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Being Seen While Invisible

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Nov 12, 2017
I recently had 2 things happen that made me question invisibility mode.
I have been set to invisible mode for over 1 month and I have never come out (disabled) of it.

I had some huge "coincidence" happen, which is in no way just a coincidence.
A model I haven't visited or spoken to for 7 months, I saw them on the main page and decided to go visit them. I went in the room for about 30 seconds before deciding it may be weird, I just vanished for 7 months. So I immediately left. I didn't talk. I didn't tip. I didn't PM or anything, and I was 100% definitely set to invisible mode.
A few minutes later, I received a PM from her saying it was nice to see me and it's been a long time. How did she see me? It's impossible, or so I would think, after all, I am in invisible mode.

Yesterday, I logged in to see who was online and stayed for a minute before heading out into the great wild world. When I came home, I had a PM from a model asking why I didn't go and say hi to her. I said because I was not online, but then she proceeded to tell me It had said I was online 1 hour ago (that time I signed in for a minute). So this created some mini-drama. Again, I was definitely invisible.

In both instances, why was I shown as "online" anywhere at all? The whole point of being invisible is to be... well, invisible.
I like to stay invisible TO AVOID the drama it can create when I am online and models may see the green dot.

Obviously, I understand if I go and write in a model's room it will show me, and i can also understand to HER (that specific model I am typing to) the "last online" for me would say "now" and then "1 hour ago" etc
I have had a situation that has occurred twice with the same model - I entered the room invisible and the model looked at the screen and smiled and said “hi <my username>” as if I had popped up on the room list. Today the same thing happened with the same model except she send me a PM

I double checked that I was invisible both times. Weird

without a doubt there are problems or bugs that need fixing with invisibility, and other things reconsidering how it works.
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I have had a situation that has occurred twice with the same model - I entered the room invisible and the model looked at the screen and smiled and said “hi <my username>” as if I had popped up on the room list. Today the same thing happened with the same model except she send me a PM

I double checked that I was invisible both times. Weird

Out of curiosity, did you ask the model ‘how’ she saw you if you were supposed to be invisible..?
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Most would just say nothing or laugh it off as a "haha that's my little secret" so it's probably pointless asking anyway
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I think there's confusion between the two different things you are all discussing.

Invisible Mode does not promise that you will not appear offline/online.

View attachment 97180 View attachment 97181

In saying that..
I can see from this conversation that this is something that is very important to many of you, therefore, I will look further into how we can assist with this 😉

Wow, I don't know how, but I completely missed your response in here. Sorry.

While I do understand that it says "from the user list", it still seems extremely random for how it does it, as I have tested - unless I am missing something completely obvious.
Sometimes while I am invisible it says I was online hours ago - yes I was browsing but not interacting (as I tested this as well in one of my posts and posted the results).

Obviously for me personally I want to be fully invisible unless I choose to. But right now it's the apparent inconsistency of how it actually seems to work - as I have outlined with results/tests in previous posts in this thread.
Even if there was an additional option in the profile to go fully invisible and not let models see the online status (it could be in settings and privacy with hiding token balance)

Appear In Room Lists? Yes / No
Complete Incognito (don't let models see your last activity): Yes / No
The "quick toggle" for invisibility how it is now could just be for room visibility in the list, how it is right now.

I sincerely do hope it can be looked at and made so, or revised somehow and [if broken] fixed.

To add, if you know the specifics when/why/how we should be seen last, that too would be helpful too.
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While I do understand that it says "from the user list", it still seems extremely random for how it does it, as I have tested - unless I am missing something completely obvious.

Obviously for me personally I want to be fully invisible unless I choose to.
It appears that invisibility was only ever meant to hide our online status in room lists, not to hide on-line activity.

But right now it's the apparent inconsistency of how it actually seems to work - as I have outlined with results/tests in previous posts in this thread.
As you have discovered "last online" seems to be broken anyway.
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While I do understand that it says "from the user list", it still seems extremely random for how it does it, as I have tested - unless I am missing something completely obvious.
Sometimes while I am invisible it says I was online hours ago - yes I was browsing but not interacting (as I tested this as well in one of my posts and posted the results).
I think what you are missing is the feature you keep asking about does not exist and you’ve been told that by a SC representative.
I get why you would want it, not trying to be rude but you yourself have admitted it was an assumption & it’s not listed anywhere as a feature.
Complete invisibility of all online activity doesn’t exist on SC at this time. The last online time is not functioning properly, ok. I highly suggest you explain that to whatever models are causing you this level of stress.
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I think what you are missing is the feature you keep asking about does not exist and you’ve been told that by a SC representative.
I get why you would want it, not trying to be rude but you yourself have admitted it was an assumption & it’s not listed anywhere as a feature.
Complete invisibility of all online activity doesn’t exist on SC at this time. The last online time is not functioning properly, ok. I highly suggest you explain that to whatever models are causing you this level of stress.

