Are auras real or not? Around people? Fruits, vegetables?
I had a head trauma many years ago, and for like 2 weeks afterward I swore I could see like an energy field around people.
In my opinion, energy is something we can describe within the terms of physic, for example, potential energy, stored by increasing the distance between two objects with mass, for example, the earth and a cactus on my balcony. I can convert that potential energy into kinetic energy by dropping the cactus down, where that kinetic energy may impact people walking on the ground. In the end, all energy converts to heat, which is the sad fate of the universe: Just a boring soup of entropy.
I saw no evidence that anything like an aura exists. Nothing we could measure or observe in a controlled and reproducible setting.
I understand when people express their feelings for a human or maybe for a fruit by something they call aura, and they perceive something around the person or object in question.
How do we test that it really exists? How can we verify that a Person under Test (PuT) can actually see an aura? We might have one examiner prepare at least 20 plates, half of them with a fruit, half of them empty, and place a small shield in front of each plate, hiding just that fruit, if it exists, from the view of the PuT and of a second examiner who, one by one, asks the PuT if he can see the aura of the fruits, which would clearly extend beyond she shield and thus should be visible even when the fruit itself is hidden. We need two examiners because the guy asking the questions should not know where are fruits an where not.
If the PuT will claim to see the aura exactly for those plates which actually contain fruits, that would make me think about aura. For now, I think some people perceive something they call aura, but it does not really exist.