AmberCutie's Forum
An adult community for cam models and members to discuss all the things!

Daily Thoughts

    Only persons aged 18 or over may read or post to the forums, without regard to whether an adult actually owns the registration or parental/guardian permission. AmberCutie's Forum (ACF) is for use by adults only and contains adult content. By continuing to use this site you are confirming that you are at least 18 years of age.
Have been noticing that my computer is running super slow. Defragged, didn't help.

I think I found the reason:

I had some videos converting in freemake overnight, and the last two couldn't save because my hard drive is full.

I go to transfer my raw files, which are huge, to my external hard drive to make some room.

It's full, too.

I go through all my folders, deleting any duplicates that are in multiple folders (my external hard drive is so disorganized), free up a lot of space and get everything transferred.

Wow, I have a lot of porn.
Have been noticing that my computer is running super slow. Defragged, didn't help.
I think I found the reason:
I had some videos converting in freemake overnight, and the last two couldn't save because my hard drive is full.
I go to transfer my raw files, which are huge, to my external hard drive to make some room.
It's full, too.
I go through all my folders, deleting any duplicates that are in multiple folders (my external hard drive is so disorganized), free up a lot of space and get everything transferred.
Wow, I have a lot of porn.


Screenshot - 4_27_2016 , 3_43_41 AM.png
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Friends don't let friends buy Seagate. Not since the 480 gig days. This is known. They've become the Sony of data storage.

Same size, $9 cheaper, Western Digital. Not nominating a vendor, you get a blue or red series drive in their USB 3.0 (works with any USB) enclosure with much better luck.

I've lost 9tb to Seagate, used to be my boys back in the day, but they've lost the plot.
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Friends don't let friends buy Seagate. Not since the 480 gig days. This is known. They've become the Sony of data storage.

Same size, $9 cheaper, Western Digital. Not nominating a vendor, you get a blue or red series drive in their USB 3.0 (works with any USB) enclosure with much better luck.

I've lost 9tb to Seagate, used to be my boys back in the day, but they've lost the plot.

On the other hand I own 8 of them and have never had one fail. One has been running constantly in my other PC for 18 years now. I'm okay with them.
Sure Jerry, I could tell you about my 24 year old Seagate. We could drink rum and go swimming in one of those balcony pools. Fantasy land is fun like that.

Seagate hasn't made a decent drive since before the 1tb Barracudas. Look at your own site reviews. They used to make great drives. They don't: haven't for five or more years.

(5) 1tb Barracudas dead outside of 1 year warranty and (1) 1.5tb, (1) 3tb Barracuda - warrantied, replaced, replacement is failing. 250 million read/write errors daily, some sectors can't be read - not bad enough to warranty again.

Samsung drives - 250 read/write errors on a bad day, no data lost on the worst. None on the others. Toshiba drives - report none, maybe suspicious, but no data lost. So far so good with WD.
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Anybody else find it ironic when a model receives an unwanted dick pic, posts it and complains about it on Twitter, which means she just sent a (probably) unwanted dick pic to her followers?

I have unfollowed/muted many a model for this. Don't subject us all to it!!
I have unfollowed/muted many a model for this. Don't subject us all to it!!
Me too. I just scolded a "promoter" for it yesterday, and he promptly deleted it and apologized.
Have a problem with the local Hardee's manager (Carl's Jr. for some of you). Go to website and fill out detailed description of problem. Get email from Hardee's saying it has been forwarded to that stores manager so he can contact me directly.

Uhm, if I wanted to talk to him I wouldn't have gone to the website dumb asses!
That area of my gums STILL hurts from the other day...when my greedy ass bit down on it from chomping on a Dunkin Donuts bacon, egg, cheese croissant (I love those things). I remember wanting to scream "FUUUCK!!!," but I think Mom was in the I just groaned loudly instead. LOL.
According to my twitter feed, it sounds like April's Miss MFC competition got about as toxic & nasty as it can get, particularly in the final hours

I saw all that too, personally I try and avoid all that sort of stuff and dont really nother to read it all but when the same person is involved in so much of it then there must be some truth to it. No smoke without fire and all that.

I'm glad @Kickaz won though, after being so close before it definitely felt like it was her turn.
According to my twitter feed, it sounds like April's Miss MFC competition got about as toxic & nasty as it can get, particularly in the final hours

If, by the last day of the month, a model is within grasp of Miss MFC, it's fair to assume that they've been tipped an absolute fortune that month. I just can't fathom the staggering levels of entitlement, self-centredness, and ungratefulness that must be coursing through a model's being to actually become nasty towards someone else for earning a little bit more than them that month. I wonder if they were always like that or whether these are character traits that have been nurtured by the culture of MFC and whether Miss MFC, for all the money it makes MFC and its models, isn't a corrupting force, turning normal people into frankly detestable human beings. I mean, that's probably harsh, but if you were to ask someone, anyone, outside of the Miss MFC bubble if they'd be happy to make somewhere in the region of $90,000 in a month, and their response was "well not if someone else is gonna be earning $95,000 in the same month", you'd be forced to ask some serious questions about that person's character, innit.
If, by the last day of the month, a model is within grasp of Miss MFC, it's fair to assume that they've been tipped an absolute fortune that month. I just can't fathom the staggering levels of entitlement, self-centredness, and ungratefulness that must be coursing through a model's being to actually become nasty towards someone else for earning a little bit more than them that month..
^I doubt that it's true. From twitter, PS seemed fine with the Miss MFC outcome, she was upset with the trolling in her room. Although, I may not have the full picture as I only woke up early this morning to tip @Kickaz and fell back to sleep.

