AmberCutie's Forum
An adult community for cam models and members to discuss all the things!

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    Only persons aged 18 or over may read or post to the forums, without regard to whether an adult actually owns the registration or parental/guardian permission. AmberCutie's Forum (ACF) is for use by adults only and contains adult content. By continuing to use this site you are confirming that you are at least 18 years of age.
  1. VioletJune

    Could I please get your quick opinion?

    Nevermind, apparently I already had that font installed :oops:
  2. VioletJune

    Could I please get your quick opinion?

    What's the name of that font? I love it (and your banner!)
  3. VioletJune

    Where are you on the global fat scale?

    I've been lifting weights and working out recently so I'm hoping I can gain some muscle weight soon! :dance:
  4. VioletJune

    Library Shows

    Wait... you got arrested for kissing a girl?! That is total crap. When will people get over this? :roll:
  5. VioletJune

    Any models from MFC

    I'm certainly not an expert at camming but I've been on MFC since November '11 and it's all about being yourself. MFC has more of a community feel than other camsites and showing your personality and doing things you are comfortable with will help you out for sure. You won't really know how...
  6. VioletJune

    Things members say that make you LOL

    Whenever I get online, it's always super quiet for about the first hour (no matter when I log on, I've tested it :snooty: ) and last night I posted the :alone emote and NerdySkier referred me to this song and I think I'll be using it every time it gets slow and possibly buy a cowboy hat to go...
  7. VioletJune

    Things members say that make you LOL

    I saw this when you retweeted and I seriously laughed for about 5 minutes... the last part really makes it special :lol:
  8. VioletJune

    Tips for premium MFC members (how to be great!)

    One of my biggest pet peeves just happened by one of my "regulars" :snooty: Here's a pretty obvious tip (at least to me) on how to be a great MFC member: Don't bash other models in someone's chat room! Apparently because this specific model had a low camscore and "not actually hot... the exact...
  9. VioletJune

    The Itty Bitty Titty Committee - Small Boobie Love

    Hi! Thought I'd join in with my own boobs. I'm in between 32A and 32B. This is one of my favorite pics of me. :hello2:
  10. VioletJune

    Eye In The Sky

    This is so awesome. Thanks for sharing!
  11. VioletJune

    5 Reasons To Never Use The Word “Literally”

    He's so obnoxious, though!
  12. VioletJune

    Texas Reporter is suing for her right to strip.

    WOW I used to read her blog a LOT when I was considering trying stripping before I heard of mfc. I hope she wins the lawsuit! Good for her for taking a stand. :clap:
  13. VioletJune

    Who the F*$%# are you?! Introduce yourself here.

    Hi :) You should consider getting model status on acf. There are tons of resources over in the model section that I think would be helpful. I guess I'm more vanilla when it comes to pets (dogs and cats are more up my alley) but I know what it feels like to have a zoo in your house! I have too...
  14. VioletJune

    Who the F*$%# are you?! Introduce yourself here.

    Are you referring to yourself as "that one weird/drunk uncle" that almost every family gathering seems to have? :-D I have noticed some interesting (poetic?) posts of yours around here lol. I couldn't really understand what you were saying in them, tbh. Yes, I know my thanks shows up! It was...
  15. VioletJune

    Hair Vote!

    I think this would look great, if possible!
  16. VioletJune

    Who the F*$%# are you?! Introduce yourself here.

    Hi Everyone! I've been posting a bit in the 'Models Only' section and figured that it's time to stop lurking in the general forum and finally write my first post! I'm Junipurrr (or Juni) and I started camming on MFC in November '11 and I love it! Most of the people I've come across there are...