AmberCutie's Forum
An adult community for cam models and members to discuss all the things!

Daily Thoughts

    Only persons aged 18 or over may read or post to the forums, without regard to whether an adult actually owns the registration or parental/guardian permission. AmberCutie's Forum (ACF) is for use by adults only and contains adult content. By continuing to use this site you are confirming that you are at least 18 years of age.
I have had an angry viewer today who was talking shit about camgirls, how greedy girls are and how 'not enough beautiful slut' i am. Haven't banned him, asked why he has been so mad. He has told me that he couldn't "afford the girlfriend". Have told him "You don't have to "afford the girlfriend", my bf didn't spend a single penny on me in first couple of months of our relationship". Have got "Excuse me" from him and he has flown away. Trolls are bad and too kind these days, I was hoping to have some fun with him *sigh*.
My best friend for the last nine years, my dog, has been really sick for a while now. The vet started doing extensive testing in October (totaling about $3000 now - I've had to borrow money, max cards, be late on rent, and take out loans, frankly I'm running out of options) and still they can't give me any answers as to what is wrong.

They thought it was a slipped disk, so they had her on steroids. Now they think it's an infection so they have her on antibiotics. I've seen multiple vets, but they all just keep guessing. I want answers and right now I feel discouraged that I won't ever get them. My family keeps trying to have talks with me about putting her down, and I know if she is suffering too much that is what I will have to do.

Today I found a lump the length of my thumb along her stomach (because she wouldn't stop licking herself there) that seemingly appeared over night.

I'm scared. I'm heartbroken. I'm trying so hard to be strong for her... but I'm a mess. She is my everything.

Issac Clarke in all of the Dead Space games is a classic unreliable narrator. As such, is it possible that others survived the Ishimura? You only ever see what Issac sees (which is what makes the games so great, he's helpless in the vast expanse of the first game, seeing only what you see, his health bar right in your face, even the "i'm lost" mechanic is right in front of him) and he's being effected by the Marker and running into the necromorphs-enough to drive anyone mad on its own-so it's entirely possible, if not unlikely, that others got out of the Ishimura when shit went down.
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Happy Birthday to everyone who ever entered 01-01-XX as their birth date when registering with a site.
  • Funny!
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Issac Clarke in all of the Dead Space games is a classic unreliable narrator. As such, is it possible that others survived the Ishimura? You only ever see what Issac sees (which is what makes the games so great, he's helpless in the vast expanse of the first game, seeing only what you see, his health bar right in your face, even the "i'm lost" mechanic is right in front of him) and he's being effected by the Marker and running into the necromorphs-enough to drive anyone mad on its own-so it's entirely possible, if not unlikely, that others got out of the Ishimura when shit went down.

Hard to say! I will, however, say that the Dead Space series is fantastic and has some really fascinating and fun lore. I didn't finish DS3, so I cannot comment too much on it, though.
Those pineapple chunks from Safeway are my new thang! And what a great energy boost. And I just tried the new Sweet Black Peeper Bacon on a croissant from Dunkin Donuts this morning. That's gonna be my new thang too.
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Random axe attack in Sydney (Australia) today, pretty blonde woman in her 20's just started hacking at people (men and women). Margot Robbie returns home taking method acting way too far, or Harley Quinn wanna be on ice? I suspect the second.

One woman was spared decapitation due to her hair. Dreadlocks, the new look for personal security. They repel most people, and now apparently axes.
We had a winter storm beginning Friday that was to include anywhere from a dusting up to three inches of snow, rain turning to sleet and the threat of icy roads. I live in the southeastern part of the U.S. And here even an inch of snow seems to debilitate everyone. The icy roads are the worse of anything that could happen, Southerners can ride out tornadoes, hurricanes, 80 weather on Christmas morning but the threat of snow makes us lose our natural minds. Fortunately, we didn't get snow but did get ice and sleet. I say all that to say this, my across the street neighbors are a young couple renting a house and have a friend living with them. Thursday night the neighbor girl called to me when I stepped outside and asked if I were ready for the snow, I assured her that I was; she let me know they were as well.

So where am I going with this? Since the "storm" I've seen the neighbor girl and I've seen the roommate that's renting with them, I haven't seen the husband. I suspect cannibalism. I smelled something yesterday that smelled like hamburgers being grilled, now I think they might have been bbq'ing poor ol' Brandon. I hope he didn't suffer.

Edit: I just saw Brandon, he's fine. Maybe it was just burgers after all.
I have had an angry viewer today who was talking shit about camgirls, how greedy girls are and how 'not enough beautiful slut' i am. Haven't banned him, asked why he has been so mad. He has told me that he couldn't "afford the girlfriend". Have told him "You don't have to "afford the girlfriend", my bf didn't spend a single penny on me in first couple of months of our relationship". Have got "Excuse me" from him and he has flown away. Trolls are bad and too kind these days, I was hoping to have some fun with him *sigh*.
I really admire the way some of you cam girls deal with trolls, they obviously turn up with the intention of trying to wreak as much havoc or chaos as they can. Then like the cowards they are leave when the going gets tough as almost always happens with the girls turning the heat on them in myriads of ways. It actually is quite inspiring to see them get their comeuppance, I initially used to jump to the cam girls defence until i realized they certainly needed no defending and often dealt with trolls in a much more effective and classy way than i ever could.
A model I've been waiting to see log on again since last June, and slowly losing faith on seeing that, finally returned to cam land tonight

Talk about a pleasant surprise

I just found out my favorite restaurant in town is closing. I have the sadz. The best Mexican food I've ever eaten was from there. The owners are great people, too. So long favorite restaurant...Vaya con Dios chicken tacos.

You will be missed.
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Whatever happened to "live and let live?" You do your thing and I'll do mine. Don't drag me down with your drama and bullshit.
I just had this thought after hanging out with a model: Every time I am in a certain model's room I tip what I think is a lot (1000 + today) and her camscore goes down. When other dudes tip the score goes up. I'm starting to think it is me..oh jeez.. Like if i am around it it will be bad for her work. It makes no sense to me, it seems like I am cursed in her room. It is not a one time thing..that is the thing...almost every time. Just once I would like for her camsore to increase when I participate.
  • Sorry to hear that.
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