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Are ya P.C. Bro'?

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Are you politically correct?

  • Yes! If you're not, you're a bigot.

    Votes: 5 16.7%
  • I behave P.C, wouldn't if I didn't I have to.

    Votes: 3 10.0%
  • No! Political correctness is fascism disguised as politeness

    Votes: 9 30.0%
  • Other (please explain)

    Votes: 13 43.3%

  • Total voters
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Oct 31, 2010
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Please pic the answer that fits you the most. Feel free to elaborate if you like, or stay anonymous if you want. Whatever works best for ya. Thanks in advance for your feedback.
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No, I'm libertarian. I'm all for personal liberty - be any of a mix of politics and social issues you choose and good on you for advocating them.

But we have a few thousand years of agreed upon language so I'm staying with that so we have a common reference. What hope do we ever have to understand each other with ever changing language?
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I think most people act reasonable in nature. Do I make a crass comment in gist from time to time sure. Was it meant in a malicious But, do I understand that even with context that crass remark can be seen offensively to some for sure. I don't think there is anything wrong with trying to move society away from using words/phrases/imagery that are inherently offensive. Just because it is comfortable to you doesn't mean it is comfortable for a majority of people and being asked to stop shouldn't be heralded as being overly PC.
I think I would be if we were going by late nineties standards. I don't set out to offend and if reasonable, will listen to complaints of the offended and act accordingly. What I won't do is listen to the overly sensitive sloths that expect people to be accepting of nonsense or to give them special treatment because doing otherwise will hurt their precious feelings. Pc babies that so desperately want to be seen as persecuted that they spend time looking for new stuff to be offended by so they can throw a tantrum and call people fascists online. Young liberal mouth breathers have really tainted what pc means. Still love the character and the South Park creators views in general. Forget the exact quote from one of them but along the lines of yeah, Republicans suck but they are nowhere near as awful as liberals these days.
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I know you're not a troll, but your poll is sort of a troll poll.
Wait... Really??? How so? I ask that in all sincerity too, because that's totally not what I was going for.
I voted other. I just try not to be a dick to people and respect when they tell me something hurts them. That’s just basic decent human behavior, imo. However, I find humor in a lot of things that aren’t P.C.
No, I'm libertarian. I'm all for personal liberty - be any of a mix of politics and social issues you choose and good on you for advocating them.

But we have a few thousand years of agreed upon language so I'm staying with that so we have a common reference. What hope do we ever have to understand each other with ever changing language?
Greetings fellow Libertarian!
Wait... Really??? How so? I ask that in all sincerity too, because that's totally not what I was going for.
When it's not being used as a divisive buzzword, being PC really just means trying to be thoughtful of others. Your poll doesn't leave any room for trying to do that without calling someone who doesn't try or doesn't grasp why they should try a bigot. It's leading. That's why you're getting so many "other" votes.
When it's not being used as a divisive buzzword, being PC really just means trying to be thoughtful of others. Your poll doesn't leave any room for trying to do that without calling someone who doesn't try or doesn't grasp why they should try a bigot. It's leading. That's why you're getting so many "other" votes.
That's precisely why I put the option for people to choose "other (please explain)".
If you're PC but don't necessarily believe that anyone who isn't PC is also a bigot, then obviously you wouldn't fit that category, and hopefully you would check the "other" box. Which was kinda my goal here. It was an attempt to provoke a thoughtful discussion on the topic of political correctness.
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A racist murders two people in Kentucky on Monday.
A terrorist mails pipe bombs to well known Democrats all week.
A Nazi kills many in a PA synagogue on Saturday.
A little "political correctness" could be useful right now.
That isn't a lack of political correctness, that's evil people committing capitol crimes. I doubt an increase of PC would have prevented these people from doing what they were going to do. But I could be wrong.
dilligaf0, isn't group identity root to each of these nutjobs you've listed? Is it not also a core of political correctness? If not, then how could more political correctness help?

A little more treating each other as individual humans regardless of race, religion or politics - that I can go for. Takes longer to get to know people one by one, but it's worth it.
Patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel.

I think everyone can agree there is some truth in this. Even more when you start to swap out the labels "patriotism" and "scoundrel". has apparently been shut down over this. Lot of twitter "refugees" went there.

I don't know how many real/imaginary nazis from who-knows-where were there; I don't know how many are really capable of shooting up synagogues, or how many are on a misguided mission to expand the Overton window, or how many were just idiots.

Is shutting down Gab politically correct? And if so, is shutting down Twitter also politically correct?

I have seen some interesting, enlightening minds on both. But there have been days where I took a look at gab, and had to say "no, not today" and close it because of the nazi shit. Ditto for twitter.
A racist murders two people in Kentucky on Monday.
A terrorist mails pipe bombs to well known Democrats all week.
A Nazi kills many in a PA synagogue on Saturday.
A little "political correctness" could be useful right now.

