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Camscore ???

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The 60 day thing;

Say you had a super awesome day 59 days ago. Super awesome. You made more tokens that day than you ever have before. Your camscore went up a whole lot because of it.

Then, days 50-58 were really sucky, or you didn't cam at all.

After another 24 hours, that 59 day of awesome will fall out of your calculation. No longer will you have the boost from that crazy day. Not only will your camscore drop because that awesome day isn't counted anymore, but days 50-58 are still affecting your score negatively.
SavannahSteele said:
Mikeythegeek said:
Well, let's look at the graphs.


Um... yeah, big drop.


Big drop earlier in the month
Oh I'm liking the graphs, but don't like how true my score is dropping rapidly grr!! :angry4:
Can someone explain the 60 day rule though? Is it what I made on day 60 I need to do higher tonight? I haven't been trying for top 20 since February so my token intake is just an average right now.
Like I just tweeted, MFC needs to release the cam score code or get rid of it!!
Well, let's use our dear, sweet, awesome hostess here; Amber, as the example. (I'm sorry sweetie.)

Look at the graph there. Why was there such a big drop? As Amber herself pointed out the other day, because 60 days prior to where the score was last above 11000 was her birthday. March 10. On that day, she received floods of tips including a 27,000 token tip. So she brought in a ton of tokens and that boosted her score. We'll call this "Day 1"

So, Day 61 came on Monday and what happened? The score plummeted by over 1000 points. Because Day 1's tokens dropped from the calculation and she hasn't had a night that matched that one since (which is a damn shame, but I'm not impartial).

In short, it's your token income over the last 60 calendar days. Now, how that token income and your hours online determines the camscore is what the mystery is.

Which makes me wonder if we should do some sort of experiment of gathering information to see if we could figure out the camscore formula. But that would require models possibly revealing information that they wouldn't want revealed to anyone, most importantly how much they actually make in a night.
Oh hell ! My score is moving in the last 24 hours with 300 points up and down and changes every few hours :shock:
What the hell is that and how is the 60 days calculation applying here??

I hate it so much and I am totally obssesed with it, as the last 2 months I was working really hard to get it up. I am starting to lose the fun part of camming, as I am thinking nonstop of this stupid number :angry4:
I was doing that and it stopped me wanting to cam.

I changed the way I worked to get my score over 3000 and now as long as it's over that, I'm happy. It fluctuates from 3300 to 4100 but as long as it's over 3000 then that's fine. But I do earn less than when I had a 2000 score and used to work all friggin day.

Maybe you could think of a number you'll be happy with and try to ignore any other changes?
if you look back in this thread i posted a formula that works for estimating my cam score. i used data i had access to to work it out and it estimates my camscore and is only ever off by like 50 - 100 points.
i came up with this formula based on information other models provided also. so it isnt just true to me.
however as i have only extensively tested it on my daily takings and time, it would be interesting for someone with an approx 1000 camscore and someone with an approx 10,000 camscore to try it out.
if anyone wants my spread sheet to fill in their data let me know. or i can work yours out and test it if you want too.
Lily, this is exactly what I was thinking, that I would be earning way more money, if I was not running offline everytime tips stop for more than 10 min. Also, I almost never chat now and the regulars will start to have the impression I am a nonstop masterbating freak with nothing to say. There is another issue, ok, I managed to make my score up to 5000, but now I am worring if I can keep it that way and this is stressing me as hell. I feel emotionally abused by a futting number and whomever invented it can burn in hell :angry4:
Sky, this is a lot of work that you have done, I wouldn't have the nervs to calculate all this. One thing is for sure - ratio between tokens earned and time online, so I guess I will just keep pushing myself and my regulars to the limits, till I just give up and go try another site.
I am not shy about giving away any information of how much I've earned and how many hours I worked.

I will keep track of it for 60 days, and then continue tracking for another 30 along with camscore. I will use the token sessions page, and will post the results here when I'm done.

Now, has anyone confirmed if it's 60 working days, or 60 calendar days? I will do it for both, if you all wish.
ahhh this camscore is geting really crazy sometimes.few days ago its gone down with 1000 just for a night,even that i ve had not bad shift.ive never lost so much score before,its so frustrated :(
SkyBlueUK I would love the spread sheet you have, my score dropped again today!

