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ACF 2012 Presidential Election Poll

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2012 U.S. Presidential Poll Vote

  • Obama

    Votes: 109 66.5%
  • Romney

    Votes: 27 16.5%
  • Undecided

    Votes: 6 3.7%
  • Obligatory Other

    Votes: 22 13.4%

  • Total voters
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TheFluffsta said:
I find it disturbing that whilst discussing gay marriage you think it's apt to compare it with a human being marrying an animal. We're talking about human beings marrying each other here. Gay marriage is nothing like marrying a fucking dolphin.
Oh, and for the record, Bocefish, I don't buy for one second you were practicing an experiment on us chimps. It's such an obvious backtrack. We're not stupid.

I'm out. :thumbleft:

What Fluffeh said. I don't buy it either.
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Paulie Walnuts said:
TheFluffsta said:
I find it disturbing that whilst discussing gay marriage you think it's apt to compare it with a human being marrying an animal. We're talking about human beings marrying each other here. Gay marriage is nothing like marrying a fucking dolphin.
Oh, and for the record, Bocefish, I don't buy for one second you were practicing an experiment on us chimps. It's such an obvious backtrack. We're not stupid.

I'm out. :thumbleft:

What Fluffeh said. I don't buy it either.
I think you are prolly right, but i am willing to give the benefit of a doubt to it. I say this b/c in the post which I suggested anyone who thought a presidential candidate would not use the Bin Laddin killing to advantage, would be someone with their head up their ass, it very much seemed I had aimed that at Boce, after I read it back myself. Though it made some sense, it was not meant to target anyone here, as I did not think Boce, or anyone here would be this stupid. But worded as it was and with out the extra added context, I can understand the conclusion being drawn that I was suggesting Boce had his head up his ass. I am not now saying that is not how I feel, but rather that that was not the intent of my earlier post, and we should be careful not to call anyone a liar unless that is without a doubt the case.
camstory said:
I think you are prolly right, but i am willing to give the benefit of a doubt to it. I say this b/c in the post which I suggested anyone who thought a presidential candidate would not use the Bin Laddin killing to advantage, would be someone with their head up their ass, it very much seemed I had aimed that at Boce, after I read it back myself. Though it made some sense, it was not meant to target anyone here, as I did not think Boce, or anyone here would be this stupid. But worded as it was and with out the extra added context, I can understand the conclusion being drawn that I was suggesting Boce had his head up his ass. I am not now saying that is not how I feel, but rather that that was not the intent of my earlier post, and we should be careful not to call anyone a liar unless that is without a doubt the case.

I wondered if DevGru were outraged at the Navy SEALS taking credit for their raid capturing Osama...or if SOCOM is pissed at the Navy for trying to take credit, or perhaps the Navy is pissed at the other services for trying to horn in on their kill? It was kinda hilarious to suggest that some pen-pusher in West Virginia might be appalled at Obama taking some credit for something he considers HE (as a member of the military) should get credit for, even though DevGru operators, and I guess the helicopter crews, were the only ones who ever took any risk.
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As if taking personal credit for the Bin Laden killing wasn't enough to reveal Obama's real personal beliefs and total fail of leadership, he also didn't deem the assassination of US envoy's and destruction of the US embassy on the Anniversary of September 11th worth missing his little fundraising campaign event for.
Bocefish said:
As if taking personal credit for the Bin Laden killing wasn't enough to reveal Obama's real personal beliefs and total fail of leadership, he also didn't deem the assassination of US envoy's and destruction of the US embassy on the Anniversary of September 11th worth missing his little fundraising campaign event for.
I'm just going to leave this here.

I fully expect you to argue a difference between reading a book with children and attending a fund raiser but let me also pull out this tidbit.
Wikipedia said:
A 9/11 Commission Staff Report entitled Improvising a Homeland Defense said: "The President felt he should project strength and calm until he could better understand what was happening."
Yeah, I see a grown ass man hiding behind a wall of people shouting "USA!" afraid of one question, giving his best crooked smile. He is literally talking about a tragedy, mourning, and then smile. This not a leader. A leader would give that person an answer and would proceed with the moment of silence, that was his own rally, his own moment to be face-to-face to those people after all.
I never heard a question, just some hecklers. Do hecklers deserve attention?

