AmberCutie's Forum
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Camscore ???

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RufffRider said:
Camscore and what makes a model crappy (or not) are equally random. Just as no one sets out to make a crappy movie, no model sets out to be crappy, some make careful plans and fail, some make no plan and cannot fail. Only example that jumps to mind is the easy one..Amber would not say she is the prettiest model on MFC. Amber does not even have the best sales pitch (give it away for free and hope people realize they were entertained) but i would say she is the opposite of crappy :D

by the way worst plan i ever saw was SOCK PUPPETS, but i am sure someone could make it work :D

Hey now, I am a cheap whore, not a free whore. :)

I collect usually less than 600 tokens to get naked as opposed to lots who require over 1500, but I remind throughout the night that tips are required to keep me naked (or on at all).

Since I don't do private shows anymore, I don't really need a sales pitch. If I was trying to lure people into a private show, yeah my current show wouldn't work. Here's my current, unspoken motto: Want to keep me naked? Tip. Want me to be peppy and fun in chat? Tip. Want to see me masturbate? Group show. Simple game plan. :) I am sure my camscore will suffer a bit from not having private tokens and ratings, but I do believe the rest of my game plan works well enough to stick to it.

Ok, now that I'm done being defensive from a post that probably wasn't even meant to be offensive... let's not get into the bad model/good model issue. I think the original intent was to say that camscore reflects how "successful" a cam girl is in a given period of time. Unfortunately, it's like a chicken/egg scenario. Gotta have a good camscore to be visible, but need to be successful to get a good camscore. I think this is why your first impression is pretty important. Rock a great session when you first sign up, make a good impression, and ride the initial hype as hard as you can.

So my advice to a cam girl who hasn't started MFC yet would be to not start until you're 100% prepared. Make sure your lighting, cam quality, sound quality are all great, have something exciting and sexy to offer, and be talkative and friendly to each and every member who talks to you. Not ready to do that? Don't start camming until you are.

Now, let's please not turn this into a hurt feelings thread and keep it cool.
MzMarche said:
What do I think makes a crappy model? One who doesn't engage her audience and spends more time begging for tips than being entertaining. Just my opinion though.

This is also a good definition, from the perspective of a client anyways. I guess it depends on where you are coming from. Some models come on cam to make friends. I can't believe that most Colombian studio sweatshop feces-eating camwhores come on MFC to meet friends though. The only thing that is constant across *all* models is a desire to make money. Thus, the only non-subjective way to rank models is by income.
AmberCutie said:
Ok, now that I'm done being defensive from a post that probably wasn't even meant to be offensive... let's not get into the bad model/good model issue. I think the original intent was to say that camscore reflects how "successful" a cam girl is in a given period of time. Unfortunately, it's like a chicken/egg scenario. Gotta have a good camscore to be visible, but need to be successful to get a good camscore. I think this is why your first impression is pretty important. Rock a great session when you first sign up, make a good impression, and ride the initial hype as hard as you can.

So my advice to a cam girl who hasn't started MFC yet would be to not start until you're 100% prepared. Make sure your lighting, cam quality, sound quality are all great, have something exciting and sexy to offer, and be talkative and friendly to each and every member who talks to you. Not ready to do that? Don't start camming until you are.

Now, let's please not turn this into a hurt feelings thread and keep it cool.

No venom or hurt feelings here. :-D Maybe slightly offended, but the opinion wouldn't exist if it wasn't true for the most part. Successful models earn more tokens, THAT I can agree with.
What do models on here think about this new fad of tip 1 - 65 for a show. Top models seem to have this working for them, but middle and lower also adopt this system get halfway if that and before they know it their allotted time has gone and they have to go offline leaving pissed off people who did tip.
English guy said:
What do models on here think about this new fad of tip 1 - 65 for a show. Top models seem to have this working for them, but middle and lower also adopt this system get halfway if that and before they know it their allotted time has gone and they have to go offline leaving pissed off people who did tip.

It's an interesting way of doing things, but it gets soo hectic with the more popular models it seems like.
So just to make sure, I think we decided objectively speaking, bawksy's rating is accurate but subjectively speaking it's everyone's opinion for themselves?

