AmberCutie's Forum
An adult community for cam models and members to discuss all the things!

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    Only persons aged 18 or over may read or post to the forums, without regard to whether an adult actually owns the registration or parental/guardian permission. AmberCutie's Forum (ACF) is for use by adults only and contains adult content. By continuing to use this site you are confirming that you are at least 18 years of age.
  1. L

    Daily Thoughts

    Just over 360 models online...that's the least amount I've ever seen. Everyone out partying?
  2. L

    The biggest lie - camgirl be single

    Wait...I think I actually understood this! Should I be worried? :o
  3. L

    Things models say that make you go "WTF?" is wrong with people? :shock: Seriously.
  4. L


    I've been so tempted to do this lately. Preemptively to a few members in particular. I see them in other models' rooms all day, every day and they don't speak! Just sit there silently. It's creepy. One evening I was BEGGING for conversation and they're all just sitting there silently and I'm...
  5. L

    Daily Thoughts

    I kind of hate everything right now. I feel obligated by the holiday to adjust my attitude for the sake of, but no. :angry3:
  6. L

    Adventures in Missing the Point...

    What sent it over that over the top was the MFC mail. Whoops... I would have laughed (and I am dyslexic. Firefox is a godsend). I like funny people though. Quickest way to get inside my guard is to make me laugh. I also enjoy laughing at myself as there is no room for self-consciousness when...
  7. L

    The biggest lie - camgirl be single

    First: Uncontrollable fangirl squee at the name. *ahem* Second: Strippers get this question A LOT actually. More than webcam models I'd assume because they're flesh and blood and not an image on a screen. They also put up with the "how about some real sex?" requests more as well. Third: Got...
  8. L

    Forever Basic

    I don't really get the point of basics. They're basically just guests with a name. I used to let them talk, but as the site environment has changed, I've started getting a lot of nasty little wanks in my room. So now they get muted. It's painfully silent, but oh well. As was pointed out in...
  9. L

    Daily Thoughts

    I'm half-assed watching Doctor Who and procrastinating on making tacos. I don't know why but nowadays, I hate cooking. But I love eating. Especially tacos.
  10. L

    Countdowns and prices... etc...

    Getting redressed is a way to thwart the guys wanking silently as the ones who paid have gotten their fill. I dunno. Works for me. It becomes kind of a game sometimes and reminds the guys what the incentive is without being all like "Teeeeeeeep pwease!!!" I usually stay naked for about half an...
  11. L

    Countdowns and prices... etc...

    I've set my "Total Nude" price at 300. At 150, I take my bra off. At 300, I take my panties off. I stay naked as long as the tips keep coming/I get groups or privates. Some days it works, other days I stay "clothed" because no one bites. *shrugs* It's been hit or miss.
  12. L

    Daily Thoughts

    I'm so happy the man is finally using his health insurance! All that money every month and he hasn't had a check-up since he was in the service. *side eye* Hopefully, this kick starts a drive for him to be healthier...spssst stop with the excess of red meat and chocolate... :whistle:
  13. L

    A little courtroom humor

    Woooooooow. :lol:
  14. L

    Scariest horror/ghost movie you have ever watched?

    A Haunting in Connecticut. The documentary, not the lame movie they made to capitalize off it. Two completely different stories. 13 year old me watching that late at night...omfg.
  15. L

    I'm now convinced that humanity will soon be ending

    Tee-hee. Word. Netflix and the web is all I need. I haven't watched actual television in months. It's nothing but shitty reality shows now anyway. :(
  16. L

    Trivia Anyone?

    Awww, I missed one because I didn't catch what country they asked for. Reading comprehension phail. This is a neat idea though. I love trivia! :-D
  17. L

    from holland...

    You're freakin' adorable! :mrgreen: Happy Holidays to you as well!
  18. L

    My experience as Premium,and a model

    Ugh, they're just trying to get a rise out of you. I ignore those cats as what they want is attention and I'll be damned if I give it to them. It's not that serious.
  19. L

    Change to Wire trqansfer payouts!

    Sounds like they're trying to drum up some business for Payoneer. People would be a bit wary of yet another processor as this after the whole Epassporte debacle.
  20. L

    Gears of War 2

    I thought Gears of War 3 was coming out in April??? D: