Yep... all true. Now I demand my attractive female immediately! >_>
Okay... so maybe not. Being familiar with Cracked and especially enjoying (as a person working in IT)
6 Reasons The Guy Who's Fixing Your Computer Hates You I'd say that this is a combination of male fantasy and psychology with some observations used to back it up despite the spurious correlation of the statements. The idea that any of these male fantasies, psychologies, and the "contributing influences" the writer has observed actually leads to the comments being thrown around by Rush Limbaugh or Reddit users is proposed in an attempt at humor. Anyone taking the article in complete seriousness is either delusional (i.e. if some of the Reddit people agreed with it) or is being unnecessarily condescending possibly from a defensive or disdainful perspective. So let me address each one from my perspective.
5. It's a nice idea. Chalk it up to male fantasies.
4. We've been blaming advertisements for this shit forever. Truth of the matter is anyone and anything can be objectified when used for a similar purpose. I feel like I'm going to start singing Madonna and we DON'T want that... trust me.
3. Some guys have sex on the brain a lot. It does make it harder to focus. Mind over matter and there's no conspiracy though.
2. Oh hey... some guys are competitive when it comes to being manly. What's this have to do with hating women again? I didn't make the connection to be honest.
1. Cycle of Powerlessness... it will never sell. Guys want the one with the 1100cc engine. Oh snap... I think I stopped thinking about women/sex. Where were we? Oh... yeah totally powerless. Guys have the power up until the moment he calls for the 2nd date. Then it transfers to the woman... where it belongs. True story. >_>
[serious tag is serious]
The above list has little hints of seriousness in it. It's mixed with a whole lot of goofball (because that's how I roll... even when trying to be serious) to try to mimic the article in my own way. I confess I am not a very gifted writer so to compare the above to the article may be libelous but hopefully you get the idea. So now that that's out of the way...
[/serious tag]
I just typed all of that and still the attractive female I've earned hasn't been provided. Come on people! So what if all I've really accomplished is surviving for 26 years. :whistle: