AmberCutie's Forum
An adult community for cam models and members to discuss all the things!

Daily Thoughts

    Only persons aged 18 or over may read or post to the forums, without regard to whether an adult actually owns the registration or parental/guardian permission. AmberCutie's Forum (ACF) is for use by adults only and contains adult content. By continuing to use this site you are confirming that you are at least 18 years of age.
I saw a Starbucks commercial today where a girl handed her friend a drink, and then her friend said to her "You LITERALLY read my mind!"

Frustrated George Costanza GIF
I'm watching Kenan Thompson, etc. on this Saturday Night Live bit of the Republican Presidential debate, and I'm trying not to choke on my "Danny's Favorite" deli sandwich from Wegmans.

Laughing Man Lol GIF
She really said "I'm literally a sponge absorbing as much as I can." 🙄 :facepalm:

Yeah, um...that's enough internet for today. Goodnight, all. #ImmaHeadOut

George Costanza Reaction GIF by MOODMAN
Chaturbate users know that username colour shows up some detail of tipping history over the past 2 weeks (unless the user decides to restrict their colour to a lower level).
Also that when you click on a username, it displays that history too (has tipped 50+, 250+, 1000's in the last two weeks).
I think it'd be an advantage if the site still showed up that info for moderators and fan club members - i.e. they have a red or green username displayed, but when you click on it, you see what tipping level they're at.
Chaturbate users know that username colour shows up some detail of tipping history over the past 2 weeks (unless the user decides to restrict their colour to a lower level).
Also that when you click on a username, it displays that history too (has tipped 50+, 250+, 1000's in the last two weeks).
I think it'd be an advantage if the site still showed up that info for moderators and fan club members - i.e. they have a red or green username displayed, but when you click on it, you see what tipping level they're at.
The whole point is to hide that information. ;)
If a fan club member is sitting in a model room and slowly trickles tokens at her but is throwing down hard on another room it's going to create issues if she knows about it.

We have a drop down of exactly how much a person has tipped us in an hour, a day and over two weeks. If he goes in as light blue and comes out dark purple (by the numbers not the actual color) then she knows she's getting the raw end of the deal but you don't want to shit stir because fan clubs can be pricey and they also boost room rank/traffic.

It's the wino with the brown paper bag theory. Everyone knows there's booze in the bag, just not what kind or how much.
If a fan club member is sitting in a model room and slowly trickles tokens at her but is throwing down hard on another room it's going to create issues if she knows about it.

We have a drop down of exactly how much a person has tipped us in an hour, a day and over two weeks. If he goes in as light blue and comes out dark purple (by the numbers not the actual color) then she knows she's getting the raw end of the deal but you don't want to shit stir because fan clubs can be pricey and they also boost room rank/traffic.

It's the wino with the brown paper bag theory. Everyone knows there's booze in the bag, just not what kind or how much.
Thanks for the reply, genuinely interested in why you see it that way. To me, that colour change happens regardless of FCM or Mod status, but being masked behind the red or green name seems to be detrimental.
All other users have that info displayed, and they can limit how much it shows they tipped, for those who want to avoid the issue you highlighted. So even Mods or FCMs could apply this setting.
Right now, it shows nothing about their tipping history. I mean this from the room's perspective, not the model's. I frequent a room in which multiple mods and fan club members sit there hour after hour, never tip during the show, yet all of them maintain a constant barrage of encouragement to others to tip. The fan club membership is 50 tokens per month, and the mods don't subscribe.
Just seems weird when I go on SC and see knights and fan club subscribers, and consider if the site masked their league and level just because of that status.
Thanks for the reply, genuinely interested in why you see it that way. To me, that colour change happens regardless of FCM or Mod status, but being masked behind the red or green name seems to be detrimental.
All other users have that info displayed, and they can limit how much it shows they tipped, for those who want to avoid the issue you highlighted. So even Mods or FCMs could apply this setting.
Right now, it shows nothing about their tipping history. I mean this from the room's perspective, not the model's. I frequent a room in which multiple mods and fan club members sit there hour after hour, never tip during the show, yet all of them maintain a constant barrage of encouragement to others to tip. The fan club membership is 50 tokens per month, and the mods don't subscribe.
Just seems weird when I go on SC and see knights and fan club subscribers, and consider if the site masked their league and level just because of that status.
That sounds like poor room management on the model's part and not a bug in the fan club/mod status.

Honestly, 10 years into doing this and I still don't understand why any viewer thinks they have a right to know how much a person tips or what color someone is when they enter/leave.

You should have seen the absolute chaos that occurred when CB decided to color code tip levels. A lot of high tippers left the site in a single wave. Then they brought in level masking and most people aren't aware it exists so they buy fan club to hide it and I encourage them to do so.

My app keeps track of how much a person tips and displays the number next to their name until they become a fan club member or drop a single tip of 500 tokens, then it is replaced with a different nickname or the word Fan.

