does in private with customers doesn't have anything to do with our relationship. Despite knowing this, I still get jealous when I see her jump into a private show with another man. If you had asked me a year ago if I thought I would have jealousy issues if I was going to hypothetically date a camgirl, I would have said no. She is just doing a job, it has nothing to do with love, and I have never been the type to get jealous. Sadly, dealing with the situation in reality is showing that this is not the case.

I chose not to be in her room when she works. I used to do the same thing you did, but now I just can't handle it. Again, the jealousy issues weren't really there until after we had met in real life, and I realized how much I love her. Since I love her, I want to be there and support her, especially on bad days, but also because I love her I can't handle the idea that she does private shows anymore. However, not being in the room doesn't mean that I don't know when she does private shows, it is painfully obvious when she just suddenly stops responding when you are having a conversation going via text.

The obvious conclusion is that the best thing for both of us would be to break up. It will hurt like a bitch, but I don't want her to be miserable when she works and I don't want to be miserable when she works. It is really unfair to her that I get so depressed about it. I really am a super lucky guy, she is such an amazing girl, and I do not deserve someone as great as her if all I do is make her unhappy about her job.

It's not going to be like this forever though, if I can just deal with it for a year then it will be all good.
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I never got jealous or worried I'd lose her, just hated seeing her be treated like shit by people on the internet. Never got use to it. Thankfully she got bored with camming somewhat quickly. Moving on might honestly be your best move. Camgirls share a lot of themselves and do it in ways most women don't with their customers. If you aren't willing to sacrifice many things that rational guys expect in a relationship, probably best to end it now. Find a woman with a less intimate or sexual job and you won't have to worry about it. Or just wait a year.
I've always wondered about this thing jealousy. Where does it come from? Is it from wanting to possess the person, wanting to exert your control, or is it simply a lack of trust because you know how you might react to a certain situation? Is it because we think they might share some of that precious feeling of love [that we want 100% of from them], with another person and that somehow that will slight the amount we get ? From what I've seen over the years, it comes from both sexes and is usually brought on by our own self doubt or some little out of the norm action by our partner. About now, I will say the part about how in every relationship, cam based or not, there will always be someone else that is prettier or more hansom, richer, a smoother talker, [or whatever your self doubts might be] that will be around when you are not. This is where the foundation of trust and honesty with each other comes in. If you have built it right and the trust is implicit, you should have no worries. If you aren't sure, still have a wandering heart or in most cases a wandering eye, you will project that insecurity onto your partner as well. That little crack in the foundation needs to be tended to or the whole relationship will erode and come tumbling down. These days, the world is so overtly self centered that few are willing to put in the work to maintain things and they simply move on. You both know if this relationship is right. Creating other issues by an overactive mind will have the same effect as finding lipstick on your collar or another mans cologne on hers.
I'm not going to mention morality here simply bc what is generally accepted as a moral standard has little to do with the majority of the sex industry.... and we're here already. :)

Good luck. This message will self destruct in 5 seconds.

When someones job is to manipulate men from their money by pretending they like them, it is hard to be 100% trusting that that isn't the case with you. I had to actually meet her before I got to the point where I now trust her, and trust that she loves me.

Dude. You're going to have a really hard time if you think this is the case. I hate to break it to you but most of us genuinely DO LIKE members who visit our rooms frequently. For most of us it isn't manipulation. We like hanging out in our camrooms, we like our people. We provide a service for money so legit don't get how you think it's manipulation. But anyways point being if you convince your self she doesn't actually like her members you're gonna have a hard time.

TO be clear liking a member doesn't mean you want to go and shag them. I like all my regs. A lot. (otherwise I would have banned them MWAHAHA!) But I am probably not going to go shag them (sorry fellas). I mean some of them are defs shag worthy, but my relationship with my GF is more important. Also. Work boundaries.

