Total federal debt increased 52%
Debt held by the public up 79%
Household family income down 5%
People in poverty increased 6.4 million
People on food stamps up 46%
This "fact" is EXTREMELY misleading.Bocefish said:
Mirra said:This "fact" is EXTREMELY misleading.Bocefish said:
The following is a screenshot I've taken from
As you can see, Gas Prices reached $3.85 per gallon during the third quarter of 2008. It then plummeted toward a low during the fourth quarter reaching that low in the first quarter of 2009 when Obama took office. The average price then was indeed a nice low $1.89 per gallon which makes for a wonderful statistic, doesn't it?
The "Support our Troops" is just a right wing conspiracy to prolong the war. Really? You have said a lot of fucked up things, but this pretty much tops them all. That idea is just despicable and disgusting. But that is par for the course for you. You throw out crap like that like its fact, move on and throw out more crap.Jupiter551 said:That "support the troops" rhetoric has done nothing but serve the interests of those who declared and prolonged the war in the first place.
On behalf of the United States, I'd like to apologize for hurting your sensibilities with our fascism. /sarcasmJupiter551 said:You guys really did turn into a neo-fascist state for a while
It's been said that "it happened over 10 years ago, it's time to move on". Forgive me if I revisit ancient history for a bit. I lived in the DC area on 9-11, and my oldest brother was stationed at the Pentagon. One of my co-workers lost her husband, a Naval Officer, in the Pentagon attack. It was several days before I was able to find out that my brother was alive. Cell phones and land-lines didn't work properly because of the overloaded circuits. My family and friends had no idea if I was OK. Imagine waking up on Sept. 12, and finding the entire 8 mile route to work was lined with large dudes in black ninja suits. Large dudes armed with giant fucking automatic weapons. Armed with street sweepers, grenade launchers. It was probably my paranoia, but I swear I saw fucking portable rocket launchers. Imagine going into your office of 700 co-workers on Sept 12 and all you see is groups huddled together crying. You need a fucking cigarette, but bad. Imagine going to the 3rd floor patio for a smoke and all you see is smoke coming from the east, and then you see smoke from the west. Then it hits you that from the west, it's not smoke, it's contrails from the 3 or so fighter jets circling the area. Imagine going home to try to watch some TV to take your mind off all that, but all that's on is the replay of the jet plunging in to tower #2, over and over. Then, imagine going to bed and being awakened every 30-40 minutes by the search helicopters that are patrolling the area adjacent to the airport. Can you possibly imagine a tiny bit of this?DATELINE Hollywood: It has just been announced that Jupiter has been signed to play the Alicia Silverstone role in the remake of the 1995 film "Clueless". Director Amy Heckerling was quoted as saying "Signing him was a great coup and a no-brainer. We are confident that movie-goers will accept Jupiter in this role, especially when they see that he is, in fact, totally clueless".
I have resisted the urge to ban completed based off my dislike of him (and the fact that I normally require a member to have a soul to be part of ACF), so if the general consensus is to off him, just give me the word.Jupiter551 said:Jesus christ, I really hope Amber just gets you off this board, you sicken me.
Neudiin said:Thank you Amber =)
Jupiter551 said:Jesus christ, I really hope Amber just gets you off this board, you sicken me.
Before I just found you scary. With this response, it's way beyond that. Ugh.tubby556 said:That's part of war, Baby. You do everything to your enemy to entice the others to make them quit. Piss on them, shit on them as they are dying, mutilate them, execute their family in front of them, rub pork all over them, have their wife fuck some other guy and then the locals stone her to death for infidelity while the guy watches. That's war, Baby. They asked for it. We brought it. You people would vomit if you knew what happened in war.Mirra said:I support the enlisted men and women more unconditionally than the officers. When things like that bullshit at Abu Ghraib or the soldiers pissing on dead bodies happens, that's unacceptable and flushes any respect I had down the toilet.
FrankieChemical said:If he has to hide the fact he's posting here from his wife & hasn't put anything constructive into this thread for at least...10 pages I think I'll third the motion. At this point it seems like it should be for his own good.
The_Brown_Fox said:FrankieChemical said:If he has to hide the fact he's posting here from his wife & hasn't put anything constructive into this thread for at least...10 pages I think I'll third the motion. At this point it seems like it should be for his own good.
Yeah, he's acting like he's jerking off to a hot naked cam model or something behind her
Or as if his wife would see this forum and shout at him "AMBER CUTIE??? WHO THE FUCK IS AMBER CUTIE?!" :lol:
Mirra said:So you're arguing that the successful policies of George W. Bush finally made an impact in his last 6 months in office after 7.5 years of wild fluctuation with an overall increasing trend? And you accuse US of drinking the kool-aid? You know who has the most control on gas prices? The oil suppliers and speculators.
