AmberCutie's Forum
An adult community for cam models and members to discuss all the things!

Camscore ???

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AmberCutie said:
I was assuming that Sky was sending this to models only... is there something we need to know about you, "harry"?
Maybe she was too, but since it isn't the models only section, it seemed reasonable to ask (above). I'm a prem, not an unverified model or some other party if that's the implication. There's actually one prem here who confirmed that for himself once, he also pointed out this forum to me then.

Briefly, Sky said it would be interesting for someone with an approx 1000 camscore to try it out. I know a model who started new on Sunday and pointed her to this forum, but I'd still like to be able to pass on the spreadsheet to her. I also told Sky I'm curious about how the formula is constructed.
AmberCutie said:
For the entire time I've been a member and a model the only option for tip ratings has been 10... wtf. Going to inspect this nonsense now. :)

EDIT: Yeah that stinks, looks like they made it so the tip rating is the same page/format as the private session ratings now. Wonder if that was intentional or if they really want people to be able to negatively rate tips now.
Maybe it's back to the old format... I only had the option of 10 for all of my tips to Candie yesterday... but on LovelyLemon's tip rate page it gave me 1-10. I dunno man.


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My camscore has jumped from 800 to 1100. I remember ages ago I tried so hard to get my camscore above 1000 and it took ages. Now I'm trying to lower the bloody thing it keeps going UP when I want it to go down, argh stupid bloody thing!
I know I can just leave the model software running, but I don't want to lower my score by cheating, I want to do it by being my normal crappy self lol. Pffft.

Girl, you are crazy!
I think something is wrong with MFC system the last 3-4 days. My score doesn't move at all. I had offline tips and was online yesterday for 5 hours with 2 disconections.
Is anyone else having the same issues?

P.S. Also, I was not seeing the guests in my room and the total number of my room visitors was 180 on my end ( - the guests I think) and the members said they see 370 ppl. I haven't change anything on my options.
this whole camscore thing pees me off. Been on MFC for approx 2 weeks now. I got up to 2300 then while I was at my day job, I would check it out periodically during the day (as offline) and it was randomly dropping. By the time I got online it had dropped to 2100. Then, had a crappy night, dropped to 1700. It is sooo random! It drops when I am not online, wheres the logic in that? also, why can I not stop obsessing over it? Last i checked, i was dropped to 1650. grrrrrrrrrrrrrr.
This is what MFC wiki has to say for the subject:

CamScore is the automatic score given to models based on their performance on the site. The exact formula is a secret, and many things factor into it, but generally earning more tokens than other models will increase the CamScore.

All models start with a CamScore of 1000 and then it will go up or down from there each day. Any score over 1000 is considered good, and any score over 2500 is very good. High scores are difficult to keep up so models should not be disappointed if the score drops from time to time.

Please do not contact us about your CamScore. It is completely automatic, it is the same for everyone, and absolutely impossible to manually change. (And even if it were possible, it would revert back to its computed value the following day.)

Note: All tokens help CamScore. Even 1 token tips help CamScore. (But members should still not do it, since it is annoying.)
Felicity said:
This is what MFC wiki has to say for the subject:

CamScore is the automatic score given to models based on their performance on the site. The exact formula is a secret, and many things factor into it, but generally earning more tokens than other models will increase the CamScore.

All models start with a CamScore of 1000 and then it will go up or down from there each day. Any score over 1000 is considered good, and any score over 2500 is very good. High scores are difficult to keep up so models should not be disappointed if the score drops from time to time.

Please do not contact us about your CamScore. It is completely automatic, it is the same for everyone, and absolutely impossible to manually change. (And even if it were possible, it would revert back to its computed value the following day.)

Note: All tokens help CamScore. Even 1 token tips help CamScore. (But members should still not do it, since it is annoying.)

Haha, that's some sketchy speak.

"Generally earning more tokens than other models will increase the CamScore." *Generally*? I'm convinced that the missing word here is "in public", ie "generally earning more tokens in public than other models will increase the camscore." I can have two identical days (tokens/time online) and the one spent in public trumps the one spent in group/private every time.

and " absolutely impossible to manually change. (And even if it were possible, it would revert back to its computed value the following day.)" Again, this leaves a weird door open on the topic. It's IMPOSSIBLE to manually change, and when we do it it turns out that never lasts more than 24 hours anyway.
AmberCutie said:
Maybe it's back to the old format... I only had the option of 10 for all of my tips to Candie yesterday... but on LovelyLemon's tip rate page it gave me 1-10. I dunno man.

Amber I told you after you tipped me that "BEND OVER DOGGY FIST BB" was something you should have negotiated with me BEFORE you tipped, but rate me however you feel is appropriate.
LovelyLemon said:
AmberCutie said:
Maybe it's back to the old format... I only had the option of 10 for all of my tips to Candie yesterday... but on LovelyLemon's tip rate page it gave me 1-10. I dunno man.