Haha definitely not stress, just annoyance more than anything. Mostly when you get models being silly and sarcastic etc to you because of seeing your last activity. But obviously it's because I (and I assume others) didn't realise models could see your last online, so no matter how it's worded in the FAQ etc. It to us still suggests we are always invisible unless we come out of hiding, be it by typing, tipping or literally unhiding ourselves.
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A model just told me she saw that I was online on SC via an email notification she got 🤷🏻‍♂️

All cool, but god knows how that plays out with the whole invisible thing. Just a heads-up.
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A model just told me she saw that I was online on SC via an email notification she got 🤷🏻‍♂️

All cool, but god knows how that plays out with the whole invisible thing. Just a heads-up.
I think that we have established that invisible only means that you cannot be seen in a room listing. Not that you magically leave no onsite trail.

But I could be wrong ;)
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Facebook Messenger showing people as "Active Now" probably causes drama too. Lol. I've seen it say "Active Now" for my ex-boyfriend while he was asleep right next to me and snoring. 😂 And his phone was on the other side of the room charging.
When you see the icon pop up on his messenger showing they are active. You can click or press on the icon to remove him/her from coming up on his messenger again.
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When you see the icon pop up on his messenger showing they are active. You can click or press on the icon to remove him/her from coming up on his messenger again.

Hi. Sorry, but this really isn't good advice because 1) I don't mess with other people's personal cell phones (and I'd be pissed if that was done to me)...2) I said EX.

Also I wasn't asking for advice. But thanks anyway. :)
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A model just told me she saw that I was online on SC via an email notification she got 🤷🏻‍♂️

All cool, but god knows how that plays out with the whole invisible thing. Just a heads-up.

If you already had invisible mode activated when you logged on, the model should not have received this notification/email.

I will PM you to get some more info and look into this.
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If you already had invisible mode activated when you logged on, the model should not have received this notification/email.
Now I'm more confused than before. This is sounding more like invisible mode should hide your presence across the whole site; I had understood from earlier comments in this thread that it was only intended to hide an invisible user from appearing in the user list in any room they enter.
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Don't be confused.
Everything is precisely as you understood and as per all our previous discussions.
We have just chosen not to include Invisibles in these notifications.
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Hi. Sorry, but this really isn't good advice because 1) I don't mess with other people's personal cell phones (and I'd be pissed if that was done to me)...2) I said EX.

Also I wasn't asking for advice. But thanks anyway. :)
I understand your concerns and I apologize if my advice seems intrusive or inappropriate. I see your stance on personal privacy and respect that. I can make sure to obey your boundaries in the future.
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This is my fault from my above awful wording of the scenario.

I logged-in as invisible, went ‘visible’ for a moment, during which the model I regularly see was checking her emails and got a notification because I went from invisible to visible. Sent me a PM… totally fine!

I just didn’t know that a model got an email notification that I was ‘visible’… and I thought “ooo how does she know?” …so I asked and she told me 🤷🏻‍♂️

All good, nothing wrong, wish I’d never mentioned it 😂
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This is my fault from my above awful wording of the scenario.

I logged-in as invisible, went ‘visible’ for a moment, during which the model I regularly see was checking her emails and got a notification because I went from invisible to visible. Sent me a PM… totally fine!

I just didn’t know that a model got an email notification that I was ‘visible’… and I thought “ooo how does she know?” …so I asked and she told me 🤷🏻‍♂️

All good, nothing wrong, wish I’d never mentioned it 😂
I am glad you mentioned it, I never knew models could get email notification of my presence on the site. It does however explain some things over the years.

My friend now no longer seems as enigmatic as she used to :rofl:
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hi how do the models know that I m in the room if invisible?
that's not altogether correct. I never tell or imply to models I visit them exclusively. However, I don't mention other models at all. I think models should assume users visit other models unless they have had a specific discussion about it and the user say they don't.

I am in a drama right now with a model because my work hours have expanded drastically and I hardly see her because her hours are now completely during this new work time. She asked why I was distant and I told her about the new hours and a few days later she sends me a PM photo of myself as king in another room and calls me a liar - a room where the model broadcasts early morning when I am available. That is the recipe for an instant unfollow from me.

There is all kinds of drama on these sites from both users and models. It makes me appreciate the true professionals I interact with more.

I think having invisibility exempt a member from the "last logged on" would save at least a little of it
I think having invisibility exempt a member from the "last logged on" would save at least a little of it.
I agree
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This is my fault from my above awful wording of the scenario.

I logged-in as invisible, went ‘visible’ for a moment, during which the model I regularly see was checking her emails and got a notification because I went from invisible to visible. Sent me a PM… totally fine!

I just didn’t know that a model got an email notification that I was ‘visible’… and I thought “ooo how does she know?” …so I asked and she told me 🤷🏻‍♂️

All good, nothing wrong, wish I’d never mentioned it 😂
is she on your friends list?
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I am glad you mentioned it, I never knew models could get email notification of my presence on the site. It does however explain some things over the years.

My friend now no longer seems as enigmatic as she used to :rofl:
I always try log invisible but my model friend always knows its me who is tipping :-o whilst invisible
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I have had issues with being visible while having my profile set to "invisible" as well .. If you are invisible no one should see you for any reason whatsoever
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I always try log invisible but my model friend always knows its me who is tipping :-o whilst invisible
That is how invisible works:

"You are currently in Invisible Mode and cannot be seen. Sending messages or tips in chat will allow the model and other users to see you."

(My highlighting.)
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if you tip anonymously they cannot see you. If you tip normally your name appears in the chat

In some cases models can always put 2 and 2 together and make 4.
By this I mean, if you usually go to the model at a specific time, tip for specific things or have a pattern, regardless of whether you tip anonymously they will know or have a great idea it's you.
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In some cases models can always put 2 and 2 together and make 4.
By this I mean, if you usually go to the model at a specific time, tip for specific things or have a pattern, regardless of whether you tip anonymously they will know or have a great idea it's you.
I've been following this thread with interest but at times when I think I got it straight, someone will mention a new twist.

I know, been there - done that, if you're invisible & tip publicly or write in Public Chat your username is shown but does not appear on list of room occupants.
I have done the following several times to be certain.

I'll log on invisible. I can go into any model's room - whether they're currently broadcasting or offline. I'll Log Off from SC from that room.
My username will appear on the occupants list. Certainly not long but it is visible.

Apparently long enough for a model in a slow room to see it. The next time I logged onto SC I had a PM saying, "Hi!"

I just wanted to add my invisible experience to the discussion.
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I recently had 2 things happen that made me question invisibility mode.
I have been set to invisible mode for over 1 month and I have never come out (disabled) of it.

I had some huge "coincidence" happen, which is in no way just a coincidence.
A model I haven't visited or spoken to for 7 months, I saw them on the main page and decided to go visit them. I went in the room for about 30 seconds before deciding it may be weird, I just vanished for 7 months. So I immediately left. I didn't talk. I didn't tip. I didn't PM or anything, and I was 100% definitely set to invisible mode.
A few minutes later, I received a PM from her saying it was nice to see me and it's been a long time. How did she see me? It's impossible, or so I would think, after all, I am in invisible mode.

Yesterday, I logged in to see who was online and stayed for a minute before heading out into the great wild world. When I came home, I had a PM from a model asking why I didn't go and say hi to her. I said because I was not online, but then she proceeded to tell me It had said I was online 1 hour ago (that time I signed in for a minute). So this created some mini-drama. Again, I was definitely invisible.

In both instances, why was I shown as "online" anywhere at all? The whole point of being invisible is to be... well, invisible.
I like to stay invisible TO AVOID the drama it can create when I am online and models may see the green dot.

Obviously, I understand if I go and write in a model's room it will show me, and i can also understand to HER (that specific model I am typing to) the "last online" for me would say "now" and then "1 hour ago" etc
we can look at our inbox and we can see a green dot - we just msg everyone - we also clue into signs - we just know - also us models find invisible very creepy - i also keep track of who is in the room who is talking who is tipping and when someone talks yet not on my list i write down their name and keep track - i usually ban invisble users
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This is my fault from my above awful wording of the scenario.

I logged-in as invisible, went ‘visible’ for a moment, during which the model I regularly see was checking her emails and got a notification because I went from invisible to visible. Sent me a PM… totally fine!

I just didn’t know that a model got an email notification that I was ‘visible’… and I thought “ooo how does she know?” …so I asked and she told me 🤷🏻‍♂️

All good, nothing wrong, wish I’d never mentioned it 😂
dang these models do have special powers though lol
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