Mikeythegeek what kind of data should be kept up with? We can check back and see what tokens we received on certain days but as far as time that day...guess would need that written down.

I'm interested in figuring out this cam score! I have several people with several thoughts and none seem to be correct.

The great mystery!!
SavannahSteele said:
Mikeythegeek what kind of data should be kept up with? We can check back and see what tokens we received on certain days but as far as time that day...guess would need that written down.

Well, I think we'd need:

-tokens received that day
-the time you logged on that day and the time you logged off (if you can keep track of that info and if so, list all the times you logged on and off if you did multiple shifts or MFC crashes forced you off)
-number of rated tips or private shows you received (if any ratings less than 10, noting that would help too)
-and your camscore when you logged on the 1st time that day or if you didn't log on, what it said on your profile for the score

Because some of that is probably hard to get for past days, I'm thinking that there should be a set starting point for this study and it goes for a period of time longer than 60 days. So let's say start it on June 1 and end it on August 31.

Or you could have all the token, rating and (if possible) time on cam stats from April 1 to May 31 and then track those stats plus camscore during all of June.

There's a couple of ways to approach this but I don't know which method would provide better results.
We don't get to see number amounts on ratings...

Not even sure if we can see whether or not a tip was rated. hmm...
Anyone experiencing crashes still? Last night didn't have a single one...which is unusual - I typically get disconnected/reset about 10-15 times in 3 hours...
Cassidy Nicole said:
Okay, I have not been on since March on MFC.... I logged in today just to see if I had mail and all and what did I have a 7513.1 cam score from around 4000. It has never been that high and I have not gotten any offline tips... riddle me that..... :think:

Precisely why I gave up trying to figure out the camscore cake. Every time it seems there is some reasonable, logical recipe to decipher... I getz baffled again. At least it was a pleasurable surprise in your case. :mrgreen:
Bocefish said:
Cassidy Nicole said:
Okay, I have not been on since March on MFC.... I logged in today just to see if I had mail and all and what did I have a 7513.1 cam score from around 4000. It has never been that high and I have not gotten any offline tips... riddle me that..... :think:

Precisely why I gave up trying to figure out the camscore cake. Every time it seems there is some reasonable, logical recipe to decipher... I getz baffled again. At least it was a pleasurable surprise in your case. :mrgreen:

i know! i was planning on getting on just to say hi and hang out with everyone tonight now i dont wanna ruin it.. haha

Some user enter to my room, no talk and go...

My room it's to empty. What Happened??

Please Help Me !!!!
LadyLuna said:
We don't get to see number amounts on ratings...

Not even sure if we can see whether or not a tip was rated. hmm...
We can't see if tips are rated, but all tip ratings are 10 (only option). I recall private ratings being listed in our token stats info as "good" "average" or "bad", not by number.
AmberCutie said:
LadyLuna said:
We don't get to see number amounts on ratings...

Not even sure if we can see whether or not a tip was rated. hmm...
We can't see if tips are rated, but all tip ratings are 10 (only option). I recall private ratings being listed in our token stats info as "good" "average" or "bad", not by number.

Rating options...
Bocefish said:
AmberCutie said:
LadyLuna said:
We don't get to see number amounts on ratings...

Not even sure if we can see whether or not a tip was rated. hmm...
We can't see if tips are rated, but all tip ratings are 10 (only option). I recall private ratings being listed in our token stats info as "good" "average" or "bad", not by number.

