AmberCutie's Forum
An adult community for cam models and members to discuss all the things!

Advice for new models

    Only persons aged 18 or over may read or post to the forums, without regard to whether an adult actually owns the registration or parental/guardian permission. AmberCutie's Forum (ACF) is for use by adults only and contains adult content. By continuing to use this site you are confirming that you are at least 18 years of age.
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Hold your ground! I hate seeing girls getting ripped off or taken advantage of by sleazy guys and I think it's important to just hold your ground on pricing and avoid the "PM me for private BB" trap or "Hey BB can we Skype for $200" BS...If the guy can't afford $20 to be on your friends list...How the hell is he going to afford a $200 Skype show?! Look at the users points...and don't fall for the BS
I fucking love when it’s greys too LOL
I am seeing more and more often lately that ladies who do not have verified model status are coming to ACF looking for help. While there are guides and resources in the model's section totalling hundreds of thousands of words, this isn't very useful for someone who has to wait a few days to see them. In an industry where many newcomers are hoping to make cash in just a day or two, this is hardly helpful. So I thought I would put together a new guide in the public section with some handy info!

There are a lot of links in this post to model's only posts for further reference, but hopefully it will still be helpful to people without MO status.

If any of you ladies ever get verified model status, there is a lot of new info to comb through. If you want to expand your cam knowledge, I believe these are the best threads to start with, in order of importance:

New Model Mistakes (a thread where models share their past mistakes)
Camgirl Success Troubleshooting (help with everything from getting members to come to your room to pre-cam anxiety, earning tokens, doing better privates, and more; a great place to start)
MFC Camscore Info (if you want to cam on MFC, you need to read this)
Coming up with show ideas (a crash-course guide in thinking up show ideas, mostly for ladies on MFC but useful on any site)

As this is a public forum, I am going to predict that in the comments, there will be a lot of people who disagree with a lot of what I share. From the rules that are enforced to how hard a model has to work to make good money, people are going to disagree and cite proof to the contrary (whether or not they have cammed a day in their lives :p). However, it would be silly to try and write a guide to the exceptions of commonality. I believe that this guide is accurate for the majority of new models.

For new MFC models:

If you are planning on camming on MFC, you NEED to understand how the camscore system works. I do not believe MFC is a good site for beginner models, which I argue in this post. If you are interested in camming as a career and want to take a more serious approach, I would highly recommend you get experience on a website like Chaturbate before you make the switch to MFC.

MyFreeCams FAQ:

What is the camscore and why is it important?
Camscore is the default ranking system for all models on MFC. In the webcam sex industry, default ranking is extremely important. It does not guarantee minimum earnings, but it is a great predictor of how much traffic a model will get - which she can then translate in to earnings (read the model's only stickied post on "being realistic about what a high camscore will get you"). Basically, camscore is how many you tokens you earn per hour, over a sixty day average. The more tokens you earn per hour, the higher your camscore will be. What other models on the website make influences how many tokens per hour you need to maintain a camscore of 1000. Nothing else contributes to your camscore. Ratings/admires do not count. Friends list adds do not count. Small tips do not lower your camscore. Offline tips do not help your camscore "more" except by improving your token/hour ratio.

How long does New Model status last and why is it important?
New Model status (NMS) is a short period of time where new models on MFC are listed with a bright yellow tag on their avatars. Typically, new models receive a great deal more traffic than they normally would. It is commonly considered that NMS is critical to make or break your camming career, and if you waste that time, you will have a more difficult experience on MFC. Many models are surprised and upset when their NMS wears off and suddenly, instead of 100 people in their room they are seeing 5.

New Model status on MFC used to last for ten broadcasting hours. Now, members choose how long they see models as being new (3, 7, 14, 30, 60, and 90 days). At the time of this post, members being able to rank new models as they choose is a new feature and it is yet unseen if this will make new model status less important or not.

Which rules are okay to break?
MFC very infamously does not enforce the majority of its rules. This can lead to confusion about which rules are "okay" to break and which are not. I started a thread in the MO section to get input from other models, and this is the culmination of those thoughts [link to that thread: here].