If you can make me understand why it's someone else's business other than the tipper/model's I am all eyes.
If you can make me understand why it's someone else's business other than the tipper/model's I am all eyes.
I'm not aiming to make you understand, nor caring if you do or don't.
I'm expressing my thoughts (in 'Daily Thoughts') that I would rather see the same details visible for mods and fan club members, that applies to all other users on the site, than have them sit behind a red or green username and urge me and others to tip in that room.
Have a nice day.
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For the last six months, I haven't been receiving any DMs on Onlyfans. I couldn't really find a way to fix it, so I just got used to not receiving the DMs. Then, last week, I resubbed to a model I hadn't been subbed to for awhile, and I started receiving her daily DMs. So, I unsubbed and resubbed from a few of the free accounts I follow, and suddenly, I'm getting DMs from them again. Screwy. So, now I've unsubbed from everyone else, and have to wait for paid subs to expire, with the hope that resubbing afterward will reenable receiving their DMs.

I don't really have a point to this story. It's just odd. Glad I stumbled on a way to fix the bug, or whatever it was, and I can have access to content models offer in DMs again.
After the pandemic my life has returned to the usual mess, like all work no play, spent the last year in 3 different continents fixing shit, I mean not that anybody cares, but I remembered wishing everybody merry Xmas, which I didn't get the chance to do last year. This is just to say that I'm back in my home country for Xmas and, as I always used to do, I really want to wish everybody and the whole forum a happy and peaceful Christmas, to you, your SOs, your family. And ofc to Amber.

Read few threads here and there and it was great to read well-known and respected posters as well as new ones. Really happy, but not surprised that everybody is doing great.
For the last six months, I haven't been receiving any DMs on Onlyfans. I couldn't really find a way to fix it, so I just got used to not receiving the DMs. Then, last week, I resubbed to a model I hadn't been subbed to for awhile, and I started receiving her daily DMs. So, I unsubbed and resubbed from a few of the free accounts I follow, and suddenly, I'm getting DMs from them again. Screwy. So, now I've unsubbed from everyone else, and have to wait for paid subs to expire, with the hope that resubbing afterward will reenable receiving their DMs.

I don't really have a point to this story. It's just odd. Glad I stumbled on a way to fix the bug, or whatever it was, and I can have access to content models offer in DMs again.
DM behavior on OF is so odd and buggy. This is a weird one.
The weather here is gloomy and drizzling and some jerkoff is outside blowing leaves. What the fuck?!!

I don't understand this whole leaf raking/blowing thing on residential property. Let them be. It's better for the environment and less likely to end up with me in your face about it.
Whats the whole Fuckboi thing mean again? In our context is it a guy who thinks he's so great he doesn't need to pay? Like a dude w an over-inflated ego? But then whiny on the flip of a dime. Those, right?
Or am I missing this whole Fuckboi thing?
I regularly latch on to phrases like this, then start using them, when I am totally misunderstanding their meaning.

ETA; (I don't wanna be at a family dinner or anything and misuse the term Fuckboi 😆)
  • Funny!
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I had to resort to the urban dictionary for this one...

A guy who will tell a girl anything to get them to hook up with them. A complete jerk who flirts with multiple girls at a time and makes them all believe they're individually special. They tell a girl they like them and act like they're in love so that they can get something out of it like pictures, hooking up, sex, etc. Someone who should not be trusted and is the reason for a lot of people's trust issues. Dont fuck with a fuckboi.
Friend 1: Yoo is Ashley still with James?
Friend 2: Nah didn't you hear? He told her he loved her and then asked another girl out.
Friend 1: What a fuckboi
I had to resort to the urban dictionary for this one...
Thanks guys. I don't like going over there, they keep rejecting my entries with cum rag excuses as why they won't accept my definitions of stuff. Urban dictionary are rude af.
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Fuckboi is also referred to as "Chad" or "Tyrone" .. the good looking guy all the women WANT to fuck as much as he wants to fuck them. These guys usually have a high body count and are never about a relationship... a kind of "player" basically
Fuckboi is also referred to as "Chad" or "Tyrone" .. the good looking guy all the women WANT to fuck as much as he wants to fuck them. These guys usually have a high body count and are never about a relationship... a kind of "player" basically
Oh got it. The kind of guy who probably leaves a lot of single Moms in his wake, who then get blamed for his lack of moral fiber, and shitty self control.
Fuckboi is also referred to as "Chad" or "Tyrone"

I wouldn’t say they’re the same terms. Chad and Tyrone are usually incel speak for a conventionally/objectively attractive, usually in shape, guy that in their eyes has the ability to get laid solely off his looks.

