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Camscore ???

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AmberCutie said:
D0mino said:

Ohhh D0m, I love the way you write.

You're totally right, too. Need to stop flipping my lid over my camscore and just focus on being successful and having fun.

Heya Amber, thx for staying behind me today (lol)...and you are soooo right about the cam score as is D0mino who really pin points the problem... But do you like me have the idea that it really gets crazy at the top ? I did about 3.5 hrs today and I think with a great token amount (very high average an hour) and dropped 3 places anyway.... I do not know what those other girls are doing but i have the idea that 25K days are now the norm in the top 10...Crazy days, crazy hours..... lol
Mila if you're going to get a semi-pro video camera, let me know if you need help picking one out, since I'm a filmmaking studio and digital video is something I know quite a bit about, specially about ccd, cmos and lenses.
Tambourine said:
Mila if you're going to get a semi-pro video camera, let me know if you need help picking one out, since I'm a filmmaking studio and digital video is something I know quite a bit about, specially about ccd, cmos and lenses.

Hey beautiful..yes I am buying a new ccd camera ..I was going for the Sony HDRFX1000 (it is about $3000) but please when you have suggestions ..I would be very grateful >
Mila, email sent ;)
About camscore... Its a total mystery to me, but I do know that time online does count cause I havent been online for a month now and my camscore dropped from 1800 to 800 (total bummer)... Im gonna try to be on as much as posible next week hopefully it will go up again.
English guy said:
Think Mary - crazysysy just compromised her shiny new account, underage boy on cam.

From what I heard in the lounge, she was in a hotel lobby or something, and he was just a passerby. She probably won't get in trouble.
Tambourine said:
Mila, email sent ;)
About camscore... Its a total mystery to me, but I do know that time online does count cause I havent been online for a month now and my camscore dropped from 1800 to 800 (total bummer)... Im gonna try to be on as much as posible next week hopefully it will go up again.

thx darling just got of cam and on my way to Singapore later today..I will check the mail....

A drop of 1000 in the cam rate on an 1800 one is very drastic...Please ask MFC Admin/Support to check...

kiss Mila
bawksy said:
English guy said:
Think Mary - crazysysy just compromised her shiny new account, underage boy on cam.

From what I heard in the lounge, she was in a hotel lobby or something, and he was just a passerby. She probably won't get in trouble.

It was her Cousin at her flat.
tightlockup said:
If she's not engaged in sexy activity and just talking shit with her fans, is it that big of a deal?

If someone reported her to admins, she may just get a warning via email. I doubt they'd ban or fine without having screen caps of some bad shit going on.
Mirra said:
So I believe there was discussion last night in Amber's room regarding the effect of offline tips rated 10 and how they measure into CamScore. Anyone know beyond a reasonable doubt about them? Or do we have some test subjects? :D

eff the whole cam score thing.. its so frustrating.
but.. on a note about offline tips- the last three days in a row my main supporter has tipped me 1000 offline tokens (i assume he's rating them a ten, he's very good about rating) an i didn't come on yesterday but my cam score dropped three hundred- even with the 1000 token offline tip.

so i can't say i know how it works- but unlike some people have speculated that big or semi-big offline tips will raise your cam score huge- in my experience this isn't the case!

(about cam score- i was away for a month and my cam score dropped from 8700 to 8200 in the first three weeks of being gone. it then dropped to 7700. after a few nights back and it hovering, it then plummeted to 6700 after a fairly successful night. go figure!).

and.. i do know that the higher you are, the more you have to earn per hour to increase it, of course. in the beginning i could make $50 an hour and it would increase, but i find that i need to be doing significantly significantly more than that for it to increase).

AND has anyone given any thought to the idea that cam scores increasing/falling might be relative to how OTHER models are doing on a given day? that could explain why it will strangely drop or fall inconsistently.. and why it seems harder these days to keep our cam scores up than it was even a few months ago (i think), given that its more competive among the top girls and there are models doing crazy promotions (including that one mode for a while that had a raffle for a chance to star in a porn with her/ ie. fuck her....) ?
MFC does NOT want models to know how cam score works.
When models do get a point added from a rating it is assigned a random timer before it is added, so you can not know how much this tip or that rating effected your score, AND scores are only updated 3-4 times per hour