Well, on a separate note, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!
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I have seen some interesting, enlightening minds on both. But there have been days where I took a look at gab, and had to say "no, not today" and close it because of the nazi shit. Ditto for twitter.

One will find extremist bullshit no matter where you go: Twitter, FB, Instagram, religious institutions, educational institutions, etc.

It's like TV. Don't like what's on that particular channel, change the channel. Don't like that? Change to a different channel. Don't like anything that's on, turn it off. Find something offensive, wrong, etc? Write, or call, the station and tell them your thoughts.

Everyone seems to forget, it's not illegal to to have certain thoughts. But, depending upon what those thoughts are, it could be illegal to turn them into written or verbal statements. Even more so, if one acts upon those thoughts.
One will find extremist bullshit no matter where you go: Twitter, FB, Instagram, religious institutions, educational institutions, etc.

It's like TV. Don't like what's on that particular channel, change the channel. Don't like that? Change to a different channel. Don't like anything that's on, turn it off. Find something offensive, wrong, etc? Write, or call, the station and tell them your thoughts.

Everyone seems to forget, it's not illegal to to have certain thoughts. But, depending upon what those thoughts are, it could be illegal to turn them into written or verbal statements. Even more so, if one acts upon those thoughts.
Well! I always thought of you as a kindred (yet occasionally vapid) spirit, based simply on some of the things you have said that I agree with. But now I see your bigotry against religion, AND your anti-science leanings on full display!

This isn't really like changing the TV channel at all. What I was talking about was more like one TV channel demanding another be shut down.

(and for the record, due to my childhood indoctrination, I share in the distaste for the nazi stuff. I am just curious why the exact same message, with different labels, is endorsed and encouraged by so many who claim to be different)
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One will find extremist bullshit no matter where you go: Twitter, FB, Instagram, religious institutions, educational institutions, etc.

It's like TV. Don't like what's on that particular channel, change the channel. Don't like that? Change to a different channel. Don't like anything that's on, turn it off. Find something offensive, wrong, etc? Write, or call, the station and tell them your thoughts.

Everyone seems to forget, it's not illegal to to have certain thoughts. But, depending upon what those thoughts are, it could be illegal to turn them into written or verbal statements. Even more so, if one acts upon those thoughts.
You can't change the channel when it's live and in your face.
Believe me, I wish I could sometimes.
Well! I always thought of you as a kindred (yet occasionally vapid) spirit, based simply on some of the things you have said that I agree with. But now I see your bigotry against religion, AND your anti-science leanings on full display!

This isn't really like changing the TV channel at all. What I was talking about was more like one TV channel demanding another be shut down.

(and for the record, due to my childhood indoctrination, I share in the distaste for the nazi stuff. I am just curious why the exact same message, with different labels, is endorsed and encouraged by so many who claim to be different)

Gab has been dropped by it's hosting site (GoDaddy).
It's also not illegal for a private company to drop someone that offends it's customers.
You can't change the channel when it's live and in your face.
Believe me, I wish I could sometimes.

So, this happens immediately in front of you on a daily basis? Live, and in person? Not on TV, the internet, or other places?

It's also not illegal for a private company to drop someone that offends it's customers.
Yep, many hosts have rules & regs about what can/can't be hosted and that the hosting company can pull content down. Has happened many times over the years.
Gab has been dropped by it's hosting site (GoDaddy).
It's also not illegal for a private company to drop someone that offends it's customers.
Yes. You are correct.

I had a very nice conversation with Adeline today. She's 95, with a brain like a bank vault and more woke than many of us can hope to get without living another half century. We talked about Pittsburgh, we commiserated about black church bombings in the past and briefly compared them. We shared commonality in our history and our wishes. Then we bid each other a grand day and went on our ways.

I have no idea what her politics are. Nor did she ask mine.

Nothing more to add than to bring you this moment of untroubled reflection and wish you the same.
Please pic the answer that fits you the most. Feel free to elaborate if you like, or stay anonymous if you want. Whatever works best for ya. Thanks in advance for your feedback.

Fuck you and your bullshit attempts trying to define people with your poll.

What is your purpose posting this and what do you expect to gain from the poll?
Fuck you and your bullshit attempts trying to define people with your poll.

What is your purpose posting this and what do you expect to gain from the poll?

Dude it's an internet poll on a forum. Calm your tits. The gain is having a disscussion.
Dude it's an internet poll on a forum. Calm your tits. The gain is having a disscussion.
i think Bocefish is just kidding, at least i hope he is. Sarcasm can be hard to convey over text at times.
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