On that note my GF and I had a conversation about goofy ass jealous people. She said it was easy for her to see me to do this job because it's essentially just a really rad job. But she thinks of me as a cupcake. Everyone looks at me in the bakery counter and wants me, but she's the only one who gets to eat me. We're terrible people obvi haha. But here's the thing. If your problem is dudes staring at her or treating her like shit - rude awakening ... EVERY job she has that will happen. I worked as a waitress for five minutes, also as a nutrition weight loss consultant, also in retail as a teenager. ALL of those vanilla jobs someone treated me like shit (and I had to suck it up because there was no ban button). I can't count the number of creepy dudes I had in my office flirting at me while I was trying to keep it professional and talk about their nutrition. Being a waitress was the worst because just about every guy looked at me like I was cake, treated me like shit, and I had to put up with it and wasn't compensated in any way. Not to mention in ALL of those jobs I was groped. SO you say that she only has to work until she moves in with you. COol. But will she ever leave the house? Will she get dude friends? because dude. she probably will so get your jealousy under control. If you can't draw the boundary between a job and personal will you be able to draw a distinction between her best platonic guy friend and someone she wants to shag?

Also. so she moves in with you. Quits working. HOw is she going to have her own financial stability? Without ensuring her financial stability you will essentially force her to become completely reliant on you financially. What if she wants to leave? What if you want her to leave? I am all for being a stay at home pretty girlfriend. 100% support. But it would be kind of irresponsible of both of you to not have a plan if things go wrong.
Dude. You're going to have a really hard time if you think this is the case. I hate to break it to you but most of us genuinely DO LIKE members who visit our rooms frequently. For most of us it isn't manipulation. We like hanging out in our camrooms, we like our people. We provide a service for money so legit don't get how you think it's manipulation. But anyways point being if you convince your self she doesn't actually like her members you're gonna have a hard time.
This is nice to hear, but man, do I worry about this at times. I do NOT shut up in rooms usually, and I wonder how much has been a model putting up with it since I am a tipper. It's OK if she does, but I still worry about it.

TO be clear liking a member doesn't mean you want to go and shag them. I like all my regs. A lot. (otherwise I would have banned them MWAHAHA!) But I am probably not going to go shag them (sorry fellas). I mean some of them are defs shag worthy, but my relationship with my GF is more important. Also. Work boundaries.
You broke a lot of hearts today, Tam. :p

On that note my GF and I had a conversation about goofy ass jealous people. She said it was easy for her to see me to do this job because it's essentially just a really rad job. But she thinks of me as a cupcake. Everyone looks at me in the bakery counter and wants me, but she's the only one who gets to eat me.
I guess this is why I don't think I'd deal with the jealousy thing much in regards to a cam model.When the "competition" is blocked by the current laws of physics, yeah, they can look all they want... :p
It's not going to be like this forever though, if I can just deal with it for a year then it will be all good.
It will be like this forever, in one form or another you will always be like this until you find the root cause... and that aint in camming, it's in you.

The ol' "can't love someone else until you love yourself" mantra.
If you aren't willing to sacrifice many things that rational guys expect in a relationship, probably best to end it now. Find a woman with a less intimate or sexual job and you won't have to worry about it. Or just wait a year.

What??? So you are saying that to be in a relationship with a cam girl and be ok with it you are not a rational guy?? If that's not what your saying and worded wrongly then sorry. If that is what you meant then WTF lol totally offensive to cam girls and their partners. A man who is with a cam girl is not ONLY rational but also someone who has enough confidence in himself and trust in his significant other that it will never be an issue for either.
My boyfriend introduced me to camming. My boyfriend loves to watch me on cam. He loves to hear about my day on cam and gets excited when I've had a good day. Because it's something I'm passionate about, he is happy I've found something I truly love doing. And he does this because he loves me and is 100% confident in himself, me, and our relationship. I don't see a problem here.

TBH if I was your camgirl girlfriend, after reading your first post I'd break up with you, this is NOT a base for a healthy relationship.
TBH if I was your camgirl girlfriend, after reading your first post I'd break up with you, this is NOT a base for a healthy relationship.

