AmberCutie's Forum
An adult community for cam models and members to discuss all the things!

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    Only persons aged 18 or over may read or post to the forums, without regard to whether an adult actually owns the registration or parental/guardian permission. AmberCutie's Forum (ACF) is for use by adults only and contains adult content. By continuing to use this site you are confirming that you are at least 18 years of age.
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    Wacky & Weird News Thread ... f-unicorns
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    Things Governments do that make you say WTF!

    Yep, I have to pay for blood work, and any test work in general now. Oh well, that's another 50 dorra per doctor visit.
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    Daily Thoughts

    Who would think to make this? I'm not sure whether to laugh or be horrified.
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    This really grinds my gears

    Why are people still giving them attention?
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    Smell Your Fingers!

    Cake batter and peanut butter.
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    Daily Thoughts

    That's fucked up. On an unrelated note, I found out that my room-mate has been breaking into my room and stealing my underwear to apparently smell. On a related note to this, my room-mate came out of the closet today.
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    Things Members Say That Make You Go "WTF?"

    Wow, I feel bad for choosing this screen-name here now :( I'm not this guy.
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    Geography Word Game

    Paris, France I went here and London on a class trip, I liked London better though.
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    Smell Your Fingers!

    Pen ink. I can never write with a pen without getting it all over my fingers.
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    What's the last thing you copied? Sent it to a friend after she told me LOTR was shit.
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    Games you want to see girls play on cam?

    Horror games... Amnesia, or A Machine For Pigs Great games, playing the latter now, creeps me the fuck out.
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    The weirdest or most outrageous tip offer from a model

    That sounds painful.
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    Who the F*$%# are you?! Introduce yourself here.

    Contrary to what my username on here is, I usually go by Alex. I am currently attending a university in the US for my masters, and I'd like to start modeling sometime after the current semester ends. I found this forum through facerolling on the keyboard while trying to find good information...
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    Looking for camming tips/advice (Male)

    Thank you, these are useful <3 Also, very nice site from what I see. Well put together. That doesn't bother me. I'm pretty sure one of my classmates who jokingly flirts with me might be gay, and that hasn't bothered me, coincidentally this is how I found the definition of the word 'twink'...
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    Looking for camming tips/advice (Male)

    So, after reading through some threads through on this site, I decided to ask a few questions. 1: What website is best in your opinion, both user-base (clientele?) and for making money. 2: If I were to start modeling, would I be limited to only doing private shows, or would there be a party...