I know I have 2 or 3 models that I follow who don't draw in massive crowds and don't work long hours or 4+ days a week but when they are on, they are insanely entertaining and at least one of those I've done a private with and it's easily one of my favorites ever. I wish they had higher camscores because I really want them to be successful but in the end, they seem happy and they get to work the hours they want on their schedule and I enjoy hanging out with them when I can. Anyone who obsesses over camscore better be prepared to put in a lot of time and effort building a fan base. Once you have a sizable, loyal fan base, you can probably turn it down from 120% to 100% and be pretty steady. If you're not in a position to or willing to put in that much time, effort, and maybe even money, I say just enjoy the perks associated with working on your schedule and don't even look at the cake.
English guy said:
What do models on here think about this new fad of tip 1 - 65 for a show. Top models seem to have this working for them, but middle and lower also adopt this system get halfway if that and before they know it their allotted time has gone and they have to go offline leaving pissed off people who did tip.

Simple answer for that: do something like 1-25 for topless and then go to 40 or 50 for naked. In other words, give them something for reaching the halfway point.

Frankly, the tip count up is a good idea. It let's those who don't have a lot of tokens feel like they're taking a more sizeable role in getting the model to do whatever she's promising.
bawksy said:
MzMarche said:
What do I think makes a crappy model? One who doesn't engage her audience and spends more time begging for tips than being entertaining. Just my opinion though.

This is also a good definition, from the perspective of a client anyways. I guess it depends on where you are coming from. Some models come on cam to make friends. I can't believe that most Colombian studio sweatshop feces-eating camwhores come on MFC to meet friends though. The only thing that is constant across *all* models is a desire to make money. Thus, the only non-subjective way to rank models is by income.

Grrr, my net died while I was replying to this. I do agree with this point. In the eyes off big business, sales acheived are the end all be all in determining your worth and skill as a worker. That system is pretty straight-foward though (even if variables exist there as well. Higher sales = more value). But the camscore system is so hectic that at times, higher sales seem to hurt you. Mila once said there's girls in the lower 50 bringing home more than some in the top 20. All in all it, it's a clusterfuck of epic proportions (obviously). I wish it wasn't stressed as a determinant in potential customer satisfaction.

I hope no one sees my recent contributions as abrasive or whiny. Was just trying to get in on the discussion as I see it. Like ninja, a few of my fave models have less than dazzling camscores as well, but they're easily a few of the best at what they do in my eyes. That's all I wished to convey.
Mikeythegeek said:
English guy said:
What do models on here think about this new fad of tip 1 - 65 for a show. Top models seem to have this working for them, but middle and lower also adopt this system get halfway if that and before they know it their allotted time has gone and they have to go offline leaving pissed off people who did tip.

Frankly, the tip count up is a good idea. It let's those who don't have a lot of tokens feel like they're taking a more sizeable role in getting the model to do whatever she's promising.


But also, doing ascending tips is a bit more interactive, which keeps the tips coming in at a faster rate and keeps things exciting. And to the naked eye, the amount doesn't look like a whole lot. (Unless you do the math, which lots of members don't take the time to do whilst enjoying a naked girl on the Internet.)

A big reason I do it some days? It keeps one person from being able to blow a whole countdown on his/her own. I like to have a lot of people pitch in for whatever show I am about to give, instead of 100's of people watching a show on one person's dime. Sure, one member could just sit there and drop all the ascending amounts on their own, but it's less likely than (in the style of good ol' bitrider :-D ) someone coming in and seeing "1000 for lotion dancing" and just drop the whole 1k without anyone else contributing.

As far as girls getting halfway through a countdown and not giving a show? I've always been against that. Even the other day when we didn't make our rank goal, I still gave some sort of consolation prize and stayed on a bit longer. I advise other girls to do the same. Sure, maybe you won't do the shower show since you only got halfway to your 5000 token countdown, but at least give some sort of strip tease or dance or whatever to entertain the people who contributed tokens for it. Otherwise its pretty unfair, IMO.

And of course, we have no idea if counting from 1-50 or just getting the bulk of the 1275 tokens it adds up to as a single tip is better for camscore. Sure, the single tip can be rated, but who can say that makes much difference anyway?
I got a guy of mine who was tipping me 100 token regularly to go back and rate them all. And my score... went down!! Seems like MFC didn't like that! :shock:
MzMarche said:
Mila once said there's girls in the lower 50 bringing home more than some in the top 20. All in all it, it's a clusterfuck of epic proportions (obviously). I wish it wasn't stressed as a determinant in potential customer satisfaction.

I am afraid you might have taken what Mila said in the wrong way, and stating that without knowing what context it was in can really sound messed up. The "top 20" ranking is based off of tokens made, not camscore. The girls in the top 20 are definitely grossing more $ than a girl at rank #50.