In general, these rules are fairly strictly enforced and breaking them will most likely result in getting a warning or your account being banned:
♥ Men on camera for any reason.
♥ Sexual relations with men, even off-camera (in the same room while camming).
♥ Minors, children, babies; may not be on camera or in the same room.
♥ Bestiality, or animals/pets on camera in a sexual or provocative context.
♥ Illegal drugs, or drugs that may be perceived as illegal in other locations. (Pot does not seem to be a bannable offense)
♥ Rape (most host websites like MFC, C4S, and others, will not allow simulation of rape to be displayed)
♥ Incest (sexual relations involving family members). [This includes incest role-play and fetish grey areas such as Daddy dynamics]
♥ Violence, blood, torture, pain, erotic asphyxiation, or any actions associated with bringing harm to yourself in any way (many models engage in, and totally get away with, mild to moderate sadomasochism, without blood play)

The following rules are sometimes enforced and sometimes not enforced, but you should probably play it on the safe side:
♥ Menstrual bleeding.
♥ Breastfeeding or lactation.
♥ Unauthorized persons (persons for whom we do not have proper name and ID on file.) - I have had female friends on cam with me for hours with no issue; other models have had their accounts suspended almost immediately for someone briefly coming on screen.
♥ Sleeping, "passing out". (I can't remember the last time I heard of someone getting in trouble for this)
Hypnosis (lol wut?)
♥ Discussing or arranging prostitution or escort services. (you can probably get away with it)
♥ Urination, defecation, "going to the bathroom", enema play, vomiting. (on the riskier side)
♥ Penetration of the vagina or anus with items not meant for sexual stimulation (e.g. bottles, baseball bats).
♥ Fisting.

The following rules are almost never enforced or are literally never enforced:
♥ Excessive consumption of alcohol or other legal or prescribed medicines or narcotics.
♥ Illegal or unsafe activity of any kind.
♥ Actions that may be deemed obscene in your community.
♥ Masturbation, penetration, using sexual toys or devices, cunnilingus, or other hardcore sexually explicit activity (in public chat).

A grey area:
♥ Public shows (shows where you are in a public location such as a library). Even though they involve illegal activity and often have strangers, including men, on cam, they do not seem to be in the red zone.

MFC requires a lot of personal legal info to sign up. Can I trust them?
In short, yes, you can. Hundreds of thousands of models have signed up with MFC and I have never even heard a rumor of MFC leaking or spreading the info of models. It may make you uncomfortable, but remember that if MFC was not a legit site, they would not require so much information to verify you :)

How much are tokens worth?
Every token is worth $0.05 USD. If you earn 20 tokens, you earn $1 USD. If you earn 2000 tokens, you earn $100 USD.

Members pay at least $0.0675 per token, and usually as much as $0.08 cents.

How much money can I expect to earn on MFC?
This entirely depends on you. Some models make very good money from the get-go ($100+ a day), while many others never seem to do well. It has been estimated that the highest earners on MFC make at least five digits (USD, not tokens) a month. There is more discussion about actual number amounts on this thread.

I have estimated, and never heard an argument to the contrary, that the majority of webcam models earn around $10 or less per hour. On MFC, the vast majority of models make less than $20 per hour. For many women, this is not enough to offset the inherent dangers of the job.

♥ If you get paid by check: It can take up for 3 weeks for your check to arrive in the mail. This is, IMO, the worst payment option to select.
♥ If you get paid by direct deposit: It takes 2-4 days (usually 3) for most models to receive direct deposit payment. Remember that if the 1st or the 16th of the month lands on a weekend or holiday, your bank will take extra time to process the payment. Therefore, sometimes it can take up to 5-6 days for your entire payment to process.

Making money: why should anyone give you money?

This may sound a little mean, but don't take it personally.

Why should anyone give you money?

Women are not deserving of money just because they have tits and a vagina.

You are not going to be the hottest woman on whatever site you join. You are not going to be the most interesting or have the best body. You are not going to fill a niche market that nobody has thought of before. There are going to be twenty models online at any given time who are better looking than you and who will give it away more cheaply than you.

