AmberCutie's Forum
An adult community for cam models and members to discuss all the things!

Annoying things members do

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Jessi said:
When members constantly apologize for not tipping and mention how bad they feel and bring it up over and over again.
Yes, thank you, I noticed the lack of tipping, no need to rub it in my face.
Its like they expect the model to go awww thats okay sweetie! and validate them. ugh, no :roll:

That's exactly how I see it. It's worse to do it as a guest I think. The girl already knows she has freeloaders, why bring it to her attention ... EVERY DAY?!

I wanna punch that guy right in the taint ... and then chop off my hand and burn it.
Jessi said:
JimsX said:
Annoying things members do - Whine about not tipping.

One of my favourite models has a prem who lately has only shown up as guest (she allows guest chat). Every damn day this jackass guest will say "Mind if I freeload for a while?" Now this model is generally only topless (full nude maybe twice since I met her a year ago) and even then for just a couple minutes after a tip. So there is little to freeload. He cannot pm her and he never participates in the room chat, though he might randomly say, "Sorry I am such a loser freeloader! :crybaby: ) :roll:

The way I see it is he is just an attention whore and needs acceptance of his non-tipping status. I mean fuck, why ask? you are a GUEST! She would never know you are "freeloading!" Honestly I have no idea why she even responds to him.

Anyway ... I hate that guy.

When members constantly apologize for not tipping and mention how bad they feel and bring it up over and over again.
Yes, thank you, I noticed the lack of tipping, no need to rub it in my face.
Its like they expect the model to go awww thats okay sweetie! and validate them. ugh, no :roll:

They expect her to say, that is okay for you. You are not like those other creeps on the site, you truly appreciate me for who I am not just my firm body that hungers for your rock hard cock deep inside it. Take me take me now and show me how a real man does it with your perfect color cock that is so big it will be difficult for my tiny pussy to accept. Oops I just jizzed everywhere thinking of it, and am too weak to cam now. Just tell me your address and I will fly to where you live, pick you up, pay for a room, and then let you have your way with me since i am too jizzed out to cam for you my true love.
Shaun__ said:
Jessi said:
JimsX said:
Annoying things members do - Whine about not tipping.

One of my favourite models has a prem who lately has only shown up as guest (she allows guest chat). Every damn day this jackass guest will say "Mind if I freeload for a while?" Now this model is generally only topless (full nude maybe twice since I met her a year ago) and even then for just a couple minutes after a tip. So there is little to freeload. He cannot pm her and he never participates in the room chat, though he might randomly say, "Sorry I am such a loser freeloader! :crybaby: ) :roll:

The way I see it is he is just an attention whore and needs acceptance of his non-tipping status. I mean fuck, why ask? you are a GUEST! She would never know you are "freeloading!" Honestly I have no idea why she even responds to him.

Anyway ... I hate that guy.

When members constantly apologize for not tipping and mention how bad they feel and bring it up over and over again.
Yes, thank you, I noticed the lack of tipping, no need to rub it in my face.
Its like they expect the model to go awww thats okay sweetie! and validate them. ugh, no :roll:

They expect her to say, that is okay for you. You are not like those other creeps on the site, you truly appreciate me for who I am not just my firm body that hungers for your rock hard cock deep inside it. Take me take me now and show me how a real man does it with your perfect color cock that is so big it will be difficult for my tiny pussy to accept. Oops I just jizzed everywhere thinking of it, and am too weak to cam now. Just tell me your address and I will fly to where you live, pick you up, pay for a room, and then let you have your way with me since i am too jizzed out to cam for you my true love.

This happened to me last week, and I didn't even say anything.
Dumbass member: Camming is not a real job so I don't need to give you tokens

....say what, bitch? Hm? It sounds like you said, "Kristina I would love it if you used your reaper scythe to rape my skull."

I would be thrilled to oblige you.


Couldn't find a Grim Reaper emote but you get the idea :lol:
DuoShi said:
This happened to me last week, and I didn't even say anything.