I think Mila's reference is about net pay after considering the expenses some girls face with their props, raffles, flying other models out/their accommodations, etc. Or the theory that there is even shadier crap going on where models pay back their big tippers, essentially buying their own way to the top of the list.

If you are referring to girls with lower camscores making more than girls with higher camscores? Yeah that happens. HollyHanna, AshaSnow and SexyyOnee are all great examples this month. They are all currently in the top 10 with less than a 9k camscore, whereas JaceyMarie and I are farther back in the list, but have higher camscores. Put in more time, get more tokens. We've all come to the conclusion that tokens/hour has some sort of effect on camscore.
AmberCutie said:
MzMarche said:
Mila once said there's girls in the lower 50 bringing home more than some in the top 20. All in all it, it's a clusterfuck of epic proportions (obviously). I wish it wasn't stressed as a determinant in potential customer satisfaction.

I am afraid you might have taken what Mila said in the wrong way, and stating that without knowing what context it was in can really sound messed up. The "top 20" ranking is based off of tokens made, not camscore. The girls in the top 20 are definitely grossing more $ than a girl at rank #50.

I think Mila's reference is about net pay after considering the expenses some girls face with their props, raffles, flying other models out/their accommodations, etc. Or the theory that there is even shadier crap going on where models pay back their big tippers, essentially buying their own way to the top of the list.

If you are referring to girls with lower camscores making more than girls with higher camscores? Yeah that happens. HollyHanna, AshaSnow and SexyyOnee are all great examples this month. They are all currently in the top 10 with less than a 9k camscore, whereas JaceyMarie and I are farther back in the list, but have higher camscores. Put in more time, get more tokens. We've all come to the conclusion that tokens/hour has some sort of effect on camscore.

You are 100% right Amber...
Girls in the top 20 make at least $10.000 bruto and I think the #20 even makes more than that at the moment ...What I was trying to say is that they also have higher costs for being there > investments ..and then I am not talking about the 'shady' actions that are going on in the top 20 : massive self tipping, dubious token resources etc...and of course the payback constructions...

I am saying that there are girls on place 30, 40 or even 50 making NETT more than some of the girls in the top 20..

When you are #30 and made $8000 at the end of the month Nett are better of than a girl in the top 20 making $15.000 but who tipped herself 40% of the tokens and has to pay back some tippers.....

Not to say that it is the general thing what happens in the top 20 , but I have proof it happens more then we all assume.

Still Bruto the girls in the top 20 make more and in general have the highest cam rates ...Exceptions are there > Hollyhannah ( 6400 cam rate )Sexyyonee ( 7400 cam rate ) but both these girls make insane hours otherwise they would not have a chance to be in the top 20 based on a 1500 token average an hour they make. Good for them and I am jealous of them for being able to do 14 hour other businesses do not allow that ....
Yeah what you & Mila said. Sorry I didn't elaborate so that it didn't sound like a harmful & inaccurate insinuation. Currently posting through a phone. Girls with higher ranking bring in more from my understanding, not necessarily those with a higher score.
My camscore was 120,456 and then... wait a minute... I'm not a camgirl.

I will try to help. Most of the things are just theory and not scientifically proven. Also, some things are obvious, but I'm gonna mention anyway because maybe someone does not know.

Why is the formula secret?
I guess MFC don't want the girls working for the camscore. Go online and do your thing, forget about the camscore. That's the idea.

If the formula was made public, soon you would see many girls not doing some things because "oh no, this is bad for my camscore" and trying to manipulate the camscore.

Is the camscore calculated the same way for all the girls?
[I'm just guessing] The formula is the same, but seems that MFC can manually set the camscore. Yes, I know they say they can't... But this is the only explanation for some girls that barely come online and have a high camscore. These girls seem to have a special status.

Example? AriaGiovanni She didn't join MFC. They actually invited her to join and also promote MFC. If you visited her chat room when she was broadcasting from that Chicago convention, you noticed that nobody was tipping her. As she was not there to entertain with nudity and actually giving attention to the guys asking for autographs, nobody wanted to tip her. So, she spent the whole evening online with no tip. However, her camscore remained the same. Almost 10K.

But it seems to be obvious. Imagine how odd it would be if the girl hired to promote MFC didn't have a good camscore. I suppose that other girls have this special status.