What was the question he was so afraid of?

As for the fake smile, that's what lawyers and politicians do. He did look genuinely pleased the crowd started chanting USA unlike Obama zombies chanting Obama or 4 more years.
Obama has done nothing whist Romney is a dangerous idiot with no clue about foreign policy
Wow, what a field....
sweetiebatman said:
Obama has done nothing whist Romney is a dangerous idiot with no clue about foreign policy
Wow, what a field....

As a former community organizer, Obama has learned so much, lol. He just apologizes and continues to insert foot in mouth like his last statement about Egypt. :? Or send drones and take credit for successful missions other organizations under the presidency have accomplished.

The foreign policy Obama has with Russia is trying to be buddy buddy and whispering he will be less constrained in his second term. WTF was that supposed to mean?

I don't trust or have confidence in Obama, never have, never will.

Wish we had a better choice than Romney, but Obama has proven he's not qualified and it's time to give somebody else a chance.
Bocefish said:
I don't trust or have confidence in Obama, never have, never will.
Okay, so you're admitting that your dislike for the man is so irrational that no matter what he does, even if he were to do everything you expected of a president - you would still never trust him.
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Jupiter551 said:
Bocefish said:
I don't trust or have confidence in Obama, never have, never will.
Okay, so you're admitting that your dislike for the man is so irrational that no matter what he does, even if he were to do everything you expected of a president - you would still never trust him.


OK... Your ignorant opinions far surpass my knowledge and factual information :lol:
Jupiter551 said:
Bocefish said:
Jupiter551 said:
Bocefish said:
Bush has the brain power of an orange.

What have YOU done lately aside from insulting other countries' former presidents and/or our way of life?

I checked my email.

Well... you are apparently far more informed than the rest of us. :clap:
I find it difficult to support either of the two main parties given the fact that with current campaign finance laws, their job is primarily fundraising and secondarily governing, and they've embraced the money with open arms.

I hate the gay marriage issue, by the way. We're asking the wrong questions. It's not "should homosexuals be allowed to marry" - it's "should the government offer something called marriage at all?" The religious right is correct about one thing: the government should not be defining such a basic societal institution. But I also believe that what the government offers is not marriage - not in its entirety - and resultantly should not be called such. What the government offers is the legal institution of a civil union, which is part of what we call marriage.

Now, if someone advertised that they were selling a car, and you found out that all you got was the chassis, you'd be pissed, right? That's how I see the issue of legal marriage. The civil union is merely part of a whole. It's the framework within which the love, commitment, and perseverance through difficulty drive the relationship. Without those things, the legal union is just a contract.

Then again, I'm just a liberty-minded independent who believes in common law and the non-aggression principle. ;]
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I agree with everything you've said...except your objection to the use of the word marriage. Many many words in the English language have multiple meanings; I see no reason to object to having "legal marriage" and "religious marriage."

In America, the priest, rabbi, pastor or ship's captain becomes both a spiritual entity and a legal one. It's not a big deal.
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Now, if someone advertised that they were selling a car, and you found out that all you got was the chassis, you'd be pissed, right? That's how I see the issue of legal marriage.

For better or worse, through sickness and health... vows are just words and don't mean anything aside from the value you place on them. Legal certificates can be far more sinister and costly.
Nordling said:
I agree with everything you've said...except your objection to the use of the word marriage. Many many words in the English language have multiple meanings; I see no reason to object to having "legal marriage" and "religious marriage."

In America, the priest, rabbi, pastor or ship's captain becomes both a spiritual entity and a legal one. It's not a big deal.

I could give some cop-out hooey about separation of church and state, but I've got two additional reasons for this besides the "part is not the whole" argument.

1: It shuts up the irritating fundies.
2: Not the most popular view, but I think that civil unions shouldn't be limited to those in romantic relationships, which takes calling it "marriage" right out of the question anyway. It's just a contract of partnership, a designation of rights and responsibilities as pertaining to the partner. I'd say that legal unions should be handled solely via private contract if it weren't for the important role of the benefits involved in day-to-day life - for example, FMLA.

@Bocefish, that's what I'm saying - that a contract in and of itself is empty and doesn't have all that other stuff. And if you're getting married because you want your SO to be scared of the legal ramifications of leaving you, man, you got some issues.