Disclaimer after I rant about hating this: I HAVE done it myself, to a model I enjoy spending time with and generally do tip or take private. Told her the situation and that I would be back to my old ways ASAP. To me that just sounded fair to let her know I didn't suddenly despise her. But I said it ONCE in a PM and dropped it. Constantly bringing it up is icky.
mutantdonut said:
I love those members who's ego's couldn't fit inside the Grand Canyon and feel the need to verbally express their God complex in chat; like how good looking they are, how fit and athletic their body is, how many women they been with, how much money they make, what kind of car they drive, etc. One claimed that he had numerous female stalkers, and another stated that the model might "fall in love" if he showed a picture of himself.

I have more to bitch about after I read the entire thread, but gotta post this before I forget. There is a basic who goes to room after room asking models to rate and admire him. He has been a basic for 2 years I believe. He just wants to be admired .... :think:
Shaun__ said:
Jessi said:
JimsX said:
Annoying things members do - Whine about not tipping.

One of my favourite models has a prem who lately has only shown up as guest (she allows guest chat). Every damn day this jackass guest will say "Mind if I freeload for a while?" Now this model is generally only topless (full nude maybe twice since I met her a year ago) and even then for just a couple minutes after a tip. So there is little to freeload. He cannot pm her and he never participates in the room chat, though he might randomly say, "Sorry I am such a loser freeloader! :crybaby: ) :roll:

The way I see it is he is just an attention whore and needs acceptance of his non-tipping status. I mean fuck, why ask? you are a GUEST! She would never know you are "freeloading!" Honestly I have no idea why she even responds to him.

Anyway ... I hate that guy.

When members constantly apologize for not tipping and mention how bad they feel and bring it up over and over again.
Yes, thank you, I noticed the lack of tipping, no need to rub it in my face.
Its like they expect the model to go awww thats okay sweetie! and validate them. ugh, no :roll:

They expect her to say, that is okay for you. You are not like those other creeps on the site, you truly appreciate me for who I am not just my firm body that hungers for your rock hard cock deep inside it. Take me take me now and show me how a real man does it with your perfect color cock that is so big it will be difficult for my tiny pussy to accept. Oops I just jizzed everywhere thinking of it, and am too weak to cam now. Just tell me your address and I will fly to where you live, pick you up, pay for a room, and then let you have your way with me since i am too jizzed out to cam for you my true love.

You should write for Harlequin. That was hawt.
23:41:50 pm?
The model tells him it's 200 tokens be added to her Friends List.
Six days later:
21:51:31 pm?
23:30:53 do you escort?
23:31:34 ...
23:33:23 was trying to pm about it, i clear 6, so... if you do, pm me
Apparently, 200 tokens for PM privileges is too much for someone who "clears 6".
Two more days later:
22:14:42 1k to escort? :tongue:
Spent over an hour reading the first 14 pages before I realized I had read it all before and even posted. :icon-cry:

Got another to add:

One of my fav models has a member who logs on only to tip anonymously (and they are hefty tips, usually over 1000), and then logs off to chat as guest. He says three things that are highly annoying.

First he will greet each regular as he enters thusly: "Hello Art! Another of Marsha's great men! A man who tips with no expectations of personal gratitude! (he also says variations of this after tips from her regs)" And when her complete group of regs is there he says "Oh look! The gang is all here! All the men who tip just to help this lovely young woman! And also some who just want gratification!" I guess I am a gratification seeker, since although I do tip, I spend the majority of my tokens on privates with this model. My money, my business ya dirty poohead. I have gotten to the point where I am considering putting all her regs on ignore. It feels like a big circle jerk in her room.

Second, he attempts to tell the model what to do: "All the tipping members are gone. You should just log off now." 5 seconds after her last reg left. :roll:

Finally, he has a burning need to brag about his tips. The first time I talked to him I told him to log in and lead by example. His response: "Ha! I have tipped more than you ever will! I was just discussing how much I have tipped in total with her this afternoon." (how does a conversation like that come up?) and "Oh wow! Someone tipped 100! I wish I could tip but I am just an anon freeloader."

What pisses me off about this douchebucket is the model NEEDS him. He drops at least 1000 tokens on her each night. And then he uses that against her. It's just fucking manipulative and cruel.
JimsX said:
Spent over an hour reading the first 14 pages before I realized I had read it all before and even posted. :icon-cry:

Got another to add:

One of my fav models has a member who logs on only to tip anonymously (and they are hefty tips, usually over 1000), and then logs off to chat as guest. He says three things that are highly annoying.