By the way... MFC paid her to be online during the Chicago convention.

Things that seem to be good for your camscore
  • Tokens earned/Time online
  • 90+ tip with good rating - however, every tip counts. 50 tokens or 25 + 25 tokens seems to be the same, besides mathematically speaking
  • Good rating after a private show - only the guy who started the pvt can rate you. who spy can only spy, not rate
  • Profile rating
  • Admirers

Things that seem to be bad for your camscore
  • Bad rating after a private show
  • Spending too much time online with no tokens earned

Things that seem to have no effect
  • Being offline for a long time - there is a girl who doesn't come online since 2009 and her camscore didn't change (2920)
  • Being online, but not broadcasting - DiamondJames has been on this "state of mind" for hours and nothing changed It affects

Things that seem to be myth
  • Guys tipping with 1 token
  • Rejecting pvt/group shows
  • Members who joined under your link - you got rewarded for this already

Things that MFC could use
  • Members who added you to friend list - now that MFC put a limit on it, makes more sense
  • Members who added you to the "hidden list"
  • Your connection

And the Miss MFC?
The camscore and the Miss MFC are not directly related. For the Miss MFC only the tokens earned are counted and only for the current month, it is more "real time". While the camscore, that counts also the tokens earned, has multiple unknown variables that can affect the final result.

That's why it is day 16 and you see girls with high camscore that are not on the top. These girls managed to keep a good camscore, but didn't get many tokens this month.

Note: I tried to collect data to make a graph. But seems that the camscore shown on model profile is not updated on real time. Actually, it has a huge delay. Getting the camscore that shows up on the popup is not possible to be done using an automated method.
MyCamgirl said:
My camscore was 120,456 and then... wait a minute... I'm not a camgirl.

I will try to help. Most of the things are just theory and not scientifically proven. Also, some things are obvious, but I'm gonna mention anyway because maybe someone does not know.

Why is the formula secret?
I guess MFC don't want the girls working for the camscore. Go online and do your thing, forget about the camscore. That's the idea.

If the formula was made public, soon you would see many girls not doing some things because "oh no, this is bad for my camscore" and trying to manipulate the camscore.

Is the camscore calculated the same way for all the girls?
[I'm just guessing] The formula is the same, but seems that MFC can manually set the camscore. Yes, I know they say they can't... But this is the only explanation for some girls that barely come online and have a high camscore. These girls seem to have a special status.

Example? AriaGiovanni She didn't join MFC. They actually invited her to join and also promote MFC. If you visited her chat room when she was broadcasting from that Chicago convention, you noticed that nobody was tipping her. As she was not there to entertain with nudity and actually giving attention to the guys asking for autographs, nobody wanted to tip her. So, she spent the whole evening online with no tip. However, her camscore remained the same. Almost 10K.

But it seems to be obvious. Imagine how odd it would be if the girl hired to promote MFC didn't have a good camscore. I suppose that other girls have this special status.

By the way... MFC paid her to be online during the Chicago convention.

Things that seem to be good for your camscore
  • Tokens earned/Time online
  • 90+ tip with good rating - however, every tip counts. 50 tokens or 25 + 25 tokens seems to be the same, besides mathematically speaking
  • Good rating after a private show - only the guy who started the pvt can rate you. who spy can only spy, not rate
  • Profile rating
  • Admirers

Things that seem to be bad for your camscore
  • Bad rating after a private show
  • Spending too much time online with no tokens earned

Things that seem to have no effect
  • Being offline for a long time - there is a girl who doesn't come online since 2009 and her camscore didn't change (2920)
  • Being online, but not broadcasting - DiamondJames has been on this "state of mind" for hours and nothing changed

Things that seem to be myth
  • Guys tipping with 1 token
  • Rejecting pvt/group shows
  • Members who joined under your link - you got rewarded for this already

Things that MFC could use
  • Members who added you to friend list - now that MFC put a limit on it, makes more sense
  • Members who added you to the "hidden list"
  • Your connection

And the Miss MFC?
The camscore and the Miss MFC are not directly related. For the Miss MFC only the tokens earned are counted and only for the current month, it is more "real time". While the camscore, that counts also the tokens earned, has multiple unknown variables that can affect the final result.

That's why it is day 16 and you see girls with high camscore that are not on the top. These girls managed to keep a good camscore, but didn't get many tokens this month.