Yes, yes and yes again. I have enough going on in my job without having to deal with this in my day to day life. Best advice OP either break up with her now and spare you both the drama that will most def unfold OR deal with it and realise she had chosen to be with you!!!! Stop feeling like shit and if you can't then being with a cam girl is not for you.
Dude. You're going to have a really hard time if you think this is the case. I hate to break it to you but most of us genuinely DO LIKE members who visit our rooms frequently. For most of us it isn't manipulation. We like hanging out in our camrooms, we like our people. We provide a service for money so legit don't get how you think it's manipulation. But anyways point being if you convince your self she doesn't actually like her members you're gonna have a hard time.

I would venture he is saying this because it makes him feel better to think that she hates her job. Or maybe she says that to prevent fighting/arguing.

Or maybe she just is that type of cam girl. The ones that fake relationships or make up financial issues or blah blah. Those girls are awful and give us all a bad name...and if that's the case they seem perfect for each other;)
What??? So you are saying that to be in a relationship with a cam girl and be ok with it you are not a rational guy?? If that's not what your saying and worded wrongly then sorry. If that is what you meant then WTF lol totally offensive to cam girls and their partners. A man who is with a cam girl is not ONLY rational but also someone who has enough confidence in himself and trust in his significant other that it will never be an issue for either.

You seem very confused. I was saying that even if he wasn't insecure, it is completely rational for him to be hesitant about being involved with a sex worker. He will have to sacrifice many things that most guys get in relationships. Not sure how this can be seen as offensive.
OP: I met my boyfriend through camming. We've been together for a year now & living together for about 6 months. At the time before we offically got together I never ever thought jealousy would be an issue. After all we met on chaturbate and he understands the ins and outs of the game. But over time and especially after he moved here, he got jealous. Not in exactly the way you describe. But jealous that he had to go to work and not spend time with me watching my shows and missing me throughout the day. A lot of your jealousy seems to be based on lack or trust & insecurity. Which could also be brought into light in other situations not just camming.

First of all, it is NOT a camgirls job to manipulate men for money. Men willingly come on their own and spend money for our services whether it be something sexual, social or what not. There is no amount of money that would make me feel like I had to pretend I liked someone I found awful (I ban those who have tried!) I do genuinely like a lot of my clients and enjoy interacting with them.

What the internet sees and gets VS what an intimate partner gets are VERY different things--no matter how personal it looks from the outside.
Now, I don't think every guy who can't have a sex worker for a girlfriend is a bad person. We're all allowed to choose who/what we want in a relationship. But the fact that you care enough to post here for advice shows that you at least want some understanding.
I can be a very insecure/jelly person at times and I could drive myself crazy thinking of all these scenarios of my boyfriend meeting another woman better than me while he's at work but when that happens and i start thinking catastrophic, irrational thoughts I have to exercise self control and clarity to stop myself and be like "NO! don't do this. trust him and trust the relationship". (keep in mind I have anxiety,depression and bpd so my thought process is very intense and unbalanced at times) The more I did that, stopping myself from having those bad thoughts,feeding them and letting them take over-- even though it was uncomfortable, the easier it got over time to let it go. You have to relinquish control and trust her. She's an amazing girl you said-has she done anything to make you distrust her? If it isn't camming, the jealousy and insecurity can leak out onto other things. I got hit on at ALL the regular jobs I've worked at--not just camming. She will have customers who ARE very physically attractive...but so what? our partners will always find other people attractive as much as it's a bitter pill to swallow. That doesn't mean that you're not enough, they don't love you or they're plotting to run away and love someone else.

When she's working, do something for you! Read a book, exercise, go for a walk, watch shows, learn a craft, call a friend--let her work in peace without worrying she's upsetting you.
The way I view this, despite your many incorrect assumptions about cam girls and any other fluff, there are 2 things you need to address:

1. You don't seem to have enough confidence in yourself

But, more importantly:

2. You don't seem to trust her.

Both of these things become obvious because you do not like when she is taken private. If she can fall for you, she may fall for someone else on a cam site. This just screams not enough confidence in yourself and a lack of trust for her. Love doesn't solve any of this directly but it can inspire you to take a hard look at yourself and the relationship to try to solve these issues both within yourself and together. And, news flash: love is not enough for a successful relationship to work!

