AmberCutie's Forum
An adult community for cam models and members to discuss all the things!

Daily Thoughts

    Only persons aged 18 or over may read or post to the forums, without regard to whether an adult actually owns the registration or parental/guardian permission. AmberCutie's Forum (ACF) is for use by adults only and contains adult content. By continuing to use this site you are confirming that you are at least 18 years of age.
This guy collected every weapon and piece of armour he gained by looting/killing throughout the course of the game, piled them in his house, and then did this lol.

People saw a pic of all the weapons and armor I had amassed and there were many many requests to see what would happen if Unrelenting Force was cast on the pile. This is the result.
Four two O,
Volcano call,
remembered how to think again.
That's all! :thumbleft:
-I met the CEO of the San Francisco Giants Baseball Organization Larry Baer and shook his hand. :-D

-I joined the Fitness 19 gym today to get me get me out of complacency , I have skinny arms with a lil muscle, and toned calves but the rest is chunk gonna work out and practice a healthy life style starting Dec. 1st, I gave up alcohol and soda so thats a start, no yo yo dieting just plain eating right :-D

-Question, should I start a workout/ lifestyle change thread on here? im seeing theres no fitness topic or thread, maybe post day 1 pics of peoples journey to a healthy lifestyle or whatever..
Keithy said:
I had a GIF response, but the compression caused too much artifacting.

I've found that some .gifs don't respond well at all to the automatic resizing that is done to forums attachments. So I always preview a .gif before I post it. If it's a problem, I'll upload it to imgur first and then hotlink here so there's no resizing.
bawksy said:
Keithy said:
I had a GIF response, but the compression caused too much artifacting.

I've found that some .gifs don't respond well at all to the automatic resizing that is done to forums attachments. So I always preview a .gif before I post it. If it's a problem, I'll upload it to imgur first and then hotlink here so there's no resizing.

If imgur don't work give a try for gifs larger than 2 MB. Limit is 10 MB.


8.63 MB gif
i am freaking out this song is soooo good. part of a documentary that takes electonic music artists and pairs them with artists from genres you wouldnt think mix.
this one is skrillex with members of the doors :
its orgasms to the ears for me and i wanted to share :)))
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Have been without T.V. for some time. Didn't really bother me except for missing world news. Just got turned on to project free TV, and showtime's Californication. So good, also makes me think I better touch bases with Jay Holben and do the interview before the offer goes away.
In a room today and I saw one of those acts that endear me to MFC. A model on her prem account entered the room and not only rallied the other visitors to tip, (I felt the need to raid another account for the last 50 tokens I had) but she also tipped in excess of 1500 tokens herself. It was a complete surprise to the model and had the feel of a small kitty cult invasion. The difference was that it was done with no sense of self promotion by the visiting model. Well your going to get a little anyway. Thank You Aedan Rayne. :clap:
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camstory said:
In a room today and I saw one of those acts that endear me to MFC. A model on her prem account entered the room and not only rallied the other visitors to tip, (I felt the need to raid another account for the last 50 tokens I had) but she also tipped in excess of 1500 tokens herself. It was a complete surprise to the model and had the feel of a small kitty cult invasion. The difference was that it was done with no sense of self promotion by the visiting model. Well your going to get a little anyway. Thank You Aedan Rayne. :clap:

Awe, shucks! Hey, LilyMarie makes me smile like a maniac. I can't help myself with a cutie like her! You're really missing out if you haven't been to Lily's room yet, guys... Add her to your friend's list STAT. :romance-heartsfade:

Thank you, love. This is a wonderful message to wake up to this morning. :h: :h: :h: :mkiss
I've started playing MMOs again. My guild isn't small, but it's got this mature, wholesome, friends-and-family vibe going on. I've had to catch myself a few times, because my first impulse is to address them as "bb" or "perverts" when I log on. "bb" would likely go unnoticed, but I'm concerned that "perverts" might slip out one of these days. :p
i just discovered to @ tab on twitter. is was wondering why with all the followers i had acquired no one seems to talk to me
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Jupiter551 said:

Rotfl I posted that on my facebook right after her episode aired. Some
camstory said:
In a room today and I saw one of those acts that endear me to MFC. A model on her prem account entered the room and not only rallied the other visitors to tip, (I felt the need to raid another account for the last 50 tokens I had) but she also tipped in excess of 1500 tokens herself. It was a complete surprise to the model and had the feel of a small kitty cult invasion. The difference was that it was done with no sense of self promotion by the visiting model. Well your going to get a little anyway. Thank You Aedan Rayne. :clap:

:) ScarletRaven is another one who does this on a regular basis she is FUCKING AWESOME! That is all...