First he will greet each regular as he enters thusly: "Hello Art! Another of Marsha's great men! A man who tips with no expectations of personal gratitude! (he also says variations of this after tips from her regs)" And when her complete group of regs is there he says "Oh look! The gang is all here! All the men who tip just to help this lovely young woman! And also some who just want gratification!" I guess I am a gratification seeker, since although I do tip, I spend the majority of my tokens on privates with this model. My money, my business ya dirty poohead. I have gotten to the point where I am considering putting all her regs on ignore. It feels like a big circle jerk in her room.

Second, he attempts to tell the model what to do: "All the tipping members are gone. You should just log off now." 5 seconds after her last reg left. :roll:

Finally, he has a burning need to brag about his tips. The first time I talked to him I told him to log in and lead by example. His response: "Ha! I have tipped more than you ever will! I was just discussing how much I have tipped in total with her this afternoon." (how does a conversation like that come up?) and "Oh wow! Someone tipped 100! I wish I could tip but I am just an anon freeloader."

What pisses me off about this douchebucket is the model NEEDS him. He drops at least 1000 tokens on her each night. And then he uses that against her. It's just fucking manipulative and cruel.

Around fifty dollars a night may sound like a lot, but he may find out how replaceable he is if the model ever tires of him. For instance five people tipping ten each, maybe ten tipping five. People that drive away other tippers would be a huge drag on a model's long term success I would think.
Shaun__ said:
JimsX said:
Spent over an hour reading the first 14 pages before I realized I had read it all before and even posted. :icon-cry:

Got another to add:

One of my fav models has a member who logs on only to tip anonymously (and they are hefty tips, usually over 1000), and then logs off to chat as guest. He says three things that are highly annoying.

First he will greet each regular as he enters thusly: "Hello Art! Another of Marsha's great men! A man who tips with no expectations of personal gratitude! (he also says variations of this after tips from her regs)" And when her complete group of regs is there he says "Oh look! The gang is all here! All the men who tip just to help this lovely young woman! And also some who just want gratification!" I guess I am a gratification seeker, since although I do tip, I spend the majority of my tokens on privates with this model. My money, my business ya dirty poohead. I have gotten to the point where I am considering putting all her regs on ignore. It feels like a big circle jerk in her room.

Second, he attempts to tell the model what to do: "All the tipping members are gone. You should just log off now." 5 seconds after her last reg left. :roll:

Finally, he has a burning need to brag about his tips. The first time I talked to him I told him to log in and lead by example. His response: "Ha! I have tipped more than you ever will! I was just discussing how much I have tipped in total with her this afternoon." (how does a conversation like that come up?) and "Oh wow! Someone tipped 100! I wish I could tip but I am just an anon freeloader."

What pisses me off about this douchebucket is the model NEEDS him. He drops at least 1000 tokens on her each night. And then he uses that against her. It's just fucking manipulative and cruel.

Around fifty dollars a night may sound like a lot, but he may find out how replaceable he is if the model ever tires of him. For instance five people tipping ten each, maybe ten tipping five. People that drive away other tippers would be a huge drag on a model's long term success I would think.

Honestly I hope she tires of him before the members do and leave. She is a nice lady and she does struggle at times to earn, with a camscore just above 1000. So I do understand why she puts up with him, but I don't know if she is aware that his idiocy could drive away her other regs or preventing new guys from sticking around.

And somehow I think it would be a terrible idea to try to tell her :lol:

I like her so I will stick around, but I find myself actively participating in the room less and less.
There's a member who comes to my room every now and then promising to have a private with me, but first he wants to know ALL of the clothing options/shoe options/etc. I used to take the time to show him things, but now I say that if he wants to pick specific things it'll be done during the private. I went to look back at his history, since he never goes through with the private, and the last time he tipped was the third day I was on MFC, and it was a private and only worth 200tk... I member spending a decent amount of time on that guy at that time as well, finding just the "right" shirt and bra for him. :snooty:
I recently banned a member that would come in for long privates that were really good money but uhm...he always wanted me to stare at him and compliment him on his body and how hot he was on cam2cam and well...I really just want orgasms and a six pack isn't that impressive to me when you obviously feel like it should force me to drool all over myself. Of course, he never said that's what he wanted, instead, if my attention was on someone else even for a moment or if I were closing my eyes mid-orgasm, he'd leave in a huff.