"The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance, it is the illusion of knowledge." - Stephen Hawking
Perception is more important than reality most of the time - Me
RufffRider said:
MFC does NOT want models to know how cam score works.
When models do get a point added from a rating it is assigned a random timer before it is added, so you can not know how much this tip or that rating effected your score, AND scores are only updated 3-4 times per hour

I am wondering why, if camscore is meant to be such a mystery, you sound so sure of yourself with this statement.
i have tried to answer these questions before now, i have been asked about it so many times. i have tried experiments and the only logical explanation is a random timer.. i have seen scoring systems that use random timer before and the point of using random timer this way is so that the competitors do not know the criteria.. ergo MFC does not want people to know what the system is. you want further proof? the system used to be (ratings+tips)/(time on cam) when this became common knowledge they changed the system..why? MFC does not want people to know what the system is.

so the answer is its own answer to the same question lol
if you ask the right person the right question you get the right answer

sidenote i am concerned about the current system being a finite number of points... meaning- when MFC hands the new porn stars UBER starting cam score..everyone else loses a point from theirs, i am still trying to figure out if this is true.
D0mino's blog post pretty muched summed it up. Who wants to be a rabbit chasing the proverbial carrot that may or may not be there and be repeatedly told that getting off the treadmill is NOT the correct solution to tasting success? Running faster could hurt you. Maintaining speed could as well. Walking slower helps a bit, but the the next day they switch up the variables and what worked before is suddenly inhibiting your progress. Considering how "suave" MFC is about simple things, I doubt they spend much time switching the camscore formula around manually to keep people on their toes. Hell, I doubt THEY even know how it works.

This is certainly a case for the X-Files. :think:
Is it possible that camscore is a zero-sum game?

What I am saying is that let's say there is a fixed amount of camscore per model, say 100 per model ( I am sure that's not the number, just pulling it out of thin air). More camscore can only be added by new models, but the amount of camscore can never exceed

number of models x 100

That would explain how some models have a really successful night and have their score go down.

- new models are probably gifted a certain amount of camscore , probably exceeding the amount of camscore added to the system when they sign up
- porn stars are gifted much more, which is drawn from the total amount of camscore available, lowering each model's share of the camscore
-When people come on and tip 20k or so since the amount of camscore is fixed the model with the big tip gets a large amount of camscore that comes from the camscores of the other models

Does this make sense ?
I never considered it but it could be a zero sum or even a static pool that is distributed based on some strange formula. Of course a theory I BELIEVE I heard being explained in CandieCane's room was that it was based on some sort of 60 day average which also could explain why a score would go down even after a decent day if the day that was dropped from the average was a substantially better day in comparison.

But wait... I totally saw this on NCIS. I know how we get our answers. We need to send Abby Sciuto to get a job working for MFC that will grant her root access to their servers so she can find out the formula. Timothy McGee will assist her. :mrgreen:
tightlockup said:
Is it possible that camscore is a zero-sum game?

What I am saying is that let's say there is a fixed amount of camscore per model, say 100 per model ( I am sure that's not the number, just pulling it out of thin air). More camscore can only be added by new models, but the amount of camscore can never exceed

number of models x 100

That would explain how some models have a really successful night and have their score go down.

- new models are probably gifted a certain amount of camscore , probably exceeding the amount of camscore added to the system when they sign up
- porn stars are gifted much more, which is drawn from the total amount of camscore available, lowering each model's share of the camscore
-When people come on and tip 20k or so since the amount of camscore is fixed the model with the big tip gets a large amount of camscore that comes from the camscores of the other models

Does this make sense ?

there might be something to that... it wouldnt make sense for models to keep rising and rising forever- imagine, 50,000 cam score models.. and then models that had been around a while could be SO far ahead of new girls doing well. also- have you EVER seen anyone with a cam score higher than the 32,000ish (or whatever it is now) that sunny leone has? even mila you had 28000 or something for a while (i know youre on a new account) and sarah jean was up there, but looks like candie cane is the new top earner- but it seems to shift around a lot, within the 20,000s and teens but never higher..
I can tell you all the following: as most of you know I got a 260.000 tip 4 days ago cam rate jumped 5000 points over night but I still have Candie and Devon in front of me + a host of the 'gifted' Porn stars ( SunnyLeone etc)..

I understand the marketing attraction for MFC to get those porn stars...they do have full rooms ..But I and some of my fans were in those rooms and I can say with 100% certainty that those cam rates are held up by MFC even when those girls only make 1500-2000 an hour.... No way do you get to keep a 25.000 cam rate with just talking in chat and hardly getting any tips ..So from a marketing point of view ...bravo Leo and MFC...from the point of fairness to other models .. go suck a carrot...

