AmberCutie's Forum
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Daily Thoughts

    Only persons aged 18 or over may read or post to the forums, without regard to whether an adult actually owns the registration or parental/guardian permission. AmberCutie's Forum (ACF) is for use by adults only and contains adult content. By continuing to use this site you are confirming that you are at least 18 years of age.
I keep saying how inferior a game DMC is to the rest of the Devil May Cry series, but whenever I want mindless hack and slash I just keep going back...
I can't wait to see my family whenever I go home, especially my mom. The last time I saw my mom and little brother was in May. Last time I saw my step dad and step brothers was in March. And for the rest of my family, I haven't seen them since November 2015. Over one year ago. I also can't wait to see my long term FWB (is three years long?). Out of character, he flew me home In May after my boyfriend at the time broke up with me, god bless.

I had thought about moving to the south for such a long time that I never really considered how it can never be as simple as jumping on a plane for a weekend trip home to see my loved ones and experience their lives with them. Or maybe now that I haven't been depressed for the first time since I was 12, I've seen how much I've taken for granted all of my life (that goes for me personally, not a generalization of anyone who is depressed). My little brother recently sent me an extremely long text with details of how he's gotten into a dark place and things that don't need to be mentioned. He's not even in high school yet; he's just a kid. I wish I was closer so I could go on walks in the woods with him or take him somewhere fun, and just be there with him.

But that's not where I'm at in life right now.
I'm just so thankful I can see my loved ones in less than one week.
I've been feeling kind of lonely, lately. That doesn't happen very often, but it struck me the other day that I haven't had any sort of a social life for over a year and a half, since I moved. As much as I hated living where I did, at least I had my tribe. Now, I'm so far away from everybody I know, and unlike the past, there is no situational forced-socialization that would lead to making new friends. Kind of a bummer. I guess I should resolve to get out and play more often in the coming year.

Can you imagine the setup and the pitch leading to this picture?

Can you imagine the setup and the pitch leading to this picture?
wait, that's an impala, right? I'm a total nerd, so I know what this is for. It's for the charity that Misha Collins, from Supernatural, is part of, and one of the challenges was a cheese dress.

Well, unless Cheese Guy from MFC is finally getting people to cooperate.
Something tells me it's a GTO.
i was high af on max doses of migraine meds I'm lame shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
i was high af on max doses of migraine meds I'm lame shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
You weren't wrong though, it's still from GISHWHES.
Item #34

Calendar item: Wear cheese and wear it well. You cannot be wearing anything but cheese. You may use any type of cheese you wish. Supermodel it posed next to or on a classic car (a classic car is any car that predates 1980.)
A dead body lying in my street. Semi tractor trailers driving by, filled with people banging and screaming to be let free. Mysterious unmarked cars with tinted windows pulling up, my neighbors being abducted in the middle of the night.

Crooks staring me down, looking to see if I am worth the time. Cops knocking on my door, looking to see if I know anything. I look out my window, and across the street there is someone standing there, arms folded, just watching and waiting to see if I am going to come out of the house.

People try to tell me what I see isn't real, but they have their goddamned eyes closed. They don't know how to connect the dots. They don't understand what is going on; neither do I.

A picture of a GTO posted on a web forum...
I haven't been sleeping well for months...

I am really baffled by people not taking financial domination and other financial related fetishes very seriously. Personally, I take financial domination and money slavery very seriously. I studied financial domination and other financial related fetishes for a whole year before starting with the rinsing fetish.However, some people think that financial domination is some sort of scheme to get tons of gift cards and 50 dollar tributes.Look, people can do what they want but I am just say that it is a real fetish
I'm thinking I'll probably have to get back into escorting. I got into camming to support myself and to pay for surgeries I need. And just looking at my income, I need to triple it to be anywhere near being able to get those surgeries this year. I hate escorting, but I hate not having those surgeries more, so it seems like a foregone conclusion at this point.
I realize this is a kids game. But the adult in me thinks the design team had to know what it sounded like when they came up with "Mash your button fastest to cream your opponent."

Winter is a weird time for me, I spend half my time saying "it's not that cold outside, it's like 30 degrees out there" and the other half saying "I'm cold inside the house. Why the fuck am I cold inside my own house?"
Some apartment reviews stick out more than others. Like the detail about a newborn being found in the dumpster...and a blind man (tenant) being stabbed to death by another tenant. What the fuck..
Is this an apartment that caters to axe murderers?! :yikes:

It just really surprised me, because it's in a town that's known for being a very nice, safe town with excellent schools. However that particular apartment complex has a lot of Section 8 tenants, so some people feel that there are some bad apples in that bunch responsible for some of that shit. But the part about the lousy maintenance service...and water leaking down on tenants whenever their upstairs neighbors flush the toilet...YIKES.

I remember one time I was there for the 4th of July fireworks, and I saw these guys break out into a fight - in the street - over something so stupid.
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It just really surprised me, because it's in a town that's known for being a very nice, safe town with excellent schools. However that particular apartment complex has a lot of Section 8 tenants, so some people feel that there are some bad apples in that bunch responsible for some of that shit. But the part about the lousy maintenance service...and water leaking down on tenants whenever their upstairs neighbors flush the toilet...YIKES.

I remember one time I was there for the 4th of July fireworks, and I saw these guys break out into a fight - in the street - over something so stupid.
In the past, I have flushed two perfectly good bags of weed down the toilet and chucked a pricey pipe into the woods, all thanks to maintenance issues/criminal elements in Sect 8 housing. You really do have to be careful these days.

Had a few dead bodies too, but I suppose that is to be expected.
But, uh...on a more positive note...I saw the movie Fences (Denzel Washington and Viola Davis) this afternoon. Good movie!
Carrie Fisher passed away and I'm so fucking sad :(
Carrie Fisher passed away and I'm so fucking sad :(
I just saw. I'm absolutely gutted. I loved Carrie Fisher, she's one of the few celebrities I legitimately liked as a person.
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