What it comes down to is, it doesn't matter how much money you're spending, we should both be having fun during a private. It's an equal experience. And while many are great at selling the fantasy I'm terrible at it and I honestly just want my fucking orgasms, I don't want to feel like I have to barf out insincere lines about how hot someone is when a person's body doesn't really matter in my sexual attraction to them.
I love being supportive of my regulars and catching up with them now and then, but I can't stand the dudes who drag out an interaction for too long. I've been playing back-and-forth emails with a dude for over a week now, because he'll only reply in vague, troubled, one-liners to my questions. Each line below was a separate email every day or two.

Him: How are you? Haven't talked to you in a while!
Me: Hey! I'm good! *insert paragraph about various recent events* How are you?
Him: I'm okay...
Me: ? Just okay? Is everything all right?
Him: Kinda... :(
Me: What's going on?
Him: Well at least I'm alive.
Me: Uh.... what? Explain
Him: My girlfriend broke up with me.

This didn't need to take 10 days to finally touch on. :roll:
CharlotteLace said:
I love being supportive of my regulars and catching up with them now and then, but I can't stand the dudes who drag out an interaction for too long. I've been playing back-and-forth emails with a dude for over a week now, because he'll only reply in vague, troubled, one-liners to my questions. Each line below was a separate email every day or two.

Him: How are you? Haven't talked to you in a while!
Me: Hey! I'm good! *insert paragraph about various recent events* How are you?
Him: I'm okay...
Me: ? Just okay? Is everything all right?
Him: Kinda... :(
Me: What's going on?
Him: Well at least I'm alive.
Me: Uh.... what? Explain
Him: My girlfriend broke up with me.

This didn't need to take 10 days to finally touch on. :roll:

Maybe she broke up with him because he's like that in real life too.
CharlotteLace said:
I love being supportive of my regulars and catching up with them now and then, but I can't stand the dudes who drag out an interaction for too long. I've been playing back-and-forth emails with a dude for over a week now, because he'll only reply in vague, troubled, one-liners to my questions. Each line below was a separate email every day or two.

Him: How are you? Haven't talked to you in a while!
Me: Hey! I'm good! *insert paragraph about various recent events* How are you?
Him: I'm okay...
Me: ? Just okay? Is everything all right?
Him: Kinda... :(
Me: What's going on?
Him: Well at least I'm alive.
Me: Uh.... what? Explain
Him: My girlfriend broke up with me.

This didn't need to take 10 days to finally touch on. :roll:

Some people are all about the drama and theatrics. They like to see you shiver with antici
mynameisbob84 said:
CharlotteLace said:
I love being supportive of my regulars and catching up with them now and then, but I can't stand the dudes who drag out an interaction for too long. I've been playing back-and-forth emails with a dude for over a week now, because he'll only reply in vague, troubled, one-liners to my questions. Each line below was a separate email every day or two.

Him: How are you? Haven't talked to you in a while!
Me: Hey! I'm good! *insert paragraph about various recent events* How are you?
Him: I'm okay...
Me: ? Just okay? Is everything all right?
Him: Kinda... :(
Me: What's going on?
Him: Well at least I'm alive.
Me: Uh.... what? Explain
Him: My girlfriend broke up with me.

This didn't need to take 10 days to finally touch on. :roll:

Some people are all about the drama and theatrics. They like to see you shiver with antici
JoleneBrody said:
mynameisbob84 said:
CharlotteLace said:
I love being supportive of my regulars and catching up with them now and then, but I can't stand the dudes who drag out an interaction for too long. I've been playing back-and-forth emails with a dude for over a week now, because he'll only reply in vague, troubled, one-liners to my questions. Each line below was a separate email every day or two.

Him: How are you? Haven't talked to you in a while!
Me: Hey! I'm good! *insert paragraph about various recent events* How are you?
Him: I'm okay...
Me: ? Just okay? Is everything all right?
Him: Kinda... :(
Me: What's going on?
Him: Well at least I'm alive.
Me: Uh.... what? Explain
Him: My girlfriend broke up with me.