Note: I tried to collect data to make a graph. But seems that the camscore shown on model profile is not updated on real time. Actually, it has a huge delay. Getting the camscore that shows up on the popup is not possible to be done using an automated method.

in the past i agreed that being away for long periods of time didn't cause your score to drop (i was gone for two weeks in february, when i was pretty new, with no new admirers or ratings or offline tips and my score went up about four hundred over those two weeks) but i took five weeks off from the end of june to the end of july (a few new admirers, a few new ratings, and a few minor offline tips) and my cam score dropped more than 1000 points. i guess.. my point is.. who knows. i have no idea why my score would drop so much over that time period (1000 is a lot) except because i wasn't online at all.
i think like you say- we know for sure that tokens/ time online matter, and that its easier to jump from 1000-2000 cam score for example than from 10,000 to 11,000 (i mean.. it takes more tokens/hour). ughh cam score.
caireen said:
in the past i agreed that being away for long periods of time didn't cause your score to drop (i was gone for two weeks in february, when i was pretty new, with no new admirers or ratings or offline tips and my score went up about four hundred over those two weeks) but i took five weeks off from the end of june to the end of july (a few new admirers, a few new ratings, and a few minor offline tips) and my cam score dropped more than 1000 points. i guess.. my point is.. who knows. i have no idea why my score would drop so much over that time period (1000 is a lot) except because i wasn't online at all.
i think like you say- we know for sure that tokens/ time online matter, and that its easier to jump from 1000-2000 cam score for example than from 10,000 to 11,000 (i mean.. it takes more tokens/hour). ughh cam score.

Maybe something must happen (new admirers, offline tips...) to make the "system" calculate a new camscore, like in your case. As the girl I mentioned was online last time on December 2009, it is most likely that nobody will give any offline tip, rate, admire... the camscore won't be recalculated. Maybe, I don't know.

As for the girl online but not broadcasting. Unlike what I thought, it seems to affect the camscore, dropping points of course. DiamondJames spent the whole night online but not broadcasting and she dropped like 50 points.
Right, now I've got past my welcoming party..... Back to topic

Camscore is appears to be predominately calculated on token 'yield', it's a basic algorithm that's used in many industries to calculate base revenues over gross input I would not be surprised if this is a seamless integration with their back office revenue information .
What you do notice on myfreecams that separates the top yielding models from the masses is acute marketing skills, either by the model herself (which would be unusual) or friends, fans or a manger.
What is created is a "snowball" effect of new business for MFC and it appears if it is driven correctly it cam have a very positive impact on whichever model is the subject of the marketing, creating mass awareness, all be it targeted to certain demographics, ideally AB ABC1's.
I've had chance to read up on this BAF thing I was wrongly crucified over, and that appears to be a basic level for members to promote whatever model they like or simply to get tokens in reward for bringing 'Generic" business to the site.
In conclusion, camscore is a by product of awareness by way of marketing - Any girl (within reason) could become the next top model on that site, if she has good management/skills
It's pretty simple to work out a formula, which will over time harvest the key information (i.e emails) using soc' net, blind torrent, bespoke domain, forum chat. etc. Funnelling new members to where you need them. Your conversion rates should be as follows:
10/20% conversion on new traffic
60% (addition) on referral of the above converted traffic
Personally I have spent many years in high level marketing, there are formulas that work and ones that don't, I think the best formula you can use is one closely related and used by commercial radio as you can monitor your achievements by way of 'Reach%' , 'Clicks%' and "Demographic%'
I would recommend not focusing on camscores, it a by product of what you do upfront.
I'll try to find some good resources for you girls to read up on, so you understand the above a little better.
Babe_Boyz said:
Right, now I've got past my welcoming party..... Back to topic

Camscore is appears to be predominately calculated on token 'yield', it's a basic algorithm that's used in many industries to calculate base revenues over gross input I would not be surprised if this is a seamless integration with their back office revenue information .
What you do notice on myfreecams that separates the top yielding models from the masses is acute marketing skills, either by the model herself (which would be unusual) or friends, fans or a manger.
What is created is a "snowball" effect of new business for MFC and it appears if it is driven correctly it cam have a very positive impact on whichever model is the subject of the marketing, creating mass awareness, all be it targeted to certain demographics, ideally AB ABC1's.
I've had chance to read up on this BAF thing I was wrongly crucified over, and that appears to be a basic level for members to promote whatever model they like or simply to get tokens in reward for bringing 'Generic" business to the site.
In conclusion, camscore is a by product of awareness by way of marketing - Any girl (within reason) could become the next top model on that site, if she has good management/skills
It's pretty simple to work out a formula, which will over time harvest the key information (i.e emails) using soc' net, blind torrent, bespoke domain, forum chat. etc. Funnelling new members to where you need them. Your conversion rates should be as follows:
10/20% conversion on new traffic
60% (addition) on referral of the above converted traffic
Personally I have spent many years in high level marketing, there are formulas that work and ones that don't, I think the best formula you can use is one closely related and used by commercial radio as you can monitor your achievements by way of 'Reach%' , 'Clicks%' and "Demographic%'
I would recommend not focusing on camscores, it a by product of what you do upfront.
I'll try to find some good resources for you girls to read up on, so you understand the above a little better.

