AmberCutie's Forum
An adult community for cam models and members to discuss all the things!

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    Only persons aged 18 or over may read or post to the forums, without regard to whether an adult actually owns the registration or parental/guardian permission. AmberCutie's Forum (ACF) is for use by adults only and contains adult content. By continuing to use this site you are confirming that you are at least 18 years of age.
  1. ezeidler

    Game Selection help

    any suggestions for free games like WoW i can play until i get some game time im going batty here also besides GW
  2. ezeidler

    Amber Addicts!

    hi im ezeidler and im an amber addict and i will be becoming premium very soon so i can support amber
  3. ezeidler

    Guild Wars

    i played guild wars for like 3 years before i started on wow and i didnt mind it. the only time there was a ton of people on all day and nite was when there was an event running i still have like 50 PP there
  4. ezeidler

    DC Universe Online!

    i beta tested DCUO for the pc and it was to be blunt utter garbage. the controls sucked and the graphics did as well at the time. i havent played it since i finished my part of the beta so i hope they fixed alot of what was wrong with it
  5. ezeidler

    wow question board...

    engineering can be useful if your a hunter cause you can craft your own guns also they are what is required to make the 2 person motorcycle. when i get mine high enough i will be making a few for the guild. also any guns i make will go there as well for anyone to have. also tailoring can make...
  6. ezeidler

    WoW Guild

    im going to be leveling my worgen DK lot over the next few days to try and catch up to ya'll
  7. ezeidler

    WoW Guild

    if everyone is still down for a board guild i would be more than happy to start it up. if anyone is interested message milenko thats my toon on azuremyst
  8. ezeidler

    WoW Guild

    is the guild still active? cause i would like to join and play with you guys. i will most likely play a dwarf hunter
  9. ezeidler

    WoWarmory thread!

    here is mine Prozack (Main) ... cn=Prozack
  10. ezeidler

    a question to all

    thank you for the ideas
  11. ezeidler

    a question to all

    im still kinda new to WoW and i was wondering what is the quickest way to get a prot warrior to 80?
  12. ezeidler

    Who the F*$%# are you?! Introduce yourself here.

    my name is erik and i am a new fan of amber i too play WoW i am on silver hand lvl 41 warrior named prozack