If you think you are going to join a camsite and succeed just because you were the prettiest girl in high school, I'll see you when you quit three months from now.

Models who are the most successful and make the most money are the ones that work the hardest. They work hard to make it look like what they are doing on cam is effortless. On MFC, they are the ones who have 14 hour work days and never take days off or have vacations. (Although I know of more than one model who works so many hours a day, it is interesting that many members do not believe this is true)

If your plan is to join a camsite and earn $50 or so a day; yes. You can do that with not a whole lot of effort, and probably not a lot of hours! But if you are hoping to make hundreds a day, then get ready for long months of tears and sweat. The simple fact is that the only thing which will differentiate you from the crowd is how hard you are willing to work. I have only heard of one model, ever, who made very good money without putting hard work in - and this was a second hand story :) Here is another way to look at it: I have been part of ACF for about 18 months at the time of this post. I have spent many hours of my life reading the stories and daily thoughts of other models. I have never ever in that time ever heard any model ever say, "it is so great that I make so much money with so little effort!". Ever. Yes, models who work hard do often enjoy periods of ease where their online shifts seem to flow easily and they don't have to "hustle" as hard, but that is always broken up by periods of hard work and difficulty. It may not be the hardest job in the world (I certainly do not believe it is), but you still have to work hard at it.

If you don't want to work hard, you can still make money. But you won't be making amazing money or even especially good money.

Advice to new career cam models:

I started another thread in the model's only section and got a lot of responses for the top advice veteran models would give to newbies. Before I put in their responses, here is my best advice:

Think about how you want to cam when you are successful. What do you want to be doing?
Do that starting on your first day on cam.

If you envision yourself as being the perfect non-nude model, then don't start off doing public cumshows because you don't know how else to increase your room counts. Likewise, if you envision yourself being a posh and exclusive model, don't sell your shows and content for ultracheap. If you want to be an easy-going low-key model, don't build up a posh and exclusive room and then expect everyone to be okay with it when you suddenly change your style.

Start camming with your eyes on your endgame. It's the best way to avoid big mistakes and to not get in the way of yourself.

Now, other the advice of other ladies!

Three common MFC scams

♥ "I'm an MFC admin and I need to speak to you on Skype." He's lying; report him.
♥ "I'm very experienced at watching other models be successful, and if you Skype with me I'll share their secrets with you." The best he will do is share common info with you that anybody could figure out. There are no "secrets" to being successful at camming.
♥ Fake tips: On MFC, when someone actually tips tokens, a ringing sound plays and the color behind the member's name changes to be yellow. It is common to scam new models by typing "has tipped 100 tokens!" or by posting an image which appears to be a legitimate tip.

How can I be successful on MFC?

♥ Price yourself according to what you are worth. This may sound mean, but be realistic about it - few models are worth 2000 tokens for a shot of vodka, and few models are worth $100 to take their shirt off (with a bra underneath, of course!). Don't worry with your prices being cheap if you are making an overall amount of money that satisfies you.

♥ Get on cam at the same time every day for 3 hours. Do not take days off. Do not get on late. If you get on early, stay till the end of your shift. Granted, very few models actually do this... and very few models are at the level of success they really want.

♥ Don't freak out. Any camscore above 1000 is great. When I started on MFC, I was happy as long as my camscore stayed above 1k, and I was able to put in more hours and make more money overall because of it. Don't stress out over a bad shift or two.

♥ Make and sell videos. Get online with a goal; get online to work. Keep in mind what members want to see - just because something is fun for you does not mean it is fun for the men who pay your bills. When you get online, you should be ready to work and geared up with things to sell for members who are interested. Getting online just to hang out because it's fun (and it totally is fun!) is not going to help your career any. Hang out in a member's room, work in your model's room.

♥ Smile and be happy. It is amazing how long you sometimes have to look on MFC to find a chick who looks like she wants to be there. Be the woman that looks like she wants to have a good time.

Alternatively, read this thread to learn success skills for MFC!

(Readers et all: I unfortunately did not have as much time to work on this guide as I would have liked. I hope future readers will add their two cents and extra help in the comments!)