Oh holy shit in a handbasket... nevermind I'm not waiting for anymore consensus. This is just too disturbing.Mirra said:Before I just found you scary. With this response, it's way beyond that. Ugh.tubby556 said:That's part of war, Baby. You do everything to your enemy to entice the others to make them quit. Piss on them, shit on them as they are dying, mutilate them, execute their family in front of them, rub pork all over them, have their wife fuck some other guy and then the locals stone her to death for infidelity while the guy watches. That's war, Baby. They asked for it. We brought it. You people would vomit if you knew what happened in war.Mirra said:I support the enlisted men and women more unconditionally than the officers. When things like that bullshit at Abu Ghraib or the soldiers pissing on dead bodies happens, that's unacceptable and flushes any respect I had down the toilet.
Jupiter551 said:Tubby how many Iraqis were part of the 9/11 attack? How many Iraqis attacked the Libyan Embassy?
You think causing two prolonged wars in the middle east has actually reduced terrorism in the present OR the future? Aside from the fact it's not a quantifiable argument, foreign policy in the middle east over the last 10 years has undoubtedly created more die-hard hate for America in the region, along with willing recruits who've seen their families blown up, parents killed, etc. You helped create a whole new generation of terrorists.
You killed a 14 year old girl because she was "about" to pick up a rocket launcher from her father's corpse and then fire it at you? How the fuck do you know what she was about to do?? Maybe she was about to check her father's pulse, or was in shock and was about to shake him. Jesus christ, I really hope Amber just gets you off this board, you sicken me.
tubby556 said:Please explain to me how we could have avoided war with Muslims. Please explain how 11 Sept 2001 could have been prevented. Perhaps if Clinton would have taken his cock out of that fat bitch's mouth and focused on OBL instead?Jupiter551 said:You know who doesn't support our troops? Idiot politicians who send them into wars that could have been avoided. I'd say needlessly killing troops (not to mention civilians) by starting a pointless war qualifies as NOT SUPPORTING them.
AmberCutie said:Oh holy shit in a handbasket... nevermind I'm not waiting for anymore consensus. This is just too disturbing.Mirra said:Before I just found you scary. With this response, it's way beyond that. Ugh.tubby556 said:That's part of war, Baby. You do everything to your enemy to entice the others to make them quit. Piss on them, shit on them as they are dying, mutilate them, execute their family in front of them, rub pork all over them, have their wife fuck some other guy and then the locals stone her to death for infidelity while the guy watches. That's war, Baby. They asked for it. We brought it. You people would vomit if you knew what happened in war.Mirra said:I support the enlisted men and women more unconditionally than the officers. When things like that bullshit at Abu Ghraib or the soldiers pissing on dead bodies happens, that's unacceptable and flushes any respect I had down the toilet.
Given the fact that I run this forum, I reserve the right to be irritated at people who post outlandishly offensive shit.WildFingers said:Why cant people just have a discussion without taking things personally and argue every minute bit of minutia and just be entertaining,
If you feel offended by some one then don't read any of his/her posts. Don't stress over this stuff. I have stayed away from this post because of all the rage it will cause if you do not see my political viewpoint because you are so stuck on yours.
Ok now, group hug! and I mean everybody. . .
schlmoe said:The "Support our Troops" is just a right wing conspiracy to prolong the war. Really? You have said a lot of fucked up things, but this pretty much tops them all. That idea is just despicable and disgusting. But that is par for the course for you. You throw out crap like that like its fact, move on and throw out more crap.Jupiter551 said:That "support the troops" rhetoric has done nothing but serve the interests of those who declared and prolonged the war in the first place.
You have no clue, none. As opposed to your "Right-wing conspiracy", the truth of the matter is that the "Support our troops" is apolitical. Started by families. The "Yellow Ribbon" campaign started during the Iranian Hostage Crisis, that families would hang a yellow ribbon until their family was home. Then it evolved into families supporting their brother & sisters, sons & daughters, mothers & fathers who have been deployed. Started by families. To support each other. Then it grew, to "hey, maybe we can make things a little better for our families while we're separated". Little things. Toothpaste, nuts, hard candy, all the usual right-wing stuff.
You could have looked this stuff up, but you're not interested in the truth. Just to post your little bombs, harvest your all important forum thanks, and get your little giggles. Par for the Jupiter course. Great job, buddy!
You might have the inkling that I have taken this a tad personal. You'd be right. In addition to 3 of my family members who have been in combat, many of my friends have been there, as well. One of my only friends on ACF has been there, too. Maybe that shouldn't that turn me into a right-wing nut job. I'm such a right-wing nutjob that I was scared shitless the whole time my people were deployed. So scared I'd do anything to prolong the war. Or maybe I just wanted to send them a soda and some toothpaste so they could brush their teeth because they haven't seen running water for weeks, and to replace their toothpaste that they lost in the confusion after the Humvee blew up. Getting them some baby-wipes to compensate for no showers in over a month. Yep, that's some neo-con thinking for you. Getting a SIM card so they have a few minutes on the phone with their loved ones. Yeah, I'm pro-war all right. Are you fucking kidding me? They had to go. I didn't want that. I want them back ASAP, and until they get back if I can do ANYTHING to give them an ounce, a gram of comfort, I'm going to do that. So yeah, I'm part of THAT right-wing conspiracy. You have totally mangled this into a belief that "Support Our Troops" is some sort of unconditional support of military operations. You will most likely never see how wrong you are, nor acknowledge it.