This didn't need to take 10 days to finally touch on. :roll:

Some people are all about the drama and theatrics. They like to see you shiver with antici

Hey, that's my line :)
mynameisbob84 said:
JoleneBrody said:
mynameisbob84 said:
CharlotteLace said:
I love being supportive of my regulars and catching up with them now and then, but I can't stand the dudes who drag out an interaction for too long. I've been playing back-and-forth emails with a dude for over a week now, because he'll only reply in vague, troubled, one-liners to my questions. Each line below was a separate email every day or two.

Him: How are you? Haven't talked to you in a while!
Me: Hey! I'm good! *insert paragraph about various recent events* How are you?
Him: I'm okay...
Me: ? Just okay? Is everything all right?
Him: Kinda... :(
Me: What's going on?
Him: Well at least I'm alive.
Me: Uh.... what? Explain
Him: My girlfriend broke up with me.

This didn't need to take 10 days to finally touch on. :roll:

Some people are all about the drama and theatrics. They like to see you shiver with antici

Hey, that's my line :)
I wouldn't have been able to focus on anything today if I didn't finish it. LOL
When they run out of money and PM you absurd stories about why they will be away from MFC for two weeks, even when you don't care and didn't ask. Then drag the story on and on. For example:

Day one: Hey babe I don't want to bother you but just wanted to tell you I will be giving a lecture in New York City at a brain surgery convention this thursday and so I won't be able to make it on MFC.. but I hope you do great! I will be back by the end of next week.

Day two: Hey babe I hope I am not bothering, I just came here real quick to tell you I am in New York! The hotel is amazing, it is a 2 bedroom suite they booked it for me, I am having a glass of champagne. I am on my ipad so I can't tip, but just wanted to say hi real quick. Well ok anyway I have to go! Have fun!

Day three: Hey baby, I am here at the convention, I am going to speak in front of 400 of the most qualified surgeons in the United States. I am very excited, last year they said I gave the best lecture of the entire event! Can't wait! How much is left on the countdown? Oh, my lecture is about to start! I will tell you all about it later! Wish me luck!

And so on and so on. I've heard guys going on a trip to a village in Africa with no internet. I have heard guys say they just got drafted for the army and will go to Thailand for a month. I have heard others say their mother died of cancer. Or at a car accident. It is always their mothers the ones dying too :whistle:

Don't do this if you want the girl to take you seriously. Any girl will understand if a guy has to be conservative with his tips for a couple of weeks especially if he has spent a lot on her before. Being straight forward makes you look strong. Bullshitting for attention will only make her dread your PMs and MFC mail.
So I am hearing a lot, mostly from members, that models don't want hear you aren't tipping. While I understand some of the extreme examples, I am wondering if this is always true.

A pretty common situation that I've found myself in. I am fairly popular models room 2,000-5,000 camscore. It has been slow; a struggle to get her naked, me and 3 others have done almost all of the tipping. The model is debating about trying to do another show or just log out and help out her camscore. One of the tippers says good night. If I am out of tokens or simply done tipping for the night, If I was model I'd want to know that one of my main tippers is done, in order to adjust my countdown or just log out. But IDK maybe not.

I can argue either way if this should be announced in public chat. The pro's is may convince some other premium who really wants to see the show, to start tipping. The con's is I guess it annoys members. Personally, I sort of like knowing as member when I consistent tipper for the night announces I'm out. Sometimes it has inspired to buy tokens other times, I decide to log off for the night.
xoxoHunter said:
There's a member who comes to my room every now and then promising to have a private with me, but first he wants to know ALL of the clothing options/shoe options/etc. I used to take the time to show him things, but now I say that if he wants to pick specific things it'll be done during the private. I went to look back at his history, since he never goes through with the private, and the last time he tipped was the third day I was on MFC, and it was a private and only worth 200tk... I member spending a decent amount of time on that guy at that time as well, finding just the "right" shirt and bra for him. :snooty:

Yeah, these guys get off on looking at the the sexy stuff you have. They aint ever gonna click that "Go private" button.
A highly annoying (yet funny) thing happened in one of my model friend's room last night:

As usual, her regulars (including me) were doing all the tipping for her public countdown, while about 20-30 premiums sat there and said and tipped nothing. Finally, one regular tipped all but one token of the remaining countdown, at which point, the model asked for a new tipper to finish it off. Well, we sat there for 20 minutes, with the regulars continuing to tip (but not for topic) and not a single one the of the freeloaders tipped the one remaining token to finish off the topic. By the end, we were all laughing about it.