I'm not feeling particularly charitable towards marriage either way right now because fucking hell, I wanted to elope and my fiancé wants My Big Fat Greek Wedding. LOL
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LittlePikachu said:
Nordling said:
I agree with everything you've said...except your objection to the use of the word marriage. Many many words in the English language have multiple meanings; I see no reason to object to having "legal marriage" and "religious marriage."

In America, the priest, rabbi, pastor or ship's captain becomes both a spiritual entity and a legal one. It's not a big deal.

I could give some cop-out hooey about separation of church and state, but I've got two additional reasons for this besides the "part is not the whole" argument.

1: It shuts up the irritating fundies.
2: Not the most popular view, but I think that civil unions shouldn't be limited to those in romantic relationships, which takes calling it "marriage" right out of the question anyway. It's just a contract of partnership, a designation of rights and responsibilities as pertaining to the partner. I'd say that legal unions should be handled solely via private contract if it weren't for the important role of the benefits involved in day-to-day life - for example, FMLA.

@Bocefish, that's what I'm saying - that a contract in and of itself is empty and doesn't have all that other stuff. And if you're getting married because you want your SO to be scared of the legal ramifications of leaving you, man, you got some issues.

I'm not feeling particularly charitable towards marriage either way right now because fucking hell, I wanted to elope and my fiancé wants My Big Fat Greek Wedding. LOL
1. Ha! I'm sure they'd twist it around--maybe then start whining about how we've "taken God out of matrimoney." All Bologna of course but that's how they operate. :)
2. Totally agree, but I know more than a few people who married without including romance or any of the traditional stuff. :) Legal marriage has some important features that should be opened to any two people who want it. Even two roomies. lol Still nothing magical about the word "marriage" when applied as a legal word.
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Bocefish said:
I never heard a question, just some hecklers. Do hecklers deserve attention?

What was the question he was so afraid of?

As for the fake smile, that's what lawyers and politicians do. He did look genuinely pleased the crowd started chanting USA unlike Obama zombies chanting Obama or 4 more years.
According to the link the question was, "Why are you politicizing Libya?"

And what exactly makes the people who chant Obama/four more years zombies and people chanting USA not?
morment said:
Bocefish said:
I never heard a question, just some hecklers. Do hecklers deserve attention?

What was the question he was so afraid of?

As for the fake smile, that's what lawyers and politicians do. He did look genuinely pleased the crowd started chanting USA unlike Obama zombies chanting Obama or 4 more years.
According to the link the question was, "Why are you politicizing Libya?"

And what exactly makes the people who chant Obama/four more years zombies and people chanting USA not?
Yeah as I understand it, it was an objection that during a political rally he "used" 4 deaths in Libya as political currency.
Jupiter551 said:
morment said:
Bocefish said:
I never heard a question, just some hecklers. Do hecklers deserve attention?

What was the question he was so afraid of?

As for the fake smile, that's what lawyers and politicians do. He did look genuinely pleased the crowd started chanting USA unlike Obama zombies chanting Obama or 4 more years.
According to the link the question was, "Why are you politicizing Libya?"

And what exactly makes the people who chant Obama/four more years zombies and people chanting USA not?
Yeah as I understand it, it was an objection that during a political rally he "used" 4 deaths in Libya as political currency.
And waited until exactly 12:01AM ... so it'd be 9/12. He's clumsy, stupid, driftless, and why anyone would defend him makes me ill.
Nordling said:
Jupiter551 said:
morment said:
Bocefish said:
I never heard a question, just some hecklers. Do hecklers deserve attention?

What was the question he was so afraid of?

As for the fake smile, that's what lawyers and politicians do. He did look genuinely pleased the crowd started chanting USA unlike Obama zombies chanting Obama or 4 more years.
According to the link the question was, "Why are you politicizing Libya?"

And what exactly makes the people who chant Obama/four more years zombies and people chanting USA not?
Yeah as I understand it, it was an objection that during a political rally he "used" 4 deaths in Libya as political currency.
And waited until exactly 12:01AM ... so it'd be 9/12. He's clumsy, stupid, driftless, and why anyone would defend him makes me ill.

He didn't even do that, he put out the statement, told the news agency to embargo it until midnight then at 10:24 pm told them to release it.
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