Look now we are talking you are actually talking about the topic... and not spamming a BAF link (or even when you did it unintentionally > the first message read 'SPAM' all over.....)
An you are still dead wrong ....... as I have been into Guerrilla Marketing for a very very long time...(Yes Mila is not only a cam girl she actually did University...) So being condescending to us girls is not necessary, most have an excellent education and understand what you wrote without any problems.

"Any girl (within reason) could become the next top model on that site, if she has good management/skills" > yes those are the basics and then after that we get into the more shady areas which have nothing to do with good marketing or being a good 'cam whore' .. because that will always be subjective.

I agree with you that without excellent marketing skills by either the model or the team around her (> 99% of the case in the top 20) a girl hardly will have a chance to become #1.
The cam score calculation is sketchy and I see models barely being online and nowhere near the top 20 with much higher cam scores than those in the top 20, which suggests double standards/calculation.

For becoming #1 you need all the skills you describe, but any formula is flawed by the simple fact that the girl that uses 'tricks' the best ( read : BAF tokens, excessive self tipping and tips with payback) or simply having very large tippers can beat any marketing formula. I am the living proof : Austrian girl, heavily tattooed , niche pure, Asian block , living in Bangkok with an average of only 250 guys in her room became #1 in February and am #2 (still) now, always top 20. When using a marketing formula that would simply be impossible > and I still did.... How? I did not cheat ( no self bought tokens, no pay back and CERTAINLY NOT any BAF spam).. I am simply blessed with some very large far for marketing formulas.

The simple fact is the top positions can be bought, you will not make much money (in most cases) but you will be the #1...woohoo how much joy it brings ....To be clear my #1 position brought me nothing extra (no extra people in my room) in February (my tokens were all paid for by my tippers) but I made good money ... which is exactly the reason why I asked all models a question in the "models only' part of the forum if I should try again for #1 this month due to an extreme large cash tip.

The camscore is a by-product? True. But for the girls a very important one. The cam rate itself is worthless the position in rank and on the homepage is important. It is all about visibility. No good marketing without visibility.

It is nice that we can agree on the basics.

When you think marketing formulas work then here is a challenge, I would love to see you chose a cam girl on MFC and make her #1....
using the above ....
Babe_Boyz said:
I think I'm falling in love with you Millan!!! There are definitely sparks here!!

Is it my money or my pleasant character ? :-D

No , I know its the
Probably the character Millan, but when we meet , let's use serious protection... I suggest a Faraday Cage? I'm allergic to Latex - Kind of kinky but "original" I'm becoming cliqued, need to keep a check on that!

Pull your socks up Rocks!! It's only a theory..... :naughty:
Babe_Boyz said:
Probably the character Millan, but when we meet , let's use serious protection... I suggest a Faraday Cage? I'm allergic to Latex - Kind of kinky but "original" I'm becoming cliqued, need to keep a check on that!

Pull your socks up Rocks!! It's only a theory..... :naughty:

Thats nice to hear Babe-Boyz/Iglesias, as I really don't have that much money ..I do have a heated temper.... But like I already said I am glad we agree on the basics of cam whore marketing... :lol:
Cassidy Nicole said:
I think it may have to do with actual time on cam to be quite honest, but Im not sure. If this model hasn't been on too much that is probably why

Every time I've seen her on (and it's been a few times), she's been online for a couple of hours at least. And I don't think she's gotten enough tokens to be on for a short amount of time and still get a 4700 camscore.
Cassidy Nicole said:
Hmm... another mystery of MFC and I see a couple girls with the "I'm Back" banner on their pics for a while as well.

Yeah I do wonder how long a girl has to be MIA for her to get the "She's Back!" tag.
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