Camming is a job and there are a lot of happy couples where one or both partners is in this industry. Although every relationship is unique, communication and trust are always key. You and she have to find what works for you as a couple. This requires knowing yourself well enough to know what you want and need from a relationship. Otherwise, it may very well be a learning experience.

And, just to throw in my personal opinion on this, I'd break up with you too if I read this post. Like, seriously? You're not ready. Man up. Change yourself to be the awesome guy that this lovely cam lady (or any girl you date) deserves. Be the power house of manliness and support. Done correctly, you will know that there's no way she can waiver because you and she are awesome and even more awesome together. There is you and she and your personal life and then there are your work lives. Don't be a weak little bitch. This may take time :p

^ I hope this comes across as helpful and not offensive. It is a little harsh but know that I have good intentions.

Best of luck :)
You seem very confused. I was saying that even if he wasn't insecure, it is completely rational for him to be hesitant about being involved with a sex worker. He will have to sacrifice many things that most guys get in relationships. Not sure how this can be seen as offensive.

That is not what you said. And tell me what are all these things that one will have to give up working with a cam girl? Just out of interest.
That is not what you said. And tell me what are all these things that one will have to give up working with a cam girl? Just out of interest.

It is basically what I said. You really want me to list all the negatives and sacrifices of being involved with a sex worker in comparison to a non sex worker? haha yeah I know, wtf@non sex worker. Couldn't figure out how to word it without offending the tumblr crowd. I feel like most are extremely obvious. Would take a really long time to type them all out. Pretending that dating a sex worker doesn't come with a bunch of shit you don't have to deal with when involved with a non sex worker is pretty funny I guess, so thanks. I'll fall in line before I go.

Omg op you are so super lucky! Dating a camgirl is just the coolest! Can't think of one bad thing about it!
That is not what you said. And tell me what are all these things that one will have to give up working with a cam girl? Just out of interest.
I would like to know this too. I mean surely a guy would be only more than happy to have a gf who is desired by everyone, knowimg that only he can have her. A girlfriend who has freedom to schedule her work so that you can spend more time together. A girlfriend who is confident about her body and sexuality and earns enough $$ to help to build your life together. At least all guys I know would think so. But then again I only have cool friends ;)
I would like to know this too. I mean surely a guy would be only more than happy to have a gf who is desired by everyone, knowimg that only he can have her.
lol what? On what planet are camgirls desired by everyone?

A girlfriend who has freedom to schedule her work so that you can spend more time together. A girlfriend who is confident about her body and sexuality and earns enough $$ to help to build your life together.

Ahhh, you are aware that non sex workers have these same qualities too, right?
lol what? On what planet are camgirls desired by everyone?

Eerr... camgirls would probably be out of job if they weren't desired by people who frequent camsites... o_O

Ahhh, you are aware that non sex workers have these same qualities too, right?

I... literally nowhere did I say that they don't have them lololol

Wow, someone has to deal with some serious internalized misogyny, plus your posts clearly show you don't actually like camgirls at all. I'm not sure why you are on a forum full of camgirls.
It is basically what I said. You really want me to list all the negatives and sacrifices of being involved with a sex worker in comparison to a non sex worker? haha yeah I know, wtf@non sex worker. Couldn't figure out how to word it without offending the tumblr crowd. I feel like most are extremely obvious. Would take a really long time to type them all out. Pretending that dating a sex worker doesn't come with a bunch of shit you don't have to deal with when involved with a non sex worker is pretty funny I guess, so thanks. I'll fall in line before I go.

Omg op you are so super lucky! Dating a camgirl is just the coolest! Can't think of one bad thing about it!

