If you have cashed out your tokens, Chaturbate will not be able to help you in any way regarding the payment that has already changed hands. If you have cashed your tokens out for this pay-period, you need to contact Payoneer about transferring your funds to a new account (which I imagine would not be toooo difficult).
Given the time sensitive nature, I would suggest either *not* cashing out for this pay-period until you can update your payment information or (if you have cashed out already) simply changing your payment information through CB before the next pay period.
ALWAYS contact Chaturbate through the email attached to your account, *especially* if it's about payment/security issues. You will make absolutely no progress otherwise, this is to keep your account secure. Some of the Support system is automated, if you send the same message from multiple accounts, there is a chance you could get flagged as spam. I know it can be frustrating... but security around monetary exchange and personal information is extremely important. I, personally, would much rather sacrifice a little convenience in exchange for personal/financial security.
TL;DR - If the money you want is still in tokens, contact CB. If the money you want is cashed out, contact Payoneer. If you want to change your payment info after this, you have plenty of time to do so before next pay-period.