On behalf of the United States, I'd like to apologize for hurting your sensibilities with our fascism. /sarcasmJupiter551 said:You guys really did turn into a neo-fascist state for a while
It's been said that "it happened over 10 years ago, it's time to move on". Forgive me if I revisit ancient history for a bit. I lived in the DC area on 9-11, and my oldest brother was stationed at the Pentagon. One of my co-workers lost her husband, a Naval Officer, in the Pentagon attack. It was several days before I was able to find out that my brother was alive. Cell phones and land-lines didn't work properly because of the overloaded circuits. My family and friends had no idea if I was OK. Imagine waking up on Sept. 12, and finding the entire 8 mile route to work was lined with large dudes in black ninja suits. Large dudes armed with giant fucking automatic weapons. Armed with street sweepers, grenade launchers. It was probably my paranoia, but I swear I saw fucking portable rocket launchers. Imagine going into your office of 700 co-workers on Sept 12 and all you see is groups huddled together crying. You need a fucking cigarette, but bad. Imagine going to the 3rd floor patio for a smoke and all you see is smoke coming from the east, and then you see smoke from the west. Then it hits you that from the west, it's not smoke, it's contrails from the 3 or so fighter jets circling the area. Imagine going home to try to watch some TV to take your mind off all that, but all that's on is the replay of the jet plunging in to tower #2, over and over. Then, imagine going to bed and being awakened every 30-40 minutes by the search helicopters that are patrolling the area adjacent to the airport. Can you possibly imagine a tiny bit of this?DATELINE Hollywood: It has just been announced that Jupiter has been signed to play the Alicia Silverstone role in the remake of the 1995 film "Clueless". Director Amy Heckerling was quoted as saying "Signing him was a great coup and a no-brainer. We are confident that movie-goers will accept Jupiter in this role, especially when they see that he is, in fact, totally clueless".
How about imagining the scene in NYC? Starting in November 2011, I made a half dozen business trips there. Coming off the bridge it looked like fog, but I was mistaken. So the first thing that hit me when I got out of my car, was the smoke/smog in the air. I was jarred when I realized that in addition to the smoke, all kinds of particles were floating around. Particles, with origins that I didn't want to think about. Smoke with a stink that I can still smell today. So, I go to my business meeting. Ironically, I was in town to perform security evaluations. I couldn't stop staring at one of the primary client contacts. I noticed that his right hand was heavily bandaged when he offered his left hand to shake. His cheek was also heavily bandaged. He was head of security for 130 Liberty Street. After the meeting, my escort told me that the injuries he suffered were due to his insistance that he would not leave until everyone was safely evacuated. Imagine your blood running cold after hearing that. Imagine wanting to get the hell out of there ASAP. But you can't. You are trapped for 4 days in Manhattan because the police have barracaded the streets for a few funerals. Funerals that were still happening over 2 months after the fact. Imagine wanting to get the fuck out of Dodge, but where do you go? Our 2 most powerful cities were dealing with the aftermath of the attacks, who's next? Imagine that.
So you think we went all fascist on you, huh? Well, excuse the fuck out of me, we were a little on edge. I offer no further excuse. Maybe we went too far. Maybe we could have been more "moderate" in our thinking and actions. Maybe the US was a little on edge, but I was scared shitless. Imagine that.
I'm certainly not asking you to feel sorry for me, or my country. But. Imagine it was your 2 most powerful cities. Imagine if it was the Sydney Opera House in ashes or the Sydney Harbor Bridge destroyed. Is that an excuse for excess? No. Is is a reason to cut some slack, maybe give a little benefit of the doubt? You'll have to answer that, but your previous words say no. Go ahead and stay in your perfect little world, take your potshots and have your giggles. Please, you have my permission to also keep your holier than thou attitude.
You know what, Jupiter? None of this is your problem. Totally mine. My problem is that I was so terribly wrong about you. I used to think that you were an open minded, reasonably intelligent person. I'm just pissed that my evaluation skills have apparently eroded that much.
End of thread derail, maybe the end of other things![]()
AmberCutie said:Well that's 3 motions to proceed.
Want to hear from some of the folks arguing with him in this thread. I know how some will cry if you take their toy away while they're still enjoying playing with it...
Already dun did. Maybe I should remove his avatar, I'm embarrassed my boob is associated with his name.Nordling said:AmberCutie said:Well that's 3 motions to proceed.
Want to hear from some of the folks arguing with him in this thread. I know how some will cry if you take their toy away while they're still enjoying playing with it...To quote the President... Please, proceed.
apoe_lacks said:I was there. In Iraq in 2003 all we had to look foreward to was the few little things we got from home. it didnt matter to me that the war was right or wrong. we had a job to do our country sent us to do. we went cuase it was what we where suppost to do. people who make comments like your jupiter have to clue what was really going on there you what the media wanted you to see. 24million were liberated from the grips of an evil dictator. i lost friends brothers-in-arms in this war im not happy about it but its what we had to do. and the people who sent us a few small comforts form home or took time out of thier busy lifes to stop and wave a flag and say thank you means more to me then anything. so I want to say thank you to all the ones here who did "support the troops"
tubby556 said:blah blah blah bullshit blah blah blah