PS, I finally had to leave, and the topic had still not been completed. :roll:
HiGirlsRHot said:
So I am hearing a lot, mostly from members, that models don't want hear you aren't tipping. While I understand some of the extreme examples, I am wondering if this is always true.

A pretty common situation that I've found myself in. I am fairly popular models room 2,000-5,000 camscore. It has been slow; a struggle to get her naked, me and 3 others have done almost all of the tipping. The model is debating about trying to do another show or just log out and help out her camscore. One of the tippers says good night. If I am out of tokens or simply done tipping for the night, If I was model I'd want to know that one of my main tippers is done, in order to adjust my countdown or just log out. But IDK maybe not.

I can argue either way if this should be announced in public chat. The pro's is may convince some other premium who really wants to see the show, to start tipping. The con's is I guess it annoys members. Personally, I sort of like knowing as member when I consistent tipper for the night announces I'm out. Sometimes it has inspired to buy tokens other times, I decide to log off for the night.

There's a vast difference between someone who has been contributing saying "I'm out"
and someone who never tips saying
"Youre so pretty sorry I cant tip" "No tips tonight hun I have brain cancer and my dog died and my mom is sick and I lost my wallet saving orgphans" "I wish I had money to tip" "oh I wish I was rich" "I would tip if I could huni" every 5 minutes.

The former sucks to hear but Im sure the model understands.

If you normally tip and just can't at all that night, I dont think anything needs to be said. Announcing it when you come in is pretty cringey. Chances are if you are a regular tipper and get along well with the model she won't mind you coming just to hang out now and then and probably appreciates at least a bit of company from a familiar username on the slow boring nights.
Jessi said:
HiGirlsRHot said:
So I am hearing a lot, mostly from members, that models don't want hear you aren't tipping. While I understand some of the extreme examples, I am wondering if this is always true.

A pretty common situation that I've found myself in. I am fairly popular models room 2,000-5,000 camscore. It has been slow; a struggle to get her naked, me and 3 others have done almost all of the tipping. The model is debating about trying to do another show or just log out and help out her camscore. One of the tippers says good night. If I am out of tokens or simply done tipping for the night, If I was model I'd want to know that one of my main tippers is done, in order to adjust my countdown or just log out. But IDK maybe not.

I can argue either way if this should be announced in public chat. The pro's is may convince some other premium who really wants to see the show, to start tipping. The con's is I guess it annoys members. Personally, I sort of like knowing as member when I consistent tipper for the night announces I'm out. Sometimes it has inspired to buy tokens other times, I decide to log off for the night.

There's a vast difference between someone who has been contributing saying "I'm out"
and someone who never tips saying
"Youre so pretty sorry I cant tip" "No tips tonight hun I have brain cancer and my dog died and my mom is sick and I lost my wallet saving orgphans" "I wish I had money to tip" "oh I wish I was rich" "I would tip if I could huni" every 5 minutes.

The former sucks to hear but Im sure the model understands.

If you normally tip and just can't at all that night, I dont think anything needs to be said. Announcing it when you come in is pretty cringey. Chances are if you are a regular tipper and get along well with the model she won't mind you coming just to hang out now and then and probably appreciates at least a bit of company from a familiar username on the slow boring nights.

To answer your question HiGirls, for me... I don't like to be told. Especially if it's kind of a slow night and I still have goals I need to make I would rather keep the vibe moving in a positive direction of hopefulness that new members will participate... rather than the gloomy cloud of 'if so and so member is done then that's it I guess."

That's just me though and I can get discouraged and hopeless WAY too easily.
JoleneBrody said:
Jessi said:
HiGirlsRHot said:
So I am hearing a lot, mostly from members, that models don't want hear you aren't tipping. While I understand some of the extreme examples, I am wondering if this is always true.

A pretty common situation that I've found myself in. I am fairly popular models room 2,000-5,000 camscore. It has been slow; a struggle to get her naked, me and 3 others have done almost all of the tipping. The model is debating about trying to do another show or just log out and help out her camscore. One of the tippers says good night. If I am out of tokens or simply done tipping for the night, If I was model I'd want to know that one of my main tippers is done, in order to adjust my countdown or just log out. But IDK maybe not.