However, while bob brought up the fairness subject, this seems relevant.
If, by the last day of the month, a model is within grasp of Miss MFC, it's fair to assume that they've been tipped an absolute fortune that month. I just can't fathom the staggering levels of entitlement, self-centeredness, and ungratefulness that must be coursing through a model's being to actually become nasty towards someone else for earning a little bit more than them that month. I wonder if they were always like that or whether these are character traits that have been nurtured by the culture of MFC and whether Miss MFC, for all the money it makes MFC and its models, isn't a corrupting force, turning normal people into frankly detestable human beings. I mean, that's probably harsh, but if you were to ask someone, anyone, outside of the Miss MFC bubble if they'd be happy to make somewhere in the region of $90,000 in a month, and their response was "well not if someone else is gonna be earning $95,000 in the same month", you'd be forced to ask some serious questions about that person's character, innit.
I agree, there has to be something deeply ingrained in the psyche, especially when certain models are famous for their insane rants and personal attacks. I have seen several spin off the knobs and go all psycho after they "got robbed" of the title. I would truly love to have a paycheck like that and would most likely spread it around to some close friends that need it instead of becoming an entitled spoiled angry child. in all honesty, the way the world in general is changing, I'd be surprised if some folks even knew what having good character even means.

I agree, there has to be something deeply ingrained in the psyche, especially when certain models are famous for their insane rants and personal attacks. I have seen several spin off the knobs and go all psycho after they "got robbed" of the title. I would truly love to have a paycheck like that and would most likely spread it around to some close friends that need it instead of becoming an entitled spoiled angry child. in all honesty, the way the world in general is changing, I'd be surprised if some folks even knew what having good character even means.

I mean if it's the same model I'm assuming it is, this behaviour has been consistently rewarded with piles of money and high ranks. MFC is, at its core, an entertainment site. No different than a reality tv show or whatever else. It's more of a bummer, to me, that this is what some members will tip for, than it is that someone will take advantage of that.
I have seen several spin off the knobs and go all psycho after they "got robbed" of the title.

This reminds me of how much I miss watching professional wrestling back when I was a kid. Hogan vs. Iron Sheik, Von Erichs vs. the Freebirds, Roddy Piper vs. Snuka, Ric Flair vs. Everyone; it wasn't necessarily the wrestling in the ring but the rants leading up to (and after) the big match that made the narrative and title match so entertaining.

I'm not invested at all in the participants competing in the MFC model arena but I can see how the drama is certainly capable of captivating the masses.
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Sooooooo because I missed the drama so much I am now watching every youtube clip of Snuka/Piper and Von Erichs/Freebirds (amazing how much of this is not wresting and is just ranting and raving! It is cool). Check it out if you can. There are cool hair styles from the 80's and pre-steroid dudes in tights. :) I know it isn't for everyone--it is sorta like comparing the original Star Wars to the new one that just came out--but it is still pretty neat.
Feeling a bit guilty today, after I was stopped in the street to be told "God will give you good news soon".

I'm not religious, but I should probably have been more respectful than responding "He's announcing me as his successor?"
"God will give you good news soon".

I'm not religious, but I should probably have been more respectful than responding "He's announcing me as his successor?"

I was in the big city of Chicago once during lollapolooza 93 with someone that lived in the outskirts of the city (people in Chicago seem to really care about if you reside in the city limits) and we were walking down the street when someone said the same sort of thing---and without fail, he yelled out at the man: "THERE IS NO GOD!" and he just kept walking as if I or the man with the signs, who asked him, wouldn't press him on the issue. We were totally sober. I'd never seen anyone deal with anyone like that. I thought his audacity in that setting (concrete jungle) was cool.
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This reminds me of how much I miss watching professional wrestling back when I was a kid. Hogan vs. Iron Sheik, Von Erichs vs. the Freebirds, Roddy Piper vs. Snuka, Ric Flair vs. Everyone; it wasn't necessarily the wrestling in the ring but the rants leading up to (and after) the big match that made the narrative and title match so entertaining.

I'm not invested at all in the participants competing in the MFC model arena but I can see how the drama is certainly capable of captivating the masses.

LoL... dont forget MM Randy Savage. Every time he was on, I waited for one of those veins to pop or him drop a load in his tights from the strain.
Ouch, your screen. After I busted my phone's screen I replaced it, no big deal and $20 later good as new....

...until two days later when I got the screen protector out to apply and saw it'd already been scratched up.
Ouch, your screen. After I busted my phone's screen I replaced it, no big deal and $20 later good as new....

...until two days later when I got the screen protector out to apply and saw it'd already been scratched up.
I think the one I bought this time around I'd plastic like the OEM part. If not, and it breaks again, it was $13