Rating options...
For the entire time I've been a member and a model the only option for tip ratings has been 10... wtf. Going to inspect this nonsense now. :)

EDIT: Yeah that stinks, looks like they made it so the tip rating is the same page/format as the private session ratings now. Wonder if that was intentional or if they really want people to be able to negatively rate tips now.
Yeah WTH? The only option it has ever given me to rate my tip is 10 as well! Something i find irritating is when a member posts comments that he is real proud of on all his tip ratings but it DOESN'T SHOW THEM TO US! I see it on privates of course but not tips! makes me sad! I wanna see how witty they are!
SkyBlueUK said:
...however as i have only extensively tested it on my daily takings and time, it would be interesting for someone with an approx 1000 camscore and someone with an approx 10,000 camscore to try it out.
if anyone wants my spread sheet to fill in their data let me know. or i can work yours out and test it if you want too.
I know a model who started new yesterday. I've pointed her to this site, but I'd like to be able to pass on your spreadsheet to her. I hope she makes a good start, and this might help control camscore anxiety (it almost becomes a neurosis for some). I'll PM you my webmail.

The Camscore Hamster:
AmberCutie said:
Yeah that stinks, looks like they made it so the tip rating is the same page/format as the private session ratings now. Wonder if that was intentional or if they really want people to be able to negatively rate tips now.

Maybe peeps were griping their tips went completely unnoticed
LadyLuna said:
Your camscore will only change if you get offline tips.

Offline tips generally raise your camscore, but will make it go down if the 1st of the 60 days involved was a really good one.

So if the first day of my 60 day average was a good one, and then I got an offline tip for lets say 50 tokens or 200 tokens it would hurt my camscore?

I thought all offline tips were good, but this makes me wonder. I'm no wiz at math so I'm not sure how this works.
Felicity said:
LadyLuna said:
Your camscore will only change if you get offline tips.

Offline tips generally raise your camscore, but will make it go down if the 1st of the 60 days involved was a really good one.

So if the first day of my 60 day average was a good one, and then I got an offline tip for lets say 50 tokens or 200 tokens it would hurt my camscore?

I thought all offline tips were good, but this makes me wonder. I'm no wiz at math so I'm not sure how this works.
ALL tips are good. Online or offline. I don't think there's any way to explain the 60-day thing so people understand it. All I can say is that when my birthday fell off the 60-day span, my score dropped. 60 calendar days.

Maybe think of it as the average of TOTAL tokens you have in that 60 days. If a big day falls off, that is less total tokens in your pool to be averaged in.

If you lose a big token day off of your 60, then it will go down. If you gain a big token day today, AND you had a big token day 60 days ago, then it will go up, but the next day, may go down or stay the same. Gotta look at 61 days ago and see what fell off.

Also another thing to remember: It seems that the camscore on our profiles don't update in real time. Sometimes my profile one wont' update until I log into the model software, or until MFC does some sort of update on their end. So sometimes it may seem to stick at a particular number for a couple of days.

I think the best way to understand the 60-day thing, is to physically mark a calendar with something removable... each day, take the marker off the end of the 60 days and move it to today. If you note each day's tokens on the calendar, you can more accurately understand and predict camscore changes.

How do you think I was so quick to figure out it was my bday falling off my average that punted my camscore? :)
ok i have finally done the basic excel doc for you to input your data into.
pm me any email addys you want me to send it to , with some basic instructions!
i LOVE excel and numbers! for real!
AmberCutie said:
ALL tips are good. Online or offline. I don't think there's any way to explain the 60-day thing so people understand it. ...

... Sometimes my profile one wont' update until I log into the model software, or until MFC does some sort of update on their end. ...
I know you get it, but the simplest way I've found to explain a 60-day rolling average of tokens per hour is, 'if today is better than 60 days ago camscore will go up, if was worse it will go down' - that's better or worse in tokens earned per hour in room (including away).

From what LadyLuna says, an offline tip makes a new day countable (and triggers re-calculation), and from what you say logging in via model software may have the same effect. So perhaps it's 60 days from last countable activity.

The offline tip Felicity queries would still be good, even if camscore goes down, because the next time the model logs in to work camscore will be re-calculated anyway, and without that tip it would only go down further.
SkyBlueUK said: me any email addys you want me to send it to , with some basic instructions! ... i LOVE excel and numbers! for real!
Sent. And LOL. :thumbleft:
harry said:
SkyBlueUK said: me any email addys you want me to send it to , with some basic instructions! ... i LOVE excel and numbers! for real!
Sent. And LOL. :thumbleft:
I was assuming that Sky was sending this to models only... is there something we need to know about you, "harry"?
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