Amber I told you after you tipped me that "BEND OVER DOGGY FIST BB" was something you should have negotiated with me BEFORE you tipped, but rate me however you feel is appropriate.
Geez, Amber... you should know better than that by now. :lol: :laughing5:
Bocefish said:
CamScores are impossible to manually change... :bs:

Actually, I think that's somewhat true. Any value can be changed in a database. My guess is they probably mean changing the value in the database would only be temporary, since the formula constantly recalculates it. However, adding a buttload of ill-gotten/"less than favorable" tokens in order to make the camscore that high to begin with... :think:
They're basically confirming most of what we've deduced here: that it's all about how much each model makes in comparison to every other model on the site. The only thing they haven't confirmed is that it's over a 60 day period, but we already know that's the case based on what has been determined here.

I think the only outstanding question on it has to be this: if 1000 is the average of all camscores, does that mean that models with a 1000 score that aren't new models are making the net average of all models on the site? And if so, does that mean models with a 2000 score are making double that, models with a 10,000 score are making 10x that number and the model with current top camscore (Jayln) is making 28.1 times the net average?

And as for this part...

Do low ratings or 1 token tips lower CamScore?
No. All tokens help raise your CamScore.
There is nothing that a member can do to lower your CamScore.
Wrong! There is something a member can do to lower the score: not tip.
2 days ago I made more than my usual earning for the time online. After I logged off went to perv in other rooms. Saw a model getting 100k in 2 hours (bday) and though "my score will now drop coz it's compared to other models earnings". True. Lost 150 point after a very good day.

P.S. And yes, I was jalous about the 100k in 2 hours :-D
Lets say that I usually average 2hrs/day and make 5000 tokens...does this mean if I work 4hrs/day and make 10k tokens my cam score will go up if all I have to do is "make more tokens".......

PS. These are not my actual time/token ratios...just random numbers
So someone test this, when MFC is pretty much dead. Get someone to give you a nice offline tip.

The score should go up if its compared to others working at the same time?
I had a fantastic 1 hour once (around 10k tokens), during european afternoon (totally dead MFC time in general). Was smart enough to log off and not go online anymore for the day. Next day my score was up with 800 points. Now I am fearing the day this 1 hour will drop out of the 60 days. Camscore issues never end :evil:
March is officially off my 60-day average. And now I'm in the 8k's. :lol:

No one could try and argue to me that it's not 60 days, the evidence on my calendar is too convincing.
I've hit the time now where my G/G show with Amberdawn is dropping off. I'm nervous but calm because I know to expect it. I mean we didn't have no crazy 100,000 token nights or anything but pretty good and definitely more than my daily average. Meh. I can only do what I can do.
Here's the damage!

It's like a slide... wheeeee!
Amber, at least you have a sense of humour about it :)))
I wish you to reverse the graph's direction very soon :))) :handgestures-salute:
AmberCutie said:
Here's the damage!

It's like a slide... wheeeee!

It's more fun if you put your hands up like this!


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On the Cam score topic... Its been really interesting because mine too goes up & down. If im off line for couple days its up, if i make 4000 tokens in 2 hours its down. If i work for shorter time like hour and make 2500 to 3500 tokies it gradually will increase, then another below average day of long hours with maybe 1200 tokies its like shooting myself in foot. Seems when it goes down it can drop 100 or more at a time. Then when you have a great day its verrrryyyyy slow to increase a tiny bit. Dunno its something that makes no sence to me.....
Angelica said:
On the Cam score topic... Its been really interesting because mine too goes up & down. If im off line for couple days its up, if i make 4000 tokens in 2 hours its down. If i work for shorter time like hour and make 2500 to 3500 tokies it gradually will increase, then another below average day of long hours with maybe 1200 tokies its like shooting myself in foot. Seems when it goes down it can drop 100 or more at a time. Then when you have a great day its verrrryyyyy slow to increase a tiny bit. Dunno its something that makes no sence to me.....

Honestly if you're new like I am I think this is attributed to the 60 day camscore cycle. I think it'll average out once you hit that 60 day mark. It won't change like by what you did today, but by what you did 60 days ago and your performance from today will come into play 60 days from now. That's what I've gathered.
UGH cam score went back down as of last night.
I did some math (lol me, math) and my average for the last 60 days does NOT match what my current score is, oh well.
So thinking about the 60 day convo from others I did some looking. 4/1 would be 60 days ago for yesterday 5/31 and if I compare the numbers...last night was 1600 short so that might explain why the cam score dropped.
Until I get the doc equation from SkyBlueUK I guess I will compare tokens from 60 days ago and see how that works.
Until we break the cam score code!!
SavannahSteele said:
UGH cam score went back down as of last night.
I did some math (lol me, math) and my average for the last 60 days does NOT match what my current score is, oh well.
So thinking about the 60 day convo from others I did some looking. 4/1 would be 60 days ago for yesterday 5/31 and if I compare the numbers...last night was 1600 short so that might explain why the cam score dropped.
Until I get the doc equation from SkyBlueUK I guess I will compare tokens from 60 days ago and see how that works.
Until we break the cam score code!!
Don't forget that MFC's reporting on the first pay period in May is inaccurate. You'd have had to keep track of your hours manually to calculate it correctly.
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