This was so helpful
Hey girls ! Super new here and super new to camming, havent even started yet ,

Had some questions and would REALLY appreciate it...

How secure is camming with Streamate ? Can people record my shows ? Can I choose to only do live and not have. Recording posted ??

Also, I'm in college going in for criminal justice. I want to be a probation officer and after law school become a lawyer for the government, like a district attorney...

I WAS WONDERING... Does anyone know how likely it is my content will leak? Anything I can do to prevent it...?

With my career choice, would employers turn me down or fire me if they find out GIRLS STRIP THROUGH COLLEGE WHY CANT I CAM?? LOL

Help please girls
Hey girls ! Super new here and super new to camming, havent even started yet ,

Had some questions and would REALLY appreciate it...

How secure is camming with Streamate ? Can people record my shows ? Can I choose to only do live and not have. Recording posted ??

Also, I'm in college going in for criminal justice. I want to be a probation officer and after law school become a lawyer for the government, like a district attorney...

I WAS WONDERING... Does anyone know how likely it is my content will leak? Anything I can do to prevent it...?

With my career choice, would employers turn me down or fire me if they find out GIRLS STRIP THROUGH COLLEGE WHY CANT I CAM?? LOL

Help please girls

the obvious difference here between being a stripper && being a camgirl is that it is highly unlikely for a stripper to be recorded. if you are streaming your image online someone can record it. you can put up all the defenses possible, && someone will still be able to record it. your image is being broadcast to the world wide web. not just the folks who visit the strip club you work at, the Internet.

if being outed as a camgirl is a consequence you cannot handle, you should rethink this.

it is unfortunately likely that employers will deny you jobs if it is discovered you were a camgirl. especially in government.

Omg. Spend hours reading this and it helped so much! It answered so questions I had plus it made me think of new ones...that I also got answers to. Haha
Thank you so much!
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A thought from the first post that i'm not sure about:
"Basically, camscore is how many you tokens you earn per hour, over a sixty day average. The more tokens you earn per hour, the higher your camscore will be"
Despite the urban legends, this seems to indicate that only staying online for short/successful sessions does not help your camscore. If I am interpreting this wiki correctly, It is only "per hour" in the same way that it is per week or per month, and just that tokens earned before that amount of days that make up this undisclosed universal camscore calculation time period, no longer apply to your score. (tips received 61 days ago if the time period is 60 days or 91 days ago if it is 90 days) . But I'm probably wrong because if this were the case then someone coming back from a 2-year break would almost always see their cam score plummet to the depths unless one or some of their supporters or new fans would donate quickly before the camscores are updated next as they are every few hours. On the other hand, a new model who logs on for the first time and receives 2000 tokens and logs off before an hour has expired doesn't see her camscore rise to the top of the top either, despite her hourly earnings of 2000+ tokens per hour.

a thought from the first post that I am more sure about:
“A grey area:
Public shows (shows where you are in a public location such as a library). Even though they involve illegal activity and often have strangers, including men, on cam, they do not seem to be in the red zone.”

Public show on MFC usually refers to doing a show in "public"/free chat (typically after a certain collective tip goal is received). And the type of public shows as referred to in this quote here under the section regarding rules that aren't enforced , though seemingly not completely infrequent , are highly frowned upon and an oft-banned offenses on chaturbate. I’ve had to communicate with CB admins to help restore the account of a model who did not speak good english after she fell victim to being penalized for this violation. And there are famous examples of girls being banned from MFC for these types of shows. So I would exercise caution with violating the rules pertaining to this interpretation of "public shows."

A thought from the first post i'm absolutely sure about:
"Members pay at least $0.0675 per token, and usually as much as $0.08 cents."
It doesn't matter much but the most common rate for someone to pay for tokens is $.10 to $.13 per token. The model receives $.05 per token regardless so it kinda doesn't need to be said although someone probably already said it. That 7 or 8 cent average is only for the very high rollers of which there are far fewer than the average joes (though for all I know the high rollers buy more tokens than all the joes that outnumber them, it is just just a more common purchase rate per individual than per every individual token ever bought.) This information doesn't seem to matter at all, but I just thought i'd correct it for clarity's sake.

