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This really grinds my gears

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Oct 31, 2010
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I know they're just a bunch of psycho fanatics, but the fact that Shirly Phelps is an actual lawyer by profession, yet she and the rest of her "church" are calling for the death penalty for all gay people...
Well that really grinds my gears!!!
Yes I know that the likelihood of anyone ever taking them seriously, or that they might actually be successful in getting a law like this passed is practically non-existent; but that's not the point.

Grrrr... I mean it's not bad enough that they make a mockery of the Christian faith, but now they are making a mockery of the American judicial system as well. How could this "woman" finish 8 years of college, passed the bar exam, and still call for such a grossly unjust law to be passed?!?!The punishment needs to fit the crime. And this bitch brought a suit before the supreme court on the grounds of fighting for their 1st amendment rights to protest at the funerals of aids victims and dead soldiers, but forgets all about the 1st amendment also includes the freedom of religion. News flash you freaks, you can't cherry pick what parts of the first amendment you choose to protect if you truly want to live in a FREE society. I mean who the hell, in their right mind would even hire this nut job as their attorney in the first place???

Sorry, just needed to vent I guess.

Yeah...I grew up in a southern baptist community, and every time I see something like this it makes me want to leave the planet. Unfortunately, even people where I live often say things this amazingly insane, and think that things like this video make sense. I miss living in Barcelona. At least when I was there if there was anything religious going on (I doubt there was anything this stupid said) I didn't understand the language, so it just seemed nice, and whimsical.
I don't see why anyone one feels the need to go on a crusade against consenting adults who are not hurting anyone. They are not trying to actively convert you to there sexual orientation why should you try converting them in any manner? I don't know I also find the whole thing aggravating. Nuts.
I know I'm in the minority on this...but in a way, I don't mind them.

They're fucking loony, and they spend their days purposefully trying to piss people off enough so they can sue and profit. Those who find themselves aligned with the WBC principles (not counting their brainwashed children) were probably fucked up already, and would have been that hateful regardless. They're bad people and I hope they one day realize how terrible they've been.


I can't help but notice how often a community unites together against them. I've seen people set up LGBT donation funds right next to the WBC protesters (all donations made in the name of WBC ;) ) You see strangers joining hands to block them from funerals. You have whole towns refusing them hotels, gas, or food. For as hateful as they are, they inadvertently cause good people to counteract them. And the towns are strengthened by showing their humanity in the act of opposing such hateful people. Sometimes I think we need that polarity to help us decide what's right. I think sometimes we all hang out in the gray area of our opinions, until somebody comes along that's so drastically different, we have to sit and re-evaluate our stance.

tl;dr: they suck, but because they're so sucky, we see the good in so many people who oppose them.
xSALTx said:
I don't see why anyone one feels the need to go on a crusade against consenting adults who are not hurting anyone. They are not trying to actively convert you to there sexual orientation why should you try converting them in any manner? I don't know I also find the whole thing aggravating. Nuts.

I can explain them to you, with a picture.

i'm like 90% sure that the westboro baptist church is just a clever way for a big family of lawyers to make their money. they don't actually have those opinions, they just try & piss people off in every way they can so that when someone tries to hurt them or whatever they can sue them. it's best to just ignore them imo.
Poker_Babe said:
Grrrr... I mean it's not bad enough that [the Westboro Baptist Church] make a mockery of the Christian faith, but now they are making a mockery of the American judicial system as well. How could this "woman" finish 8 years of college, passed the bar exam, and still call for such a grossly unjust law to be passed?!?!

The WBC's shameless attention whoring is an affront to Christians and non-Christians around the world. They make any unrelated event part of their crusade of hate, and stoop to any low to desecrate the deaths of people who made the world a better place. Yet they are one of the few entities that make disparate groups stand as one against them.

Whatever hell there is, it waits for them, not us.
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If you want to see Laura Lush a bass player for a punk band masturbate on the Westboro Baptist church's lawn click here. I think gay porn would have been funnier, but this is still good.
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I like how he says we don't get to decide what laws god made. :roll: Well, we do get to decide whether we obey God's laws. :hand: God doesn't get to decide what US laws there are. We are a secular nation. It terrifies me how less and less secular government is becoming though.
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