Well that escalated quickly!
Happy Mother's Day to all ACF moms!
Well that escalated quickly!
Happy Mother's Day to all ACF moms!
These days, it's referred to as an "UPOS" tan (Uber driving a piece of shit car with no A/C, forcing him to hang his arm out the window).Is it still considered a farmers tan when its really just a sunburn that ends at your elbows?
Allow happiness.
This is so odd. Somehow I managed to get a piece of black hair lodged into the bottom of my foot, and when I tugged at it to pull it out, that shit hurt. Lol. My right foot's been hurting, and I'm walking around all funny. I was told to soak my foot in some warm water, so that's what I'm doing right now.
Had a whisker go into a finger one time. Went in deep. Cut hair can be sharp!
Had a whisker go into a finger one time. Went in deep. Cut hair can be sharp!
The Serenity Prayer is excellent for daily thoughts
God grant me the serenity
To accept the things I cannot change
Courage to change the things I can
And wisdom to know the difference
There are many other things I use too but I don't want to list them here but I'll list them in private if asked