The cam rate in my eyes is a system that is unpredictable and hardly fair. Since I have my new account ( 2 months) and with that huge tip , I have made an hour ( I work only 3-3.5 hrs a day) about 50% more than I did in February when I was #1 Miss MFC. Back then cam rate : 25.000 ....Now : 19.500 ....Can someone please explain ????? more girls on = lower cam rate ? more adult stars = lower cam rate ?

Yes you will say but Devon is #1 and will have made more tokens... True ...but Devon also works 2-3 times more hours than me ....and she certainly is not pulling 8000 tokens an hour/average... ( Nothing against Devon , she is doing very well and deserves all she gets ) ..but just to explain how intricate this mystery cam rate system is ....

just my few cents of wisdom ....and as long as MFC can't explain in a clear way how to increase your cam rate as I do > ignore it otherwise you get irritated like I just got above

kiss Mila
I don't think it will ever be possible to fully decipher how the camscore works, because if we ever figured it out, MFC would just tweak the algorithm again.

What I will say is this: better models seem to be ranked higher, and crappy models seem to be ranked lower. I'd call that pretty fair.


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bawksy said:
I don't think it will ever be possible to fully decipher how the camscore works, because if we ever figured it out, MFC would just tweak the algorithm again.

What I will say is this: better models seem to be ranked higher, and crappy models seem to be ranked lower. I'd call that pretty fair.

Not to derail, but in your opinion, what makes a model crappy?
MzMarche said:
Not to derail, but in your opinion, what makes a model crappy?

If the point of being a model is to make money, then I would define a crappy model as one who does not make much money.
bawksy said:
MzMarche said:
Not to derail, but in your opinion, what makes a model crappy?

If the point of being a model is to make money, then I would define a crappy model as one who does not make much money.

But that's a variable. You can't make anyone buy anything they don't want to. THEY ultimately decide if the sale is closed, not the salesperson. Even the best pitch will be turned down.
MzMarche said:
But that's a variable. You can't make anyone buy anything they don't want to. THEY ultimately decide if the sale is closed, not the salesperson. Even the best pitch will be turned down.

I'm not quite sure what point you're trying to make, but I do know that my brain now hurts. I think maybe you misinterpreted me.

Step back a bit. I didn't say that a 'crappy model' was anyone who failed to 'make a sale' to a single person. I'm simply defining it as a model who doesn't make much money overall.

Or put another way: Given any two models, the model who makes more money than the other is the 'better' model.

Considering the point of being a model is to make money, I think that definition is the simplest one that makes sense.

If you have a better definition, please suggest it.


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Camscore and what makes a model crappy (or not) are equally random. Just as no one sets out to make a crappy movie, no model sets out to be crappy, some make careful plans and fail, some make no plan and cannot fail. Only example that jumps to mind is the easy one..Amber would not say she is the prettiest model on MFC. Amber does not even have the best sales pitch (give it away for free and hope people realize they were entertained) but i would say she is the opposite of crappy :D

by the way worst plan i ever saw was SOCK PUPPETS, but i am sure someone could make it work :D
'Crappy' is an extremely relative term. And I would definitely say amber is less 'crappy' than the vast majority of girls on MFC. As of writing, she's the 18th least crappy model with regards to earnings this month :lol:

I think maybe some of the confusion is stemming from my use of the non-relative form of the word 'crappy' in my original post. Here it is fix'd:

better models seem to be ranked higher, and relatively crappier models seem to be ranked lower. I'd call that pretty fair.
well, my post disappeared, but to sum it up, I don't believe the amount of money someone rakes in is directly correlated to their quality as a model. Kinda what RuffRyder said. Some girls get lucky and get guys that require nothing more than for them to sit and look pretty before they shower them with monetrary affection. Some girls have guys that refuse to toss a red cent out unless they do nothing short of superhuman. Like I've stated before, too many variables. Yeah, there's some girls on the bottom who absolutely deserve to be there. But to generalize anyone lower than *blank* as "crappy"? Eh. I do understand that that's your perception though and don't intend on changing it. Was just attempting to get some clarification on what you think makes a model "crappy".

Crappy is subjective. What do I think makes a crappy model? One who doesn't engage her audience and spends more time begging for tips than being entertaining. Just my opinion though.
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