AmberCutie's Forum
An adult community for cam models and members to discuss all the things!

Daily Thoughts

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AngelicTease said:
Jennie Bunny said:
First my Father-in-law passes away, then I have to pay out £300 to travel home early from the Philippines to be by my hubby's side, then £300 cell phone bill from calling the hubby to console him.


Still, trying to keep my chin up. It's I can do now really...

Eeek that sucks, sorry to hear that! :(
Why can't money grow on trees eh? :)
(Although if it did, all the chavs would probably get to the trees first to steal it all, before the people that actually NEED it got to it, pfffffffffffft.)
LOL! bloomin' chavs... *shakes fist*

Ah well. At least I get to see my hubby soon! :dance:
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i saw EnergizerBunny fuck a refrigerator today. :?
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Dear shampoo bottle,

Thank you for being incredibly hard to open and hurting my paws.


Clean but frustrated Amber
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LilyPink said:
I fail to understand how one can cut potatoes in a perfect wedge shape.
they make several devices to cut wedges from potatos
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My thought`s right now...

Of course i apologize to everybody who felt verbally abused because of my Post. Afterall i think it wasnt wrong to post such a thing at all. But obviously i opened a can of worms and that was not my itention and it was not my intention to make anyone angry here.

I read a lot about this post..."infiltrating spammer"..."shoot em"..."ignorant fool"..."douche bag" and of course the "faggot"... Crazy shit how fast someone get hated.

"Until you've lost your reputation, you never realize what a burden it was or what freedom really is."
Lets see how long it lasts.

I do NOT change my name here...i could but i can handle this :) . Would like to stay here and post from time to time for the "international relations"...

PS: My best wishes to Mila because of her new boobies which she gets tomorrow. Hope the Doctor does everthing fine. Its already Friday in Germany now so just a few hours left ;)
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Wish I could have me some good ol' gin n tonic tonight. boohoo.
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I feel bad for not being worried and panicked as I took my roommate to the hospital; but at the same time it's nice to be calm when it's needed.

Also my ass is bigger. I did a shitton of exercising the last three weeks and I feel like my ass will burst out of my pants if I flex.
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I really need to get off my butt and go running. But I would much rather sit here and lurk on MFC.
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im waay hormonal today...also perved both frankie and amber :) from my basic name. lookin to upgrade hopefully soon so i can pm its me lol

amber and her dat tip was cute and sexy :mrgreen:
and frankie and her biteable bottom lip :twisted:
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