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bigger girls?

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Welcome to the forum, I don't think you will have any trouble, at least none that you can't handle. You will find that there is a taste for just about EVERYTHING at MFC and some things you don't really want to know about.

Being a heavier person isn't the worst thing at MFC or any of the cam sites for that matter, attitude and confidence will get you far and should get yourself a good name camming at any of the sites that you may decide to try out. Good luck on camming and I look forward to seeing you online sometime soon.
As was said before, don't let the trolls get to you. I used to be 115lbs at 5'3.75", and I would get called fat one day and cocaine addict the next (as in, too skinny) :p They really know nothing about what they're saying, and they don't care. They'll just be trying to get a rise out of you. Now, I've gained a good 20 pounds, but most of my regulars are complimenting me on the gain, while the trolls say I'm fat and I laugh it off.

I agree that attitude makes the sexiness (or lack of it) in a woman. I've seen very sexy girls who were hefty, and very ugly girls who were skinny. Know what made the skinny girls ugly? You could tell by their face that they spend most of their time angry. Know what made the hefty girls sexy? They were self confident, and they were usually smiling. It's all about attitude.

Go for it girl!
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as a chubby girl myself i would say that yes you can do well. having a tough skin as mentioned is helpful. but having killer confidence is needed too. no matter how tough skinned you are if you dont feel like a super hottie assholes will get you down. my camscore is shite but thats because anymore the only shows i do are skype dealies with a diff payment procesor with trusted friends. but once upon a time i did fairly well for myself averaging 20-60 dollars an hour.
really you get what you put into it... if your hair is did and your makeup is purty and you work out to keep those sexy toned curves you can do awesome. ive seen a chubby girl on top i cant remember who though, her name had an angel in it perhaps? so its not impossible... back when i worked full time once got into the top 150 by the end of the month and that was cool for me.
its gonna be a tougher road, but itll be worth it. it took me a long time to realize that most trolls who bitch at me about my weight proobably have never touched a real woman in their entire life and are pissed that even though i have a fat ass im making triple to quintupile what they make at their minimum wage shit job so my hope for you is that your smart enough to realize that immediately.
but yup good luck and your quite a pretty lady so im sure you wont need it :)
Jaydenrainey said:
it took me a long time to realize that most trolls who bitch at me about my weight proobably have never touched a real woman in their entire life and are pissed that even though i have a fat ass im making triple to quintupile what they make at their minimum wage shit job so my hope for you is that your smart enough to realize that immediately.


Well said!
yeah as others have said...there's some douchebags out there who would call say, Kim Kardashian fat. It's all relative, ignore the haters and you'll do fine. Can't wait to see you on MFC! Are you using that as your model name?
You have a personal army now... you're invincible.
PixieDust_ said:
Yes this will be my model name :)

I can't wait till i get started !
I'm like yaay all models here support me so i will be fine :lol:
Just MFC mail me when ya get approved and get your profile set up! A verification photo would be fantastic, too. ;)
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