The above urban dictionary definition is for sure more accurate. A fuckboy doesn’t have to be conventionally attractive, since fuckboys use manipulation to get women to sleep with them.
you know what's really ick. The judgment and jealousy some people reek of towards adults who have consenting sexual relationships with multiple people. high body counts? if a person is having safe consensual sex with zero emotional manipulation, who fucking cares.

not being in a relationship and actively having sex is perfectly okay. lots of people aren't able to commit or want to be in relationships. like say someone who has a busy school or work life. maybe someone with a history of DV. why is sex gatekeeped for only people who are in relationships? idk seems like some puritan archaic backwash bullshit to me.
you know what's really ick. The judgment and jealousy some people reek of towards adults who have consenting sexual relationships with multiple people. high body counts? if a person is having safe consensual sex with zero emotional manipulation, who fucking cares.

not being in a relationship and actively having sex is perfectly okay. lots of people aren't able to commit or want to be in relationships. like say someone who has a busy school or work life. maybe someone with a history of DV. why is sex gatekeeped for only people who are in relationships? idk seems like some puritan archaic backwash bullshit to me.

I hope this wasn't kinda in response to what I said, because I totally agree. Just as long as there is no manipulation/lying involved in getting the other person to sleep with them.

For example, this guy that's part of the friend group I'm in would definitely fall within the "fuckboy" definition. I don't judge him for sleeping with a lot of different women, but for the way he treats them. Like, we all recently went on a trip and he had invited this one girl. She cancelled the last minute so he invites two other girls. They didn't come and so at the very last minute he invites this other girl who he had been ghosting for about a month. When she got there he apparently told her that the reason why he ghosted her was because he was falling in love with her and that scared him, even though he told the rest of us a completely different story. He had also been telling her before he ghosted her that she was the only person he was with, that he was committed to her, while bringing other girls he was sleeping with around. Basically, just telling her whatever she wanted to hear so that she would be with him. That kind of stuff is the stuff I judge people for, because it's blatantly manipulating someone's emotions to get sex from them.
Yeah there’s definitely nothing morally wrong with having sex with multiple partners. Or having slept with a lot of people. I think fuckbois manipulate and lie pretending to be interested in a committed relationship when they are not. Just to get sex.

ETA; I think we’re all a little suspicious of this sidewinder guy due to his questionable comments about single Moms in another thread. I know I am. And some of the other stuff is worded odd.
Sorry to dp just catching up on Marcelines post about this guy juggling the women and lying. I wonder where the line between being a “fuckboi” and straight up narcissism is? That kind of manipulation, lying and game playing comes across really narcissistic to me. I have a super high “body count”, but I’ve never in my life lied to anyone about my feelings for them, or if I was seeing other people at the same time. I usually always was to begin, unless a commitment had been made, and discussed. Or unless I was just tired that week 🤷‍♀️

I’m pretty sure that doesn’t make me a “player” though. It’s the lying part that does that.
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I stopped reading Sidewinder's comment after body count. Everyone else explained why but I'm commenting just to be on record I am in agreement with the models who have called it out so far. Have a great day everyone!
I hope this wasn't kinda in response to what I said, because I totally agree. Just as long as there is no manipulation/lying involved in getting the other person to sleep with them.
oh not at all, or marie. i didnt feel like quote-tweeting sidewinder. i apologize if my post felt directed towards you.

Yeah there’s definitely nothing morally wrong with having sex with multiple partners. Or having slept with a lot of people. I think fuckbois manipulate and lie pretending to be interested in a committed relationship when they are not. Just to get sex.

funny story about a fuckboi
met this dude through mutual friends. really sought me out to date. even met my father because i was living at home at the time. he put the fucking works on my dad. THEY WENT HUNTING TOGETHER. in my mind im wondering why this guy hasn't tried putting any physical moves on me but is being pretty romantic. not even a kiss. he wasn't hardcore christian. while all this is going on im constantly telling him im not interested in a serious relationship but some fun. pretty fucking clear i want casual. months after dealing with this weird ass courtship, we finally have sex.

the next fucking morning i get a text from him saying he thinks i want more of a relationship than he does. tells me he isn't looking for anything serious atm. i reply with me too, but if you wanna keep having sex that's cool. he ghosts me and tells friends im too needy? find out he was doing the same shit with multiple others. our mutual friends ended up roasting him for being such a fuckboi and could have had fwb fun before his deployment after learning my side.
oh not at all, or marie. i didnt feel like quote-tweeting sidewinder. i apologize if my post felt directed towards you.

funny story about a fuckboi
met this dude through mutual friends. really sought me out to date. even met my father because i was living at home at the time. he put the fucking works on my dad. THEY WENT HUNTING TOGETHER. in my mind im wondering why this guy hasn't tried putting any physical moves on me but is being pretty romantic. not even a kiss. he wasn't hardcore christian. while all this is going on im constantly telling him im not interested in a serious relationship but some fun. pretty fucking clear i want casual. months after dealing with this weird ass courtship, we finally have sex.

the next fucking morning i get a text from him saying he thinks i want more of a relationship than he does. tells me he isn't looking for anything serious atm. i reply with me too, but if you wanna keep having sex that's cool. he ghosts me and tells friends im too needy? find out he was doing the same shit with multiple others. our mutual friends ended up roasting him for being such a fuckboi and could have had fwb fun before his deployment after learning my side.
What a weirdo. I don’t understand stuff like that. I had it done to me a time or two as well. I really don’t understand some people at all.