Hey girls ! Super new here and super new to camming, havent even started yet ,

Had some questions and would REALLY appreciate it...

How secure is camming with Streamate ? Can people record my shows ? Can I choose to only do live and not have. Recording posted ??

Also, I'm in college going in for criminal justice. I want to be a probation officer and after law school become a lawyer for the government, like a district attorney...

I WAS WONDERING... Does anyone know how likely it is my content will leak? Anything I can do to prevent it...?

With my career choice, would employers turn me down or fire me if they find out GIRLS STRIP THROUGH COLLEGE WHY CANT I CAM?? LOL

Help please girls
I know you were talking to the girls but Emily Rae is right and you will be recorded with almost 100% certainty. I'm not trying to scare or worry anyone but if you are not aware, there are websites and programs that automatically mass-record the public shows of mfc, cb, streammate and other cam sites. Usually these sites are removed from google search after enough complaints but they are still on the internet and available to view and download. Also, anybody can just get a screen recorder and record anything they can see on their screen as the whole screen or just a portion of it.

I would hope and think this information, if found, wouldn't be used negatively in employment decisions except in cases of maybe teachers or religious institutions or things like that where you almost have to take into account your patrons' "moral" ambiguity, standards, judgement and worry (regarding your being expected to be an example.) But people can still tease you or send the videos and photos to your friends or family if they find your social media. This is why it is very important to not use the same photo on a cam site that you have or use on your social media, so it makes it more difficult to find you with reverse image searching. Is it something to worry about? I have no idea. But it's something.
staying online for short/successful sessions does not help your camscore.
That is the easiest way to improve your camscore.
It is only "per hour" in the same way that it is per week or per month, and just that tokens earned before that amount of days that make up this undisclosed universal camscore calculation time period
If you work 50 hours during that period and make 100,000 tokens, your score will be nearly double what you'd have if you worked 100 hours during that period and still made 100,000.
It IS about hours during the period.
That is the easiest way to improve your camscore.

If you work 50 hours during that period and make 100,000 tokens, your score will be nearly double what you'd have if you worked 100 hours during that period and still made 100,000.
It IS about hours during the period.

Cool. Like I said, I was not sure and just going off that wiki on that one and they should fix that there. I definitely believe you though. Thanks for the response. ( Let me know if you want me to delete or edit that to avoid any confusion or you should feel free to also. But hopefully it was clear that I was more stating that the wiki doesn't seem clear about it)
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It doesn't matter much but the most common rate for someone to pay for tokens is $.10 to $.13 per token.
You're suggesting that the majority of members buy smaller token packages than the basic one which is 200 tokens?
That 7 or 8 cent average is only for the very high rollers
I'd think the most active members on MFC probably aim to grab the 900 package or higher pretty frequently, but that's just my feeling.
Screen Shot 2018-06-12 at 4.09.10 PM.png
Public show on MFC usually refers to doing a show in "public"/free chat (typically after a certain collective tip goal is received). And the type of public shows as referred to in this quote here under the section regarding rules that aren't enforced , though seemingly not completely infrequent , are highly frowned upon and an oft-banned offenses on chaturbate. I’ve had to communicate with CB admins to help restore the account of a model who did not speak good english after she fell victim to being penalized for this violation. And there are famous examples of girls being banned from MFC for these types of shows. So I would exercise caution with violating the rules pertaining to this interpretation of "public shows."
Keep in mind the first post in this thread is from 5 years ago and some things have changed. "Out in Public" shows could definitely get you a warning or a ban these days.
Cool. Like I said, I was not sure and just going off that wiki on that one and they should fix that there. I definitely believe you though. Thanks for the response. ( Let me know if you want me to delete or edit that to avoid any confusion or you should feel free to also. But hopefully it was clear that I was more stating that the wiki doesn't seem clear about it)
I think they're trying to discourage models from only doing short shifts, because ultimately SURE it helps camscore but in the long run staying on longer and earning more tokens OVERALL makes a model more successful.
I think they're trying to discourage models from only doing short shifts, because ultimately SURE it helps camscore but in the long run staying on longer and earning more tokens OVERALL makes a model more successful.
Yeah that makes sense too. But your way definitely explains one reason why it's quite rare for the average studio model, doing 6-12+ hour shifts, to be able to maintain a good cam score. But i did mean algorithmically, not as a whole in terms of earning and I now believe my interpretation of that wiki was incorrect.
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You're suggesting that the majority of members buy smaller token packages than the basic one which is 200 tokens?

