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camming showing up in backgound checks?

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Feb 20, 2013
so i read a fourm today somewhere where camming can show up in a background check for future jobs kinda made me worried lil any you girls have info or exceprienced this?
Im not sure what a background check really entails (if its a criminal background check, then no, not unless you did something illegal).

If they have tax info and you paid your taxes then yes something like "adult webcam entertainer" might come up because it would all be part of your tax record.

Keep your real name, location and contact info totally separate and no one should be able to find anything just by googling your name/ reverse image searching. But that should go without saying.

Hoping someone with a better understanding of that field will chime in.
No idea about background checks but generally speaking, if you're looking at camming as a temporary thing before moving into a profession that your cam-girl history might negatively effect (teaching for example), I'd say camming might be something you wanna steer clear of :twocents-02cents:
not teaching ,realestate agent is what i am working towards ,thanks for the responses girls just kinda made me worried what came up excatly
ok well i did some seaching around i guess it will come up as a independant contractor suposidly i never plan on becoming a doctor or daycare worker or teacher for kids so i should be fine,sorry shoulda looked up first just panicked lil thanks girls just still new to this
Jessi said:
Im not sure what a background check really entails (if its a criminal background check, then no, not unless you did something illegal).

If they have tax info and you paid your taxes then yes something like "adult webcam entertainer" might come up because it would all be part of your tax record.

Keep your real name, location and contact info totally separate and no one should be able to find anything just by googling your name/ reverse image searching. But that should go without saying.

Hoping someone with a better understanding of that field will chime in.

Pretty much everything about your life that is in some database anywhere can be bought for around $30 to $50 depending on how detailed you want it to be, if you have a first and last name and at least one city (or just a state) they lived in [EVER in their entire life].

Intelius is one of the bigger ones and also includes another section of their webpage for 'employers' to look up detailed work histories of any potential employees. Anyone with money can use any of their services.

(I filled out this 'search' with a made up name just to show you what all they will give if you fork over money.)

But keep in mind there's also other checks that can be done too.

This is just a sample report to show you SOME of the info that is available from another company.

And I've seen a few that are even more detailed for around the $80 mark that private investigators routinely use. They will get right down to what tattoos you have listed at any of your arrests. But those are open to anyone with money as well.

[Edit - and for around $25 to $30 a month you can get a subscription that lets you do all the checks you want.]


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curiousaboutcaming said:
ok well i did some seaching around i guess it will come up as a independant contractor suposidly i never plan on becoming a doctor or daycare worker or teacher for kids so i should be fine,sorry shoulda looked up first just panicked lil thanks girls just still new to this
It's all good.

Generally speaking, as Bob said, if you have important life plans, camming can come back to haunt you in odd ways.

Depending on where you live, it doesn't matter what job you want - if people know you used to cam, you'll be ostracized and you won't be hired anywhere. Around here, a real estate agent who used to do sex shows on the Internet would be a huge scandal.

The major real-estate groups could have a morality clause in their contracts, and if they find out you used to cam, they can fire you to protect their image. Perhaps the companies you want to work with are conservative and would not hire anyone who used to be a sex worker.

Instead of finding out if camming will show up on a background check, it may be useful to do research on the real estate industry to find out if this really is an offense that will cause problems for you in the future.
thanks holy ,i havent done anything on cam not masturbation or anything i just started, do u think if i quit than this would be fine for my future carrer,can this be wiped clean somehow i havent even made enough to report for taxes honestly,i live in canada btw,i am just question if i made the right choice to do this ,i love the idea of it but also worry
Just on the subject of life after camming, I can't wait to get a job in a big 4 accounting firm, and then have one of my coworkers find me online. I want to be the office slut so bad. :lol: Because I'll be so damn good at accounting that I'll get promotions left and right and everyone will gossip about how good I must be at BJs. Which I am good at that, too. :dance:
ahaha lol i needed that, my bf think i have nothing to worry bout which doesnt help, but hes not the one doing this. if i ended up doing this forever great im not worried about people knowing ,,but if i did pursure what i want to i feel like i already messed my chances up
also just emailed a real estae agent lol to find out about the morality clause and what it included in this lol ,thanks for the responses girls and guys i will either do this forever lol or quit so i dont mess anything up thanks for everything
First of all if you are a cam girl even if you don't do anything hardcore on cam chances are you will get recorded.
Being a cam girl and realtor is not illegal but if your broker finds out he, she might fire you.
I know an agent who used to bring escorts in his work events and everyone in the office knew they were paid company, even the broker and the dude never got in trouble because he made a shit ton of money for the company.
Another one woman was in a nude scene from a movie and people found out. (Wasn't a popular scene or movie and people knew) she didn't get fired for that tho.

Legally a realtor has to protect their client, tell them the truth and inform them of any conflict of interest. Ideally you are not considered less fit for the job because you cammed. Realistically if thy find out and you become a sussesful realtor it is very likely that it will come and bite you in the ass.

My advise is to not discount camming. The average realtor makes 30k a year and expenses are huge and lots of people will disrespect your profession (not that I agree with it but ppl do it). You will have to follow clients around, show them homes for a month and then at the end of it they dissapear and you are left with your mls fees plus gas and not to mention your time is worth smth too.

If you really want to give real estate a try do it before you try camming. Keep in mind over 85% of ppl quit in their first year. Sorry I am not trying to be a negative person here but these are the stats. I really hope if you choose real estate you are able to make it and I wish you all the best!

If for some reason you don't do we'll in real estate if I were you I would give camming a try full blast. Don't treat it like a hobby. This is an awesome job and it has great potential you wont find in many other careers. Also don't ever do anything on cam you might regret later. A happy and proud cam girl is usually more successful than someone that is ashamed of what hey do, no matter if they are nude or nonude, soft core, hardcore....

Also if you are still interested in real estate you can become an investor and invest the money you save from camming into a real estate portfolio.

Hope this helps!

Edit: when I say a realtor must tell them the truth it's like in the case that you find a leak in the foundation and you don't want to tell your client because you want that house to close so you can get paid. Also you can't spill personal info of your clients and act in their best interest. It doesn't say anywhere that you are limited in what you do in your sex life.... Or a Christian moral code...
just as an anecdotal contribution about the real estate field.... there's a very successful lady locally that used to be a stripper. Her face and 'enhanced' cleavage are on some very large billboards around town. If anything, it seems to work in her favor. I also used an agent some years ago for a property trade that had previously worked in a male strip club as one of the Chippendale type guys. They both worked for the larger national franchises with no apparent issues. :thumbleft:
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