I can argue either way if this should be announced in public chat. The pro's is may convince some other premium who really wants to see the show, to start tipping. The con's is I guess it annoys members. Personally, I sort of like knowing as member when I consistent tipper for the night announces I'm out. Sometimes it has inspired to buy tokens other times, I decide to log off for the night.

There's a vast difference between someone who has been contributing saying "I'm out"
and someone who never tips saying
"Youre so pretty sorry I cant tip" "No tips tonight hun I have brain cancer and my dog died and my mom is sick and I lost my wallet saving orgphans" "I wish I had money to tip" "oh I wish I was rich" "I would tip if I could huni" every 5 minutes.

The former sucks to hear but Im sure the model understands.

If you normally tip and just can't at all that night, I dont think anything needs to be said. Announcing it when you come in is pretty cringey. Chances are if you are a regular tipper and get along well with the model she won't mind you coming just to hang out now and then and probably appreciates at least a bit of company from a familiar username on the slow boring nights.

To answer your question HiGirls, for me... I don't like to be told. Especially if it's kind of a slow night and I still have goals I need to make I would rather keep the vibe moving in a positive direction of hopefulness that new members will participate... rather than the gloomy cloud of 'if so and so member is done then that's it I guess."

That's just me though and I can get discouraged and hopeless WAY too easily.

And I have to add that I've never had just one member do this. As soon as one person does it a few others always hop on the bandwagon and announce that they too can't tip. It's like as soon as they see one person break down that barrier they feel comfortable enough to do it as well. IMO it can be just as discouraging to potential tippers to suddenly have a list of people who definitely don't plan on helping at all.
Jessi said:
If you normally tip and just can't at all that night, I dont think anything needs to be said. Announcing it when you come in is pretty cringey. Chances are if you are a regular tipper and get along well with the model she won't mind you coming just to hang out now and then and probably appreciates at least a bit of company from a familiar username on the slow boring nights.

I'll start off by saying that i wouldn't advocate announcing the lack of tokens in public chat, under any circumstances. There's always PM or mail options.

From us regular tippers who can't tip for the night, some of us feel the need to notify our favorite models is because 1.) we feel like it's a courtesy owed to our faves, even though the model might not want to hear it nor is it necessary 2.) we'd feel guilty if we didn't let her know - already burdened by guilt from our inability to tip for the night - even if the model happens to be the sweetest, kindest, most understanding individual on the planet. Particularly the latter; the guilt comes naturally because of so much social investment toward our favorites. It's shitty, yes. From your most loyal-beloved regulars who have the best intentions in mind, hopefully it's not too much for the models to bear. Also, it'll likely be the same case if a regular needs to step away from her room for whatever reason(s).

Note: I'd like to add that if a loyal regular notifies their fave model every 3rd or 4th session or so, then it's overkill. Once is probably enough, and sets the precedence of what the model could expect from X member in the future.
mutantdonut said:
I'll start off by saying that i wouldn't advocate announcing the lack of tokens in public chat, under any circumstances. There's always PM or mail options.

From us regular tippers who can't tip for the night, some of us feel the need to notify our favorite models is because 1.) we feel like it's a courtesy owed to our faves, even though the model might not want to hear it nor is it necessary 2.) we'd feel guilty if we didn't let her know - already burdened by guilt from our inability to tip for the night - even if the model happens to be the sweetest, kindest, most understanding individual on the planet. Particularly the latter; the guilt comes naturally because of so much social investment toward our favorites. It's shitty, yes. From your most loyal-beloved regulars who have the best intentions in mind, hopefully it's not too much for the models to bear. Also, it'll likely be the same case if a regular needs to step away from her room for whatever reason(s).

This is pretty much exactly my rational. The vast majority of notification is done with PMs. Still when the whales enters the room and announces I am a freeloader tonight. It tends encourage me to tip rather than discourage me, unless it is super slow. But it seems the consensus is models would rather not know so I'll honor their preference in the future.
I'm with the guys on telling the 2-3 models I visit/tip most in a pm. My job situation changed for the worse recently, but I do want them to know that I will be back soon as I can. Of course I know they probably hear the "lost job" excuse all the time.
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