I'd think the most active members on MFC probably aim to grab the 900 package or higher pretty frequently, but that's just my feeling.
View attachment 76814

Keep in mind the first post in this thread is from 5 years ago and some things have changed. "Out in Public" shows could definitely get you a warning or a ban these days.

(in regards to the out in public shows)
Yeah definitely, but these bans were happening years ago as well and I was just giving the information for the current cam girls not the ones from the past and I'm sure some things I say here or anywhere else, will or can eventually become outdated.

(in regards to the token packages)
most purchases are for precisely the $20 one. And I don't think it's close. But as for the wording: "usually as much as," every day many people buy from the smaller token packages as well as it is often more justifiable financially to spend 9 dollars on a little internet entertainment as opposed to 20,75 or 300. But those bigger packages can of course be justified as well depending on how much fun you're having.
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as a chaturbate member my first purchase was 200 tokens, same with MFC. it’s the easiest amount to buy and honestly, $20 for internet entertainment isn’t that much.
As a cam girl you have to be always in a good mood, and to look amazing in every second!

I don't think you have to look amazing every second, I certainly dont. But a good mood is a plus for sure
I don't think you have to look amazing every second, I certainly dont. But a good mood is a plus for sure

Agreed, I would say amazing as being comfortable in your own skin and presenting a positive attitude. I've definitely seen some of my favorite models role up in sweats with no makeup and they still do amazing with their shows.
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This thread is so helpful, thank you!! I’m only in my first week of camming so I’m trying to learn everything I can to keep being successful after the “new model” tag wears off.
Does anyone happen to know if streaming on camyou counts as part of the new model hours? I was thinking of getting on there a bit to get used to the more conversational style of mfc, but didn't want to waste my visibility. Thanks for the multitudes of info in this thread, it's been very helpful
I'm getting a friend to help me out with photos and we're going to be trying out my first paid photo set soon. We're both completely new though and have a couple of questions:

How many photos does a photo set tend to include?

Sorry if this is somewhere really obvious. I tried google and searching the forums but found nothing.
I'm getting a friend to help me out with photos and we're going to be trying out my first paid photo set soon. We're both completely new though and have a couple of questions:

How many photos does a photo set tend to include?

Sorry if this is somewhere really obvious. I tried google and searching the forums but found nothing.
Sets can be however large or small as you like them. I started off selling photo sets (before I even made videos, before video sales were an absolute requirement as a cam girl) that were maybe 10-15 photos to a set. I usually had them around 90-120 tokens on MFC.
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Hello there ,
i was camming almost a year with big breaks like one to four months , but now i want to came back , i already make a new account on mfc ( i hope they will not open the old one cause i had a very low camscore) . i wonder if i should make one on streamate? this camworld help me a lot in all ways and im thankfull that im here reading all stories and opinions.
in front of camera i like to be funny and have public chat full of memebers who enjoy talking with me but this happend for few times while i was camming, at obe point i was disperate cause i made few days in a row like 50-100 tks at 8-9h working so i was close to give up but now woth this break i had this months i realise that i like this job and ill make all possible to be bigger than 1k cs and have regulara that make me feel good .
i have just one question:i dont have friends and people i know are very suspicious anout what im doing and they have a bad opinion about this job , so i want to open an twitter and instagram account for camming but i want them to be private cause i cant risk my family knows about this , will work if this social medias will be private??
love ya all girls
Awesome thread and I assume it could be seen as gender neutral. I'm straight but would like to get into either the gay/ bi side of things. Also, do women usually support male SW? I have no idea otherwise I wouldn't be asking the question. Thanks for the help, read a good amount of the tread over the past few days before I dropped questions.
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