No I don't want a massive list 3 or 4 would do. At the moment you don't seem to be able to even come up with one issue that is not something that would come up within what you class as a normal relationship. Can we remember when you are listing these issues that this is specific to cam girls, and not escorts or other more hands on sex work. I really am very interested!!
Eerr... camgirls would probably be out of job if they weren't desired by people who frequent camsites... o_O
You make very little sense.
I... literally nowhere did I say that they don't have them lololol
Why bring it up? lololololololololololololololol

Wow, someone has to deal with some serious internalized misogyny, plus your posts clearly show you don't actually like camgirls at all. I'm not sure why you are on a forum full of camgirls.
lol gross My opinion is different so I must be a misogynist that hates camgirls. I love how some of the girls here managed to be even more insecure than op.
Okay, I'm going to come right out and say I really don't understand when people act like dating a camgirl is like any other relationship and that there aren't any freedoms that someone has to give up or special situations that they're going to have to deal with in order to do it successfully. It's naive and shortsighted, in my opinion. It IS different.

That is not what you said. And tell me what are all these things that one will have to give up working with a cam girl? Just out of interest.

An honest and open relationship with friends and family, for one. How many camgirls are completely out? Definitely not the majority. A very small percent, at best. And of those that ARE out, even less are out to their significant others friends and family. When a guy gets into a relationship with a camgirl he's generally expected to weave an elaborate web of lies in order to protect her privacy. This in itself is fucking stressful. Constantly making sure they're keeping the story straight, worrying a friend or father will stumble upon a video and the jig will be up, etc.
Even if you're an out camgirl and he's able to be completely honest with his family, he's going to have to deal with a lot of fallout. Like it or not there's a lot of stigma that comes with this job and that stigma is also why it's so profitable. It's very unlikely that he can tell his grandma Edna what his girlfriend does for a living that she will be all "that's nice dear" about it. No matter what, it's going to put stress on family and friend relationships. Sometimes a whoooole lot of it.

Getting in a relationship with a camgirl and then getting jealous of her job=fucking stupid.
Realizing that there issues specific to dating someone in this line of work=reasonable.
Being the significant other of a cam girl isn't for everyone.

There ARE sacrifices you'll make. There ARE differences in a relationship where your girl is sharing part of her intimate life with strangers on the Internet. It doesn't necessarily make you insecure if you're not OK with that. There may be other underlying jealousy/distrust issues, and yes that IS a problem, and if you can work out those personal issues then the relationship may be fine.

I think it's silly to argue that there's no difference dating a cam girl/sex worker and dating someone who works in retail, for example.

And yes, as I was typing, @NoelleBright posted a much more thorough post with the same thoughts I was trying to convey, lol.
It is basically what I said. You really want me to list all the negatives and sacrifices of being involved with a sex worker in comparison to a non sex worker? haha yeah I know, wtf@non sex worker. Couldn't figure out how to word it without offending the tumblr crowd. I feel like most are extremely obvious. Would take a really long time to type them all out. Pretending that dating a sex worker doesn't come with a bunch of shit you don't have to deal with when involved with a non sex worker is pretty funny I guess, so thanks. I'll fall in line before I go.

Omg op you are so super lucky! Dating a camgirl is just the coolest! Can't think of one bad thing about it!
I can see challenges that you would have to deal with that are not as common in other relationships.

However just out of curiosity can you list a few of these sacrifices in your opinion? I'm just actually really curious what you see as a sacrafice.

Do the benefits of dating a cam girl outweigh these sacrifices in your opinion?
I wouldn't disagree there are sacrifices. there are sacrifices in ALL relationships. That's what relationships are about.

I think my snicker came with "rational guys sacrifice" I feel like you have to by HYPER rational to date a cam girl.

I'm mostly super curious about how OP is doing since we haven't heard from him yet really. I'm kind of rooting for you OP. Jealousy is a mean animal and I hope for the sake of your relationship you can take some of the things said here to heart.
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