AmberCutie's Forum
An adult community for cam models and members to discuss all the things!

WoW Guild

    Only persons aged 18 or over may read or post to the forums, without regard to whether an adult actually owns the registration or parental/guardian permission. AmberCutie's Forum (ACF) is for use by adults only and contains adult content. By continuing to use this site you are confirming that you are at least 18 years of age.
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That is the one thing I had never done in WoW has been a tank. feels like too much responsibility. I'd rather be a mindless DPS drone or bored healer waiting for the last second to heal to make things more interesting.
SweepTheLeg said:
... or bored healer waiting for the last second to heal to make things more interesting.
Afraid Blizzard's new healing model makes this less the case than ever. Healing has become more about balancing your mana consumption with not getting behind on healing.
Im up for the challenge. Before I had to find ways to keep myself entertained and actually paying attention for most battles, At least as a DPSer I had the competition of beating friends to keep me focused.

All this talk is making me want to go out and buy a laptop when I already spent more than enough this month haha.
So I hit 85 on my DK Tank this weekend. Amber's priest is at 84. I believe Keii's Warlock is 83 or 84. JohnyBlaze's rogue is leveling at the speed of light. We're gonna have a decent 5 man here soon. :D
Now if Jawbs or I can learn how to heal for Cata, we're lookin good. OH and Jawbs needs a level or few, but I'm not gonna stop him from making tons of gold right now farming. :)
I believe both of you are more than capable of learning how to heal. The question is which one of you would cope better with the learning and the stress of health pools being low for moderately long periods of time in many encounters? Which of you would be better at shrugging your shoulders when someone dies from making a mistake that you could have saved them from with the previous healing model? :p
SweepTheLeg said:
sounds like im needed more than ever :lol:
Well stop being a fag and join up instead of being all talk, noobsauce.
Being responsible and saving up for a laptop and then I will. So don't push me or I'll go buy some crystal meth instead.
I wish I could be arsed to level and play a whole new character, because I'm literally the best holy priest on the planet. Stop playing on servers that I don't play on.
holy priest battle royale. the fight that will keep going and going and going and going

and going....
im going to be leveling my worgen DK lot over the next few days to try and catch up to ya'll
I'm tempted to start a toon in this realm just for this :p..

Any suggestion of what class should I make?
Kasbeel said:
I'm tempted to start a toon in this realm just for this :p..

Any suggestion of what class should I make?
Whatever you'll have the most fun playing and leveling! I'll be on the server most of the day.
AmberCutie said:
Kasbeel said:
I'm tempted to start a toon in this realm just for this :p..

Any suggestion of what class should I make?
Whatever you'll have the most fun playing and leveling! I'll be on the server most of the day.

I asked in case the guild needed something , dps, tank or heal.

I'll prolly roll a tank, hopefully will be helpful in the future.
We are so small we pretty much just need more people in general right now. :)
SweepTheLeg said:
whats the population like where you kids are playing?
I honestly haven't payed much attention.
kayceecane said:
So this is on Azuremyst? I just got Cataclysm yesterday! Woop woop! Just sayin' I'd love to be a guild groupie if I could earn the right :tongue3:
You are most certainly welcome. There are several of us that are on pretty much daily and would love to toss you an invite if you make a character on Alliance side here. :)
If it hasn't been enough for you to notice then it must not be that bad. First server I played on used to have a queue at certain times it was so bad, 2nd server after a free transfer was good for a while but over time I had to avoid all the major cities.
SweepTheLeg said:
If it hasn't been enough for you to notice then it must not be that bad. First server I played on used to have a queue at certain times it was so bad, 2nd server after a free transfer was good for a while but over time I had to avoid all the major cities.

That's fairly common, Shattered hand and arthas was always horrible for me :/
We Jenkins'd out tonight! :)


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DPS history for me. Lulz.


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Since I will be trying to spend more time on MFC this month, it's likely I'll be on WoW a bit less. Which might be great timing, actually. I'm getting that sorta burned-out feeling on it, as I realized that both my main toons are max leveled and all that's ahead of them is "end game". Turns out that end game really isn't my schtick. After running 2 heroics in a row on Sunday it hit me like a brick that it feels like a job to actually be good at these things.

I summed it up pretty well to Das in guild chat that day. "If it's hard, I don't wanna do it. =D" All the number crunching and gear grinding just to be sufficient in a heroic, and especially in a raid, is just too much for me. I will continue to play, I'm sure, but I think my alts will get attention and I will put some time into gold farming and supplying my guild friends with enchants and moneys.

I also love running old dungeons and doing silly achievements. A random trip to some old world or BC instance for a guild achievement would rock my socks!

So all in all, just wanted to put it out there that even though I may not be on daily for March, I'm still around and want the guild to continue to thrive. And maybe after the month is over, I'll feel like putting blood, sweat, and tears into becoming a better DPS'er. We'll just have to see!
A bunch of my regulars and I rolled toons on Echo Isles... I might have to propose that we switch to play with you guys! It would be really awesome to be part of a WoWFC community! :)
as im from the uk i can not play with you guys looks like it would be fun but me and my friend have our own guild any uk models or players play on this forum let me know
tom_ace_uk said:
as im from the uk i can not play with you guys looks like it would be fun but me and my friend have our own guild any uk models or players play on this forum let me know
I'm not sure what server she's on but Tasha Typical plays on EU servers. She's from the Netherlands. :)
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